Texas teacher put son with Covid-19 in car trunk to prevent exposure, warrant says.

I notice that the lib news media does not reveal the teacher’s identity

that alone points to her being a lib and probably a member of the public teachers union

Did none of you bother to watch the news video in the link? They not only ID her, they go to here house and they play a video off of either tik tok or YouTube the teacher made for the school.
Poor Golfing Gator

he must not have seen any of the news reports about the lib teachers union battling conservatives because the libs want to shut down schools over the wuflu

this woman is a classic example of our failed liberal education system
Poor Golfing Gator

he must not have seen any of the news reports about the lib teachers union battling conservatives because the libs want to shut down schools over the wuflu

this woman is a classic example of our failed liberal education system

So, you did not watch the news report where they ID the teacher.

Thanks for letting us all know.

Carry on
Why thanks! That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. In fact, probably the nicest thing you've ever said to anyone.

I'd rather be slow than hated.

And slow you are.

As long as I am true to myself, I could not really care less what others might think of me. I am not here to make friends like so many of you seem to be
And slow you are.

As long as I am true to myself, I could not really care less what others might think of me. I am not here to make friends like so many of you seem to be
Obviously. You must love hanging out where you are despised. Self-esteem is a thing these days. You may have been raised to be a self-loather but it doesn't have to be that way.
Obviously. You must love hanging out where you are despised.

I do get entertained by the people on this forum, that is why I am here.

I have friends and loved on in real life and do not need to suck up to you people.
It’s a mental illness.

Send your kids to be taught by the mother of the year.

You have to worry about the mental condition of her son growing up with a lunatic for a single mom

plus all the students who may be infected by her with something much worse than the chicom virus

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