Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

The viewership rating on this hearing will rival the first prime time hearing. The Dems have captured the imagination of voters....something that trump had been doing for the last few years. I bet Meadows and McCarthy are soiling their pants.....💩
The repubs took their ball and went home. Now they can sit in the stands and watch the other team make them look like.....INSURRECTIONISTS.
It's only obvious to everyone on the planet (outside the cult anyway) what happened.

Mitch and Trump did not want the independent commission, because they knew the facts would be damaging to Trump and other Republicans.

But they know those facts ARE coming out.

So, they sent it to the House and sabotage it by trying to appoint two people to the committee that were clearly disciple of Trump and possibly subjects of the investigation itself, knowing these picks would be rejected.

So now they can tell their sheep that there are no facts. And the sheep believe them.
In order for it to be called evidence it must be given to the defense to refute. I wonder if Schiff has been working overtime to create something new to distract from his own act of insurrection with Colberts staff?
It ain’t a trial dumbshit

It’s a hearing
It really would be nice if all this "evidence" could be cross examined.
But, we know that will never happen.

What Republicans? The "hearing" is all DemoKKKrats and Dem-affected losers. It's not a legal proceeding if there's only one side present.
Be careful what you wish for.
If you want both sides presented, then that will happen after the indictments.
If NO indictments, it won't matter, and the public can make their opinions.

If there are indictments, then a trial ( if no one pleas out ) then your side can present your evidence.

1). If indicted, I predict that the person indicted will make NO attempt to defend themselves (as you want) but they can't, so they will take the fifth.

2) If Cross was allowed, I predict that guys like Jordan and Banks will NOT defend the one indicted, but would just attack the left.
Be careful what you wish for.
If you want both sides presented, then that will happen after the indictments.
If NO indictments, it won't matter, and the public can make their opinions.

If there are indictments, then a trial ( if no one pleas out ) then your side can present your evidence.

1). If indicted, I predict that the person indicted will make NO attempt to defend themselves (as you want) but they can't, so they will take the fifth.

2) If Cross was allowed, I predict that guys like Jordan and Banks will NOT defend the one indicted, but would just attack the left.
Get out all the facts, period. That's not what's happening with this circus.
You're deluded if you believe that Obamacare and illegal immigration are popular. Trump ran on those issues and won.
and then trump FAILED to replace Obamacare (on day 1 ) as promised.
Promise broken. "Who knew that healthcare could be so difficult."

Believe it or not, there was in FACT illegal immigration under trump.
trump did NOT stop illegal immigration.

The FACTS ^^^^^^ are hard for you to swallow.
Sure. The Democrat only committee will condemn Trump in the end. How much do you want to bet I'm wrong?
Um...they condemned him from the beginning of the hearings.

But you didn't know that, because you know less than nothing about the hearings.

They said on day one that they would establish, using facts and testimony, Trump's high crimes.
Believe it or not, there was in FACT illegal immigration under trump.
trump did NOT stop illegal immigration.

The FACTS ^^^^^^ are hard for you to swallow.
Also, ask yourself if Trump was sending them back across the border and wait, or
was he putting them on buses and planes shipping them across the US?
The vast majority of the officials testifying against Trump are all Republicans, moron. Every one of them wanted Trump to win, but they put our democracy above a tyrant.

Trump lost, and he tried to steal the election. He failed. Thank God.

Too bad. So sad.

Yet another standard as a Democrat you apply only one direction. Democrat = hypocrite, and you're a racist too
Um...they condemned him from the beginning of the hearings.

But you didn't know that, because you know less than nothing about the hearings.

They said on day one that they would establish, using facts and testimony, Trump's high crimes.

Read the chain, racist jackass

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