Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Being present within the gates of that private pool without a guest pass could be considered trespassing, and one of the calls to the police came from the complex security guard.

You must have a link we haven't seen.

The first part is an assumption, but a pretty easy one to make. The second I believe I saw in a link you provided - the Buzzfeed one.
Color? Who brought up color? This is all about Authoritariainism Gone Wild.

So where's that "mouthing off" statute? Still waiting on a link....

You said "Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?" If that's not a reference to color, what was the purpose of saying it.

"Uppity" is not a color. It's a word used by those who are so full-of-themselves arrogant that they walk around under the delusion that they're some kind of superior being to those they give orders to.

--- Which you would have to be to think you can detain/arrest/beat up a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit for the crime of "mouthing off"

The law for which I'm still waiting for the link to.

Already answered, disorderly conduct.

If you think they can file "mouthing off" under "disorderly conduct" -- then we're all fucked. Every one of us. That's unlimited power.

FUCK that. We're not gonna take it.
Happens all the time. Mouth off to a cop and he WILL arrest you on some charge or another.

Oh I know it happens, and for far less. I myself had guns pointed at me and got put in handcuffs and taken away, for the crime of walking home. But it's not legitimate, that's my point.
You said "Perhaps it's under U for "uppity"?" If that's not a reference to color, what was the purpose of saying it.

"Uppity" is not a color. It's a word used by those who are so full-of-themselves arrogant that they walk around under the delusion that they're some kind of superior being to those they give orders to.

--- Which you would have to be to think you can detain/arrest/beat up a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit for the crime of "mouthing off"

The law for which I'm still waiting for the link to.

Already answered, disorderly conduct.

If you think they can file "mouthing off" under "disorderly conduct" -- then we're all fucked. Every one of us. That's unlimited power.

FUCK that. We're not gonna take it.
Happens all the time. Mouth off to a cop and he WILL arrest you on some charge or another.

Oh I know it happens, and for far less. I myself had guns pointed at me and got put in handcuffs and taken away, for the crime of walking home. But it's not legitimate, that's my point.
I'd probably shit myself having a gun pointed at me.
The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Being present within the gates of that private pool without a guest pass could be considered trespassing, and one of the calls to the police came from the complex security guard.

You must have a link we haven't seen.

The first part is an assumption, but a pretty easy one to make. The second I believe I saw in a link you provided - the Buzzfeed one.

That's the one I word-searched for "security guard" (or "security-anything"). No results.
I also got put in handcuffs when I was 15. Sister locked me out of the house, then was stupid enough to neener me like this :funnyface: through the plate glass window of the sunroom where I was tapping the glass demanding to be let in. Um. Don't :funnyface: me with just glass between us. BIG mistake. I punched right through the pane and hit her in the nose. She called the cops, they came, put the cuffs on me, put me in the car and promptly took me to my friends house to spend the night instead of to jail. Dad was good friends with them. :)
"Uppity" is not a color. It's a word used by those who are so full-of-themselves arrogant that they walk around under the delusion that they're some kind of superior being to those they give orders to.

--- Which you would have to be to think you can detain/arrest/beat up a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit for the crime of "mouthing off"

The law for which I'm still waiting for the link to.

Already answered, disorderly conduct.

If you think they can file "mouthing off" under "disorderly conduct" -- then we're all fucked. Every one of us. That's unlimited power.

FUCK that. We're not gonna take it.
Happens all the time. Mouth off to a cop and he WILL arrest you on some charge or another.

Oh I know it happens, and for far less. I myself had guns pointed at me and got put in handcuffs and taken away, for the crime of walking home. But it's not legitimate, that's my point.
I'd probably shit myself having a gun pointed at me.

How 'bout two guns? :ack-1:

These asshats on this forum who continually squeal about how everybody should walk around packing heat -- if I had followed that advice I'd be dead right now, and if I were any good with it I might have taken at least one with me -- seeing as how they were plainclothes/unmarked and never did identify themselves....
Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Being present within the gates of that private pool without a guest pass could be considered trespassing, and one of the calls to the police came from the complex security guard.

You must have a link we haven't seen.

The first part is an assumption, but a pretty easy one to make. The second I believe I saw in a link you provided - the Buzzfeed one.

That's the one I word-searched for "security guard" (or "security-anything"). No results.

