Texas to arrest Sanctuary City Leaders, Police Chiefs, etc...

NOt at all. I addressed everything you said, and you started spouting non sequiturs.

AND the timing of your refusal to engage demonstrates my point that you, more than don't care about Americans, specifically American children, but are actively hostile to them, to the point of siding with a child rapist over the child.

I can see why you would want to dodge that point, but you are still being an asshole with your rude conversational dodges.

You are being an asshole. If that bothers you, you should think about not being an asshole, not complaining to me about it for pointing it out.

Do you deny that your behavior is that of an asshole?
Walls do not prevent rape; but in right wing fantasy.

Walls that keep out rapists do indeed prevent rape. Your claim to the contrary is idiocy.
Where is there no rape; behind which walls, does rape never occur?

ANd now you present the absurd argument that NOT being a PERFECT DEFENSE is the same as being NO DEFENSE.

Though at least you actually responded to my previous post, which is good, and not being an asshole.
It is your claim. Rape happens regardless of walls.

It is not my claim.

My claim was that THAT SPECIFIC RAPE would not have occurred.

You lied about my claim so that you could attack a straw man and create the ILLUSION that you made a valid point.

THat is a standard dishonest liberals tactic.

My point stands. NOt only would a Wall have prevented that rape, but you are on the side of the Mexican rapist vs the side of the child.

Because he is Mexican.

YOu are a hostile alien who has been given citizens ship, but instead of being a loyal American are actively hostile to America and Americans.

You LIED when you swore allegiance to this nation. Your citizenship should be revoked and you should be deported.
Walls do not prevent rape; but in right wing fantasy.

Walls that keep out rapists do indeed prevent rape. Your claim to the contrary is idiocy.
Where is there no rape; behind which walls, does rape never occur?

ANd now you present the absurd argument that NOT being a PERFECT DEFENSE is the same as being NO DEFENSE.

Though at least you actually responded to my previous post, which is good, and not being an asshole.
It is your claim. Rape happens regardless of walls.

It is not my claim.

My claim was that THAT SPECIFIC RAPE would not have occurred.

You lied about my claim so that you could attack a straw man and create the ILLUSION that you made a valid point.

THat is a standard dishonest liberals tactic.

My point stands. NOt only would a Wall have prevented that rape, but you are on the side of the Mexican rapist vs the side of the child.

Because he is Mexican.

YOu are a hostile alien who has been given citizens ship, but instead of being a loyal American are actively hostile to America and Americans.

You LIED when you swore allegiance to this nation. Your citizenship should be revoked and you should be deported.
In other words, an anecdote and special pleading, is all you really have.
Walls do not prevent rape; but in right wing fantasy.

Walls that keep out rapists do indeed prevent rape. Your claim to the contrary is idiocy.
Where is there no rape; behind which walls, does rape never occur?

ANd now you present the absurd argument that NOT being a PERFECT DEFENSE is the same as being NO DEFENSE.

Though at least you actually responded to my previous post, which is good, and not being an asshole.
It is your claim. Rape happens regardless of walls.

It is not my claim.

My claim was that THAT SPECIFIC RAPE would not have occurred.

You lied about my claim so that you could attack a straw man and create the ILLUSION that you made a valid point.

THat is a standard dishonest liberals tactic.

My point stands. NOt only would a Wall have prevented that rape, but you are on the side of the Mexican rapist vs the side of the child.

Because he is Mexican.

YOu are a hostile alien who has been given citizens ship, but instead of being a loyal American are actively hostile to America and Americans.

You LIED when you swore allegiance to this nation. Your citizenship should be revoked and you should be deported.
In other words, an anecdote and special pleading, is all you really have.
Correct, so now we're going to learn a new legal term. It's called Justified Shooting. One of the things you are confused about is you think anytime somebody uses a firearm, it's illegal.

Shooting a 12 year old playing with a toy is not justified.
Shooting a kid 16 times when he's lying on the ground is not justified.
Shooting a man in the back is not justified.
Shooting an honor student in a car is not justified.

