Texas senator Ted Cruz is critisized by both parties

Well, let's not derail this thread about Cruz but an FYI just so you posters get the truth.

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick.

They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.

And Anderson Cooper who does understand the phrasing and the act as well no doubt kicked it off.

The liberal media, to use a convenient tag, went after the protesters with glee.

Take Anderson Cooper, the acclaimed anchorman for CNN. He was interviewing David Gergen, the political pundit. And Gergen was saying that, after two very bad elections, conservatives and Republicans were “searching for their voice.”

Cooper responded, “It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging.” He said this with a smirk.

MSNBC had an outright field day. Rachel Maddow and a guest of hers, Ana Marie Cox, made teabag jokes to each other for minutes on end: having great, chortling fun at the conservatives’ expense. And here is the performance of another host, David Shuster:

Rise of an Epithet by Jay Nordlinger - National Review Online

The Teabag Brotherhood were SELLING "Proud To Be A Teabagger" buttons right from the first event!

You sure do like the phrase "tea bagger". I wonder why...............

Because the Tea Party coined the phrase for themselves, completely oblivious to what it actually meant.

It was their own doing. Do you deny that?

No they didn't, asshole. Liberals like you who despise the United States coined the term.
No amount of revisionist lying will change the fact that the Teabag Brotherhood "proudly" chose the nickname for themselves.
Well, let's not derail this thread about Cruz but an FYI just so you posters get the truth.

The first big day for this movement was Tax Day, April 15. And organizers had a gimmick.

They asked people to send a tea bag to the Oval Office. One of the exhortations was “Tea Bag the Fools in D.C.” A protester was spotted with a sign saying, “Tea Bag the Liberal Dems Before They Tea Bag You.” So, conservatives started it: started with this terminology. But others ran with it and ran with it.

And Anderson Cooper who does understand the phrasing and the act as well no doubt kicked it off.

The liberal media, to use a convenient tag, went after the protesters with glee.

Take Anderson Cooper, the acclaimed anchorman for CNN. He was interviewing David Gergen, the political pundit. And Gergen was saying that, after two very bad elections, conservatives and Republicans were “searching for their voice.”

Cooper responded, “It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging.” He said this with a smirk.

MSNBC had an outright field day. Rachel Maddow and a guest of hers, Ana Marie Cox, made teabag jokes to each other for minutes on end: having great, chortling fun at the conservatives’ expense. And here is the performance of another host, David Shuster:

Rise of an Epithet by Jay Nordlinger - National Review Online

The Teabag Brotherhood were SELLING "Proud To Be A Teabagger" buttons right from the first event!

There you go, end of the debate.
You sure do like the phrase "tea bagger". I wonder why...............

McCain is an idiot. He has had a severe case of dementia for a LONG time.

Cruz has big balls. He knows Hagel is NUTS, and Cruz is proving that there are still a FEW Republicans who have not been GELDED.

Cruz simply stated the TRUTH, and it was the OTHER Senators who responded to Cruz's statement with unwarranted attacks and assumptions against Cruz.

Watch the damn video. Cruz stated the FACTS, and NEVER said Hagel was "cozy" or "in bed with" Iran.

The old men's" boys club". McCain is way past his time.

It's nice to see the young bucks challenge him.


There are an unfortunately large number of egotistical, overly proud, overly insane, overly senile and overly overpaid useless fossils in both chambers, in both parties.

They obviously don't have the sense of realizing that the stamp on their forehead reads "Best before 1970" so it is not surprising that they don't have the sense to go away and/or die already.

TERM LIMITS to save what's left of America!!
Dems cannot and will not tolerate Hispanics who don't suck Big Government dick.
Marco Rubio made it clear how he and his family have benefited from government, or did you miss his speech?

The same programs he now wants to cut. He's much like Paul Ryan in that regard...Get rid of the programs now that THEY no longer need them.

omg, lets not cut anything...only we the people have to cut things... or have our TAXES raised the liberal solution to everything to save these "programs"

all you people must not live on a budget
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You sure do like the phrase "tea bagger". I wonder why...............

