Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Meh? Recordings of Trumps conversation with Satan when he sold his soul wouldn't be enough for the MAGANUTS.

Sorry to say....
Unless trump committed or was complicit in a homicide, the MAGA faithful will ignore all other crimes he may have committed. The man is nothing more than a Mafia Boss who was aided into the WH by lies and misinformation from Poootin.
Cassidy Hutchinson. She knows everything and has just got a new lawyer.

She worked for Meadows and was inside on all the insurrection shit.
I wonder if any of the new testimony of communications inside Trump's circle will touch on .... Gini?
I would like to hear her defend her emails to Meadows encouraging the coup attempt. Boy, if Clarence thought the pubic hair on the Coke was embarrassing.Gini's testimony may top that.
So......a poiltical court controlled by the democrats without any republicans, the prosecutors are democrats, the defense are democrats, the witnesses are handpicked by democrats....

Yeah, that is fair and impartial......

No wonder you lost your empire...
There are two republicans. The rest are likely to be suspects.
Between inflation/ gas prices/ crime/ open border and now the SC overturning Roe vs. Wade, Dems are even more desperate to make the public believe that their contrived "hearings" matter.
So, you want to ignore the coup attempt and the continuing attempt to steal elections. The POS Former Guy is going to be outed as just another Mafia Boss...intent on ruling the repub party with fear and intimidation.
Unless trump committed or was complicit in a homicide, the MAGA faithful will ignore all other crimes he may have committed. The man is nothing more than a Mafia Boss who was aided into the WH by lies and misinformation from Poootin.
We tend to ignore lying morons. Anyone who still believes Trump colluded with Putin is suffering brain-damage.

Right now Dims are ignoring all the crimes you may have committed.
Unless trump committed or was complicit in a homicide, the MAGA faithful will ignore all other crimes he may have committed. The man is nothing more than a Mafia Boss who was aided into the WH by lies and misinformation from Poootin.
Trump was truthful and correct when he said he could shoot somebody in the head on 5th Ave and not see any loss of support. Various Wags have pointed to this truth as cognitive dissonance. But personally I just think that Trumpism began and ended with ... Trump. Not even DeSantis, let alone anyone else contemplating a run in 24 consistently supports his issues of grievance that can never be popular, such as repealing Obamacare or ending legal immigration from latin America. Once a voter or individual buys into those policies, there's only one candidate who can "save you."
As a top aide to Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, Cassidy Hutchinson was present for a number of key meetings and conversations in the weeks after the 2020 election as President Donald J. Trump tried to stay in power, and was inside the West Wing as the Capitol attack unfolded on Jan. 6, 2021.

She is the headline witness on Tuesday for a hearing abruptly called by the House select committee investigating the riot, at which the panel promised to show “recently obtained evidence” that would reveal more about the assault.

I recall last week she testified as to direct knowledge of some of the Repubs asking for pardons.
Two of the five that McCarthy chose for the committee were potential witness, so Pelosi rightfully rejected them.

All McCarthy had to do was replace them with two other Republicans not subject to subpoena.

Instead, he pulled all five in a snit.

Performative theater for the rubes.

And now the Republicans have the audacity to whine they don't have a voice on the committee? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!


It is like a defense attorney, throwing a tantrum, and refusing to put on a defense. What happens then? The prosecution wins because of the ignorance of the defense attorney. Whose fault is that? In this case, it is McCarthy's fault and trump's fault. Because McCarthy bowed to trump's insistence that the repubs not be part of the Select Committee.

So...when McCarthy and trump and the rest of the repubs whine about not being able to defend themselves....TO BAD...SO SAD....YOU BLEW YOUR CHANCE. Now, shut up and sit down.
The Republicans silenced themselves. They shot themselves in the mouth.

They CHOSE to deny an independent investigation.

They CHOSE not to sit on the January 6 committee.

And now they have the audacity to whine they don't have a voice in the proceedings?!?!?! :laughing0301:

Oh, man. That's priceless. Only the dumbest of rubes would drink that piss. :eusa_whistle:
The repubs took their ball and went home. Now they can sit in the stands and watch the other team make them look like.....INSURRECTIONISTS.
As a top aide to Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, Cassidy Hutchinson was present for a number of key meetings and conversations in the weeks after the 2020 election as President Donald J. Trump tried to stay in power, and was inside the West Wing as the Capitol attack unfolded on Jan. 6, 2021.

She is the headline witness on Tuesday for a hearing abruptly called by the House select committee investigating the riot, at which the panel promised to show “recently obtained evidence” that would reveal more about the assault.

I recall last week she testified as to direct knowledge of some of the Repubs asking for pardons.
Yeah, but I just don't see that as being something to cause the Committee to reverse itself in pausing to review new evidence before proceeding. I'm not a huge fan of congressional committees in general, and I'd say I've underestimated Bennie Thompson, but they have organized their material for an organized and step by step takedown of Trump's lies concerning his justification for an insurrection, which of course is never justified once they are adjudicated.
The viewership rating on this hearing will rival the first prime time hearing. The Dems have captured the imagination of voters....something that trump had been doing for the last few years. I bet Meadows and McCarthy are soiling their pants.....💩
The hearing is nothing. Only you commie cock sucking baby batter swallowing useful idiots want to turn it into something. It is a joke and distraction, political theater, and a monumental waste of tax dollars. Just think Democracy was almost overthrown with a single fire extinguisher and the only people that were murdered was an unarmed little old lady, murdered by Pelosi's personal SS Goon Squad.

Proud of that? Proud of you turning The Symbol of Freedom in The World DC into a war zone and looking like a WWII Prisoner Camp?

Why aren't you working to stop Fentanyl, Heroin, Meth, Child Trafficking, Inflation, runaway food, housing and fuel costs? Why haven't you done anything about supply chain shortages?
Still suffering from that ass bleed, simpleton? And the attack on Democracy hearing hasen't even started yet. Gonna be a long day for you, CLOWN.
Trump was truthful and correct when he said he could shoot somebody in the head on 5th Ave and not see any loss of support. Various Wags have pointed to this truth as cognitive dissonance. But personally I just think that Trumpism began and ended with ... Trump. Not even DeSantis, let alone anyone else contemplating a run in 24 consistently supports his issues of grievance that can never be popular, such as repealing Obamacare or ending legal immigration from latin America. Once a voter or individual buys into those policies, there's only one candidate who can "save you."
You're deluded if you believe that Obamacare and illegal immigration are popular. Trump ran on those issues and won.
Still suffering from that ass bleed, simpleton? And the attack on Democracy hearing hasen't even started yet. Gonna be a long day for you, CLOWN.
He better change his diaper now, it is going to fill up in the next couple hours.

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