Yeah, I just checked the buzzfeed article, that's not the one. I don't remember where I read it, but it's in one of the links that's been posted, I think. I might have just Googled the story and found it in some random link, also.
How much you wanna bet that place will hire a security guard now?

I'm pretty sure they do have one. They probably have many security guards - it's an enormous complex.
I had one of those too. HUGE place. Fancy schmancy. I hated it. Had to use a golf cart to haul prospective tenants around to show them the tennis courts, pools (2), racketball court, billard rooms, etc. HUGE place. Locked up tight, it was. Hoity Toity land. Blech.
I left there after a few months and went to Maui and managed 29 units for awhile, then came back here and managed for 17 years at the place down the street until the owner died...then I moved in this house. Thank goodness. I was so tired of the drama.
How much you wanna bet that place will hire a security guard now?

I'm pretty sure they do have one. They probably have many security guards - it's an enormous complex.
I had one of those too. HUGE place. Fancy schmancy. I hated it. Had to use a golf cart to haul prospective tenants around to show them the tennis courts, pools (2), racketball court, billard rooms, etc. HUGE place. Locked up tight, it was. Hoity Toity land. Blech.
I left there after a few months and went to Maui and managed 29 units for awhile, then came back here and managed for 17 years at the place down the street until the owner died...then I moved in this house. Thank goodness. I was so tired of the drama.

I live in a small apartment building, probably less than 25 units.

We've gone through 4 on-site property managers in the last year. I can't imagine it's fun work.
Yikes at TWO guns! :disbelief:

I can say in all honesty I didn't shit myself -- the whole experience was so beyond surreal it couldn't really register. At least I didn't get dragged by my hair and have my face ground into the sidewalk, but that's just a lucky break. When I politely asked if I could be informed as to what was going on, the way they screamed at me let me know it would be pointless to ask any more questions.

So I have great empathy for that girl in the grass, and victims like her. It can literally happen to anyone, at any time, for any reason or for no reason whatsoever other than a police-state mentality goon out for an ego trip.
And it keeps getting closer. Cops in America are on the verge of a full blown work stoppage. I personally cant wait. They'll protect areas that have supported them. The rest? Have fun in hell assholes haha!

Tell you what, the day that happens in my part of town, them bastards had better be giving back tax refunds. Cause everytime I pay some bullshit traffic ticket, they get some of the money. You don't want to come to black fukin areas, than stop taking black fuckin Money!!!!!!! 90% of Baltimores tax revenue, came from poor black areas....areas that cops get paid to protect
You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
But drive by shootings were done from horseless carriages back then
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
I didn't do it at a pool, but I had my fair share of trunk rides into drive in theaters. :lol:
Then you only moved from the trunk to get in the backseat
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
But drive by shootings were done from horseless carriages back then

They still are.
Did you mean horse-and-carriages?
How much you wanna bet that place will hire a security guard now?

I'm pretty sure they do have one. They probably have many security guards - it's an enormous complex.
I had one of those too. HUGE place. Fancy schmancy. I hated it. Had to use a golf cart to haul prospective tenants around to show them the tennis courts, pools (2), racketball court, billard rooms, etc. HUGE place. Locked up tight, it was. Hoity Toity land. Blech.
I left there after a few months and went to Maui and managed 29 units for awhile, then came back here and managed for 17 years at the place down the street until the owner died...then I moved in this house. Thank goodness. I was so tired of the drama.

I live in a small apartment building, probably less than 25 units.

We've gone through 4 on-site property managers in the last year. I can't imagine it's fun work.
Ours is right buildings with eight apartments in each

(plays well with my OCD number 4)
The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.
The really BAD thing that could have happened with this is...kids sneak in since not invited, no parent or parental control, one of the kids drowns and shit hits the fan with the pool owners. Bad business, that. Plus a dead kid. I never allowed kids in the pool area unless an adult was with them. I told 'em "I ain't a babysitter. WATCH YER KID". You'd be surprised at how many would let an 8 year old go to the pool with a 4 year old and think nothing of it. Oy.

Don't get me wrong, as an adult I can certain see the other side of it.

But me and my friends used to break into "private community" pools all the damn time when I was a kid.
But drive by shootings were done from horseless carriages back then

They still are.
Did you mean horse-and-carriages?
They called the first automobiles horseless carriages

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