Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

I would agree that they cannot violate federal law however local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal immigration law. It seems that Texas is becoming the new Nazi Germany.
I would argue local / state personnel would not be going to jail for refusing to enforce federal law but for violating federal law by aiding and abetting criminals. Interfering with investigations and enforcement is a crime. It's all in how you look at it.

If any laws are broken then the federal government can deal with it. No reason for the state to get involved. If you violate federal tax laws, the state does not deal with it.
...Boy you are stupid...
Quite possibly. Fortunately, however, the particular brand of so-called 'stupidity' required to enforce US immigration law, is on the rise; hovering at tidal-wave proportions.

...Local, County and State LEO by statute are not granted the authority to enforce U.S. Immigration law...

They are, however, in the State of Texas, now obliged to cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement officials and agencies, in pursuit of that goal.


...I'm happy to say that people as ignorant and racist as you are dying quicker than they can be created...
Sit down, little snowflake... and enjoy the ride, as thousands upon thousands of your Beloved Beaners head for the border.
Well mistah po' white trash, I noticed your reply as lacking any factual basis to support your earlier stupid claims...
Sit down, boy... the new Texas law is, in and of itself, all the "factual basis" required, to support my well-considered claim, that local law enforcement in the State of Texas will now be obliged to cooperate actively with Federal immigration law enforcement agencies and officers. Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff, boy... yer borin' the hell outta me.
Well lookie...an ignorant rock humper with the fake cowoy lingo to boot...
Hey quick draw mcgraw no one's impressed that the bumpkins of texas are so stupid that they have allowed their racism to infect law enforcement...

That last point is crucial to Acevedo, who expressed hope that as soon as his officers realize the risks they place themselves in by becoming de facto immigration agents, most will revert back to focusing on what they are sworn to do: protecting Texans against violent crimes.
But critics, including many of the state's law enforcement leaders, believe it will hinder their ability to protect their communities and potentially put officers in dangerous situations.
Charley Wilkison, the executive director of the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, shares Acevedo’s concerns. He said his group was against the amendment, known now as the “Schaefer Amendment” after state Rep. Matt Schaefer, R-Tyler, who added the detainment language.

Well, well, seems everyone in Texas isn't as stupid as you...
I would agree that they cannot violate federal law however local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal immigration law. It seems that Texas is becoming the new Nazi Germany.
I would argue local / state personnel would not be going to jail for refusing to enforce federal law but for violating federal law by aiding and abetting criminals. Interfering with investigations and enforcement is a crime. It's all in how you look at it.

If any laws are broken then the federal government can deal with it. No reason for the state to get involved. If you violate federal tax laws, the state does not deal with it.

Right. All we really need to do is hire about 10,000 more agents so we can have them in every single state. What the hell, we have all the money in the world. Sure beats having locals hold them until ICE gets there.
...Boy you are stupid...
Quite possibly. Fortunately, however, the particular brand of so-called 'stupidity' required to enforce US immigration law, is on the rise; hovering at tidal-wave proportions.

...Local, County and State LEO by statute are not granted the authority to enforce U.S. Immigration law...

They are, however, in the State of Texas, now obliged to cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement officials and agencies, in pursuit of that goal.


...I'm happy to say that people as ignorant and racist as you are dying quicker than they can be created...
Sit down, little snowflake... and enjoy the ride, as thousands upon thousands of your Beloved Beaners head for the border.
Well mistah po' white trash, I noticed your reply as lacking any factual basis to support your earlier stupid claims...
Sit down, boy... the new Texas law is, in and of itself, all the "factual basis" required, to support my well-considered claim, that local law enforcement in the State of Texas will now be obliged to cooperate actively with Federal immigration law enforcement agencies and officers. Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff, boy... yer borin' the hell outta me.
Well lookie...an ignorant rock humper with the fake cowoy lingo to boot...
Hey quick draw mcgraw no one's impressed that the bumpkins of texas are so stupid that they have allowed their racism to infect law enforcement...

That last point is crucial to Acevedo, who expressed hope that as soon as his officers realize the risks they place themselves in by becoming de facto immigration agents, most will revert back to focusing on what they are sworn to do: protecting Texans against violent crimes.
But critics, including many of the state's law enforcement leaders, believe it will hinder their ability to protect their communities and potentially put officers in dangerous situations.
Charley Wilkison, the executive director of the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, shares Acevedo’s concerns. He said his group was against the amendment, known now as the “Schaefer Amendment” after state Rep. Matt Schaefer, R-Tyler, who added the detainment language.

