Texas senator Ted Cruz is critisized by both parties

Maybe Cruz will be the GOP candidate in 2016! I think that is a possibility. Or maybe even better, he could be the Bagger candidate in 2016! THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER! The TBers will push the GOP to the edge in 2016 and will, as the have proven they can do, assure a defeat when a victory was assured.

The Baggers are also reaching a point of desperation. The movement is losing momentum and they will assert themselves by demanding a major player in 2016....wait...they had Ryan didn't they? :clap2:
If my neighbors were Al Frankin, and Ted Cruz, which one would have fewer middle of the night police visits in any given week?
Maybe Cruz will be the GOP candidate in 2016! I think that is a possibility. Or maybe even better, he could be the Bagger candidate in 2016! THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER! The TBers will push the GOP to the edge in 2016 and will, as the have proven they can do, assure a defeat when a victory was assured.

The Baggers are also reaching a point of desperation. The movement is losing momentum and they will assert themselves by demanding a major player in 2016....wait...they had Ryan didn't they? :clap2:

You are trolling your own thread. This is interesting.

Back to your OP.

What specifically do you think Cruz said that set Mr. "I think I'm a real Senator in the Gladiator Movie" McCain clean off?
Maybe Cruz will be the GOP candidate in 2016! I think that is a possibility. Or maybe even better, he could be the Bagger candidate in 2016! THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER! The TBers will push the GOP to the edge in 2016 and will, as the have proven they can do, assure a defeat when a victory was assured.

The Baggers are also reaching a point of desperation. The movement is losing momentum and they will assert themselves by demanding a major player in 2016....wait...they had Ryan didn't they? :clap2:

You are trolling your own thread. This is interesting.

Back to your OP.

What specifically do you think Cruz said that set Mr. "I think I'm a real Senator in the Gladiator Movie" McCain clean off?

You need to slow down and read McCain's quote. A Repub slammed another Repub...try Google.

Sen. Ted Cruz Is 'Cruz-ing' - US News and World Report

"Senator Hagel is an honorable man," said McCain, a former GOP colleague of Hagel's who has also been one of his most vocal critics. "He served his country and no one on this committee should impugn his integrity."

Try to keep up.
Dems cannot and will not tolerate Hispanics who don't suck Big Government dick.

Republicans love Hispanics so much, they will paint themselves brown to make Hispanics feel more at home.

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What the problem is, for the Liberal Democrats, is that they are used to having all the firebrands on their side of the aisle... Dick Durben, Reid, Schumer, Boxer, for examples. Republicans never really did in the Senate and only a few in the House.

They simply are not used to getting back what they have given out and it bothers them.
Maybe Cruz will be the GOP candidate in 2016! I think that is a possibility. Or maybe even better, he could be the Bagger candidate in 2016! THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER! The TBers will push the GOP to the edge in 2016 and will, as the have proven they can do, assure a defeat when a victory was assured.

The Baggers are also reaching a point of desperation. The movement is losing momentum and they will assert themselves by demanding a major player in 2016....wait...they had Ryan didn't they? :clap2:

You are trolling your own thread. This is interesting.

Back to your OP.

What specifically do you think Cruz said that set Mr. "I think I'm a real Senator in the Gladiator Movie" McCain clean off?

You need to slow down and read McCain's quote. A Repub slammed another Repub...try Google.

Sen. Ted Cruz Is 'Cruz-ing' - US News and World Report

"Senator Hagel is an honorable man," said McCain, a former GOP colleague of Hagel's who has also been one of his most vocal critics. "He served his country and no one on this committee should impugn his integrity."

Try to keep up.

how lovely, now all a sudden you give a shit what McCain says
I bet you voted for McCain against Obama, right?
Morning Joe

Texas has elected another Loon? I am shocked. Even John McCain came to Hagel's defense. People like Cruz, if allowed to continue, will eventually bring the GOP down.

2016 will either see the Tea Baggers insist that the GOP nominate one of them, or they will run their other Loon. In either case, the GOP loses. But how long has everyone been saying that the Baggers are out to bring the GOP down? Incredible!

Men like Cruz have only one interest. His own.
Morning Joe

Texas has elected another Loon? I am shocked. Even John McCain came to Hagel's defense. People like Cruz, if allowed to continue, will eventually bring the GOP down.

2016 will either see the Tea Baggers insist that the GOP nominate one of them, or they will run their other Loon. In either case, the GOP loses. But how long has everyone been saying that the Baggers are out to bring the GOP down? Incredible!

Men like Cruz have only one interest. His own.

right, but lizzy warren, Obama and all Democrats has all our best interest at heart...just go read the thread about it,.
You are trolling your own thread. This is interesting.

Back to your OP.

What specifically do you think Cruz said that set Mr. "I think I'm a real Senator in the Gladiator Movie" McCain clean off?

