Texas State-Certified Handgun Instructor Refuses To Teach Muslims, Obama Supporters

:lol::lol::lol: Yeah. And I bet you really believe he'd do that. :lol::lol::lol:

I don't know. If the GOPsters here are any indication; I would think he would do it in a heartbeat. They don't seem overly bright as a group when it comes to hot button issues for them.

Maybe he would be dumbfounded that I actually know guns and own guns and shoot guns.

Its possible.

I don't think it would happen.

I don't think the douche's mind exactly has an "open" sign on it. What type of guns do you own? A friend of mine's wants me to get a Bersa BX9 or something like that.
I thought Muslims were peaceful. and I thought liberals hated guns. So this is just shit stirring. huh?
In fact, yes. Muslims are indeed peaceful. And ‘Armed and Liberal’ is very common, you just don’t hear them make a big deal about it.

Exactly how is it Racist?

Neither Muslim, or Obama Supporters are a Race. Muslims come in all Races, and so do Obama Supporters.
This is discrimination based on religion, not race, it is illegal as it is in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

SEC. 201. (a)

All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, and privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.

Civil Rights Act of 1964: Public Accommodation

Keller might very well find himself on the losing end of a Civil Rights violation lawsuit.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court in Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States (1964).
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I don't know. If the GOPsters here are any indication; I would think he would do it in a heartbeat. They don't seem overly bright as a group when it comes to hot button issues for them.

Maybe he would be dumbfounded that I actually know guns and own guns and shoot guns.

Its possible.

I don't think it would happen.

I don't think the douche's mind exactly has an "open" sign on it. What type of guns do you own? A friend of mine's wants me to get a Bersa BX9 or something like that.

Basics...I'm old school. A 6" barrel S&W .357. An old Winchester 30/30...My dad and my mother in law's old single shot .22 rifles. Shot a lot of different things while in the Navy. We were friends with an AOCS and a bunch of us would go out to the desert and try each others' guns out.
Does he realize that most of the board of Federal Premium's parent company voted for Obama? They made millions off of the extra ammo sales.
Dealey Plaza, Lyndon Johnson, George W. Bush, Rick Perry,....Texas sucks.
By Alex Seitz-Wald

Crockett Keller, a state-certified gun safety instructor in Texas, wants to help you get a concealed handgun lesson — that is, unless you’re Muslim or liberal. “If you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class with no shame,” he says in a controversial new radio playing around Mason, TX, where Keller owns a gun store. “If you are a socialist liberal and or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as under the law,” he added. In an interview with a local ABC affiliate, Keller made it clear he was serious: “I will give up my license to teach before I will teach them.”

More: Texas Handgun Instructor Won't Teach Muslims Or Liberals

Radio ad refuses service to Obama supporters, Muslims | kvue.com Austin

SPLC: State-Certified Texas Gun Safety Instructor Won't Teach Muslims
He can do what he wants. There is no Constitutional right to gun lessons. Only the right to keep and bear arms.
This is discrimination based on religion, not race, it is illegal as it is in violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

That may be, and it is wrong, However I am Getting sick of seeing people throw around the Word Racist. Especially when referring to how one treats Muslims. In fact when one calls someone being anti Muslim Racist they betray their own Ignorance to us all. Muslim's Are Arab, and Caucasian, Asian and Black. I believe that a lot of the people that toss around the word Racist when talking about this issue, or say the Mosque near Ground Zero. They are saying it because in their own Ignorant mind they Relate Muslims solely with Arabs.

I would even venture a guess that Roughly half the people on this board are not even Aware of say the fact that Iran is Not an Arab Nation. Some of the most dangerous Radical Jihad Muslims are not arab.
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By Alex Seitz-Wald

Crockett Keller, a state-certified gun safety instructor in Texas, wants to help you get a concealed handgun lesson — that is, unless you’re Muslim or liberal. “If you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class with no shame,” he says in a controversial new radio playing around Mason, TX, where Keller owns a gun store. “If you are a socialist liberal and or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as under the law,” he added. In an interview with a local ABC affiliate, Keller made it clear he was serious: “I will give up my license to teach before I will teach them.”

More: Texas Handgun Instructor Won't Teach Muslims Or Liberals

Radio ad refuses service to Obama supporters, Muslims | kvue.com Austin

SPLC: State-Certified Texas Gun Safety Instructor Won't Teach Muslims

Yeah its pretty shocking...they even have a link to it on their website.


