Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Here's a more complete video of the incident.

Texas Police Officer On Administrative Leave After Pulling Weapon On Teens During Pool Party - BuzzFeed News

It shows 2 guys, and several girls, running up to the cop while he was cuffing he girl on the ground.

Not a wise decision.

If you were a cop, how would you react if you were possibly being attacked from several directions?

Revealing page.

... one officer aggressively handcuffing and detaining teens who described themselves as bystanders, before wrestling a girl in a bathing suit to the ground and drawing his weapon on others who came to her aid. After ordering a girl to leave the area, the officer can be seen throwing her to the ground and pushing her head down. He is then seen pulling a weapon from his holster to scare off two males who had come to the girl’s aid. The officer is also shown sitting atop the girl to subdue her.

Brooks, the 15-year-old who shot the YouTube video, told BuzzFeed News many students had arrived at the end-of-school celebration at the pool on guest passes. Some had also jumped over the fence.

“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” said Brooks, who is white.

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”

Then from the PD statement:
McKinney Police later learned of a video that was taken at the scene by an unknown party. This video has raised concerns that are being investigated by the McKinney Police Department. At this time, one of the responding officers has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation.

In other words, they got caught by video and are now forced to at least mouth the words "uh, we are doing an um, investigation and shit". Without a citizen shooting video -- who got handcuffed for it -- they would have got away with it.

But let's all click our heels together three times and chant that USMB Doublethink mantra:

"Don't believe your lying eyes -- it's really Barack O'bama who's dividing this country... "

You really are a piece of work, the cop told the girl to leave the area at least three times, he didn't touch her till she stopped and kept running her mouth. If the little bitch had complied with the legal commands of the officer she would have never been cuffed, some people just are too fucking stupid to breath.

Not to mention, some are too fucking stupid to spell with the old silent E....

Still waiting for the link to the "mouthing off" statute.

Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?

It falls under disorderly conduct oh ignorant one. Try mouthing off to a cop while he's trying to restore order and see what you get, color has nothing to do with it.

Color? Who brought up color? This is all about Authoritariainism Gone Wild.

So where's that "mouthing off" statute? Still waiting on a link....

You said "Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?" If that's not a reference to color, what was the purpose of saying it.
For the third time ---- HOW do you get "private" out of the phrase "local community pool"?
Private community

My community is gated but the gates are wide open through business hours.
That doesn't mean just anyone can come in and swim in our pool
I eventually had to hire someone (a tenant) to guard the pool during peek hours and they got a rent reduction. Every tenant got a notice that they HAD to stop in the office and get a pool pass with MY signature on it, on Community Stamped paper. No sticky notes or torn paper. Printed them up myself. Apt #, name of tenant going swimming, how many guests they had in their party, etc. Worked out nice. Anyone caught jumping the fence or sneaking in without that pass, were removed immediately.
Sounds great, except our PM doesn't live on site so after hours (and especially weekends) can get stOOpid
In Calif, over 16 units, there MUST be an on site manager all the time. Not sure where you are. I had 180 units, the majority were military from Point Mugu.
In fact, these communities need to become fortresses.

Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
Most people in bathing suits keep such identification on them. She should have kept it lodged in her ass just in case a cop may have slammed her on the ground, and pulled a gun on her.

Do you even thing before you post anymore?

So if she said "Officer...my guest pass is right over there...want me to go get it?"....you think it goes different?

He really did a ground roll before assaulting a bunch of half naked children. He was nothing more than a hot head Rambo cop. Is there anything police action you have ever condemned?

Shot in the back 8 times? Shouldn't have run.

Choked to death for selling loosies? Won't be selling illegal cigarettes again.

Slammed on the ground by your hair for doing nothing? Try not being black next time.

I didnt defend the North Charleston cop.
Eric Garner died of a heart attack.
Bitch was trespassing and resisting. Got what she asked for.

Anything else?

I was arrested for trespassing once as a kid. The police called my mother and politely asked us to come to the station. Why? We were harmless children. Oh.. and white.

Its a matter for the housing complex to handle, not the cops
I thought Zimmermanning was wrong ....we need police not private cowboys
Well...except a few times when some neighborhood kids wanted to swim and their parent was with them that ASKED if they could play in the pool instead of sneaking. I would give them a Managers Pass. :)
No you wouldn't.

Because the Homeowners would complain about you to the Homeowner's Association and you would be at-risk of losing your job.

Besides... let 'em in once, and they suddenly begin operating under the delusion that they're entitled to go there.