You need to slow down and read McCain's quote. A Repub slammed another Repub...try Google.

Sen. Ted Cruz Is 'Cruz-ing' - US News and World Report

"Senator Hagel is an honorable man," said McCain, a former GOP colleague of Hagel's who has also been one of his most vocal critics. "He served his country and no one on this committee should impugn his integrity."

Try to keep up.

how lovely, now all a sudden you give a shit what McCain says
I bet you voted for McCain against Obama, right?

I've only been on here a few hours and can already tell you've wandered away from kindergarten class. Do you ever contribute anything substantive to a debate or do you just throw your barbie dolls around?

I guess I'll give you a little more time. Far be it for me to rush to judgment.
Morning Joe

Texas has elected another Loon? I am shocked. Even John McCain came to Hagel's defense. People like Cruz, if allowed to continue, will eventually bring the GOP down.

2016 will either see the Tea Baggers insist that the GOP nominate one of them, or they will run their other Loon. In either case, the GOP loses. But how long has everyone been saying that the Baggers are out to bring the GOP down? Incredible!

Men like Cruz have only one interest. His own.

right, but lizzy warren, Obama and all Democrats has all our best interest at heart...just go read the thread about it,.

The first thing I look for is whether or not someone is trying to solve problems or just trying to stir the pot by inflaming passions.

As far as Warren is concerned, she's been trying to do something about the financial services abuses industry and reform it for years. I think that goes back to way before the financial meltdown. Brooksley Born is ANOTHER woman who made an effort to reform the system (while in gov't) and hold the big boys accountable (to no avail, I'm sorry to say) when the bankers and the politicians were changing the laws to make legal what once was illegal.

Ted Cruz just barely got to Washington and is already trying to throw haymakers without seeming to care very much one way or another about what the target or the goal is. He's an opportunist of the worst kind. The fact that he has conservative fans doesn't surprise me at all. Demagogues always manage to find people who are willing to cheer them on.
Morning Joe

Texas has elected another Loon? I am shocked. Even John McCain came to Hagel's defense. People like Cruz, if allowed to continue, will eventually bring the GOP down.

2016 will either see the Tea Baggers insist that the GOP nominate one of them, or they will run their other Loon. In either case, the GOP loses. But how long has everyone been saying that the Baggers are out to bring the GOP down? Incredible!

Men like Cruz have only one interest. His own.

right, but lizzy warren, Obama and all Democrats has all our best interest at heart...just go read the thread about it,.

What exactly do you have against Elizabeth Warren? Or is it simply the fact that she beat out a Republican for a senate seat? Are you so partisan you fail to realize that she's the lone voice standing up for you bozos. You indignant Tea partiers who are constantly ranting on about the fact that the Obama administration and justice dept has not brought a single financial giant to trial? Or have you forgiven the too big to fail banks and the bailout already?

What better interests are you looking for? Truth is, I don't think you have a clue who she is or where her interests lie.
My first problem with Warren is that she was the first with the "You didn't build that" schtick.

She is a Marxist through and through and doesn't deserve to be in the Congress.
My first problem with Warren is that she was the first with the "You didn't build that" schtick.

She is a Marxist through and through and doesn't deserve to be in the Congress.

It may be schtick, but it's true. Unless of course you can point me in the direction of the corporations who built the public infrastructure they all benefit from.

I don't know you but am assuming that Marxist is the generic term you use for anyone who is not right wing. It would certainly be in keeping with the stereotype those of us in the middle have come to recognize.
You sure do like the phrase "tea bagger". I wonder why...............

Because the Tea Party coined the phrase for themselves, completely oblivious to what it actually meant.

It was their own doing. Do you deny that?

Nope, it only illustrates the level of naivete at work in the beginning of the movement. It's you sick fucking liberals that insist on continuing it even though we all know the PRACTICE of 'teabagging' is firmly in YOUR camp.
My first problem with Warren is that she was the first with the "You didn't build that" schtick.

She is a Marxist through and through and doesn't deserve to be in the Congress.

It may be schtick, but it's true. Unless of course you can point me in the direction of the corporations who built the public infrastructure they all benefit from.

I don't know you but am assuming that Marxist is the generic term you use for anyone who is not right wing. It would certainly be in keeping with the stereotype those of us in the middle have come to recognize.

Oh boy, we have another pivot man for this circle jerk. Please spare us your false proclamations of 'independence', you lying scumbag. The fact is you've done nothing here so far but attack conservatives.

Morning Joe

Texas has elected another Loon? I am shocked. Even John McCain came to Hagel's defense. People like Cruz, if allowed to continue, will eventually bring the GOP down.

2016 will either see the Tea Baggers insist that the GOP nominate one of them, or they will run their other Loon. In either case, the GOP loses. But how long has everyone been saying that the Baggers are out to bring the GOP down? Incredible!

As well as burden the American people with continued poor governance.

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