Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Look at all these solid, serious, Trump-supporting Republicans (some of them appointed by the buffoon himself) testifying under oath who the rubes are having to dismiss, because they have to stick to their denial story.

"They're RINOs now! They're RINOs now!"

One of my favorite parts of this.
If Jesus himself came down from Heaven & testified to what he saw from up there they'd say Hillary got to him & crucify him again.

"Jesus is a RINO, I knew it"!
Meanwhile inflation is still rising, the stock market is still falling, and gas is more expensive than it's ever been.

Keep up the reality show!
The bots usually kick out inflation and gas prices posts much earlier in a thread. I wonder what happened to your programming?
With the economy deliberately falling over a damn cliff, does anyone give a single rat fuck about this bullshit show trial.

The house is on fire and instead of putting it out or getting everyone to safety, you assholes are trying prove little Timmy stole a cookie from the jar.

The internal polling must be devastating for the Dems to double down so fucking hard.
Economy is fine. It was a disaster when everyone was unemployed under Bush and again under Trump. We have a supply issue. Not a big deal dipity do but it’s a bitch to fix.
If McCarthy had not pulled all five Republicans in a snit, then we would have a real circus right now.

Instead, the proceedings are very formal with no performative jackasses tossing out red herrings, straw men, tu quoques, false dichotomies, etc., etc., etc.
Just like in the old Soviet Union, show trials were run so professionally.
History will say they matter

Republicans scream…Look over there!
This whole "trial" is nothing but one big look over there. Inflation, fuel prices, cost of living increases. How are you loons going to sell your brand come midterms, We ignored everything else but we maybe got Trump this time ?
The bots usually kick out inflation and gas prices posts much earlier in a thread. I wonder what happened to your programming?

^^^Look everyone, this guy is too stupid to realize inflation is the number ONE issue in the country right now.

LOL. You'll do just fine in November, tard. Hahahaha
^^^Look everyone, this guy is too stupid to realize inflation is the number ONE issue in the country right now.

LOL. You'll do just fine in November, tard. Hahahaha
Just leave them alone and let them persue the years old Get Trump Agenda as their main benefit to the American people for November
^^^Look everyone, this guy is too stupid to realize inflation is the number ONE issue in the country right now.

LOL. You'll do just fine in November, tard. Hahahaha

Unfortunately our Media, even Fox, is ignoring the increased ranks of homeless along with those just hanging onto the little that they have by a fingernail.

At the end of your pitiful hearings, there wont be a single criminal referral. Wanna bet? You would have to be a god damn fool to bet against me. :laugh:

That is not a fair bet
They already announced that there would not be.
It really would be nice if all this "evidence" could be cross examined.
But, we know that will never happen. :eusa_eh:
In order for it to be called evidence it must be given to the defense to refute. I wonder if Schiff has been working overtime to create something new to distract from his own act of insurrection with Colberts staff?
IF this is anything like the last 12,000 bombshells, it won't go off and it will be a dud.

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