Texas Ramadan resolution backlash


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
A Texas Republican has sparked controversy by voting against a resolution celebrating Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, in the state legislature.
State Rep. Tony Tinderholt released a statement saying his "faith as a Christian" meant he could not support the motion.
In November 2022 Dr. Suleman Lalani and Salman Bhojani became the first Muslims to be elected to the Texas Legislature. Both men serve as Democratic members of the Texas House of Representatives.
"As a combat veteran, I served beside many local translators who were Muslims and good people. I can also attest that Ramadan was routinely the most violent period during every deployment.
"Texas and America were founded on Christian principles and my faith as a Christian prevents me from celebrating Ramadan. I want to commend [Lieutenant Governor] Dan Patrick for choosing not to join the House in this celebration."
The comments sparked an angry backlash on social media, with critics challenging Tinderholt's claim that the U.S. was founded around Christian principles.

Why is there a resolution to celebrate Ramadan?
What is the purpose of the resolution?
Are there similar resolutions for the dozens of other religions?
Why would any non-Muslim be obligated to support such a resolution?
The only problem I see here is that that GOP leadership of the Texas legislature decided to allow this to be voted on.

Rep. Tinderholt should be speaking to those folks to have a united strategy on this kind of thing.

But, unless Texas traditionally passes these kinds of resolutions for all religious holidays, it certainly seems inappropriate.
Maybe someone thought it was a resolution celebrating doo wop.

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Rama lama lama lama ding
Rama lama lama lama ding dong
Rama lama lama lama ding...

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