Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

Which will work, right up to the time when State Police show up on their doorsteps with warrants for their arrest.

All it will take is a half-dozen examples... police chiefs or mayors, arrested... scattered across the State, for the Undecideds to Decide.

You keep telling yourself that. You keep telling yourself that arresting elected officials and decorated police officers are going to make you look good.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?

You know what, Dummy, give me enough investigative power, I'd find a bunch of laws you've probably violated.
Except nearly every police chief has said they will ignore this law...

Hey, guy, if you are really serious about this, how about just hiring enough ICE agents to actually waste everyone's time hunting down undocumented workers.

Meanwhile the real cops will work on solving real crimes.

Undocumented worker = alien invader. You don't understand the concept of a nation of laws, do you?
Undocumented worker = alien invader.

Undocumented workers = undocumented employers

True - and every one of these employers should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for knowingly employing illegals.
Owners Aren't Earners

Hell with "extent of the law." The economic traitors make "our" laws. Any business that hires illegals should be confiscated and sold to a businessman intelligent enough to make a profit without wage-gouging his employees. That way, deporting the aliens will be profitable instead of the prohibitive expense the political traitors claim it has to be.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, only socialism on a national basis.
All for One, and That One All for Himself

They're big on passing leadership on to their sons. That destroys the businesses they started, so it is anti-Capitalist. Their ideology should really be called "Capitalistism," just like its impatient sons' version should be called "Socialistism."
Raise taxes for a War on Illegals, right wingers; or, are y'all, all talk and no action.
Treason Is Not a Property Right

I'll told you how to make deportation profitable. But your Whiteys Hating Whitey cult and your secret allies, the cheap-labor Birchers, want to preach that all permissible methods are cost-prohibitive.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, only socialism on a national basis.
No propaganda here.

I've talked to you longer and more in depth than any reasonable person would.

ALL you want is Mexicans empowered and enriched at the expense of white people.

You are actively hostile to whites, even white children.
I am Only hostile to Inferior arguments; they Never work in Any Superior Court.

Nope. I tried to get you to address a, I believe it was a 14 year old child raped by an illegal, and you refused to even acknowledge my point, let alone address it, all the while actively supporting an open border.

You are a vile person.
It will not prevent rape, or we would not need more than Ten Commandments from a god.

And instead of showing the slightest humanity with regard to the child we discussed, you spew gibberish to try to muddle the fact that you are on the side of the rapist, because he is a fellow Mexican.
Red Herrings is a right wing specialty. You make it seem like crime doesn't happen but for illegals from south of the border.

Nothing I said, did that.

You are like a fat man told by his doctors to loss weight and taking that to mean that smoking is not a problem.
Raise taxes for a War on Illegals, right wingers; or, are y'all, all talk and no action.
Treason Is Not a Property Right

I'll told you how to make deportation profitable. But your Whiteys Hating Whitey cult and your secret allies, the cheap-labor Birchers, want to preach that all permissible methods are cost-prohibitive.
nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics, only socialism on a national basis.

Your gibberish is meaningless shit.
illegal to it.

Is that a phrase?
federal law is federal law; we don't need to have any priorities, because the right wing, simply "hates illegals".
I don't hate illegals; most of them are very nice people.
But they have been part of the upset of America's economic structure.
Are you sure you are "independent" and not merely on the right wing?

Why do you believe illegal immigration is a problem in the US, under our form of Capitalism?

The United States is the world's largest national economy in nominal terms and second largest according to purchasing power parity (PPP), representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of gross world product (GWP).[4] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $18.56 trillion in 2016.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States
Are you retarded?
Almost everybody I know in construction has lost everything they had.
Lost homes and broken marriages.
You sure are quick not to give a damn about Blue Collar Americans.
Some Liberal you are.

He talks the way he does to try to hide the fact that he is on the side of Mexicans and actively hostile to Americans, especially white americans.

Even 14 year old American girls.
Is that a phrase?
federal law is federal law; we don't need to have any priorities, because the right wing, simply "hates illegals".
I don't hate illegals; most of them are very nice people.
But they have been part of the upset of America's economic structure.
Are you sure you are "independent" and not merely on the right wing?

