Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

And yet car deaths and injuries are MUCH higher and you never complain. Further your count includes suicides which no amount of law will stop.

We'd have a hard time getting by without cars...

Which aren't designed to kill people.

We'd be fine without guns... which are designed to kill people.

We require drivers to be licensed, and show proficiency. Can are mandated to have safety features, more every year. The NRA will not allow that" Smart guns" be mandated.
Smart guns don't work.
And yet car deaths and injuries are MUCH higher and you never complain. Further your count includes suicides which no amount of law will stop.

We'd have a hard time getting by without cars...

Which aren't designed to kill people.

We'd be fine without guns... which are designed to kill people.

We require drivers to be licensed, and show proficiency. Can are mandated to have safety features, more every year. The NRA will not allow that" Smart guns" be mandated.
Smart guns don't work.

Well, I'll be damned. Somebody should get in touch with the manufacturers and let them know about this!
And yet car deaths and injuries are MUCH higher and you never complain. Further your count includes suicides which no amount of law will stop.

We'd have a hard time getting by without cars...

Which aren't designed to kill people.

We'd be fine without guns... which are designed to kill people.

We require drivers to be licensed, and show proficiency. Can are mandated to have safety features, more every year. The NRA will not allow that" Smart guns" be mandated.
Smart guns don't work.

Well, I'll be damned. Somebody should get in touch with the manufacturers and let them know about this!
Retard I believe New Jersey passed a law that said if smart gun tech worked they would require it, Unfortunately it does not work reliably. To many failures in testing.
We voted for Trump, sorry kids, he may be a misogynist swine, but Obama opened the floodgates on uncritical voters. Sorry. Politicians are supposed to represent Us and ask US if we want to give illegals a sanctuary, instead of them blithely imposing it on Us without permission. It's still a democratic republic, and there is NO excuse for that, it's outrageous.
dear, States have no authority over Immigration into the Union since 1808.

And, health and safety and security, makes first degrees going first, both necessary and proper.
Implied by the Tenth Amendment

When the Feds don't fulfill their obligations, they forfeit their authority and it passes down to the states. If an outside guard sleeps on his watch, it is up to the inside guard to stop those breaking and entering.
What part of, No Authority over immigration into the Union since 1808, do you not understand?

Should we ask the Judicature, for an Order to Show Cause.
illegal to it.

Is that a phrase?
federal law is federal law; we don't need to have any priorities, because the right wing, simply "hates illegals".
I don't hate illegals; most of them are very nice people.
But they have been part of the upset of America's economic structure.
Are you sure you are "independent" and not merely on the right wing?

Why do you believe illegal immigration is a problem in the US, under our form of Capitalism?

The United States is the world's largest national economy in nominal terms and second largest according to purchasing power parity (PPP), representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of gross world product (GWP).[4] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $18.56 trillion in 2016.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States
Traders Are Traitors

Every office on Wall Street has a portrait of Vidkun Quisling.
did you know, that diversion is usually considered a fallacy; it is a favorite tactic of the right wing.

Why do you believe illegal immigration is a problem in the US, under our form of Capitalism?
Implied by the Tenth Amendment

When the Feds don't fulfill their obligations, they forfeit their authority and it passes down to the states. If an outside guard sleeps on his watch, it is up to the inside guard to stop those breaking and entering.

I don't recall that clause in the Constitution. Perhaps you could link it.
Excuse me, but what does that have to do with local or state officials arbitrarily creating safe haven for criminals WITHOUT voter consent ? Shouldn't they ASK US what we want, first? Such a monumental decision made unilaterally. Please, don't duck this question with a bunch of double talk.

Mary, I have tried to explain to you several times that there is no such thing as a "safe haven" for illegal aliens in "Sanctuary cities". I will ask you, yet again. Do you know what the definition of Sanctuary city is? Please turn off your AM radio.
Really? There is no safe haven for illegals? I am astonished at the bold faced denial in that statement. Yes, there is! I have seen it myself. I have been to an INS office about this issue. Reagan de-fanged and emasculated the INS in the 80's. By Their own admission. Why? I leave that up to your own judgement. I can only guess the real reasons WHY.
So, let me restate this again: YES, local and state officials are making policies that favor non enforcement of Federal immigration laws. And a lot of US WANT the state to follow federal immigration laws. Why NOT?

Mary, I give up on you. You simply do not know what the hell you are talking about. You do not know what a sanctuary city is, and you can not name a single specific policy that a city has that makes it a "sanctuary city", other than the fact that somebody called it that name. You can not even tell me exactly what a city does to earn that title.

They called them that , themselves

dear, States have no authority over Immigration into the Union since 1808.

And, health and safety and security, makes first degrees going first, both necessary and proper.
Implied by the Tenth Amendment

When the Feds don't fulfill their obligations, they forfeit their authority and it passes down to the states. If an outside guard sleeps on his watch, it is up to the inside guard to stop those breaking and entering.

I don't recall that clause in the Constitution. Perhaps you could link it.
Excuse me, but what does that have to do with local or state officials arbitrarily creating safe haven for criminals WITHOUT voter consent ? Shouldn't they ASK US what we want, first? Such a monumental decision made unilaterally. Please, don't duck this question with a bunch of double talk.

