Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

...Boy you are stupid...
Quite possibly. Fortunately, however, the particular brand of so-called 'stupidity' required to enforce US immigration law, is on the rise; hovering at tidal-wave proportions.

...Local, County and State LEO by statute are not granted the authority to enforce U.S. Immigration law...

They are, however, in the State of Texas, now obliged to cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement officials and agencies, in pursuit of that goal.


...I'm happy to say that people as ignorant and racist as you are dying quicker than they can be created...
Sit down, little snowflake... and enjoy the ride, as thousands upon thousands of your Beloved Beaners head for the border.
...Boy you are stupid...
Quite possibly. Fortunately, however, the particular brand of so-called 'stupidity' required to enforce US immigration law, is on the rise; hovering at tidal-wave proportions.

...Local, County and State LEO by statute are not granted the authority to enforce U.S. Immigration law...

They are, however, in the State of Texas, now obliged to cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement officials and agencies, in pursuit of that goal.


...I'm happy to say that people as ignorant and racist as you are dying quicker than they can be created...
Sit down, little snowflake... and enjoy the ride, as thousands upon thousands of your Beloved Beaners head for the border.
Well mistah po' white trash, I noticed your reply as lacking any factual basis to support your earlier stupid claims...
...Boy you are stupid...
Quite possibly. Fortunately, however, the particular brand of so-called 'stupidity' required to enforce US immigration law, is on the rise; hovering at tidal-wave proportions.

...Local, County and State LEO by statute are not granted the authority to enforce U.S. Immigration law...

They are, however, in the State of Texas, now obliged to cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement officials and agencies, in pursuit of that goal.


...I'm happy to say that people as ignorant and racist as you are dying quicker than they can be created...
Sit down, little snowflake... and enjoy the ride, as thousands upon thousands of your Beloved Beaners head for the border.
Well mistah po' white trash, I noticed your reply as lacking any factual basis to support your earlier stupid claims...
Sit down, boy... the new Texas law is, in and of itself, all the "factual basis" required, to support my well-considered claim, that local law enforcement in the State of Texas will now be obliged to cooperate actively with Federal immigration law enforcement agencies and officers. Now... go dry-hump somebody else's pants-cuff, boy... yer borin' the hell outta me.
Which will work, right up to the time when State Police show up on their doorsteps with warrants for their arrest.

All it will take is a half-dozen examples... police chiefs or mayors, arrested... scattered across the State, for the Undecideds to Decide.

You keep telling yourself that. You keep telling yourself that arresting elected officials and decorated police officers are going to make you look good...
It isn't about looking good.

It's about forcing compliance with United States immigration law.

It's about inter-agency cooperation designed to facilitate enforcement of such law.

It's about bitch-slapping those who refuse to extend that inter-agency cooperation, as required by their State, and their Country.

It's not meant to be a popularity contest.

But it will be popular - outside the framework of minority communities who strive to bring more of their own into the country, to the detriment of the Republic and its People.

But, so far it's all talk.

Time will tell, whether the Texas statute has any teeth.

We can only hope that it does, or that it goes, quickly, all the way to the newly-configured 5-4 SCOTUS, to be validated.

All it will take is one such law, successfully withstanding the inevitable court challenges.

Once one such law passes muster, sit back and watch the fun, as dozens of other States and jurisdictions rush to fill the vacuum with similarly-crafted statute.

Operation Wetback II.

Great fun.
first degrees need to go first, that is all.
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."

You get due process and liberty in Texas. Those sworn to uphold these principles have to be accountable if they do not. No police chief or "leader" defying the law and placing American citizens at risk should be surprised at such a response.

I would agree that they cannot violate federal law however local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal immigration law. It seems that Texas is becoming the new Nazi Germany.
I would agree that they cannot violate federal law however local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal immigration law. It seems that Texas is becoming the new Nazi Germany.
I would argue local / state personnel would not be going to jail for refusing to enforce federal law but for violating federal law by aiding and abetting criminals. Interfering with investigations and enforcement is a crime. It's all in how you look at it.
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."

You get due process and liberty in Texas. Those sworn to uphold these principles have to be accountable if they do not. No police chief or "leader" defying the law and placing American citizens at risk should be surprised at such a response.