Again, I find if fucking hilarious that you think that the ATF adn FBI went too far in Waco, but you think shooting Tamir Rice was "justified".
Correct, so now we're going to learn a new legal term. It's called Justified Shooting. One of the things you are confused about is you think anytime somebody uses a firearm, it's illegal.

Shooting a 12 year old playing with a toy is not justified.
Shooting a kid 16 times when he's lying on the ground is not justified.
Shooting a man in the back is not justified.
Shooting an honor student in a car is not justified.

Again, I find if fucking hilarious that you think that the ATF adn FBI went too far in Waco, but you think shooting Tamir Rice was "justified".
Correct, so now we're going to learn a new legal term. It's called Justified Shooting. One of the things you are confused about is you think anytime somebody uses a firearm, it's illegal.

Shooting a 12 year old playing with a toy is not justified.
Shooting a kid 16 times when he's lying on the ground is not justified.
Shooting a man in the back is not justified.
Shooting an honor student in a car is not justified.

Again, I find if fucking hilarious that you think that the ATF adn FBI went too far in Waco, but you think shooting Tamir Rice was "justified".

Yes, I do think that police have the right to protect themselves when somebody pulls a gun on them, and the law and grand jury agree with me. Nobody agrees with you except other self-hating whites. You keep phrasing over and over again "toy gun" as if anybody could have known. Lying about something doesn't help your argument. You blame the police officer, and we conservatives place the blame where it actually belongs; the mother. But of course the Democrats here rewarded her 6 million dollars for being an unfit and irresponsible custodian. She shouldn't be a millionaire today, she should be a prison inmate today.
Yes, I do think that police have the right to protect themselves when somebody pulls a gun on them, and the law and grand jury agree with me.

Um, no. In half those cases, grand juries decided to charge. In the other half, it was a clear whitewash. And in none of the four cases I cited, NO ONE PULLED A GUN. No one HAD a gun.

You keep phrasing over and over again "toy gun" as if anybody could have known.

Well, they could have asked. Or they could have observed for a few minutes. Or they could have listened to the original report, that said, "it was probably a kid with a toy". Since there were dozens of people running from that park in terror, it was probably pretty obvious to them it was a kid with a toy.

Lying about something doesn't help your argument. You blame the police officer, and we conservatives place the blame where it actually belongs; the mother.

again- it was a toy. It was not in plain site, and the 1.3 second Officer Loehman (WHO ONCE AGAIN, WAS FIRED FROM ANOTHER PD FOR EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY!!!) waited was not enough time to evaluate whether the kid was an actual danger or not.

But of course the Democrats here rewarded her 6 million dollars for being an unfit and irresponsible custodian. She shouldn't be a millionaire today, she should be a prison inmate today.

No, the only person who should be an inmate should be the thug cop, fired from anotehr police department, who shot an innocent child.
Yes, I do think that police have the right to protect themselves when somebody pulls a gun on them, and the law and grand jury agree with me.

Um, no. In half those cases, grand juries decided to charge. In the other half, it was a clear whitewash. And in none of the four cases I cited, NO ONE PULLED A GUN. No one HAD a gun.

You keep phrasing over and over again "toy gun" as if anybody could have known.

Well, they could have asked. Or they could have observed for a few minutes. Or they could have listened to the original report, that said, "it was probably a kid with a toy". Since there were dozens of people running from that park in terror, it was probably pretty obvious to them it was a kid with a toy.

Lying about something doesn't help your argument. You blame the police officer, and we conservatives place the blame where it actually belongs; the mother.

again- it was a toy. It was not in plain site, and the 1.3 second Officer Loehman (WHO ONCE AGAIN, WAS FIRED FROM ANOTHER PD FOR EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY!!!) waited was not enough time to evaluate whether the kid was an actual danger or not.

But of course the Democrats here rewarded her 6 million dollars for being an unfit and irresponsible custodian. She shouldn't be a millionaire today, she should be a prison inmate today.

