Texas Supreme Court orders release of woman jailed by ignorant judge

I am glad they are reversing it. He is a racist.
He's a shitforbrains with no business sitting on a bench anywhere not even traffic court. He should be disbarred for life and all of his assets seized and distributed among his victims. He can spend the rest of his miserable life on the streets, homeless and starving.
The judge didn't break any rules or laws...
Forcing her to apologize or jail time. Yeah, I think so.
Try reading the declaration of emergency mandate for the pandemic it is written out what punishment is to be meted for violating the order. One week in jail....The gov and president established the guidlines.
That isn’t what she was jailed for. He told her to apologize or face jail time.
No kidding? She was told to apologize for breaking the rules established by the White House and the governors of each state during the declaration of emergency. Dear god people get a clue of what actually happens when a disaster or emergency is declared...
They were guidelines issued by the WH. Not laws, not rules. Guidelines. And the Gov of Tx doesn’t agree with you as he clarified his guidelines to state no jail time. Thus she was released.
These traitor scum keep blaming Trump when the governors are the ones doing it. You know their agenda is to get Trump.
Any which way they can. And it is becoming exposed how far they have been willing to go. And the laws they were willing to break to do it.
I am glad they are reversing it. He is a racist.
He's a shitforbrains with no business sitting on a bench anywhere not even traffic court. He should be disbarred for life and all of his assets seized and distributed among his victims. He can spend the rest of his miserable life on the streets, homeless and starving.
The judge didn't break any rules or laws...
Neither did the woman. So why is she in jail, traitor?
What was done by enforcing the mandate is legal....

But absolutely Bat shit crazy.

The Texas Supreme Court virtually parroted Shelly's admonishment in court to that idiot Obama loving judge in their ruling.

Here is a picture of the hate mongering dumbass

I am glad they are reversing it. He is a racist.
He's a shitforbrains with no business sitting on a bench anywhere not even traffic court. He should be disbarred for life and all of his assets seized and distributed among his victims. He can spend the rest of his miserable life on the streets, homeless and starving.
The judge didn't break any rules or laws...
He jailed a woman for practicing her constitutional rights. Wtf do you mean he didnt break any rules or laws?
An emergency declaration was announced by the White House and the governors of each state which allows for emergency declarations to be made concerning the plan to combat the disaster...
WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, President Trump acknowledged the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic, releasing strict new guidelines to limit people’s interactions, including that Americans should avoid groups of more than 10 people; WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the Dallas County Commissioners Court issued an Order of Continuance of Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency that affirmed the activation of the Dallas County Emergency Management Plan and extends the Declaration of Local Disaster until 11:59 p.m. on May 15, 2020, unless rescinded by order of the Commissioners Court

The right of the Constitution are allowed to be put on the back burner for the good of the society as a whole.

It has been done this was in the US for over one hundred years, you think this is the first time in US history that the US has not had to do this to protect people?
The Texas Supreme Court disagrees with your assessment.

You lose
Making his own law isn't against the law? Maybe you should reread or read the constitution that the asshole swore an oath to uphold, dumbass.
I have, yet you fail to understand what happens when an emergency is declared which is legal and that the limits of the Constitution can be suspended to protect the safety and health of the community at large, yet these declarations must be specific in it's actions...What was done by enforcing the mandate is legal....
I am sorry; I only have the original version of the Constitution, as amended. I don't have that new, living, version you have. Can you quote where it says that in your version?

The governor also signed an order banning jail time for those who violate stay at home order.

That idiot judge is an Øbama backer.
He called judge Clarence Thomas a race traitor!

The governor also signed an order banning jail time for those who violate stay at home order.
I wonder under what law, did the judge justify his decision. Where does a court judge get the authority to order a private citizen to close her business like this?
SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER OF COUNTY JUDGE CLAY JENKINS ON REOPENED SERVICES AND FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS DATE ORDER ISSUED: May 4, 2020 WHEREAS, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 418.108, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins issued a Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency on March 12, 2020, due to a novel coronavirus now designated SARS-CoV2 which causes the disease COVID-19; WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, Judge Jenkins issued an Order in furtherance of his authority to protect the safety and welfare of the public by slowing the spread of the virus; WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, President Trump acknowledged the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic, releasing strict new guidelines to limit people’s interactions, including that Americans should avoid groups of more than 10 people; WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the Dallas County Commissioners Court issued an Order of Continuance of Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency that affirmed the activation of the Dallas County Emergency Management Plan and extends the Declaration of Local Disaster until 11:59 p.m. on May 15, 2020, unless rescinded by order of the Commissioners Court. WHEREAS, on March 24, 2020, the World Health Organization indicated that the United States has the potential to become the center of the COVID-19 pandemic; WHEREAS, on April 27, 2020, Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order reopening certain businesses in Texas for in-person services so long as certain workplace safety rules are followed; WHEREAS, this Supplemental Order is necessary to protect the lives, health, welfare, and safety of the County’s residents from the devastating impacts of this pandemic;
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Whereas, people of Texas, you really need to get your law changed. Currently, the mayor or county judge CAN issue the freaking stupid, order that Jenkins issued. Only elected officials should be allowed to do such a thing. A judge could shutdown a city on a whim in Texas.

