Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

So when you wish death on someone it is fine but when someone notes that someone deserved to die it is bad?

People who molest children and shoot federal agents deserve to die.

People who are poor don't. Happy to have sorted that out for you, you seem a little dopey.

There is no growing separation between the troops and those they protect.

There is the closest possible sympatico between White Suburbia and the National Guard troops which protect it from feral inner-city riff-raff.

again, guy, you've never met National Guard folks. A lot of them are the inner city kids you hate so much. Most of them are there for that free education that never happens.
It's easy enough to isolate un-reliables at the Armory, at muster time, as has been done time and again...

Oh, and, I don't hate 'em... I (and most White Folk) just don't have any use for 'em...
Why would we have a hard time getting by with out cars?

Guns are not designed to kill people,

With that same logic a chainsaw is designed to kill people

guy, put down the fucking bottle..

I realize that you probably can get by without a car because you never leave the Double Wide, but most of us have places to go.

I'll give you that the basic function of a firearm is offense/defense, but be fine without guns? Maybe in some fantasy idealistic world, but in reality, some people will always have guns and intend aggression against others. If you give up yours, that only make you an easier victim.

I'm going to cut you off right here, dummy. The fact is, you are far more likely to be victimized by a friend, relative or lover than a stranger bent on doing you harm, and yes, the high proliferation of guns makes that a lot easier.

It's why the United Kingdom only has 600 homicides a year (48 with guns) and we have 16,000 a year (11,000 with guns)
Why would we have a hard time getting by with out cars?

Guns are not designed to kill people,

With that same logic a chainsaw is designed to kill people

guy, put down the fucking bottle..

I realize that you probably can get by without a car because you never leave the Double Wide, but most of us have places to go.

I'll give you that the basic function of a firearm is offense/defense, but be fine without guns? Maybe in some fantasy idealistic world, but in reality, some people will always have guns and intend aggression against others. If you give up yours, that only make you an easier victim.

I'm going to cut you off right here, dummy. The fact is, you are far more likely to be victimized by a friend, relative or lover than a stranger bent on doing you harm, and yes, the high proliferation of guns makes that a lot easier.

It's why the United Kingdom only has 600 homicides a year (48 with guns) and we have 16,000 a year (11,000 with guns)

If you are from Chicago, you know damn good and well that the vast majority of homicides are black on black gang violence. Why don't you address the real underlying causation instead of the instrument used?
Texas is seeking to do the same thing Mexico does.....keep out the illegals.
Why would we want to emulate, Mexico's economy?

Emulating Mexico's Economy was never stated. People have issue with US and border state' policies keeping illegals out. Mexico does the same thing.

If you want to talk failure of the Mexican economy, we can open up another thread on that.
It's easy enough to isolate un-reliables at the Armory, at muster time, as has been done time and again...

Oh, and, I don't hate 'em... I (and most White Folk) just don't have any use for 'em...

Really? Frankly, the guard, at least when I was in during the 80's, never had a plan for "isolating" people.

In fact, the plan we had for civil unrest was 'Those are your fellow citizens out there, and if they are out there, they are angry about something and they have every right to be!"
If you are from Chicago, you know damn good and well that the vast majority of homicides are black on black gang violence. Why don't you address the real underlying causation instead of the instrument used?

1) Chicago isn't the whole country.
2) 80% of homicides, the victims and killer know each other.
If you are from Chicago, you know damn good and well that the vast majority of homicides are black on black gang violence. Why don't you address the real underlying causation instead of the instrument used?

1) Chicago isn't the whole country.
2) 80% of homicides, the victims and killer know each other.

1) Chicago is the murder capital of the US. 90% of their murders in 2016 were black on black gang violence. If you look at every other major city, the trend is the same. Remove gang violence from the equation, and the United States is per capita one of the safest countries in the world. So again I say, address the real issue and not the tool. The fact is that 7% of the population statistically commits over 50% of all crimes.

2) The statistic you quote was from a 1993 FBI study and is essentially meaningless data 25 years later.
1) Chicago is the murder capital of the US.

No, it isn't. If you are going to start a conversation with stupid untruths like that, there's really no fucking point talking to you.

St. Louis has the highest murder rate in the country. Followed by New Orleans, Cleveland, Detroit and a few other.
1) Chicago is the murder capital of the US.

No, it isn't. If you are going to start a conversation with stupid untruths like that, there's really no fucking point talking to you.

St. Louis has the highest murder rate in the country. Followed by New Orleans, Cleveland, Detroit and a few other.

