Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

It looks like the Texas Governor stepped into the big one here--of course with approval from the State Legislature.

Interesting though--that every single POLICE CHIEF in the state of Texas is against this bill stating: "We're going to use law enforcement to chase down "nanny's and laborer's" versus going after murderers, rapist's, and violent criminals?" They're also very concerned about getting sued over profiling. For very good reason, the state of Texas is 40% American citizen Latino.
SAPD Chief Blasts Sanctuary Cities Bill Set To Become Law

The 2nd half of this problem--is less REAL crimes will be reported--because the last thing an illegal is going to do is call the police or be willing to testify against a criminal as a witness to a crime. So VIOLENT crime may actually rise because of this bill.

The ACLU is already challenging this bill, and it will be interesting to see how the court views this one. As in the case of Seatlle Washinton, they are suing Trump citing this:

Seattle will argue that an executive order by President Donald Trump violates the Constitution by trying to make local governments enforce federal immigration law.
Seattle sues Trump administration over ‘sanctuary cities’ order

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You know, it is when I see someone resort to calling others names that I know they are bereft of any real facts or arguments. And that seems to hold true for your posts in general. I am under no danger of being robbed, held up or shot by any of my friends, relatives or lovers. As to crime statistics, big difference in the population between the UK and the USA, isn't there. And the UK had their guns (largely) taken away. Voted on it. You know, the ol' giving up liberty for security thing. As to crime in the USA, you can pretty much ally that with liberalism--- the more a region comes under democratic/liberal control, the greater the crime rates. Someone on this board actually publishes maps showing it.

Dummy, we have 16,000 Murders a year and the Brits have 600.

You are in far greater danger of being shot by someone you know than a stranger... probably during an argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

That's the single most significant Border State, now headed down the correct path, with more to follow.

Ahhhhhh... life is good.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.
...Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...
Which will work, right up to the time when State Police show up on their doorsteps with warrants for their arrest.

All it will take is a half-dozen examples... police chiefs or mayors, arrested... scattered across the State, for the Undecideds to Decide.

...Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers...

Collaboration between Federal and State and Local officials is necessary.

It is necessary because the problem is too large to solve on one level.

It is too large to solve on one level, because lax enforcement - attributable to both Democrats and Republicans alike - has allowed the problem to grow to such proportions.

The time has now come to reverse this trend, and to once again begin enforcing US Law in this context; rendering the situation as an Extraordinary Circumstance.

Extraordinary Circumstances require extraordinary cooperation.

Which is what we are about to see unfold in the State of Texas, apparently.

...Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.
They will be working on solving real offenses.

Violations of US Immigration Law.

Other than active defense, there is no more important function of government than the enforcement of its borders and the protection and preservation of its sovereignty and law.

Texas is done talking... Texas is now beginning to act... good for them... more will follow, in short order.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
And there is an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon US soil without our express, prior or continued consent.
You know, it is when I see someone resort to calling others names that I know they are bereft of any real facts or arguments. And that seems to hold true for your posts in general. I am under no danger of being robbed, held up or shot by any of my friends, relatives or lovers. As to crime statistics, big difference in the population between the UK and the USA, isn't there. And the UK had their guns (largely) taken away. Voted on it. You know, the ol' giving up liberty for security thing. As to crime in the USA, you can pretty much ally that with liberalism--- the more a region comes under democratic/liberal control, the greater the crime rates. Someone on this board actually publishes maps showing it.

Dummy, we have 16,000 Murders a year and the Brits have 600.

You are in far greater danger of being shot by someone you know than a stranger... probably during an argument over who drank the last can of Milwaukee's Best.

You are also far more likely to die in a car accident than be shot at all - especially if you stay out of the liberal shitholes filled with black gangbangers.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
Undocumented worker = alien invader.

Undocumented workers = undocumented employers
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
And there is an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens now present upon US soil without our express, prior or continued consent.

Exactly - although since the 11 million figure was quoted from the Reagan-era, I suspect the number is probably closer to 40-50 million. I have read a couple of studies that suggest that 1/4 of the entire population of Mexico is now in the US.
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
Undocumented worker = alien invader.

Undocumented workers = undocumented employers

True - and every one of these employers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for knowingly employing illegals.
Yeah, good luck with that.

It depends on how "home rule" of local municipalities is handled in the Texas Constitution. One is a citizen of one's State, (and of the United States), one is not a citizen of ones town, county or other local designation.

If certain powers are reserved to the State governments, or not expressly given to localities via home rule laws, then Texas may have a pretty strong case to gun for the locals if they don't play nice.
States have no authority over immigration since 1808. Our Drug War is worse; yet, the right wing doesn't complain about that as much.

States are under the authority to follow Federal mandates. In addition they can use there police powers to enforce federal law and arrest criminal that break federal law!

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Doesn't matter.

What DOES matter is that the State of Texas is now obliging local law enforcement officials to cooperate with the Federal government with respect to immigration law enforcement.

Great fun, that, and long overdue.

Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
Undocumented worker = alien invader.

Undocumented workers = undocumented employers

True - and every one of these employers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for knowingly employing illegals.

They should start there.

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