I am glad they are reversing it. He is a racist.
He's a shitforbrains with no business sitting on a bench anywhere not even traffic court. He should be disbarred for life and all of his assets seized and distributed among his victims. He can spend the rest of his miserable life on the streets, homeless and starving.
The judge didn't break any rules or laws...
Forcing her to apologize or jail time. Yeah, I think so.
Try reading the declaration of emergency mandate for the pandemic it is written out what punishment is to be meted for violating the order. One week in jail....The gov and president established the guidlines.
That isn’t what she was jailed for. He told her to apologize or face jail time.
No kidding? She was told to apologize for breaking the rules established by the White House and the governors of each state during the declaration of emergency. Dear god people get a clue of what actually happens when a disaster or emergency is declared...
They were guidelines issued by the WH. Not laws, not rules. Guidelines. And the Gov of Tx doesn’t agree with you as he clarified his guidelines to state no jail time. Thus she was released.

I hate that this happened and I think the judge was a real ass for what he did.. But the law allows him to give her up to 60 days.


The governor also signed an order banning jail time for those who violate stay at home order.
Funny how I never see any lefties create threads decrying the violation of their civil rights! No government overreach EVER bothers them -- -- -- -- except TRUMP, which they regard EVERYTHING he does as government overreach!

Yep, and look at the way the left has applauded China for being able to control the outbreak of the virus in their country. Never mind the fact that the Chinese government made everyone prisoners in their own homes and forced them to stay indoors for weeks.
Stay in their homes? They boarded people up and left them to die, took people away and they disappeared. They are already calling Trump a monster just for asking for voluntary quarantine. The Left always protest to get what they want the way they want it, until they actually GET IT. Then they complain that it is draconian.

The governor also signed an order banning jail time for those who violate stay at home order.
Funny how I never see any lefties create threads decrying the violation of their civil rights! No government overreach EVER bothers them -- -- -- -- except TRUMP, which they regard EVERYTHING he does as government overreach!

Yep, and look at the way the left has applauded China for being able to control the outbreak of the virus in their country. Never mind the fact that the Chinese government made everyone prisoners in their own homes and forced them to stay indoors for weeks.
Yup, they locked their own citizens in their homes, to die and rot from this virus, and then they get to claim there were no covid deaths suffered by all those people. I think the dems in the US need to get plane tickets and go live in China, it's their kind of place.
No, no. The Left would not want to be locked in their homes! They want to be the ones locking OTHER PEOPLE in their homes.

The governor also signed an order banning jail time for those who violate stay at home order.
Funny how I never see any lefties create threads decrying the violation of their civil rights! No government overreach EVER bothers them -- -- -- -- except TRUMP, which they regard EVERYTHING he does as government overreach!

Yep, and look at the way the left has applauded China for being able to control the outbreak of the virus in their country. Never mind the fact that the Chinese government made everyone prisoners in their own homes and forced them to stay indoors for weeks.
Yup, they locked their own citizens in their homes, to die and rot from this virus, and then they get to claim there were no covid deaths suffered by all those people. I think the dems in the US need to get plane tickets and go live in China, it's their kind of place.
No, no. The Left would not want to be locked in their homes! They want to be the ones locking OTHER PEOPLE in their homes.
Yes, because the political elite know that the rules they make for us peeons, do not apply to them. For people like Tredeau,de Blasio, etc... they can take trips, travel around and enjoy life as normal, while telling the voters to stay at home and not engage in unnecessary travel. Meanwhile they are collecting their six figure government paychecks, while chastising the out of work citizens to stop protesting against the lockdwon, because they are losing their homes and businesses.