Because the Tea Party coined the phrase for themselves, completely oblivious to what it actually meant.

It was their own doing. Do you deny that?

Nope, it only illustrates the level of naivete at work in the beginning of the movement. It's you sick fucking liberals that insist on continuing it even though we all know the PRACTICE of 'teabagging' is firmly in YOUR camp.

It does both actually. Yes, our continued use of the term "tea bagger" is juvenile and childish. However, it is also 100% true that the "Tea Party" (for which there is no actual party) adopted the phrase themselves. Could liberals have taken the upper road and ignored that fact? Sure, but why? This is SO much more fun.

As for teabagging being only a liberal past-time, I doubt that. Tea bagging is performed by gay men and really awesome heterosexual women...in a bipartisan manner.
When your getting criticized by both parties then your doing something right I have far more respect for Cruz speaking his mind than I do the other Washington jack offs who just go along to get along.

doing something right or being a complete jackass.

cruz was/is a jackass.

Cruz is no more of a jackass in his career now than Obama was at his career when first elected as U.S. Senator.
Marco Rubio made it clear how he and his family have benefited from government, or did you miss his speech?

The same programs he now wants to cut. He's much like Paul Ryan in that regard...Get rid of the programs now that THEY no longer need them.

omg, lets not cut anything...only we the people have to cut things... or have our TAXES raised the liberal solution to everything to save these "programs"

all you people must not live on a budget

You will be hard pressed to find a liberal or a Democrat or even a liberal Democrat that doesn't believe that we need to "trim the fat" of government. It is in what gets trimmed that the differences arise.

We must do both, raise revenue and cut spending. It's called a balanced approach. Look into it.
The same programs he now wants to cut. He's much like Paul Ryan in that regard...Get rid of the programs now that THEY no longer need them.

omg, lets not cut anything...only we the people have to cut things... or have our TAXES raised the liberal solution to everything to save these "programs"

all you people must not live on a budget

You will be hard pressed to find a liberal or a Democrat or even a liberal Democrat that doesn't believe that we need to "trim the fat" of government. It is in what gets trimmed that the differences arise.

We must do both, raise revenue and cut spending. It's called a balanced approach. Look into it.

lol, a blanced approach...call raising taxes on people anything that sounds pretty...but we the people are taxed enough...this government can trim its fat and leave the rest of us alone
I am glad that Cruz is shaking those so-called Republicans in the Senate.

He is doing just as he was expected to.

well I guess his constituents wanted him to be a grandstanding hypocrit who trashes the honorable service of a man who is his better.

good plan.
I am glad that Cruz is shaking those so-called Republicans in the Senate.

He is doing just as he was expected to.

well I guess his constituents wanted him to be a grandstanding hypocrit who trashes the honorable service of a man who is his better.

good plan.

omg, you all trashed Bush and McCain and they served honorable..

I guess it's only good when you lefties do it

you all of two faced hypocrites...
You sure do like the phrase "tea bagger". I wonder why...............

McCain is an idiot. He has had a severe case of dementia for a LONG time.

Cruz has big balls. He knows Hagel is NUTS, and Cruz is proving that there are still a FEW Republicans who have not been GELDED.

Cruz simply stated the TRUTH, and it was the OTHER Senators who responded to Cruz's statement with unwarranted attacks and assumptions against Cruz.

Watch the damn video. Cruz stated the FACTS, and NEVER said Hagel was "cozy" or "in bed with" Iran.

The old men's" boys club". McCain is way past his time.

It's nice to see the young bucks challenge him.


There are an unfortunately large number of egotistical, overly proud, overly insane, overly senile and overly overpaid useless fossils in both chambers, in both parties.

They obviously don't have the sense of realizing that the stamp on their forehead reads "Best before 1970" so it is not surprising that they don't have the sense to go away and/or die already.

TERM LIMITS to save what's left of America!!

term limits limit the choices of the American people.

They keep the house and senate turing over in a way its easeir for the wealthy to puchase the favors of the incoming new people with very little power.

Term limits weaken the peoples strength
Marco Rubio made it clear how he and his family have benefited from government, or did you miss his speech?

