Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

Any arrests yet?

Give it a few weeks, or a couple of months, for the State of Texas to build a case against pseudo-Sanctuaries.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I would characterize American industry as the real sanctuaries.

Swift Meatpacking Plant and Illegal Immigrants

Immigration Raid Leaves Texas Town a Skeleton

Meatpackers' Profits Hinge On Pool of Immigrant Labor
I agree.

Time to begin crucifying such employers in the Law Courts, as well.

A two-pronged approach would work very nicely; (1) active identification of Illegal Aliens and (2) punishing those who encourage them to come here.

Texas is now dealing with (1); it's not all that's needed, but it's a good start.
Any arrests yet?

Give it a few weeks, or a couple of months, for the State of Texas to build a case against pseudo-Sanctuaries.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I would characterize American industry as the real sanctuaries.

Swift Meatpacking Plant and Illegal Immigrants

Immigration Raid Leaves Texas Town a Skeleton

Meatpackers' Profits Hinge On Pool of Immigrant Labor
I agree.

Time to begin crucifying such employers in the Law Courts, as well.

A two-pronged approach would work very nicely; (1) active identification of Illegal Aliens and (2) punishing those who encourage them to come here.

Texas is now dealing with (1); it's not all that's needed, but it's a good start.

The employers are hundreds or thousands of times more criminal than any single immigrant.

Each immigrant is only guilty of one count of being here without documentation. Employers have thousands and thousands of counts of employing undocumented workers. It's organized crime. That's where the focus should be.
Texas is seeking to do the same thing Mexico does.....keep out the illegals.
Why would we want to emulate, Mexico's economy?
Treason Is Not a Businessman's Property Right

You keep saying things in which the reality is the exact opposite of what you're trying to get across. Mexicans wrecked their own economy; importing them will wreck ours.
Texas is seeking to do the same thing Mexico does
Shoot trespassers dead?
Only in right wing fantasy.

Texas is seeking to do the same thing Mexico does.....keep out the illegals.
It looks like the Texas Governor stepped into the big one here--of course with approval from the State Legislature.

Interesting though--that every single POLICE CHIEF in the state of Texas is against this bill stating: "We're going to use law enforcement to chase down "nanny's and laborer's" versus going after murderers, rapist's, and violent criminals?" They're also very concerned about getting sued over profiling. For very good reason, the state of Texas is 40% American citizen Latino.
SAPD Chief Blasts Sanctuary Cities Bill Set To Become Law

The 2nd half of this problem--is less REAL crimes will be reported--because the last thing an illegal is going to do is call the police or be willing to testify against a criminal as a witness to a crime. So VIOLENT crime may actually rise because of this bill.

The ACLU is already challenging this bill, and it will be interesting to see how the court views this one. As in the case of Seatlle Washinton, they are suing Trump citing this:

Seattle will argue that an executive order by President Donald Trump violates the Constitution by trying to make local governments enforce federal immigration law.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

The party of nothing but repeal and Increased Litigation, strikes again.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

That's the single most significant Border State, now headed down the correct path, with more to follow.

Ahhhhhh... life is good.
States have no authority over immigration since 1808. They do have authority over our drug war. Coincidence or conspiracy.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
Neither do you.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
And there is an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon US soil without our express, prior or continued consent.
just lousy management? a market friendly visa would resort to capitalism, not socialism, to solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
And there is an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon US soil without our express, prior or continued consent.

Exactly - although since the 11 million figure was quoted from the Reagan-era, I suspect the number is probably closer to 40-50 million. I have read a couple of studies that suggest that 1/4 of the entire population of Mexico is now in the US.
Casual relationships is what the US can always be about.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
Undocumented worker = alien invader.

Undocumented workers = undocumented employers

True - and every one of these employers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for knowingly employing illegals.
Freedom of association and Contract and employment at will, is the law of the land.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
And there is an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon US soil without our express, prior or continued consent.
just lousy management? a market friendly visa would resort to capitalism, not socialism, to solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis.
Until the next few million trespass and are granted amnesty.
Why have a border?
Yeah, good luck with that.

It depends on how "home rule" of local municipalities is handled in the Texas Constitution. One is a citizen of one's State, (and of the United States), one is not a citizen of ones town, county or other local designation.

If certain powers are reserved to the State governments, or not expressly given to localities via home rule laws, then Texas may have a pretty strong case to gun for the locals if they don't play nice.
States have no authority over immigration since 1808. Our Drug War is worse; yet, the right wing doesn't complain about that as much.

States are under the authority to follow Federal mandates. In addition they can use there police powers to enforce federal law and arrest criminal that break federal law!

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States have no authority over immigration, specifically, since 1808. It is in our Constitution.
Any arrests yet?