No, the only person who should be an inmate should be the thug cop, fired from anotehr police department, who shot an innocent child.
How long does it take for a person to point and shoot? That is how long a cop has to respond to that threat dumb ass. He waited long enough. The 12 year old was as big a a grown man and had a weapon that LOOKED just like a REAL firearm. The cop had no time to wait to see if he was gonna get shot stupid.
Um, no. In half those cases, grand juries decided to charge. In the other half, it was a clear whitewash. And in none of the four cases I cited, NO ONE PULLED A GUN. No one HAD a gun.

Then what are you complaining about? If an officer does something wrong, he or she will be held responsible. And yes, Rice had a gun. Nobody knew it might be a toy except the dispatcher who never relayed that information to the officers; not that it would have done any good, because a caller is the one who said it "might" be a toy. No way of knowing for sure.

Well, they could have asked. Or they could have observed for a few minutes. Or they could have listened to the original report, that said, "it was probably a kid with a toy". Since there were dozens of people running from that park in terror, it was probably pretty obvious to them it was a kid with a toy.

Dozens of people running in terror? WTF did you get that from? There was nobody at that park because it was raining that day. Where in that video did you see anybody but Rice????

They could have asked, could have observed for a few minutes? Thank God you never tried to become a police officer. Somebody is pulling a gun on you and you're going to ask questions? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Or you think that police should just sit back a hundred yards and observe? What if it was a maniac with a gun and the guy took off running and the cops lost him? Now you have a guy who was reportedly aiming his gun at pedestrians and motorists, and you did nothing but watch.

You are so inept. When police get a call about a person with a gun, their first priority is to ensure the safety of the public. Their second priority is to ensure their own safety.

again- it was a toy. It was not in plain site, and the 1.3 second Officer Loehman (WHO ONCE AGAIN, WAS FIRED FROM ANOTHER PD FOR EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY!!!) waited was not enough time to evaluate whether the kid was an actual danger or not.

Anytime somebody pulls a gun on a police officer, their life IS IN danger. The officers got a call about a guy with a gun. When they stopped, Rice started to pull the gun out of his pants. After the officer shot in self-defense, the gun landed on the ground. It was in plain view.
Walls that keep out rapists do indeed prevent rape. Your claim to the contrary is idiocy.
Where is there no rape; behind which walls, does rape never occur?

ANd now you present the absurd argument that NOT being a PERFECT DEFENSE is the same as being NO DEFENSE.

Though at least you actually responded to my previous post, which is good, and not being an asshole.
It is your claim. Rape happens regardless of walls.

It is not my claim.

My claim was that THAT SPECIFIC RAPE would not have occurred.

You lied about my claim so that you could attack a straw man and create the ILLUSION that you made a valid point.

THat is a standard dishonest liberals tactic.

My point stands. NOt only would a Wall have prevented that rape, but you are on the side of the Mexican rapist vs the side of the child.

Because he is Mexican.

YOu are a hostile alien who has been given citizens ship, but instead of being a loyal American are actively hostile to America and Americans.

You LIED when you swore allegiance to this nation. Your citizenship should be revoked and you should be deported.
In other words, an anecdote and special pleading, is all you really have.

I have an example of a rapist that was deported 14 times and then was back in the country to rape a 14 year old child.

I have the fact that a criminal deported 14 times and still in this country committing crimes makes a mockery of the claims of the Left that we do not have an effectively open border.

I have the fact that if that criminal was NOT in this country, because he was unable to return after being deported that that 14 year old American would not have been raped by that sub human animal.

I have your constant and repeated defense of not only the rapist, but the policies that allowed him into the country to rape.

AND I have your refusal to acknowledge, let alone actually address the Rights or Interests of the 14 year old American in question.

You are an enemy of America and Americans.

Your denial is in keeping with your hatred and contempt for US.
The pity of a teenager pointing a realistic looking gun at a cop from 20+ feet away is that Anyone would pity the kid and expect the cop to get shot first and respond second
How long does it take for a person to point and shoot? That is how long a cop has to respond to that threat dumb ass. He waited long enough. The 12 year old was as big a a grown man and had a weapon that LOOKED just like a REAL firearm. The cop had no time to wait to see if he was gonna get shot stupid.

Except it was a toy, and he didn't have it in his hand.

Frankly, I look at that videotape, and that is pretty clearly a child. You can tell by the awkward way he was walking.