I would agree that they cannot violate federal law however local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal immigration law. It seems that Texas is becoming the new Nazi Germany.
The right wing is always willing to "ditch capitalism" for their socialism on a national basis, at Every Opportunity; and then, "blame the poor".
I would agree that they cannot violate federal law however local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal immigration law. It seems that Texas is becoming the new Nazi Germany.
I would argue local / state personnel would not be going to jail for refusing to enforce federal law but for violating federal law by aiding and abetting criminals. Interfering with investigations and enforcement is a crime. It's all in how you look at it.
They can take all the first degrees we can muster; then, we can start on the second degrees.
While states like California are trying to find ways to defy President Trump by protecting criminal illegals, Texas is on the verge of passing legislation that would hold Mauors, police Ciefs, and other city officials accountable for enabling Sanctuary Cities.

If caught doing so, these coty officials could be SENT TO JAIL for breaking the law and aiding /abetting criminals.


Texas prepares to begin locking up leaders in sanctuary cities - Hot Air

"Texas would be the first in which police chiefs and sheriffs could be jailed for not helping enforce immigration law. They could also lose their jobs."

You get due process and liberty in Texas. Those sworn to uphold these principles have to be accountable if they do not. No police chief or "leader" defying the law and placing American citizens at risk should be surprised at such a response.

I would agree that they cannot violate federal law however local governments cannot be compelled to enforce federal immigration law. It seems that Texas is becoming the new Nazi Germany.

They are not being forced to enforce anything, only to detain law breakers and contact ICE so they can enforce the law.

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So two FBI agents walk past an ally and hear a woman crying for help but they will not and cannot do anything because it's not their jurisdiction
That's what loon libs are contending
Nope. I tried to get you to address a, I believe it was a 14 year old child raped by an illegal, and you refused to even acknowledge my point, let alone address it, all the while actively supporting an open border.

You are a vile person.
It will not prevent rape, or we would not need more than Ten Commandments from a god.

And instead of showing the slightest humanity with regard to the child we discussed, you spew gibberish to try to muddle the fact that you are on the side of the rapist, because he is a fellow Mexican.
Red Herrings is a right wing specialty. You make it seem like crime doesn't happen but for illegals from south of the border.

Nothing I said, did that.

You are like a fat man told by his doctors to loss weight and taking that to mean that smoking is not a problem.
how will a wall stop violent crime?

If the rapist in question had been prevented from returning to this nation, one of the 14 times he had been deported, the rape of that American child would not have occurred.

You can't rape a child, if you are physically hundreds of miles away from the child.
It will not prevent rape, or we would not need more than Ten Commandments from a god.

And instead of showing the slightest humanity with regard to the child we discussed, you spew gibberish to try to muddle the fact that you are on the side of the rapist, because he is a fellow Mexican.
Red Herrings is a right wing specialty. You make it seem like crime doesn't happen but for illegals from south of the border.

Nothing I said, did that.

You are like a fat man told by his doctors to loss weight and taking that to mean that smoking is not a problem.
how will a wall stop violent crime?

If the rapist in question had been prevented from returning to this nation, one of the 14 times he had been deported, the rape of that American child would not have occurred.

You can't rape a child, if you are physically hundreds of miles away from the child.
there is no rape in prisons?
...Boy you are stupid...
Quite possibly. Fortunately, however, the particular brand of so-called 'stupidity' required to enforce US immigration law, is on the rise; hovering at tidal-wave proportions.

...Local, County and State LEO by statute are not granted the authority to enforce U.S. Immigration law...

They are, however, in the State of Texas, now obliged to cooperate with Federal immigration enforcement officials and agencies, in pursuit of that goal.


...I'm happy to say that people as ignorant and racist as you are dying quicker than they can be created...
Sit down, little snowflake... and enjoy the ride, as thousands upon thousands of your Beloved Beaners head for the border.
Well mistah po' white trash, I noticed your reply as lacking any factual basis to support your earlier stupid claims...

One sentence accusing his enemy of being racist, the next using a racist slur against him.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
And instead of showing the slightest humanity with regard to the child we discussed, you spew gibberish to try to muddle the fact that you are on the side of the rapist, because he is a fellow Mexican.
Red Herrings is a right wing specialty. You make it seem like crime doesn't happen but for illegals from south of the border.

Nothing I said, did that.

You are like a fat man told by his doctors to loss weight and taking that to mean that smoking is not a problem.
how will a wall stop violent crime?

If the rapist in question had been prevented from returning to this nation, one of the 14 times he had been deported, the rape of that American child would not have occurred.

You can't rape a child, if you are physically hundreds of miles away from the child.
there is no rape in prisons?

Your non sequitur is noted and dismissed.

My point stands.

If the rapist in question had been prevented from returning to this nation, one of the 14 times he had been deported, the rape of that American child would not have occurred.

You can't rape a child, if you are physically hundreds of miles away from the child.

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