Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Jan 6 Committee: New Bombshell Testimony and Evidence (6/28, 1pm)​

“Bombshell.” Lol. :laughing0301:

What do you call a bomb’s shell when it’s hollow and contains no explosives at all?

You could say a bombshell. But, realistically, it’s just a dud.

Jan 6 Committee: New Bombshell Testimony and Evidence (6/28, 1pm)​

“Bombshell.” Lol. :laughing0301:

What do you call a bomb’s shell when it’s hollow and contains no explosives at all?

You could say a bombshell. But, realistically, it’s just a dud.
To an ignorant crybaby who knows nothing about the hearings, we call it anything anything we like. Its not as if you would be able to tell the difference.
To an ignorant crybaby who knows nothing about the hearings, we call it anything anything we like. Its not as if you would be able to tell the difference.
Aww. The precious widdle Farty has a new favorite “word.” Today’s word is “crybaby,” regardless of the fact that it has no applicability.

But let’s humor Farty, the pathetic-ass troll.

Today is 6/27. So, this alleged “bombshell” hasn’t been “exploded” yet. Nevertheless, Farty imagines that we won’t learn about the nature of the “bombshell” when it gets exposed tomorrow.

I bet it’s a pretty big bombshell… any takers?
I'm thinkin' Pat Cipollone.
Cheney laid a hard shot on him in the 4th hearing (I think it was the 4th).
Testimony seems to indicate he has a sense of civic duty and morality, so maybe Cheney's 'hint' was heard?


It really would be nice if all this "evidence" could be cross examined. But, we know that will never happen
Well, patience Grasshopper. If there is or are indictments lurking....we ALL will be able to see that 'cross examination'-thingy.

The "hearing" is all DemoKKKrats and Dem-affected losers. It's not a legal proceeding if there's only one side present
Ah, that's a sad mis-read poor poster Martian.

Do this: Actually watch the hearings. There's been five so far. You can get each one on YouTube. Maybe there's an epiphany in your future.
Be optimistic that you can be a better you.

If there really is some smoking hot evidence, they should ask the DOJ to indict then prosecute, the J6 committee can't do that.
Patience, Grasshopper.
It seems there are some stirrings in the pot. Clark's home 'visited' by the FBI, stuff confiscated. Eastman's phone confiscated. The fake electors subpoenaed. Stuff seems to me moving. No?
I'm thinkin' Pat Cipollone.
Cheney laid a hard shot on him in the 4th hearing (I think it was the 4th).
Testimony seems to indicate he has a sense of civic duty and morality, so maybe Cheney's 'hint' was heard?


Well, patience Grasshopper. If there is or are indictments lurking....we ALL will be able to see that 'cross examination'-thingy.

Ah, that's a sad mis-read poor poster Martian.

Do this: Actually watch the hearings. There's been five so far. You can get each one on YouTube. Maybe there's an epiphany in your future.
Be optimistic that you can be a better you.

Patience, Grasshopper.
It seems there are some stirrings in the pot. Clark's home 'visited' by the FBI, stuff confiscated. Eastman's phone confiscated. The fake electors subpoenaed. Stuff seems to me moving. No?
I'm thinkin' Pat Cipollone.
Cheney laid a hard shot on him in the 4th hearing (I think it was the 4th).
Testimony seems to indicate he has a sense of civic duty and morality, so maybe Cheney's 'hint' was heard?


Well, patience Grasshopper. If there is or are indictments lurking....we ALL will be able to see that 'cross examination'-thingy.

Ah, that's a sad mis-read poor poster Martian.

Do this: Actually watch the hearings. There's been five so far. You can get each one on YouTube. Maybe there's an epiphany in your future.
Be optimistic that you can be a better you.

Patience, Grasshopper.
It seems there are some stirrings in the pot. Clark's home 'visited' by the FBI, stuff confiscated. Eastman's phone confiscated. The fake electors subpoenaed. Stuff seems to me moving. No?

:sleeping-smiley-015: :sleeping-smiley-015: :sleeping-smiley-015:
As it turns out, making a list of fake electors, putting it on a fake State letterhead, and adorning the document with a fake Official State seal, then sending them to the National Archives...

... is a serious felony.
I'm thinkin' Pat Cipollone.
Cheney laid a hard shot on him in the 4th hearing (I think it was the 4th).
Testimony seems to indicate he has a sense of civic duty and morality, so maybe Cheney's 'hint' was heard?


Well, patience Grasshopper. If there is or are indictments lurking....we ALL will be able to see that 'cross examination'-thingy.

Ah, that's a sad mis-read poor poster Martian.

Do this: Actually watch the hearings. There's been five so far. You can get each one on YouTube. Maybe there's an epiphany in your future.
Be optimistic that you can be a better you.

Patience, Grasshopper.
It seems there are some stirrings in the pot. Clark's home 'visited' by the FBI, stuff confiscated. Eastman's phone confiscated. The fake electors subpoenaed. Stuff seems to me moving. No?
Yeah, yeah, yeah....we got him now.
And the Sergeant of Arms had a timely death.
While I like what they're doing, that smells a little of showbiz to me. We'll see.
I like their confidence. And their caution thus far.
I've noted their prudence in public communications. Also noted the minimalist grandstanding in the hearings themselves. In short, they are guarding their credibility, their gravitas. Which makes me kinda sort suspect they're holding an ace. May not be a silver-bullet....I doubt they'd try that...but I think it may leave a mark. IMHO


A "hearing" with only one side allowed to participate is a reality show for dumb people like you.
Martian, c'mon man. You've worn that puppy out.
Or.......you just ain't listening to what knowledgeable posters are trying to help you with.
This is a friggin' hearing. Not a trial where you have plaintiff/defendant.
If....IF.....indictments come, you and me, and everybody.....will have the opportunity to hear the "side" that Meadows, Jordan, Eastman, Clark, et al, have refused, so far, to offer the American people. So be patient. Let's see if an indictment drops on the table.


We'll never know, because your reality show for idiots isn't allowing anyone from the opposing side to participate.
Martian, read my comments just above. They are still true.

How can they advertise Bombshell in advance?
The answer-they created it
I'm not at all sure that the Committee has advertised a 'bombshell'. Leastwise, I have seen no such comment in the media. And given their circumspection to date.....it sounds out of character for them to hype it. Rather, what I have read is that they simply have announced a new hearing to demonstrate new evidence. Fair enough.

Meanwhile inflation is still rising, the stock market is still falling, and gas is more expensive than it's ever been.
Martian, do this: Go start a thread on that stuff. Doing what you are doing above is a cheap 'Look, Squirrel-ism'. You are better than that.
Any news Republicans don’t like is fake
Well that the retarded perspective. The Left does not want the abortion debate to fall silent. That SCOTUS ruling is going to inspire many on the left to vote in November, who prolly wouldn't have voted.
Oh they do, that's why Roe was so important. They don't want to debate, they are hoping people are just horny......
Between inflation/ gas prices/ crime/ open border and now the SC overturning Roe vs. Wade, Dems are even more desperate to make the public believe that their contrived "hearings" matter.
Forevermore, Dims will be the party of inflation and sky high gas prices.

You would think they had learned their lesson after Carter.

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