Mary, I have tried to explain to you several times that there is no such thing as a "safe haven" for illegal aliens in "Sanctuary cities". I will ask you, yet again. Do you know what the definition of Sanctuary city is? Please turn off your AM radio.
Really? There is no safe haven for illegals? I am astonished at the bold faced denial in that statement. Yes, there is! I have seen it myself. I have been to an INS office about this issue. Reagan de-fanged and emasculated the INS in the 80's. By Their own admission. Why? I leave that up to your own judgement. I can only guess the real reasons WHY.
So, let me restate this again: YES, local and state officials are making policies that favor non enforcement of Federal immigration laws. And a lot of US WANT the state to follow federal immigration laws. Why NOT?
First degrees need to go first; why does the right wing, have a problem with that?
Uhm, so like I asked before, so why can't our local state and city officials ask Us IF we want to enforce or ignore federal immigration laws? People like to condescend about the constitution, or they said this and that. BUT this was never given over to the voters to decide. Isn't that outside of democracy? Who does that threaten, after all?
I prefer we enforce our Commerce Clause, this not an immigration issue.
And yet car deaths and injuries are MUCH higher and you never complain. Further your count includes suicides which no amount of law will stop.

We'd have a hard time getting by without cars...

Which aren't designed to kill people.

We'd be fine without guns... which are designed to kill people.

We require drivers to be licensed, and show proficiency. Can are mandated to have safety features, more every year. The NRA will not allow that" Smart guns" be mandated.
Smart guns don't work.
"Force Lances" will be better, in the future.
We voted for Trump, sorry kids, he may be a misogynist swine, but Obama opened the floodgates on uncritical voters. Sorry. Politicians are supposed to represent Us and ask US if we want to give illegals a sanctuary, instead of them blithely imposing it on Us without permission. It's still a democratic republic, and there is NO excuse for that, it's outrageous.
dear, States have no authority over Immigration into the Union since 1808.

And, health and safety and security, makes first degrees going first, both necessary and proper.
Implied by the Tenth Amendment

When the Feds don't fulfill their obligations, they forfeit their authority and it passes down to the states. If an outside guard sleeps on his watch, it is up to the inside guard to stop those breaking and entering.
What part of, No Authority over immigration into the Union since 1808, do you not understand?

Should we ask the Judicature, for an Order to Show Cause.
A State can assist the Federal Government and in fact the Federal Government asks them too and the sanctuary cities refuse.
Sanctuary cities are new enough to have no standard definition
What they are is a proclaimed location where lawbreakers can be shielded from the responsibility of their lawlessness via interference with, or lack of cooperation to, immigration authorities
You mean like, gun lovers and 10USC311?
Look you retard that law does not invalidate private ownership of firearms and the Supreme Court ruled the 2nd is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT.
We voted for Trump, sorry kids, he may be a misogynist swine, but Obama opened the floodgates on uncritical voters. Sorry. Politicians are supposed to represent Us and ask US if we want to give illegals a sanctuary, instead of them blithely imposing it on Us without permission. It's still a democratic republic, and there is NO excuse for that, it's outrageous.
dear, States have no authority over Immigration into the Union since 1808.

And, health and safety and security, makes first degrees going first, both necessary and proper.
Implied by the Tenth Amendment

When the Feds don't fulfill their obligations, they forfeit their authority and it passes down to the states. If an outside guard sleeps on his watch, it is up to the inside guard to stop those breaking and entering.
What part of, No Authority over immigration into the Union since 1808, do you not understand?

Should we ask the Judicature, for an Order to Show Cause.
A State can assist the Federal Government and in fact the Federal Government asks them too and the sanctuary cities refuse.
States have No Authority over immigration into the Union since 1808, to "force a city" to do any thing. It is in our federal Constitution.
Sanctuary cities are new enough to have no standard definition
What they are is a proclaimed location where lawbreakers can be shielded from the responsibility of their lawlessness via interference with, or lack of cooperation to, immigration authorities
You mean like, gun lovers and 10USC311?
Look you retard that law does not invalidate private ownership of firearms and the Supreme Court ruled the 2nd is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT.
10USC311 is not about Individuals.
We voted for Trump, sorry kids, he may be a misogynist swine, but Obama opened the floodgates on uncritical voters. Sorry. Politicians are supposed to represent Us and ask US if we want to give illegals a sanctuary, instead of them blithely imposing it on Us without permission. It's still a democratic republic, and there is NO excuse for that, it's outrageous.
dear, States have no authority over Immigration into the Union since 1808.

And, health and safety and security, makes first degrees going first, both necessary and proper.
Implied by the Tenth Amendment

When the Feds don't fulfill their obligations, they forfeit their authority and it passes down to the states. If an outside guard sleeps on his watch, it is up to the inside guard to stop those breaking and entering.
What part of, No Authority over immigration into the Union since 1808, do you not understand?

Should we ask the Judicature, for an Order to Show Cause.
A State can assist the Federal Government and in fact the Federal Government asks them too and the sanctuary cities refuse.
States have No Authority over immigration into the Union since 1808, to "force a city" to do any thing. It is in our federal Constitution.

I'm sure the Supreme Court is waiting for this to get on their docket. Nevertheless, I imagine enough people (Americans) will be moving out of these sanctuary cities, allowing the cities to become the pig stys you liberals so badly want.
Sanctuary cities are new enough to have no standard definition
What they are is a proclaimed location where lawbreakers can be shielded from the responsibility of their lawlessness via interference with, or lack of cooperation to, immigration authorities
You mean like, gun lovers and 10USC311?
Look you retard that law does not invalidate private ownership of firearms and the Supreme Court ruled the 2nd is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT.

He has a problem with the English language both reading and writing.
So when you wish death on someone it is fine but when someone notes that someone deserved to die it is bad?

People who molest children and shoot federal agents deserve to die.

People who are poor don't. Happy to have sorted that out for you, you seem a little dopey.

There is no growing separation between the troops and those they protect.

There is the closest possible sympatico between White Suburbia and the National Guard troops which protect it from feral inner-city riff-raff.

again, guy, you've never met National Guard folks. A lot of them are the inner city kids you hate so much. Most of them are there for that free education that never happens.

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