Per capita. Chicago had more homicides last year than NYC and Los Angeles COMBINED by number.
dear, States have no authority over Immigration into the Union since 1808.

And, health and safety and security, makes first degrees going first, both necessary and proper.
Implied by the Tenth Amendment

When the Feds don't fulfill their obligations, they forfeit their authority and it passes down to the states. If an outside guard sleeps on his watch, it is up to the inside guard to stop those breaking and entering.
What part of, No Authority over immigration into the Union since 1808, do you not understand?

Should we ask the Judicature, for an Order to Show Cause.
A State can assist the Federal Government and in fact the Federal Government asks them too and the sanctuary cities refuse.
States have No Authority over immigration into the Union since 1808, to "force a city" to do any thing. It is in our federal Constitution.

I'm sure the Supreme Court is waiting for this to get on their docket. Nevertheless, I imagine enough people (Americans) will be moving out of these sanctuary cities, allowing the cities to become the pig stys you liberals so badly want.
dude, Sanctuary cities is the only thing keeping DC v Heller from being overturned, on federal supremacy grounds.
Sanctuary cities are new enough to have no standard definition
What they are is a proclaimed location where lawbreakers can be shielded from the responsibility of their lawlessness via interference with, or lack of cooperation to, immigration authorities
You mean like, gun lovers and 10USC311?
Look you retard that law does not invalidate private ownership of firearms and the Supreme Court ruled the 2nd is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT.

He has a problem with the English language both reading and writing.
The right wing has a reading comprehension problem, and a problem with logic and reason. Is it any wonder, they are for, "learning how to fish" instead of equal protection of the law, but come up with Only, red herrings for their "work ethic".
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Texas is seeking to do the same thing Mexico does.....keep out the illegals.
Why would we want to emulate, Mexico's economy?

Emulating Mexico's Economy was never stated. People have issue with US and border state' policies keeping illegals out. Mexico does the same thing.

If you want to talk failure of the Mexican economy, we can open up another thread on that.
Texas is seeking to do the same thing Mexico does
I'm going to cut you off right here, dummy.

You know, it is when I see someone resort to calling others names that I know they are bereft of any real facts or arguments. And that seems to hold true for your posts in general. I am under no danger of being robbed, held up or shot by any of my friends, relatives or lovers. As to crime statistics, big difference in the population between the UK and the USA, isn't there. And the UK had their guns (largely) taken away. Voted on it. You know, the ol' giving up liberty for security thing. As to crime in the USA, you can pretty much ally that with liberalism--- the more a region comes under democratic/liberal control, the greater the crime rates. Someone on this board actually publishes maps showing it.
1) Chicago is the murder capital of the US.

No, it isn't. If you are going to start a conversation with stupid untruths like that, there's really no fucking point talking to you.

St. Louis has the highest murder rate in the country. Followed by New Orleans, Cleveland, Detroit and a few other.

Per capita. Chicago had more homicides last year than NYC and Los Angeles COMBINED by number.
Why does, "more guns" not equal "less crime" in big cities?
Why does, "more guns" not equal "less crime" in big cities?

It actually does, most of the time. It all breaks down in many big cities because of liberal control. You want a really safe place? Go to many Texas, Arizona and other western state towns where gun ownership, even wearing them in public, are not only legal but mandatory. Go to Israel where everyone is armed. Main violence there is from the Palestinians throwing bombs over the fence. Safest I've ever felt was at a police station where everyone was armed, at a gun show where all the workers are armed or in a western town where everyone in the establishment has a firearm holstered at the waist and damn well knows how to use it.
Why does, "more guns" not equal "less crime" in big cities?

It actually does, most of the time. It all breaks down in many big cities because of liberal control. You want a really safe place? Go to many Texas, Arizona and other western state towns where gun ownership, even wearing them in public, are not only legal but mandatory. Go to Israel where everyone is armed. Main violence there is from the Palestinians throwing bombs over the fence. Safest I've ever felt was at a police station where everyone was armed, at a gun show where all the workers are armed or in a western town where everyone in the establishment has a firearm holstered at the waist and damn well knows how to use it.
Low population red States are not a good example. Should we examine big cities, in red States?
Sanctuary cities are new enough to have no standard definition
What they are is a proclaimed location where lawbreakers can be shielded from the responsibility of their lawlessness via interference with, or lack of cooperation to, immigration authorities
You mean like, gun lovers and 10USC311?
Look you retard that law does not invalidate private ownership of firearms and the Supreme Court ruled the 2nd is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT.
10USC311 is not about Individuals.
It also is not about ownership of weapons and has nothing to do with the right to own possess and use firearms.

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