Give it a few weeks, or a couple of months, for the State of Texas to build a case against pseudo-Sanctuaries.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I would characterize American industry as the real sanctuaries.

Swift Meatpacking Plant and Illegal Immigrants

Immigration Raid Leaves Texas Town a Skeleton

Meatpackers' Profits Hinge On Pool of Immigrant Labor
I agree.

Time to begin crucifying such employers in the Law Courts, as well.

A two-pronged approach would work very nicely; (1) active identification of Illegal Aliens and (2) punishing those who encourage them to come here.

Texas is now dealing with (1); it's not all that's needed, but it's a good start.
Just tax the rich more, until they create Jobs Booms, regardless of how many illegals come over.
Any arrests yet?

Give it a few weeks, or a couple of months, for the State of Texas to build a case against pseudo-Sanctuaries.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I would characterize American industry as the real sanctuaries.

Swift Meatpacking Plant and Illegal Immigrants

Immigration Raid Leaves Texas Town a Skeleton

Meatpackers' Profits Hinge On Pool of Immigrant Labor
I agree.

Time to begin crucifying such employers in the Law Courts, as well.

A two-pronged approach would work very nicely; (1) active identification of Illegal Aliens and (2) punishing those who encourage them to come here.

Texas is now dealing with (1); it's not all that's needed, but it's a good start.
Just tax the rich more, until they create Jobs Booms, regardless of how many illegals come over.

How about getting a fricken job and you can send as much as you want to any foreign country.
Any arrests yet?

Give it a few weeks, or a couple of months, for the State of Texas to build a case against pseudo-Sanctuaries.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

I would characterize American industry as the real sanctuaries.

Swift Meatpacking Plant and Illegal Immigrants

Immigration Raid Leaves Texas Town a Skeleton

Meatpackers' Profits Hinge On Pool of Immigrant Labor
I agree.

Time to begin crucifying such employers in the Law Courts, as well.

A two-pronged approach would work very nicely; (1) active identification of Illegal Aliens and (2) punishing those who encourage them to come here.

Texas is now dealing with (1); it's not all that's needed, but it's a good start.
Just tax the rich more, until they create Jobs Booms, regardless of how many illegals come over.

How about getting a fricken job and you can send as much as you want to any foreign country.
I just need a Jobs Boom, not any form of natural rate of unemployment.
You know, it is when I see someone resort to calling others names that I know they are bereft of any real facts or arguments. And that seems to hold true for your posts in general.

Dummy, we have 16,000 Murders a year and the Brits have 600.

You are in far greater danger of being shot by someone you know than a stranger... probably during an argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

Speaking of the devil and his bag of insults and loose facts.

You are obviously speaking more of your kind of friends than mine.
I just looked at 2017 crime statistics. Right now, the USA is 53rd out of 125. There are 52 countries with a higher crime index.

Dummy, most of the countries with more crime are impoverished shitholes.

Most of the crime in the US occurs in the Democrat-run impoverished shitholes known as the inner city.

Exactly. I recently pointed out in another post somewhere that if you could eliminate 3% of the democratic-run counties in the USA, you could cut the crime statistic by 70%!
Texas sanctuary city crackdown: AG Paxton sues Austin, others

"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton already has filed suit against local jurisdictions that had been accused of not cooperating with federal immigration agents, in a preemptive bid to uphold a newly signed anti-sanctuary city law and head off numerous legal challenges.

Paxton filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, as Gov. Greg Abbott on Sunday signed the crackdown which bars sanctuary policies and gives local law enforcement officers the right to ask the immigration status of anyone they stop. Under the law, local officers who won’t cooperate with federal immigration agents could face jail time and fines up to $25,000 per day."

This is straying a little bit but as per sanctuary cities, crime and guns in the US, which seems to be the direction of recent posts, implying that the problem is guns and America and not liberals and their policies, here are some uncomfortable facts for you. First, three charts.

Distribution of democrats vs. republicans. As you can see, all the democrats tend to huddle together like cockroaches in major metropolitan cities.

View attachment 125532

Distribution of gun deaths. As you can see, very high correlation of high crime areas and shootings and where democrats are, as well as with areas of strict gun controls.

View attachment 125534

More finely delineated map of gun crime per county, showing high correlation of gun crimes with democratic strongholds (see first map). Remove 3% of the countries (all democrat) and you eliminate 3 out of every 4 gun crimes.

View attachment 125536

Now, as to that terrible place America, the shoot-em-up capital of the world with their wild-west gun crazy conservatives:

From the World Health Organization

The latest Murder Statistics for the world:
Murders per 100,000 citizens per year.

