Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

I hear that Gislaine Maxwell is being sentenced at about the same time.

Look over here, not over there!
Today's New York Times offers us this:

"...in recent days, the committee has indicated that it has gathered crucial new information that bears further exploration.

But pressed on the matter on Monday, aides declined to divulge what additional evidence they planned to present on Tuesday.
Some of the most damning testimony the panel has received so far has come from people who worked directly for Mr. Trump, including officials from his presidential campaign, his legal team and the Justice Department.

Ms. Hutchinson was asked by the committee about Mr. Trump’s positive reaction to the chants from rioters to execute Mr. Pence and confirmed it, according to people familiar with the panel’s work......... the committee received testimony that when Mr. Trump learned of the mob’s threats to hang Mr. Pence, he said, “Maybe our supporters have the right idea,” and added that Mr. Pence “deserves it.”

Ms. Hutchinson’s closed-door testimony also suggested that at least a handful of Republican lawmakers were concerned about criminal liability after participating in the effort to invalidate the election results. In a videotaped interview played by the panel at its last public hearing, Ms. Hutchinson testified that Representatives Mo Brooks of Alabama, Matt Gaetz of Florida, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Andy Biggs of Arizona and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia all sought pardons after the Jan. 6 assault."

I laugh -

There has literally been zero (0) damning testimony.
If there's nothing to it then why are you Trump's asseater's heads exploding over these hearings?

Or is that just your normal state of mind?
Your Evil and your lies will drag you straight to Hell where you belong hairy man ass lover.
Congress especially the DemNazi congress is more hated than ever.
They refuse to do what we pay them for which is to fix things.
Instead they engage in fictitious hearings based on false allegations and drag our entire country through the mud, playing the fiddle while watching Rome burn to the ground.

Change your diaper Mr. Poopy Pantz. Joe probably already changed his. Get with the program shit head.
At this point, no one can seriously think the minds of Trump's cult will be opened by anything short of him making a public announcement admitting the Big Lie was a big hoax. That he lied because his enormous ego did not allow for him to graciously acknowledge defeat, and because he saw convincing The Following of the Big Lie as a fund raising opportunity so he could fleece the flock.
Shouldn't you be investigating your own hair sniffing cult, and Joe Biden raping his teenage daughter in the shower?
Maybe you should have your DemNazi party do something about Fentanyl, Open Borders and diseased illegals coming in here or about the price of gas, food shortages or supply chain issues. I'd even settle for you clowns taking some initiative to change Joe's soiled diaper.

Nope, it's fap fap fap for you over a do nothing committee investigating imaginary accusations in a prime time political clown show soap opera.

Fap fap fap

Trump Trump Trump

Hump Hump Hump

Fap fap fap
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another episode of 'Schiff's got wood'......

Every time I see pictures of Schiff I imagine him and Right Winger wearing a ball gag in an S & M marathon session.

No wonder Congress can't get shit done.
Your Evil and your lies will drag you straight to Hell where you belong hairy man ass lover.
Congress especially the DemNazi congress is more hated than ever.
They refuse to do what we pay them for which is to fix things.
Instead they engage in fictitious hearings based on false allegations and drag our entire country through the mud, playing the fiddle while watching Rome burn to the ground.

Change your diaper Mr. Poopy Pantz. Joe probably already changed his. Get with the program shit head.
Head exploding over the hearing at 1300 today, Tramp asseater? Why sure! What else is new, mouthbreather?
Seems scheduled pretty sudden… apparently the Jan 6 Committee is excited to present something to your open minds. I bet it’s a pretty big bombshell… any takers?

January 6 committee adds new hearing for Tuesday - CNNPolitics
We'll see but it is coming more obvious where there is convictions...

Trump personally telling the RNC Chair (Ronna McDanie)to put in fake electors is look pretty ominous. It is highly unlike likely she has a pocket pardon, she seems smart enough to get proof of being ordered... She doesn't come across like the batshit crazy and would know that proof on Trump ordering her is cover under a plea.

I thought it would be others but this looks the closest right now... But you never know...

If they have hard evidence of Trump ordering Ronna McDanie (or even knowing about it) then that is a criminal. That is a charge and struggle to see how Trump can delay that for years..

There is always self pardoning but that could would involve admission of guilt and Trump would be supenoaed immediately to give testimony with no plead the 5th protection..
Head exploding over the hearing at 1300 today, Tramp asseater? Why sure! What else is new, mouthbreather?
The hearing is nothing. Only you commie cock sucking baby batter swallowing useful idiots want to turn it into something. It is a joke and distraction, political theater, and a monumental waste of tax dollars. Just think Democracy was almost overthrown with a single fire extinguisher and the only people that were murdered was an unarmed little old lady, murdered by Pelosi's personal SS Goon Squad.

Proud of that? Proud of you turning The Symbol of Freedom in The World DC into a war zone and looking like a WWII Prisoner Camp?

Why aren't you working to stop Fentanyl, Heroin, Meth, Child Trafficking, Inflation, runaway food, housing and fuel costs? Why haven't you done anything about supply chain shortages?
Look at all these solid, serious, Trump-supporting Republicans (some of them appointed by the buffoon himself) testifying under oath who the rubes are having to dismiss, because they have to stick to their denial story.

"They're RINOs now! They're RINOs now!"

One of my favorite parts of this.
there is nothing presented worthy of dismissal
Yeah. My biggest concern was that it would be a typical politician hearing, replete with pontificating and grandstanding. Y'know, come to think of it, the fact that they have clearly avoided the standard pontificating and grandstanding tells me they know they usually pontificate and grandstand. So that's been a positive, otherwise I'd be tuning out quickly.
No they haven't avoided pontificating and grandstanding.

Also, their near-exclusive use of Republicans and Trump-appointed Republicans has been excellent. The rubes have to impulsively call them RINOs because that's all they know, but it has been very effective.

That just proves it's a show trial.
No they haven't avoided pontificating and grandstanding.

That just proves it's a show trial.

Then you must be watching with SAP turned on. Many righties who are not watching at all, are blindly dismissing testimony of Republicans.

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