The governor also signed an order banning jail time for those who violate stay at home order.
I wonder under what law, did the judge justify his decision. Where does a court judge get the authority to order a private citizen to close her business like this?
SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER OF COUNTY JUDGE CLAY JENKINS ON REOPENED SERVICES AND FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS DATE ORDER ISSUED: May 4, 2020 WHEREAS, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 418.108, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins issued a Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency on March 12, 2020, due to a novel coronavirus now designated SARS-CoV2 which causes the disease COVID-19; WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, Judge Jenkins issued an Order in furtherance of his authority to protect the safety and welfare of the public by slowing the spread of the virus; WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, President Trump acknowledged the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic, releasing strict new guidelines to limit people’s interactions, including that Americans should avoid groups of more than 10 people; WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the Dallas County Commissioners Court issued an Order of Continuance of Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency that affirmed the activation of the Dallas County Emergency Management Plan and extends the Declaration of Local Disaster until 11:59 p.m. on May 15, 2020, unless rescinded by order of the Commissioners Court. WHEREAS, on March 24, 2020, the World Health Organization indicated that the United States has the potential to become the center of the COVID-19 pandemic; WHEREAS, on April 27, 2020, Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order reopening certain businesses in Texas for in-person services so long as certain workplace safety rules are followed; WHEREAS, this Supplemental Order is necessary to protect the lives, health, welfare, and safety of the County’s residents from the devastating impacts of this pandemic;
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Whereas, people of Texas, you really need to get your law changed. Currently, the mayor or county judge CAN issue the freaking stupid, order that Jenkins issued. Only elected officials should be allowed to do such a thing. A judge could shutdown a city on a whim in Texas.

We give them this power, with the caveat that they will be wise, virtuous, empathetic and apolitical.

The governor also signed an order banning jail time for those who violate stay at home order.
I wonder under what law, did the judge justify his decision. Where does a court judge get the authority to order a private citizen to close her business like this?
SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER OF COUNTY JUDGE CLAY JENKINS ON REOPENED SERVICES AND FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS DATE ORDER ISSUED: May 4, 2020 WHEREAS, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 418.108, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins issued a Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency on March 12, 2020, due to a novel coronavirus now designated SARS-CoV2 which causes the disease COVID-19; WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, Judge Jenkins issued an Order in furtherance of his authority to protect the safety and welfare of the public by slowing the spread of the virus; WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, President Trump acknowledged the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic, releasing strict new guidelines to limit people’s interactions, including that Americans should avoid groups of more than 10 people; WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the Dallas County Commissioners Court issued an Order of Continuance of Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency that affirmed the activation of the Dallas County Emergency Management Plan and extends the Declaration of Local Disaster until 11:59 p.m. on May 15, 2020, unless rescinded by order of the Commissioners Court. WHEREAS, on March 24, 2020, the World Health Organization indicated that the United States has the potential to become the center of the COVID-19 pandemic; WHEREAS, on April 27, 2020, Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order reopening certain businesses in Texas for in-person services so long as certain workplace safety rules are followed; WHEREAS, this Supplemental Order is necessary to protect the lives, health, welfare, and safety of the County’s residents from the devastating impacts of this pandemic;
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Whereas, people of Texas, you really need to get your law changed. Currently, the mayor or county judge CAN issue the freaking stupid, order that Jenkins issued. Only elected officials should be allowed to do such a thing. A judge could shutdown a city on a whim in Texas.

We give them this power, with the caveat that they will be wise, virtuous, empathetic and apolitical.
No doubt you see the err in your ways, right? That's why the Founders limited government rather than just formed one. They knew, as we should all know and remember, politicians, including judges, will never be wise, virtuous, empathetic

The governor also signed an order banning jail time for those who violate stay at home order.
I wonder under what law, did the judge justify his decision. Where does a court judge get the authority to order a private citizen to close her business like this?
SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER OF COUNTY JUDGE CLAY JENKINS ON REOPENED SERVICES AND FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS DATE ORDER ISSUED: May 4, 2020 WHEREAS, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 418.108, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins issued a Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency on March 12, 2020, due to a novel coronavirus now designated SARS-CoV2 which causes the disease COVID-19; WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, Judge Jenkins issued an Order in furtherance of his authority to protect the safety and welfare of the public by slowing the spread of the virus; WHEREAS, on March 16, 2020, President Trump acknowledged the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic, releasing strict new guidelines to limit people’s interactions, including that Americans should avoid groups of more than 10 people; WHEREAS, on March 19, 2020, the Dallas County Commissioners Court issued an Order of Continuance of Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency that affirmed the activation of the Dallas County Emergency Management Plan and extends the Declaration of Local Disaster until 11:59 p.m. on May 15, 2020, unless rescinded by order of the Commissioners Court. WHEREAS, on March 24, 2020, the World Health Organization indicated that the United States has the potential to become the center of the COVID-19 pandemic; WHEREAS, on April 27, 2020, Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order reopening certain businesses in Texas for in-person services so long as certain workplace safety rules are followed; WHEREAS, this Supplemental Order is necessary to protect the lives, health, welfare, and safety of the County’s residents from the devastating impacts of this pandemic;
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Whereas, people of Texas, you really need to get your law changed. Currently, the mayor or county judge CAN issue the freaking stupid, order that Jenkins issued. Only elected officials should be allowed to do such a thing. A judge could shutdown a city on a whim in Texas.

We give them this power, with the caveat that they will be wise, virtuous, empathetic and apolitical.
And they almost never are.

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