I hope people vote with their pocketbooks and simply don't shop there. The xenophobic douche that owns the store deserves to go broke.

And I hope other people will vote with THEIR pocketbooks and patronize his shop. The man is standing up for his beliefs. Congratulations Mr Keller!
Another insane racist teabagger.
Why is he racist? You know for sure he's a Tea Party member?
How the fuck do you know his political affiliation? He could be a frustrated democrat.
Yer pretty stupid you know that? You make all these assumptions. He never said he would teach people of certain racial groups.
He doesn't trust Muslims. So what. His right to not trust them. You hate all conservatives. You are just as prejudiced as he.
He doesn't trust Obama supporters. And this has what to do with race?
The shop owner gets to make the decision. Not you.
You just sit back on your Commodore 64 and pass judgement. "He's a racist"..
Oh boo fucking hoo hoo. Grow a fucking pair.
Dealey Plaza, Lyndon Johnson, George W. Bush, Rick Perry,....Texas sucks.

Be nice...Kim Kardashin (sp?) Nancy Pelosi, Scott Petersen, Charles Manson, Paris Hilton, and worst of all Jimmie Johnson (just kidding). Cali sucks more.
Of course it could just be a clever ad campaign designed to attract attention.....:lol:

Yeah its pretty shocking...they even have a link to it on their website.


I hope people vote with their pocketbooks and simply don't shop there. The xenophobic douche that owns the store deserves to go broke.

And I hope other people will vote with THEIR pocketbooks and patronize his shop. The man is standing up for his beliefs. Congratulations Mr Keller!

Hey, it's the American way isn't it. Good Post.
Another insane racist teabagger.

Exactly how is it Racist?

Neither Muslim, or Obama Supporters are a Race. Muslims come in all Races, and so do Obama Supporters.

You've correctly identified two groups which aren't races. However, as noted in the first post, this person is claiming to refuse service to non-Christian Arabs. Arabs are certainly a race (in the common meaning of race, if not all of the technical meanings). This person is clearly advertising an intent to discriminate on the basis of race.

I don't think he's in violation of the Civil Rights Act until he actually refuses someone service on the basis of race, though. Just claiming to would not be enough.
Another insane racist teabagger.
Why is he racist? You know for sure he's a Tea Party member?
How the fuck do you know his political affiliation? He could be a frustrated democrat.
Yer pretty stupid you know that? You make all these assumptions. He never said he would teach people of certain racial groups.
He doesn't trust Muslims. So what. His right to not trust them. You hate all conservatives. You are just as prejudiced as he.
He doesn't trust Obama supporters. And this has what to do with race?
The shop owner gets to make the decision. Not you.
You just sit back on your Commodore 64 and pass judgement. "He's a racist"..
Oh boo fucking hoo hoo. Grow a fucking pair.

He does say at the 0:55 second mark that he won't teach Arabs. Sounds racial to me. If not, it's right on the line. I would consider his use of "arab" to be racial. My 2 cents.
By Alex Seitz-Wald

Crockett Keller, a state-certified gun safety instructor in Texas, wants to help you get a concealed handgun lesson — that is, unless you’re Muslim or liberal. “If you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class with no shame,” he says in a controversial new radio playing around Mason, TX, where Keller owns a gun store. “If you are a socialist liberal and or voted for the current campaigner in chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as under the law,” he added. In an interview with a local ABC affiliate, Keller made it clear he was serious: “I will give up my license to teach before I will teach them.”

More: Texas Handgun Instructor Won't Teach Muslims Or Liberals

Radio ad refuses service to Obama supporters, Muslims | kvue.com Austin

SPLC: State-Certified Texas Gun Safety Instructor Won't Teach Muslims

Yeah its pretty shocking...they even have a link to it on their website.


I hope people vote with their pocketbooks and simply don't shop there. The xenophobic douche that owns the store deserves to go broke.

are you kidding me?....the guys business has probably doubled because of this.....

Yeah its pretty shocking...they even have a link to it on their website.


I hope people vote with their pocketbooks and simply don't shop there. The xenophobic douche that owns the store deserves to go broke.

are you kidding me?....the guys business has probably doubled because of this.....

Just publishing my wishes. To each their own. God Bless him and all who patronize (or don't patronize) his establishment.

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