Well, well, seems everyone in Texas isn't as stupid as you...
Blah, blah, endless phukking blah...

The point of the exercise, Junior, is that the State of Texas will now compel local law enforcement to collaborate on immigration enforcement.

A great many of your Little Brown Brothers are now in Deep $hit.

That is why this is being undertaken at the State level, and not the local one; overriding the Local Yokels in such matters.

Frankly, I don't want the clowns downstate telling our cops how to do their jobs. Neither does anyone else.

It is not racism to enforce US immigration law.

Fortunately, for the Republic and its people, you, and those who think like you, in this matter, no longer hold political power, and are (finally) being sidelined for such purposes.

Long overdue, and great fun to watch unfold.

Dude, Trump is already flailing badly... His own party won't go along with building a wall.
Correct, we didn't, and do you know why? Because nobody wants it.

No, because stupid people like you go along with buying $500 toliet seats for planes we never use and don't care that much about actually building useful infrastructure...

That is why this is being undertaken at the State level, and not the local one; overriding the Local Yokels in such matters.

Frankly, I don't want the clowns downstate telling our cops how to do their jobs. Neither does anyone else.
But that is what you're going to get, because that is now what it takes to get the job done.

And, believe it, that particular job WILL get done... it's already well underway, the scope is expanding rapidly, and the pace is accelerating, every week.

It is not racism to enforce US immigration law. Fortunately, for the Republic and its people, you, and those who think like you, in this matter, no longer hold political power, and are (finally) being sidelined for such purposes. Long overdue, and great fun to watch unfold.
Dude, Trump is already flailing badly... His own party won't go along with building a wall.

A wall is not needed.

Enforcement of US Immigration Law is.

Which is what we are beginning to see unfold.

Great fun.
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I would agree that they cannot violate federal law however local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal immigration law. It seems that Texas is becoming the new Nazi Germany.
I would argue local / state personnel would not be going to jail for refusing to enforce federal law but for violating federal law by aiding and abetting criminals. Interfering with investigations and enforcement is a crime. It's all in how you look at it.

If any laws are broken then the federal government can deal with it. No reason for the state to get involved. If you violate federal tax laws, the state does not deal with it.
Except that previous Administrations - of both parties - have allowed the situation to escalate to Crisis Proportions.

Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary measures.

Such measures, in this case, being defined as a close collaboration between Federal, State and Local law enforcement, in order to alleviate the Crisis.

In many instances, local law enforcement is entirely willing to collaborate with the Federal government, in enforcing US Immigration Law.

In some instances, local law enforcement or local political leadership is not willing to collaborate.

Consequently, in such instances, local law enforcement is being compelled to cooperate with the Federal government in this matter.

In the State of Texas, for starters, with much more to come.

Great fun ahead, as hordes of Illegal Aliens are flushed back across the border again.

All that is needed, to KEEP them out, is to begin (metaphorically) crucifying (in the criminal courts) employers on this side of the border who lure them here and exploit them.

What a fantastic, long-overdue and very welcome development... America, enforcing its own Immigration Law and reasserting its sovereignty and the integrity of its borders.

Ahhhhhh... life is good, and keeps getting better, in this context.

Great fun.
Correct, we didn't, and do you know why? Because nobody wants it.

No, because stupid people like you go along with buying $500 toliet seats for planes we never use and don't care that much about actually building useful infrastructure...


If people wanted it, it would be profitable. If it were profitable, the private sector would have jumped on it years ago. But it's not profitable because only a handful of people would use it not including you.

Here we have a sales tax partly to fund our bus system. Why do they need taxpayer dollars to fund the busses? Because the only people that use the bus system are those who don't drive.

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how will a wall stop violent crime?
Plug a Thug

Morgues for immediately shot criminals have walls.
why do we still have a War on Crime?
Those Who Are Soft on Crime Get Hard Somewhere Else

Because of the Liberal "A Punk Is a Hunk" clique. They've turned loose enough of their feral pets on us to make it the equivalent of a war to defend America rather than a low-intensity mop-up operation.
how will a wall stop violent crime?
Plug a Thug

Morgues for immediately shot criminals have walls.
why do we still have a War on Crime?
Those Who Are Soft on Crime Get Hard Somewhere Else

Because of the Liberal "A Punk Is a Hunk" clique. They've turned loose enough of their feral pets on us to make it the equivalent of a war to defend America rather than a low-intensity mop-up operation.
We have a Second Amendment; who's fault is that? Every State of our Union has a "colonel general" of the regiments of the militia of the State.
But that is what you're going to get, because that is now what it takes to get the job done.