Then what are you complaining about? If an officer does something wrong, he or she will be held responsible. And yes, Rice had a gun.

No, he had a toy. Which wasn't even out when Officer McWeepy shot him. (Again, a guy who was fired from another PD for having a weepy breakdown on a gun range where his superior had to take his weapon.)

Dozens of people running in terror? WTF did you get that from? There was nobody at that park because it was raining that day. Where in that video did you see anybody but Rice????

Well, yeah, his older sister was there.. and that was my point, there weren't people running in terror. Because post people saw a kid with a toy.

What if it was a maniac with a gun and the guy took off running and the cops lost him?

We have millions of maniacs running around with guns. When they are white people, you talk about their second Amendment rights. We didn't shoot any of those clowns who took over the bird sanctuary in Oregon... because they were white.
The pity of a teenager pointing a realistic looking gun at a cop from 20+ feet away is that Anyone would pity the kid and expect the cop to get shot first and respond second

I was listening to the police scanner in my city last night, and the same thing happened. A report of a fight and a kid with a gun. Cops were zooming past my house like it was the end of the world. They found the kid, but fortunately for him, he just raised his arms up until backup came and they cuffed him. They found the gun and it was a toy just like Rice had.

Granted Rice was only 12 years old, but even a 12 year old knows not to reach in his pants for anything when the police are pointing a real gun at you. But then again, bad parenting is mostly responsible. I was taught from young on to do whatever the police asked if I'm in a situation that involves police. In the thug community, kids are taught that the police are your enemy, and they are looking for a reason to shoot you.

Of course people like Joe don't believe in personal responsibility, that's why he blames the cops instead of the mother or the kid.
Anytime somebody pulls a gun on a police officer, their life IS IN danger.

except the gun wasn't in Tamir's hand.

When they stopped, Rice started to pull the gun out of his pants.

No, he didn't. Why would he? Did he think the cops were playing cops and robbers with him?

After the officer shot in self-defense, the gun landed on the ground. It was in plain view.

Not really, but you keep telling yourself that. The city paid out 6 million dollars because they wouldn't have even tried to float that shit past a jury.
Where is there no rape; behind which walls, does rape never occur?

ANd now you present the absurd argument that NOT being a PERFECT DEFENSE is the same as being NO DEFENSE.

Though at least you actually responded to my previous post, which is good, and not being an asshole.
It is your claim. Rape happens regardless of walls.

It is not my claim.

My claim was that THAT SPECIFIC RAPE would not have occurred.

You lied about my claim so that you could attack a straw man and create the ILLUSION that you made a valid point.

THat is a standard dishonest liberals tactic.

My point stands. NOt only would a Wall have prevented that rape, but you are on the side of the Mexican rapist vs the side of the child.

Because he is Mexican.

YOu are a hostile alien who has been given citizens ship, but instead of being a loyal American are actively hostile to America and Americans.

You LIED when you swore allegiance to this nation. Your citizenship should be revoked and you should be deported.
In other words, an anecdote and special pleading, is all you really have.

I have an example of a rapist that was deported 14 times and then was back in the country to rape a 14 year old child.

I have the fact that a criminal deported 14 times and still in this country committing crimes makes a mockery of the claims of the Left that we do not have an effectively open border.

I have the fact that if that criminal was NOT in this country, because he was unable to return after being deported that that 14 year old American would not have been raped by that sub human animal.

I have your constant and repeated defense of not only the rapist, but the policies that allowed him into the country to rape.

AND I have your refusal to acknowledge, let alone actually address the Rights or Interests of the 14 year old American in question.

You are an enemy of America and Americans.

Your denial is in keeping with your hatred and contempt for US.
Crime happens. We have a Second Amendment. Where were gun lovers?
except the gun wasn't in Tamir's hand.

Then how did it end up on the ground?

No, he didn't. Why would he? Did he think the cops were playing cops and robbers with him?

Who knows what goes on in the head of a mini-thug? Maybe he wanted to scare them. Maybe he thought because he was a minor they wouldn't shoot. Maybe he was trying to pull it out to show them it wasn't real. Who knows?