Which would be a bad impression to leave them with.
Um, yes I did. And it was not condos. It was an apartment complex. I didn't do it a lot, but on really HOT days, like a Saturday, I would let kids swim for a few hours. The parent ASKED. That gets brownie points from me. Plus, I was not your usual "by the book" manager. They loved me. :)
And..some were a tad scared of me. At that complex, I was packin'. Had to. Dangerous place, that was.
Private community

My community is gated but the gates are wide open through business hours.
That doesn't mean just anyone can come in and swim in our pool
I eventually had to hire someone (a tenant) to guard the pool during peek hours and they got a rent reduction. Every tenant got a notice that they HAD to stop in the office and get a pool pass with MY signature on it, on Community Stamped paper. No sticky notes or torn paper. Printed them up myself. Apt #, name of tenant going swimming, how many guests they had in their party, etc. Worked out nice. Anyone caught jumping the fence or sneaking in without that pass, were removed immediately.
Sounds great, except our PM doesn't live on site so after hours (and especially weekends) can get stOOpid
In Calif, over 16 units, there MUST be an on site manager all the time. Not sure where you are. I had 180 units, the majority were military from Point Mugu.
You are thinking of an apartment building. This incident happened at a private golf community. Probably of single family homes.
Revealing page.

... one officer aggressively handcuffing and detaining teens who described themselves as bystanders, before wrestling a girl in a bathing suit to the ground and drawing his weapon on others who came to her aid. After ordering a girl to leave the area, the officer can be seen throwing her to the ground and pushing her head down. He is then seen pulling a weapon from his holster to scare off two males who had come to the girl’s aid. The officer is also shown sitting atop the girl to subdue her.

Brooks, the 15-year-old who shot the YouTube video, told BuzzFeed News many students had arrived at the end-of-school celebration at the pool on guest passes. Some had also jumped over the fence.

“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” said Brooks, who is white.

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”

Then from the PD statement:
McKinney Police later learned of a video that was taken at the scene by an unknown party. This video has raised concerns that are being investigated by the McKinney Police Department. At this time, one of the responding officers has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation.

In other words, they got caught by video and are now forced to at least mouth the words "uh, we are doing an um, investigation and shit". Without a citizen shooting video -- who got handcuffed for it -- they would have got away with it.

But let's all click our heels together three times and chant that USMB Doublethink mantra:

"Don't believe your lying eyes -- it's really Barack O'bama who's dividing this country... "

You really are a piece of work, the cop told the girl to leave the area at least three times, he didn't touch her till she stopped and kept running her mouth. If the little bitch had complied with the legal commands of the officer she would have never been cuffed, some people just are too fucking stupid to breath.

Not to mention, some are too fucking stupid to spell with the old silent E....

Still waiting for the link to the "mouthing off" statute.

Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?

It falls under disorderly conduct oh ignorant one. Try mouthing off to a cop while he's trying to restore order and see what you get, color has nothing to do with it.

Color? Who brought up color? This is all about Authoritariainism Gone Wild.

So where's that "mouthing off" statute? Still waiting on a link....

You said "Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?" If that's not a reference to color, what was the purpose of saying it.

"Uppity" is not a color. It's a word used by those who are so full-of-themselves arrogant that they walk around under the delusion that they're some kind of superior being to those they give orders to.

--- Which you would have to be to think you can detain/arrest/beat up a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit for the crime of "mouthing off"

The law for which I'm still waiting for the link to.
In fact, these communities need to become fortresses.

Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.
Well...except a few times when some neighborhood kids wanted to swim and their parent was with them that ASKED if they could play in the pool instead of sneaking. I would give them a Managers Pass. :)
No you wouldn't.

Because the Homeowners would complain about you to the Homeowner's Association and you would be at-risk of losing your job.

Besides... let 'em in once, and they suddenly begin operating under the delusion that they're entitled to go there.

Which would be a bad impression to leave them with.
Um, yes I did. And it was not condos. It was an apartment complex. I didn't do it a lot, but on really HOT days, like a Saturday, I would let kids swim for a few hours. The parent ASKED. That gets brownie points from me. Plus, I was not your usual "by the book" manager. They loved me. :)
And..some were a tad scared of me. At that complex, I was packin'. Had to. Dangerous place, that was.
An apartment complex is a far different animal than a gated community, and you know it, Gracie.

Apartment dwellers have very little muscle or pull... homeowners in a gated community, who have hired a facilities manager to run it they way they want, according to their own Homeowner's Association guidelines, are a very different animal altogether... which you would learn to your own very great surprise and consternation, in such a setting.
Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
In fact, these communities need to become fortresses.

Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.
Tellin' ya now..if that were MY 14 year old with a full grown cop smashing her face in the ground, I would be in jail right now for beating his ass or him shooting me for attacking him. That was totally out of line. Totally.
Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Being present within the gates of that private pool without a guest pass could be considered trespassing, and one of the calls to the police came from the complex security guard.
You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
I didn't do it at a pool, but I had my fair share of trunk rides into drive in theaters. :lol:
You really are a piece of work, the cop told the girl to leave the area at least three times, he didn't touch her till she stopped and kept running her mouth. If the little bitch had complied with the legal commands of the officer she would have never been cuffed, some people just are too fucking stupid to breath.