Honduras 91.6 (WOW!!)
El Salvador 69.2
Cote d'lvoire 56.9
Jamaica 52.2
Venezuela 45.1
Belize 41.4
US Virgin Islands 39.2
Guatemala 38.5
Saint Kitts and Nevis 38.2
Zambia 38.0
Uganda 36.3
Malawi 36.0
Lesotho 35.2
Trinidad and Tobago 35.2
Colombia 33.4
South Africa 31.8
Congo 30.8
Central African Republic 29.3
Bahamas 27.4
Puerto Rico 26.2
Saint Lucia 25.2
Dominican Republic 25.0
Tanzania 24.5
Sudan 24.2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9
Ethiopia 22.5
Guinea 22.5
Dominica 22.1
Burundi 21.7
Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
Panama 21.6
Brazil 21.0
Equatorial Guinea 20.7
Guinea-Bissau 20.2
Kenya 20.1
Kyrgyzstan 20.1
Cameroon 19.7
Montserrat 19.7
Greenland 19.2
Angola 19.0
Guyana 18.6
Burkina Faso 18.0
Eritrea 17.8
Namibia 17.2
Rwanda 17.1
Mexico 16.9
Chad 15.8
Ghana 15.7
Ecuador 15.2
North Korea 15.2
Benin 15.1
Sierra Leone 14.9
Mauritania 14.7
Botswana 14.5
Zimbabwe 14.3
Gabon 13.8
Nicaragua 13.6
French Guiana 13.3
Papua New Guinea 13.0
Swaziland 12.9
Bermuda 12.3
Comoros 12.2
Nigeria 12.2
Cape Verde 11.6
Grenada 11.5
Paraguay 11.5
Barbados 11.3
Togo 10.9
Gambia 10.8
Peru 10.8
Myanmar 10.2
Russia 10.2
Liberia 10.1
Costa Rica 10.0
Nauru 9.8
Bolivia 8.9
Mozambique 8.8
Kazakhstan 8.8
Senegal 8.7
Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7
Mongolia 8.7
British Virgin Islands 8.6
Cayman Islands 8.4
Seychelles 8.3
Madagascar 8.1
Indonesia 8.1
Mali 8.0
Pakistan 7.8
Moldova 7.5
Kiribati 7.3
Guadeloupe 7.0
Haiti 6.9
Timor-Leste 6.9
Anguilla 6.8
Antigua and Barbuda 6.8
Lithuania 6.6
Uruguay 5.9
Philippines 5.4
Ukraine 5.2
Estonia 5.2
Cuba 5.0
Belarus 4.9
Thailand 4.8
Suriname 4.6
Laos 4.6
Georgia 4.3
Martinique 4.2
And .............................................

The United States 4.2 !!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL (109) of the countries above America have 100% gun bans.

It might be of interest to note that SWITZERLAND is not shown on this list because it has

However, SWITZERLAND'S law requires that EVERYONE:
1. Own a gun.
2. Maintain Marksman qualifications .... regularly .

Did you learn anything from this??

I think the message is - loud and clear - that gun bans and restrictions DO NOT work!

One more thing, Canada, New Zealand, England and Australia
after banning guns had a 300% increase in crime..
Now Did you learn anything?

One last point I will make. Serial killers and mass shooters in America. What the media does not want to tell you, some stats published from a few years back:

Why is it that none of the disturbed and evil men, who steal guns, then go and kill movie-goers and children in school, has ever been identified as a conservative NRA member?

Ft Hood~~~ Registered Democrat ~ Muslim

Columbine ~~~ Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals

Virginia Tech ~~~ Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff ~ Registered Democrat

Colorado Theater ~~~ Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign; Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal

Connecticut School Shooter- ~~~ Registered Democrat; hated Christians,

Christopher Domer, LA Cop-Killer ~~~ Leftist, Obama lover, anti-christian, CNN, MSNBC, Piers Morgan, supports gun ban.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

Any other questions? I might add that all of your sanctuary city strongholds are democratic as well.
Statistical Static

That's a distribution by race, not by political party.
I just looked at 2017 crime statistics. Right now, the USA is 53rd out of 125. There are 52 countries with a higher crime index.

Dummy, most of the countries with more crime are impoverished shitholes.

Most of the crime in the US occurs in the Democrat-run impoverished shitholes known as the inner city.

Exactly. I recently pointed out in another post somewhere that if you could eliminate 3% of the democratic-run counties in the USA, you could cut the crime statistic by 70%!

The reason we need to carry guns in this country is because of liberals. When i go to my ATM at night, I don't carry a gun because some Republican with a gun may wedge himself between my car and the machine; Republicans don't do that, liberals do that. Or if I have to go to my convenience store at night, I'm not worried about a conservative robbing the place and taking my wallet. I'm worried about a Democratic robbing the place and taking my wallet.

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