Why do you believe illegal immigration is a problem in the US, under our form of Capitalism?

The United States is the world's largest national economy in nominal terms and second largest according to purchasing power parity (PPP), representing 22% of nominal global GDP and 17% of gross world product (GWP).[4] The United States' GDP was estimated to be $18.56 trillion in 2016.--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States
Are you retarded?
Almost everybody I know in construction has lost everything they had.
Lost homes and broken marriages.
You sure are quick not to give a damn about Blue Collar Americans.
Some Liberal you are.

He talks the way he does to try to hide the fact that he is on the side of Mexicans and actively hostile to Americans, especially white americans.

Even 14 year old American girls.
I couldn't tell from the last name of his user name.
I am Only hostile to Inferior arguments; they Never work in Any Superior Court.

Nope. I tried to get you to address a, I believe it was a 14 year old child raped by an illegal, and you refused to even acknowledge my point, let alone address it, all the while actively supporting an open border.

You are a vile person.
It will not prevent rape, or we would not need more than Ten Commandments from a god.

And instead of showing the slightest humanity with regard to the child we discussed, you spew gibberish to try to muddle the fact that you are on the side of the rapist, because he is a fellow Mexican.
Red Herrings is a right wing specialty. You make it seem like crime doesn't happen but for illegals from south of the border.

Nothing I said, did that.

You are like a fat man told by his doctors to loss weight and taking that to mean that smoking is not a problem.
how will a wall stop violent crime?
Nope. I tried to get you to address a, I believe it was a 14 year old child raped by an illegal, and you refused to even acknowledge my point, let alone address it, all the while actively supporting an open border.

You are a vile person.
It will not prevent rape, or we would not need more than Ten Commandments from a god.

And instead of showing the slightest humanity with regard to the child we discussed, you spew gibberish to try to muddle the fact that you are on the side of the rapist, because he is a fellow Mexican.
Red Herrings is a right wing specialty. You make it seem like crime doesn't happen but for illegals from south of the border.

Nothing I said, did that.

You are like a fat man told by his doctors to loss weight and taking that to mean that smoking is not a problem.
how will a wall stop violent crime?
We put you on the other side of the wall and find out.
It will not prevent rape, or we would not need more than Ten Commandments from a god.

And instead of showing the slightest humanity with regard to the child we discussed, you spew gibberish to try to muddle the fact that you are on the side of the rapist, because he is a fellow Mexican.
Red Herrings is a right wing specialty. You make it seem like crime doesn't happen but for illegals from south of the border.

Nothing I said, did that.

You are like a fat man told by his doctors to loss weight and taking that to mean that smoking is not a problem.
how will a wall stop violent crime?
We put you on the other side of the wall and find out.
Home Depot is in Mexico now; I make a motion to buy or rent American ladders.
Why would we have a hard time getting by with out cars?

Guns are not designed to kill people,

With that same logic a chainsaw is designed to kill people

guy, put down the fucking bottle..

I realize that you probably can get by without a car because you never leave the Double Wide, but most of us have places to go.

I'll give you that the basic function of a firearm is offense/defense, but be fine without guns? Maybe in some fantasy idealistic world, but in reality, some people will always have guns and intend aggression against others. If you give up yours, that only make you an easier victim.

I'm going to cut you off right here, dummy. The fact is, you are far more likely to be victimized by a friend, relative or lover than a stranger bent on doing you harm, and yes, the high proliferation of guns makes that a lot easier.

It's why the United Kingdom only has 600 homicides a year (48 with guns) and we have 16,000 a year (11,000 with guns)

Your a lazy fuck are you not? Again why do you need a car?

Which will work, right up to the time when State Police show up on their doorsteps with warrants for their arrest.

All it will take is a half-dozen examples... police chiefs or mayors, arrested... scattered across the State, for the Undecideds to Decide.

You keep telling yourself that. You keep telling yourself that arresting elected officials and decorated police officers are going to make you look good...
It isn't about looking good.

It's about forcing compliance with United States immigration law.