Not to mention, some are too fucking stupid to spell with the old silent E....

Still waiting for the link to the "mouthing off" statute.

Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?

It falls under disorderly conduct oh ignorant one. Try mouthing off to a cop while he's trying to restore order and see what you get, color has nothing to do with it.

Color? Who brought up color? This is all about Authoritariainism Gone Wild.

So where's that "mouthing off" statute? Still waiting on a link....

You said "Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?" If that's not a reference to color, what was the purpose of saying it.

"Uppity" is not a color. It's a word used by those who are so full-of-themselves arrogant that they walk around under the delusion that they're some kind of superior being to those they give orders to.

--- Which you would have to be to think you can detain/arrest/beat up a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit for the crime of "mouthing off"

The law for which I'm still waiting for the link to.

Already answered, disorderly conduct.
You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Being present within the gates of that private pool without a guest pass could be considered trespassing, and one of the calls to the police came from the complex security guard.
Remember a while back, that guy getting the snot beat out of him by a gang of teenagers out of school? Happened at a gas station I think. Two girls fighting on some guys car and he told them to stop and they ALL ganged up on him. Same age as these kids at the pool. Kids to ME are 12 and under. The ones in the vids looks 14 up to 17. They can do some damage if they collect as one unit. STILL.....the one cop that pulled the gun and smashed the girls face? Wrong wrong wrong.
Not to mention, some are too fucking stupid to spell with the old silent E....

Still waiting for the link to the "mouthing off" statute.

Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?

It falls under disorderly conduct oh ignorant one. Try mouthing off to a cop while he's trying to restore order and see what you get, color has nothing to do with it.

Color? Who brought up color? This is all about Authoritariainism Gone Wild.

So where's that "mouthing off" statute? Still waiting on a link....

You said "Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?" If that's not a reference to color, what was the purpose of saying it.

"Uppity" is not a color. It's a word used by those who are so full-of-themselves arrogant that they walk around under the delusion that they're some kind of superior being to those they give orders to.

--- Which you would have to be to think you can detain/arrest/beat up a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit for the crime of "mouthing off"

The law for which I'm still waiting for the link to.

Already answered, disorderly conduct.

If you think they can file "mouthing off" under "disorderly conduct" -- then we're all fucked. Every one of us. That's unlimited power. You can call anything you want "disorderly conduct".

FUCK that. We're not gonna take it.
It falls under disorderly conduct oh ignorant one. Try mouthing off to a cop while he's trying to restore order and see what you get, color has nothing to do with it.

Color? Who brought up color? This is all about Authoritariainism Gone Wild.

So where's that "mouthing off" statute? Still waiting on a link....

You said "Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?" If that's not a reference to color, what was the purpose of saying it.

"Uppity" is not a color. It's a word used by those who are so full-of-themselves arrogant that they walk around under the delusion that they're some kind of superior being to those they give orders to.

--- Which you would have to be to think you can detain/arrest/beat up a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit for the crime of "mouthing off"

The law for which I'm still waiting for the link to.

Already answered, disorderly conduct.

If you think they can file "mouthing off" under "disorderly conduct" -- then we're all fucked. Every one of us. That's unlimited power.

FUCK that. We're not gonna take it.
Happens all the time. Mouth off to a cop and he WILL arrest you on some charge or another.
One pulled me over for seat belt. I said I had it on. He said I was not wearing it correctly. I said it smooshed my boob so I wear it under my arm. He said still incorrect and he would give me a ticket. I said go ahead..I have nothing to do so sitting in court fighting it wouldn't bother me. He asked if I was getting mouthy. I said no but I sure was hungry and had some great enchiladas waiting for me at home, would he like to join me and hubby for dinner? He laughed. I got no ticket.
You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Being present within the gates of that private pool without a guest pass could be considered trespassing, and one of the calls to the police came from the complex security guard.

You must have a link we haven't seen.
It falls under disorderly conduct oh ignorant one. Try mouthing off to a cop while he's trying to restore order and see what you get, color has nothing to do with it.

Color? Who brought up color? This is all about Authoritariainism Gone Wild.

So where's that "mouthing off" statute? Still waiting on a link....

You said "Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?" If that's not a reference to color, what was the purpose of saying it.

"Uppity" is not a color. It's a word used by those who are so full-of-themselves arrogant that they walk around under the delusion that they're some kind of superior being to those they give orders to.

--- Which you would have to be to think you can detain/arrest/beat up a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit for the crime of "mouthing off"

The law for which I'm still waiting for the link to.

Already answered, disorderly conduct.

If you think they can file "mouthing off" under "disorderly conduct" -- then we're all fucked. Every one of us. That's unlimited power. You can call anything you want "disorderly conduct".

FUCK that. We're not gonna take it.

Like I said, walk up to a cop, while he's trying to do his job, start mouthing off at him and see what it gets ya.

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