Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
But drive by shootings were done from horseless carriages back then

They still are.
Did you mean horse-and-carriages?
They called the first automobiles horseless carriages

... and they never did add horses to them .... soooo.....
How much you wanna bet that place will hire a security guard now?

I'm pretty sure they do have one. They probably have many security guards - it's an enormous complex.
I had one of those too. HUGE place. Fancy schmancy. I hated it. Had to use a golf cart to haul prospective tenants around to show them the tennis courts, pools (2), racketball court, billard rooms, etc. HUGE place. Locked up tight, it was. Hoity Toity land. Blech.
I left there after a few months and went to Maui and managed 29 units for awhile, then came back here and managed for 17 years at the place down the street until the owner died...then I moved in this house. Thank goodness. I was so tired of the drama.

I live in a small apartment building, probably less than 25 units.

We've gone through 4 on-site property managers in the last year. I can't imagine it's fun work.
Ours is right buildings with eight apartments in each

(plays well with my OCD number 4)

They had been called there by the community's security guard and some residents. It is a private community pool, only open to residents and their guests-
Residents and a private security officer called police to complain that several teenagers did not have permission to use the pool and had refused to leave, police said. The pool is part of the residential community.
Several people complained that the teenagers had started fighting. Three officers arrived and found a large, rowdy crowd. The department dispatched nine additional officers to respond to the incident, Conley said.

...Watching you guys try to support this cop is really entertaining. It's as if there's nothing a cop could do that you wouldn't blindly support...
Nonsense... you just can't adequately refute the counterarguments served up... and it frustrates you.

...You keep trying to change the topic to vague theoreticals - but we're not discussing whether the police have the right to respond with force to resisters, we're discussing the actions of this single police officer, in this particular situation...
Dealing with kids provoking the cops beyond endurance and refusing orders to either sit down or to evacuate the area, and mouthing-off to the cops.

When you resist detention or resist arrest you're asking for trouble.

They found it.

...Did you watch the video? The child that this officer threw to the ground was not being "detained" prior to being attacked - in fact, the officer had been demanding that she leave.

The officer had been demanding that she leave. And she refused police orders to do so. Repeatedly.

After giving her several chances, the cop decided to bust her. And, wyhen she resisted that subsequent detention (based upon a refusal to obey police orders to evacuate), she got in deeper and deeper.

Entirely understandable actions by the cop, insofar as can be discerned.
So cops can, unilaterally, decide where one should be?
How is his "orders to evacuate" lawful?

Put it this way, the residents had issues with black boys showing up without pool passes. Had this been a bunch of white kids, I don't think it would have escalated this far. Clearly we all know this. But I understand the call being made. What I as an observer find offensive is that, save for the white girl being held, the cops focused exclusively on the black kids.....clearly the video shows this. It also shows a gun being pulled and then pulled back. I HAVE NO DOUBT IN MY DAMNED MIND, HAD CAMERA'S NOT BEEN PRESENT, KIDS WOULD BE DEAD TODAY. Shame on the rednecks that called the cops and the security guards to lame to do their damned jobs. They could have shut down the pool and demanded that pool passes be shown. If people got rowdy, than shut the damned thing down...end of story!!
Why did Batman do a ground roll at the beginning of the video? It looks like the rest of the cops were being pretty cool, but Batman there had to jump into action. Protecting Gotham from half naked teenagers.

And those are the type that put bullets in unarmed black people....just sayin
How much you wanna bet that place will hire a security guard now?

I'm pretty sure they do have one. They probably have many security guards - it's an enormous complex.
I had one of those too. HUGE place. Fancy schmancy. I hated it. Had to use a golf cart to haul prospective tenants around to show them the tennis courts, pools (2), racketball court, billard rooms, etc. HUGE place. Locked up tight, it was. Hoity Toity land. Blech.
I left there after a few months and went to Maui and managed 29 units for awhile, then came back here and managed for 17 years at the place down the street until the owner died...then I moved in this house. Thank goodness. I was so tired of the drama.