It's about inter-agency cooperation designed to facilitate enforcement of such law.

It's about bitch-slapping those who refuse to extend that inter-agency cooperation, as required by their State, and their Country.

It's not meant to be a popularity contest.

But it will be popular - outside the framework of minority communities who strive to bring more of their own into the country, to the detriment of the Republic and its People.

But, so far it's all talk.

Time will tell, whether the Texas statute has any teeth.

We can only hope that it does, or that it goes, quickly, all the way to the newly-configured 5-4 SCOTUS, to be validated.

All it will take is one such law, successfully withstanding the inevitable court challenges.

Once one such law passes muster, sit back and watch the fun, as dozens of other States and jurisdictions rush to fill the vacuum with similarly-crafted statute.

Operation Wetback II.

Great fun.
It isn't about looking good.

It's about forcing compliance with United States immigration law.

It's about inter-agency cooperation designed to facilitate enforcement of such law.

It's about bitch-slapping those who refuse to extend that inter-agency cooperation, as required by their State, and their Country.

It's not meant to be a popularity contest.

Here's the problem with that. The people IN those communities have decided it's more important to protect the rights of the undocumented than to pander to the racism of people who don't live in their communities.

Once one such law passes muster, sit back and watch the fun, as dozens of other States and jurisdictions rush to fill the vacuum with similarly-crafted statute.

Operation Wetback II.

Great fun.

Guy, Racism never looks fun. It's usually something we end up looking back at with fantastic embarrassment.
It isn't about looking good.

It's about forcing compliance with United States immigration law.

It's about inter-agency cooperation designed to facilitate enforcement of such law.

It's about bitch-slapping those who refuse to extend that inter-agency cooperation, as required by their State, and their Country.

It's not meant to be a popularity contest.

Here's the problem with that. The people IN those communities have decided it's more important to protect the rights of the undocumented than to pander to the racism of people who don't live in their communities.

Once one such law passes muster, sit back and watch the fun, as dozens of other States and jurisdictions rush to fill the vacuum with similarly-crafted statute.

Operation Wetback II.

Great fun.

Guy, Racism never looks fun. It's usually something we end up looking back at with fantastic embarrassment.

Which will work, right up to the time when State Police show up on their doorsteps with warrants for their arrest.

All it will take is a half-dozen examples... police chiefs or mayors, arrested... scattered across the State, for the Undecideds to Decide.

You keep telling yourself that. You keep telling yourself that arresting elected officials and decorated police officers are going to make you look good...
It isn't about looking good.

It's about forcing compliance with United States immigration law.

It's about inter-agency cooperation designed to facilitate enforcement of such law.

It's about bitch-slapping those who refuse to extend that inter-agency cooperation, as required by their State, and their Country.

It's not meant to be a popularity contest.

But it will be popular - outside the framework of minority communities who strive to bring more of their own into the country, to the detriment of the Republic and its People.

But, so far it's all talk.

Time will tell, whether the Texas statute has any teeth.

We can only hope that it does, or that it goes, quickly, all the way to the newly-configured 5-4 SCOTUS, to be validated.

All it will take is one such law, successfully withstanding the inevitable court challenges.

Once one such law passes muster, sit back and watch the fun, as dozens of other States and jurisdictions rush to fill the vacuum with similarly-crafted statute.

Operation Wetback II.

Great fun.
Boy you are stupid...
Local, County and State LEO by statute are not granted the authority to enforce U.S. Immigration law.
I'm happy to say that people as ignorant and racist as you are dying quicker than they can be created...
...Here's the problem with that. The people IN those communities have decided it's more important to protect the rights of the undocumented than to pander to the racism of people who don't live in their communities...
That is why this is being undertaken at the State level, and not the local one; overriding the Local Yokels in such matters.

...Guy, Racism never looks fun. It's usually something we end up looking back at with fantastic embarrassment.
It is not racism to enforce US immigration law.

Fortunately, for the Republic and its people, you, and those who think like you, in this matter, no longer hold political power, and are (finally) being sidelined for such purposes.

Long overdue, and great fun to watch unfold.
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