The same programs he now wants to cut. He's much like Paul Ryan in that regard...Get rid of the programs now that THEY no longer need them.

omg, lets not cut anything...only we the people have to cut things... or have our TAXES raised the liberal solution to everything to save these "programs"

all you people must not live on a budget

Posted by someone who ignorantly believes large economies operate the same way the individual does. I suppose you're all panicky about the US debt and screaming about the sequester cuts, too.

You must certainly not be paying attention if you believe the liberal solution is to simply raise taxes. Of course, as right wing partisan talking points go, it seems to be working, as so many of you believe it.
The same programs he now wants to cut. He's much like Paul Ryan in that regard...Get rid of the programs now that THEY no longer need them.

omg, lets not cut anything...only we the people have to cut things... or have our TAXES raised the liberal solution to everything to save these "programs"

all you people must not live on a budget

Posted by someone who ignorantly believes large economies operate the same way the individual does. I suppose you're all panicky about the US debt and screaming about the sequester cuts, too.

You must certainly not be paying attention if you believe the liberal solution is to simply raise taxes. Of course, as right wing partisan talking points go, it seems to be working, as so many of you believe it.

good grief, so much spew from the new hater
I am glad that Cruz is shaking those so-called Republicans in the Senate.

He is doing just as he was expected to.

well I guess his constituents wanted him to be a grandstanding hypocrit who trashes the honorable service of a man who is his better.

good plan.

omg, you all trashed Bush and McCain and they served honorable..

This is joke, right?

Unless you're talking about George H W Bush and as far as I recall, no one ever trashed his record or McCain's either, for that matter. The only record dragged through the mud was that of John Kerry by the swift-boaters.

Though I will admit, Libs and Dems did have a bit of a go at GW's record of service with the Texas Air National Guard. Fair game, as desertion is hardly honorable.
omg, lets not cut anything...only we the people have to cut things... or have our TAXES raised the liberal solution to everything to save these "programs"

all you people must not live on a budget

You will be hard pressed to find a liberal or a Democrat or even a liberal Democrat that doesn't believe that we need to "trim the fat" of government. It is in what gets trimmed that the differences arise.

We must do both, raise revenue and cut spending. It's called a balanced approach. Look into it.

lol, a blanced approach...call raising taxes on people anything that sounds pretty...but we the people are taxed enough...this government can trim its fat and leave the rest of us alone

Federal taxes are at historic lows. We continually give tax breaks and subsidies to companies that are making obscene profits. 26 large corporations paid no federal taxes in 2011. 10 of the most profitable companies in the US paid 9% in 2011. We're not taxed enough already.

I do agree that we need to "trim some fat". Let's start by closing bases in Europe, stop making planes the military doesn't want and can't use because they can't fly in the fucking rain, and reduce our nuclear arsenal. Do you have any idea what the cost of maintaining one nuclear missile is? Do you know how many we have? You should look into it, I'm tired of doing all the work for you (especially since you'll ignore it all anyway and try to make some pithy response (that usuall isn't, BTW))
well I guess his constituents wanted him to be a grandstanding hypocrit who trashes the honorable service of a man who is his better.

good plan.

omg, you all trashed Bush and McCain and they served honorable..

This is joke, right?

Unless you're talking about George H W Bush and as far as I recall, no one ever trashed his record or McCain's either, for that matter. The only record dragged through the mud was that of John Kerry by the swift-boaters.

Though I will admit, Libs and Dems did have a bit of a go at GW's record of service with the Texas Air National Guard. Fair game, as desertion is hardly honorable.

you just like to see yourself talk don't you
omg, lets not cut anything...only we the people have to cut things... or have our TAXES raised the liberal solution to everything to save these "programs"

all you people must not live on a budget

Posted by someone who ignorantly believes large economies operate the same way the individual does. I suppose you're all panicky about the US debt and screaming about the sequester cuts, too.

You must certainly not be paying attention if you believe the liberal solution is to simply raise taxes. Of course, as right wing partisan talking points go, it seems to be working, as so many of you believe it.

good grief, so much spew from the new hater

And so little in your trunk to counter it with.
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