I live in a small apartment building, probably less than 25 units.

We've gone through 4 on-site property managers in the last year. I can't imagine it's fun work.
Ours is right buildings with eight apartments in each

(plays well with my OCD number 4)

Ass burgers always leave a bad taste
"Brooks, the 15-year-old who shot the YouTube video, told BuzzFeed News many students had arrived at the end-of-school celebration at the pool on guest passes. Some had also jumped over the fence.

“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” said Brooks, who is white.

Grace Stone, a white 14-year-old, told BuzzFeed News that when she and her friends objected to the racist comments about public housing an adult woman then became violent."
It would have been easy enough to produce guest passes. Those without passes have to leave.

Thank you. All summer shit like this happens at apartments where I live.....uninvited people showing up at pool parties.....you ask for passes, they refuse...you shut the pool down until they leave...workes every time.
It's not hard to figure out what happened. A bunch of black teens thought they could invade a gated community to use the pool. They thought that because they were black, no one would tell them to leave.

They're black AND white. You can see them all over the video. A white girl shot the video. As the story notes, she was the only white person handcuffed or detained.

As so often happens, the kids see each other as simply other kids, in kids' terms. It takes adults to bring the racist rhetoric in.

White kids are self hating liberals too. Especially young girls who think they're racist if they aren't getting poked by the entire black senior class.


See what I mean about adults? Here you are presuming to speak for a gaggle of girls in Texas you've never even met.

Uh, earth to nut, come in nut.....99.99% of the shit we all talk about and comment about on these boards, all over the net....are about people we've never met...ie FUCKIN OBAMA BEING ONE OF THEM...NEVER STOPPED YOU NUTS BEFORE!!
I'm pretty sure they do have one. They probably have many security guards - it's an enormous complex.
I had one of those too. HUGE place. Fancy schmancy. I hated it. Had to use a golf cart to haul prospective tenants around to show them the tennis courts, pools (2), racketball court, billard rooms, etc. HUGE place. Locked up tight, it was. Hoity Toity land. Blech.
I left there after a few months and went to Maui and managed 29 units for awhile, then came back here and managed for 17 years at the place down the street until the owner died...then I moved in this house. Thank goodness. I was so tired of the drama.

I live in a small apartment building, probably less than 25 units.

We've gone through 4 on-site property managers in the last year. I can't imagine it's fun work.
Ours is right buildings with eight apartments in each

(plays well with my OCD number 4)

Ass burgers always leave a bad taste

Thanks for the tip, but no, Aspergians can have emotional relationships with numbers and you mention "4".... just askin'.
How much you wanna bet that place will hire a security guard now?

I'm pretty sure they do have one. They probably have many security guards - it's an enormous complex.
I had one of those too. HUGE place. Fancy schmancy. I hated it. Had to use a golf cart to haul prospective tenants around to show them the tennis courts, pools (2), racketball court, billard rooms, etc. HUGE place. Locked up tight, it was. Hoity Toity land. Blech.
I left there after a few months and went to Maui and managed 29 units for awhile, then came back here and managed for 17 years at the place down the street until the owner died...then I moved in this house. Thank goodness. I was so tired of the drama.

I live in a small apartment building, probably less than 25 units.

We've gone through 4 on-site property managers in the last year. I can't imagine it's fun work.
If the owners don't back the managers...maybe that is why they are having probs. Or not going through the process better in vetting managers.
You gotta love doing what you do, and being fair while doing it. To the owners AND to the tenants. I was good at what I did. VERY good. It's in my genes. I traced back my lineage....all were innkeepers. When the owner died from that last gig, the tenants were bummed that the daughter of the owner put the property up for sale not 5 days after the funeral. She wanted me to stay until it sold and I said HELL no. My contract was with her dad and he warned me about her. So I said nope. Toodles. Haven't looked back, since. Thought about maybe finding a small complex and managing it but most don't allow pets (mine did), and I'm too damn old now.
Makes sense more now. White residents were already in fights with black "visitors" who allegedly dont live there or have permission to use the pool. From now on...cops certainly wont be showing up to enforce it.