And, believe it, that particular job WILL get done... it's already well underway, the scope is expanding rapidly, and the pace is accelerating, every week.

Naw, people are already turning against Trump and his ICE Jackboots...

If people wanted it, it would be profitable. If it were profitable, the private sector would have jumped on it years ago. But it's not profitable because only a handful of people would use it not including you.

Here we have a sales tax partly to fund our bus system. Why do they need taxpayer dollars to fund the busses? Because the only people that use the bus system are those who don't drive.

Do you really want to use your broken city as an example?
But that is what you're going to get, because that is now what it takes to get the job done.

And, believe it, that particular job WILL get done... it's already well underway, the scope is expanding rapidly, and the pace is accelerating, every week.

Naw, people are already turning against Trump and his ICE Jackboots...

If people wanted it, it would be profitable. If it were profitable, the private sector would have jumped on it years ago. But it's not profitable because only a handful of people would use it not including you.

Here we have a sales tax partly to fund our bus system. Why do they need taxpayer dollars to fund the busses? Because the only people that use the bus system are those who don't drive.

Do you really want to use your broken city as an example?

Why not? It's broken because of Democrat leadership the last few decades. But to the point, public transportation is subsidized by the government all over the country. Nobody wants it. You don't even use it. And don't tell me where you live, there are no busses around.
They are not being forced to enforce anything, only to detain law breakers and contact ICE so they can enforce the law.

Which is awful policy, as if they did that, no one would report stuff to the police or cooperate in investigations.

So let 20 million people stay here breaking our law because a couple "might" give police information. That's liberal logic for ya. Oh, local police should not be locking up the bad guys because that's the feds problem. But when it comes to keeping them here, now you want to see police get all the aid they can get.
Walls do not prevent rape; but in right wing fantasy.

You are being an asshole.
nothing but fallacy, i got it.

NOt at all. I addressed everything you said, and you started spouting non sequiturs.

AND the timing of your refusal to engage demonstrates my point that you, more than don't care about Americans, specifically American children, but are actively hostile to them, to the point of siding with a child rapist over the child.

I can see why you would want to dodge that point, but you are still being an asshole with your rude conversational dodges.

You are being an asshole. If that bothers you, you should think about not being an asshole, not complaining to me about it for pointing it out.

Do you deny that your behavior is that of an asshole?
Why not? It's broken because of Democrat leadership the last few decades. But to the point, public transportation is subsidized by the government all over the country. Nobody wants it. You don't even use it. And don't tell me where you live, there are no busses around.

Nowhere near where I live at all.

Oh, your city is broken because Republicans ran your state into the ground.
So let 20 million people stay here breaking our law because a couple "might" give police information. That's liberal logic for ya. Oh, local police should not be locking up the bad guys because that's the feds problem. But when it comes to keeping them here, now you want to see police get all the aid they can get.

Actually, I'd like to see us spend less money on our bloated, ineffective and largely corrupt police departments. We don't need to spend more, we need to spend smarter. We also need a better system to weed out the Loehmanns, Van Dykes and Wilsons before they murder black kids. Or at least hold them accountable when they do.
But that is what you're going to get, because that is now what it takes to get the job done.

And, believe it, that particular job WILL get done... it's already well underway, the scope is expanding rapidly, and the pace is accelerating, every week.

Naw, people are already turning against Trump and his ICE Jackboots...

If people wanted it, it would be profitable. If it were profitable, the private sector would have jumped on it years ago. But it's not profitable because only a handful of people would use it not including you.

Here we have a sales tax partly to fund our bus system. Why do they need taxpayer dollars to fund the busses? Because the only people that use the bus system are those who don't drive.

Do you really want to use your broken city as an example?

Why not? It's broken because of Democrat leadership the last few decades. But to the point, public transportation is subsidized by the government all over the country. Nobody wants it. You don't even use it. And don't tell me where you live, there are no busses around.
it could be a lot better; and, we could have been doing it with war on drug money, the whole time.

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