Not really, but you keep telling yourself that. The city paid out 6 million dollars because they wouldn't have even tried to float that shit past a jury.

That's exactly what they showed the jury. It's one of the many reasons the officer was found to break no laws.
Well, yeah, his older sister was there.. and that was my point, there weren't people running in terror. Because post people saw a kid with a toy.

Nobody knew it was a toy and even you can't lie your way out of that one. Need me to post the pictures of the "toy" and the real thing again? I've posted it about a half-dozen times for you already, but that thick skull of yours won't allow the information to absorb into your brain.

If everybody knew it was a toy, why did several people call the police?

We have millions of maniacs running around with guns. When they are white people, you talk about their second Amendment rights. We didn't shoot any of those clowns who took over the bird sanctuary in Oregon... because they were white.

I don't know anything about a bird sanctuary. But if it was a hostage situation, then of course they won't shoot unless they feel somebody's life is in jeopardy. Police only shoot in self-defense, not because somebody is a bad guy.
Then how did it end up on the ground?

Cops planted it... Come one, guy, who are you trying to fool.

Who knows what goes on in the head of a mini-thug? Maybe he wanted to scare them. Maybe he thought because he was a minor they wouldn't shoot. Maybe he was trying to pull it out to show them it wasn't real. Who knows?

Or maybe he didn't pull it out at all because the tape shows him with his hands in his pockets.

Again, city looked at that tape and said, "Holy Shit, here's six million dollars, Mrs. Rice.. Please don't sue us."

That's exactly what they showed the jury. It's one of the many reasons the officer was found to break no laws.

You the Grand Jury that wasn't even allowed to take a vote on the charges? The one led by a DA who got thrown out of office for sheer fucking incompetence.

Nobody knew it was a toy and even you can't lie your way out of that one. Need me to post the pictures of the "toy" and the real thing again? I've posted it about a half-dozen times for you already, but that thick skull of yours won't allow the information to absorb into your brain.

Doesn't matter how many pictures you post... it was a toy. The cops should have shown restraint and not hired an emotional wreck like Loehmann (fired after three months after crying fits on a gun range) to start with.

If everybody knew it was a toy, why did several people call the police?

And said, "hey, we think it's a toy".

I don't know anything about a bird sanctuary. But if it was a hostage situation, then of course they won't shoot unless they feel somebody's life is in jeopardy. Police only shoot in self-defense, not because somebody is a bad guy.

Just remember.

White cultists- Let them wait for 53 days until they decide to come out or commit suicide.

White Militia guys- let them wreck public property and hold off the cops for months.

Black kid playing with a toy... SHOOT THAT LITTLE ******!!!!
NOt at all. I addressed everything you said, and you started spouting non sequiturs.

AND the timing of your refusal to engage demonstrates my point that you, more than don't care about Americans, specifically American children, but are actively hostile to them, to the point of siding with a child rapist over the child.

I can see why you would want to dodge that point, but you are still being an asshole with your rude conversational dodges.

You are being an asshole. If that bothers you, you should think about not being an asshole, not complaining to me about it for pointing it out.

Do you deny that your behavior is that of an asshole?
Walls do not prevent rape; but in right wing fantasy.

Walls that keep out rapists do indeed prevent rape. Your claim to the contrary is idiocy.
Where is there no rape; behind which walls, does rape never occur?

ANd now you present the absurd argument that NOT being a PERFECT DEFENSE is the same as being NO DEFENSE.

Though at least you actually responded to my previous post, which is good, and not being an asshole.
It is your claim. Rape happens regardless of walls.

Walls do not prevent rape; but in right wing fantasy.

Walls that keep out rapists do indeed prevent rape. Your claim to the contrary is idiocy.
Where is there no rape; behind which walls, does rape never occur?

ANd now you present the absurd argument that NOT being a PERFECT DEFENSE is the same as being NO DEFENSE.

Though at least you actually responded to my previous post, which is good, and not being an asshole.
It is your claim. Rape happens regardless of walls.

Dude, nobody says that... put down the fucking bottle, it's 6 AM

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