So...residents will have to confront trespassers on their own like this group did and fight it out. And some are emboldened thinking cops cant do shit to them. And hell...seems they're right.

Obamas new America.

W@W!! 118 posts before somebody blames O'bama! New USMB record. Ding ding ding! :eusa_dance:

It's not hard to figure out what happened. A bunch of black teens thought they could invade a gated community to use the pool. They thought that because they were black, no one would tell them to leave.

They're black AND white. You can see them all over the video. A white girl shot the video. As the story notes, she was the only white person handcuffed or detained.

As so often happens, the kids see each other as simply other kids, in kids' terms. It takes adults to bring the racist rhetoric in.

White kids are self hating liberals too. Especially young girls who think they're racist if they aren't getting poked by the entire black senior class.


See what I mean about adults? Here you are presuming to speak for a gaggle of girls in Texas you've never even met.

Uh, earth to nut, come in nut.....99.99% of the shit we all talk about and comment about on these boards, all over the net....are about people we've never met...ie FUCKIN OBAMA BEING ONE OF THEM...NEVER STOPPED YOU NUTS BEFORE!!

I'm referring to the poster who describes "a bunch of black teens" --- oblivious to all the white teens partying with them.

That's why I say, it's not the kids who bring up race, but the adults.

Makes sense more now. White residents were already in fights with black "visitors" who allegedly dont live there or have permission to use the pool. From now on...cops certainly wont be showing up to enforce it.

So...residents will have to confront trespassers on their own like this group did and fight it out. And some are emboldened thinking cops cant do shit to them. And hell...seems they're right.

Obamas new America.

W@W!! 118 posts before somebody blames O'bama! New USMB record. Ding ding ding! :eusa_dance:


I know, right? I called it at the start of the thread -- we have to keep in mind, it's not the Überpolice dividing people, it's O'bama. :rofl:

I'm surprised that other than that post 118, they forgot to ooze over here and remind us of that.
No one "resisted arrest" in that video, because no one was arrested.

You can even see the cop's partners trying to pull him back after he pulls the gun.

They did something to get cuffed. And showed their asses while doing it.

Sorry. No sympathies for people who act lik ke animals when interacting with law enforcement.

And yet a world of sympathy for cops acting like animals when interacting with children. How bizarre.

Children? They were adult sized teens. And they were jumping in cops faces. Act like you're grown...get treated grown. If their parents disciplined them none of this ever would've happened.

Surely these parents did their kids a disservice when they failed to warn them, "don't go out in public while black".
They certainly did their kids a disservice by telling them being black is a license to tresspass on private property.

News flash....rowdy white kids always always show up at the apartment pools where I live and the cops are always being called to get them off of private property, happens all summer.....face it, they didn't like the fact that black boys was hanging around white girls.
Private pool.
Uninvited guests.
Trespassers refusing to leave.
Trespassers being confrontational w/ cops.


Jesus H Christ....lets just hire Pee Wee Herman and Andy Griffith as America's only 2 cops.

Private pool with private security cowards.....maybe just maybe they need some rent a cops with some damned BALLS!!
The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
I didn't do it at a pool, but I had my fair share of trunk rides into drive in theaters. :lol:
Then you only moved from the trunk to get in the backseat
That too. :lol:
It's not hard to figure out what happened. A bunch of black teens thought they could invade a gated community to use the pool. They thought that because they were black, no one would tell them to leave.

They're black AND white. You can see them all over the video. A white girl shot the video. As the story notes, she was the only white person handcuffed or detained.

As so often happens, the kids see each other as simply other kids, in kids' terms. It takes adults to bring the racist rhetoric in.

White kids are self hating liberals too. Especially young girls who think they're racist if they aren't getting poked by the entire black senior class.


See what I mean about adults? Here you are presuming to speak for a gaggle of girls in Texas you've never even met.

