Texas Teenage Tresspassers Cause Trouble at Private Pool

OK, PLEASE clear things up for me....

I read, the party was hosted by an African American woman for her daughter and daughter's friends. This woman lived in the complex and it was legal for her to host this party for her daughter.

Two white women at the pool started making Racial slurs towards the black kids at the party, telling them to go back to section 8, calling them black fuc*ers, and other obscenities and then the one white woman slapped the black girl who was hosting the party with her mother.

MOST, if not ALL the children at this pool party WERE INVITED, and legally allowed to be there.

THE WHITE WOMEN caused the fight.

The girl thrown to the ground by the cop was a good friend of the family hosting the party

NOW TELL ME, what is the right wing saying about this incident again?

are you truly saying that the blacks were trespassers, when they were INVITED by a black family that LIVED THERE and hosted the party??

WHAT is this lying crap you all are being fed by the right wing bloggers again?
HA HA HA. You might as well have said the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east. Or you could have fish are lousy swimmers.

EARTH TO CARE4ALL: The Black women who you say "hosted" the party, did so ILLEGALLY, AGAINST the Craig Ranch rules, WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION, and they are just as guilty as the trespassers, if not worse.

NO. The trespasser WERE NOT INVITED, because there was no legal standing for them to be invited. Try knowing what you're talking about before you come tumbling in here talking NONSENSE.

As for what you say about 2 White women, you aren't showing a shred of evidence to back up your claims, and as such they are nothing but unsubstantiated rhetoric.

All the trespassers should have been arrested. The ones who attacked Officer Casebolt should gave been charged with first degree felonies (carries a LIFE sentence). And the 2 loons who IMPROPERLY organized this fiasco without permission from the HOA, should be sued till their hair falls out.

This is now cleared up for you.
You bought in to some racist, right leaning blog, crapola on this Protectionist.

A Racist White woman and friends, CAUSED the fight at the pool, a white woman punched a black girl right in the face, ad this is why the cops were called.

Nearly ALL the black children who were at the party, lived in the pool's community and others were guests of those hosting the party/barbeque. They were there legally.

the racist blonde bitch at the pool STARTED ALL OF THIS... and has been put on administrative leave by her employer....

Looks like it was a white gal who started the pool fight attacking children using racial slurs US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Mom Daughter Who Hosted Texas Pool Party Explain What Happened Moments Before Cops Arrived

Now swallow your pride on this one, in order for you to be a decent, honest, man.

You're either a liar or woefully misinformed.
Protectionist's tongue in the ass of law enforcement is the way it shall forever remain​

What prison are you posting from ?

No you stupid idiot. Protectionist posted the law about trespassing as evidence and reason for arresting the teens. I merely reviewed the law that Protectionist posted to show that his own post defeats his concept. Written law is obviously to complicated for him or you to interpret from legal language to layman's language. A half wit would understand the law the way it is written. You two morons aren't as intelligent as half wit's.
Where did you show my post defeated my concept ? I've got to see this.
OK, PLEASE clear things up for me....

I read, the party was hosted by an African American woman for her daughter and daughter's friends. This woman lived in the complex and it was legal for her to host this party for her daughter.

Two white women at the pool started making Racial slurs towards the black kids at the party, telling them to go back to section 8, calling them black fuc*ers, and other obscenities and then the one white woman slapped the black girl who was hosting the party with her mother.

MOST, if not ALL the children at this pool party WERE INVITED, and legally allowed to be there.

THE WHITE WOMEN caused the fight.

The girl thrown to the ground by the cop was a good friend of the family hosting the party

NOW TELL ME, what is the right wing saying about this incident again?

are you truly saying that the blacks were trespassers, when they were INVITED by a black family that LIVED THERE and hosted the party??

WHAT is this lying crap you all are being fed by the right wing bloggers again?
HA HA HA. You might as well have said the sun rises in the west, and sets in the east. Or you could have fish are lousy swimmers.

EARTH TO CARE4ALL: The Black women who you say "hosted" the party, did so ILLEGALLY, AGAINST the Craig Ranch rules, WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION, and they are just as guilty as the trespassers, if not worse.

NO. The trespasser WERE NOT INVITED, because there was no legal standing for them to be invited. Try knowing what you're talking about before you come tumbling in here talking NONSENSE.

As for what you say about 2 White women, you aren't showing a shred of evidence to back up your claims, and as such they are nothing but unsubstantiated rhetoric.

All the trespassers should have been arrested. The ones who attacked Officer Casebolt should gave been charged with first degree felonies (carries a LIFE sentence). And the 2 loons who IMPROPERLY organized this fiasco without permission from the HOA, should be sued till their hair falls out.

This is now cleared up for you.
You bought in to some racist, right leaning blog, crapola on this Protectionist.

A Racist White woman and friends, CAUSED the fight at the pool, a white woman punched a black girl right in the face, ad this is why the cops were called.

Nearly ALL the black children who were at the party, lived in the pool's community and others were guests of those hosting the party/barbeque. They were there legally.

the racist blonde bitch at the pool STARTED ALL OF THIS... and has been put on administrative leave by her employer....

Looks like it was a white gal who started the pool fight attacking children using racial slurs US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Mom Daughter Who Hosted Texas Pool Party Explain What Happened Moments Before Cops Arrived

Now swallow your pride on this one, in order for you to be a decent, honest, man.
:bsflag: and I've already corrected it. And that you come back with the same
all over again, just shows that you're an idiot. When you have a shred of evidence to back up any of the nonsense you're spouting, we'll be here.
When I was a teenager, if the cops ever had to show up for anything you knew you were in trouble and everyone complied.
All this video really only shows is a deteriorating culture of feral children. Not only did they show no sense of guilt but they were non-compliant and some actually baited the cops.
^ that if the kids were white, rw OP wouldn't have bothered to start this thread.
If the kids were White, and lawbreaking, they should have been put in the same jail where these Black kids should have been put. Only difference is, if the kids were white, they WOULD have been put in that jail, not being covered by Obama/Sharpton drum up the Black Vote campaign IMMUNITY.


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