Texas senator Ted Cruz is critisized by both parties

Dems cannot and will not tolerate Hispanics who don't suck Big Government dick.

Wasn't it Harry Reid who said you couldn't be a real Hispanic and be a conservative?

An old man being extremely bigotted. But then, he's a liberal.
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Did Cruz have any basis for asking the questions about north korean honorariums?
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Morning Joe

Texas has elected another Loon? I am shocked. Even John McCain came to Hagel's defense. People like Cruz, if allowed to continue, will eventually bring the GOP down.

2016 will either see the Tea Baggers insist that the GOP nominate one of them, or they will run their other Loon. In either case, the GOP loses. But how long has everyone been saying that the Baggers are out to bring the GOP down? Incredible!

you haven't grown up mentally..is this how you really want yourself seen as?
and your all of a sudden care for the gop is really touching, fake but touching
Morning Joe

Texas has elected another Loon? I am shocked. Even John McCain came to Hagel's defense. People like Cruz, if allowed to continue, will eventually bring the GOP down.

2016 will either see the Tea Baggers insist that the GOP nominate one of them, or they will run their other Loon. In either case, the GOP loses. But how long has everyone been saying that the Baggers are out to bring the GOP down? Incredible!

Rubio from Florida - Cruz from Texus

little difference
When your getting criticized by both parties then your doing something right I have far more respect for Cruz speaking his mind than I do the other Washington jack offs who just go along to get along.
You sure do like the phrase "tea bagger". I wonder why...............

McCain is an idiot. He has had a severe case of dementia for a LONG time.

Cruz has big balls. He knows Hagel is NUTS, and Cruz is proving that there are still a FEW Republicans who have not been GELDED.

Cruz simply stated the TRUTH, and it was the OTHER Senators who responded to Cruz's statement with unwarranted attacks and assumptions against Cruz.

Watch the damn video. Cruz stated the FACTS, and NEVER said Hagel was "cozy" or "in bed with" Iran.

And you sure do like the phrases "big balls" and "nuts" while thinking about teabagging:eusa_whistle:
You sure do like the phrase "tea bagger". I wonder why...............

Because the Tea Party coined the phrase for themselves, completely oblivious to what it actually meant.

It was their own doing. Do you deny that?

No they didn't, asshole. Liberals like you who despise the United States coined the term.

100% wrong. Tea Party members started calling themselves Teabaggers first. They adopted the term for themselves.

Also. I do not despise the United States. I love this country. It makes me laugh that you think I despise it though, and that you people are the ones saying it's failed and hopeless and ruined and destroyed... and yet I somehow hate this country.
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more from this site on nasty water carriers

I’ll repeat what I said about the Republicans who piled on Sarah Palin along with the nutroots and MSM:

Zero tolerance is my position on cheap shots at Sarah Palin from the right.

I don’t expect people to like her or support her, but piling on is unforgivable to me because it just feeds the mainstream media, entertainment industry, and left-blogosphere beasts who will turn with a fury on whichever candidate Republicans nominate.

That’s how I’ll treat any Republican who piles on Rubio or Cruz or any of our other rising stars

All the people who Republicans should think this way and CONTACT these entrenched Republican sobs when they go off like they did with Palin..
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Because the Tea Party coined the phrase for themselves, completely oblivious to what it actually meant.

It was their own doing. Do you deny that?

No they didn't, asshole. Liberals like you who despise the United States coined the term.

100% wrong. Tea Party members started calling themselves Teabaggers first.

Also. I do not despise the United States. I love this country. It makes me laugh that you think I despise it though, and that you people are the ones saying it's failed and hopeless and ruined and destroyed... and yet I somehow hate this country.

who cares, that you feel the need to continue it shows your lack of respect for you fellow Americans, a lot of them were senior citizens
No they didn't, asshole. Liberals like you who despise the United States coined the term.

100% wrong. Tea Party members started calling themselves Teabaggers first.

Also. I do not despise the United States. I love this country. It makes me laugh that you think I despise it though, and that you people are the ones saying it's failed and hopeless and ruined and destroyed... and yet I somehow hate this country.

who cares, that you feel the need to continue it shows your lack of respect for you fellow Americans, a lot of them were senior citizens

Do I give a fuck that they were senior citizens? They were people with NASTY rhetoric.

Why should I have respect for the members of the Tea Party? They're the nuttiest most fringe conservatives around.
Because the Tea Party coined the phrase for themselves, completely oblivious to what it actually meant.

It was their own doing. Do you deny that?

No they didn't, asshole. Liberals like you who despise the United States coined the term.

100% wrong. Tea Party members started calling themselves Teabaggers first.

Also. I do not despise the United States. I love this country. It makes me laugh that you think I despise it though, and that you people are the ones saying it's failed and hopeless and ruined and destroyed... and yet I somehow hate this country.

No. No. No. The slang teabagger has been around forever.

Rise of an Epithet by Jay Nordlinger - National Review Online
100% wrong. Tea Party members started calling themselves Teabaggers first.

Also. I do not despise the United States. I love this country. It makes me laugh that you think I despise it though, and that you people are the ones saying it's failed and hopeless and ruined and destroyed... and yet I somehow hate this country.

who cares, that you feel the need to continue it shows your lack of respect for you fellow Americans, a lot of them were senior citizens

Do I give a fuck that they were senior citizens? They were people with NASTY rhetoric.

Why should I have respect for the members of the Tea Party? They're the nuttiest most fringe conservatives around.

man the irony reeks with you
but you are with the Ows and a rabid lefty so we shouldn't expect any more
When your getting criticized by both parties then your doing something right I have far more respect for Cruz speaking his mind than I do the other Washington jack offs who just go along to get along.

doing something right or being a complete jackass.

cruz was/is a jackass.
No they didn't, asshole. Liberals like you who despise the United States coined the term.

100% wrong. Tea Party members started calling themselves Teabaggers first.

Also. I do not despise the United States. I love this country. It makes me laugh that you think I despise it though, and that you people are the ones saying it's failed and hopeless and ruined and destroyed... and yet I somehow hate this country.

No. No. No. The slang teabagger has been around forever.

Rise of an Epithet by Jay Nordlinger - National Review Online

No shit. How else do you think we'd be able to mock you for it as we have? That's not what I've been saying.

Learn to fucking read.
When your getting criticized by both parties then your doing something right I have far more respect for Cruz speaking his mind than I do the other Washington jack offs who just go along to get along.

doing something right or being a complete jackass.

cruz was/is a jackass.

no more than most Democrats..deal with it, the rest of have to stomach the Democrats jackasses
When your getting criticized by both parties then your doing something right I have far more respect for Cruz speaking his mind than I do the other Washington jack offs who just go along to get along.

doing something right or being a complete jackass.

cruz was/is a jackass.

Why did you include 'was' in your assesment?

Has the famous Cruz done something to endear your heart?
who cares, that you feel the need to continue it shows your lack of respect for you fellow Americans, a lot of them were senior citizens

Do I give a fuck that they were senior citizens? They were people with NASTY rhetoric.

Why should I have respect for the members of the Tea Party? They're the nuttiest most fringe conservatives around.

man the irony reeks with you
but you are with the Ows and a rabid lefty so we shouldn't expect any more

If you think saying that the 1% should stop fucking over the 99% is nasty... that's pretty sad.

I agree with the general premise of OWS, yes.

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