Uh, earth to nut, come in nut.....99.99% of the shit we all talk about and comment about on these boards, all over the net....are about people we've never met...ie FUCKIN OBAMA BEING ONE OF THEM...NEVER STOPPED YOU NUTS BEFORE!!

I'm referring to the poster who describes "a bunch of black teens" --- oblivious to all the white teens partying with them.

That's why I say, it's not the kids who bring up race, but the adults.
Dude this would be a non fukin issue on the radar, had Barney Fife not pulled out a damned gun....next stupid observation!!!
Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
I didn't do it at a pool, but I had my fair share of trunk rides into drive in theaters. :lol:
Then you only moved from the trunk to get in the backseat
That too. :lol:
Thank you for that image
I'm not surprised that this thread has devolved into a shouting match between partisan entities who assume they know what happened when they don't.

...when did this happen? If it's happened recently, maybe some of you shouldn't be making assumptions. If some of you waited, and some of you with political bents used more tact and fairness when choosing your words, maybe we'd have a more worthwhile discussion. All I'm seeing is more partisan crap and name-calling and disgusting, petty insinuations. I see some things haven't changed.

What we should all be doing is withholding judgment until the investigation is complete. Otherwise it's just another fireball of reckless speculation. SSDD.

The only reason I posted this shit, is because this cop pulled a damned gun out and if the camera's wasn't there, kids would be DEAD today.

So what? If 3-5 people try to aggressively swarm me...im pulling a gun too.

They're black AND white. You can see them all over the video. A white girl shot the video. As the story notes, she was the only white person handcuffed or detained.

As so often happens, the kids see each other as simply other kids, in kids' terms. It takes adults to bring the racist rhetoric in.

White kids are self hating liberals too. Especially young girls who think they're racist if they aren't getting poked by the entire black senior class.


See what I mean about adults? Here you are presuming to speak for a gaggle of girls in Texas you've never even met.

Uh, earth to nut, come in nut.....99.99% of the shit we all talk about and comment about on these boards, all over the net....are about people we've never met...ie FUCKIN OBAMA BEING ONE OF THEM...NEVER STOPPED YOU NUTS BEFORE!!

I'm referring to the poster who describes "a bunch of black teens" --- oblivious to all the white teens partying with them.

That's why I say, it's not the kids who bring up race, but the adults.
Dude this would be a non fukin issue on the radar, had Barney Fife not pulled out a damned gun....next stupid observation!!!

OK well you're venting instead of reading now and attacking your own side. That's what we call "unwise".
I had one of those too. HUGE place. Fancy schmancy. I hated it. Had to use a golf cart to haul prospective tenants around to show them the tennis courts, pools (2), racketball court, billard rooms, etc. HUGE place. Locked up tight, it was. Hoity Toity land. Blech.
I left there after a few months and went to Maui and managed 29 units for awhile, then came back here and managed for 17 years at the place down the street until the owner died...then I moved in this house. Thank goodness. I was so tired of the drama.

I live in a small apartment building, probably less than 25 units.

We've gone through 4 on-site property managers in the last year. I can't imagine it's fun work.
Ours is right buildings with eight apartments in each

(plays well with my OCD number 4)

Ass burgers always leave a bad taste

Thanks for the tip, but no, Aspergians can have emotional relationships with numbers and you mention "4".... just askin'.

I have Apergers, but only one right hand to have a relationship with. :(
Private pool.
Uninvited guests.
Trespassers refusing to leave.
Trespassers being confrontational w/ cops.


Jesus H Christ....lets just hire Pee Wee Herman and Andy Griffith as America's only 2 cops.

Private pool with private security cowards.....maybe just maybe they need some rent a cops with some damned BALLS!!
Dude.....kids getting hurt, or DROWNED, can be sued if they do not live at that complex. Hell, I worked at a motel and wanted to go swimming on my day off and I couldn't becuase their insurance did not allow for employees..just guests.

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