Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Cause you hold all your best evidence to show after you've failed at everything else.
But you know less than nothing about the hearings. So your opinion of them therefore means less than nothing.

You guys never seem to get this simple principle.
The Republican idea of cross-examination is, "Yeahbut inflation! Yeahbut gas prices! LOOK! A SQUIRREL!"
Hey dumbfuck, inflation, gas prices, empty shelves. These things actually matter to REAL Americans (leaving traitorous scum like you out). YOU are the asshole screaming “LOOK! JAN. 6!” in a desperate deflection attempt.
The Republicans had their chance, dumbass.

Pelosi tried to form an independent commission like the one after 9/11. It would have been comprised of non-officeholders and would have been 5 Democrats and 5 Republicans.

But Trump killed that idea.

Just think. If there had been an independent commission, they would have released a report no one would read and that would be the end of it, and Trump would declare the report exonerated him.

But nooooooo! Trump killed it instead.

So then Pelosi created a committee, and of the five Republicans McCarthy picked to be on the committee, two of them were potential witnesses. What a dumbass.

So when Pelosi put the kibosh on the two potential witnesses, McCarthy decided to cancel all five Republican seats instead of just replacing the two hacks.

And that, retard, is why there is no cross-examination. Trump shot himself in the mouth.

If McCarthy had appointed five loyalists, you'd be seeing an ocean of red herrings being tossed around by the Trumptards.

Too bad. So sad.
Time to educate this dumb Dim again. That “independent committee” wasn’t going to be so independent. Pisslosi was still going to running every aspect. Pisslosi is a material witness, but your ignorant ass ignores that. She should be being questioned, not exempting herself from turning over any evidence or being called to testify. What’s sad is your terminal TDS.

So dumb.
Until the point where it has been cooberated and the defense allowed to check the veracity of any information it remains hearsay. He said-she said... But then you don't want Trump to have the ability to defend himself...
The Republicans silenced themselves. They shot themselves in the mouth.

They CHOSE to deny an independent investigation.

They CHOSE not to sit on the January 6 committee.

And now they have the audacity to whine they don't have a voice in the proceedings?!?!?! :laughing0301:

Oh, man. That's priceless. Only the dumbest of rubes would drink that piss. :eusa_whistle:
And you’re drinking it straight from the private parts of Xiden, Schumer, Pisslosi, AOC, Waters......
Until the point where it has been cooberated and the defense allowed to check the veracity of any information it remains hearsay. He said-she said... But then you don't want Trump to have the ability to defend himself...
That isn't what hearsay means.

Trump is the dumbass who didn't want to defend himself. He refused the independent commission. He refuses to testify or cooperate. Go whine to him.
This is what Insurrection Looks like courtesy of The Militant Brown Shirt Wings of The DemNazi Party.

View attachment 662969

WE already did, this is clearly designed to get off the abortion debate....the left can't debate...they just change the subject.

Well that the retarded perspective. The Left does not want the abortion debate to fall silent. That SCOTUS ruling is going to inspire many on the left to vote in November, who prolly wouldn't have voted.
Politico reports, "John Eastman, the attorney who developed Donald Trump’s last-ditch strategy to seize a second term, said in court Monday that he had his phone seized by federal agents last week."

“The federal agents identified themselves as FBI agents, but they appeared to be executing a warrant issued at the behest of the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General,” Eastman’s lawyer, Charles Burnham, wrote.

Politico continued, "A legal adviser to Trump’s campaign, Eastman has been a central figure in the Capitol riot committee’s case that the former president attempted to block the peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 6, 2021. A federal judge in California has previously ruled that Eastman and Trump “likely” entered a criminal conspiracy to obstruct the counting of electoral votes on Jan. 6.

"Last week, subpoenas were served on a slew of those false electors, including at least three state Republican Party chairs. Investigators also searched the Lorton, Va., home of former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark, another critical player in Trump’s efforts."

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol on Monday abruptly scheduled a hearing for Tuesday afternoon to hear what the panel called “recently obtained evidence” and take witness testimony, a surprise move that touched off a wave of speculation about a potentially explosive revelation," every major news outlet in the country.

It is beginning to look like the DOJ is closing in on Trump, the leader of the Republican Party, and the leader of the attempt to overthrow our elected government.

No response is expected from Trump Republicans. They seemed to have crawled under a rock.
This is the moronic hard left g5000 who doesn't attack Democrats for NOT ALLOWING QUESTIONS FROM THE DEFENSE, but for his paranoid made up attack by Republicans. Incredible. So you still stick with the flimsy, shallow lie you aren't a Democrat, huh? That's just hilarious at this point. You're like a four year old boy thinking no one can find you behind the sofa, LOL


What defense, kazzer? This isn't a trial, it's a hearing. This is more akin to a grand jury, which has no defense.

But no worries, the Department of Justice is currently investigating all of this; so if they show the courage to follow through with charges, those charged will have their day in court where they will get their opportunity to present a defense.

What defense, kazzer? This isn't a trial, it's a hearing. This is more akin to a grand jury, which has no defense.

But no worries, the Department of Justice is currently investigating all of this; so if they show the courage to follow through with charges, those charged will have their day in court where they will get their opportunity to present a defense.

And they won't be able to refuse to appear, and then pretend they weren't given a chance to tell their stories.
Look at all these solid, serious, Trump-supporting Republicans (some of them appointed by the buffoon himself) testifying under oath who the rubes are having to dismiss, because they have to stick to their denial story.

"They're RINOs now! They're RINOs now!"

One of my favorite parts of this.
Be interesting to see what the surprise testimony is tomorrow

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