Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Let us not forget that we have been told for over a year now that TRUMP! was a no-show at the Capital, and that was double-plus ungood, and stuff. Now we're told that he wanted to go to the Capital and that is also double-plus ungood, and stuff. Can they not make up their minds?
You're not paying attention!

The new news about him insisting on going to the capitol, and on him sending his followers there, is, at the time he sent them down to the Capitol, he had found out all the thousands of followers outside of the ellipse gate, would not enter because the magnetometer would stop them because they were carrying guns and other weapons with metal content.

He sent his crowd down to the Capitol anyway, knowing they had weapons.
In the article about Engel's testimony which took place 3 weeks earlier than Cassidy, the press reporting on it, used the term Beast as well, and that Engel testified that he and Trump in the car, differed on taking him to the capitol or the whitehouse....or they had a disagreement on it.... But in the end, he brought trump to the whitehouse.
So, the whole grabbing the wheel and attacking the Secret Service never happened? We knew that, already.
The secret service among eachother, do not use the term, The Beast, when talking about the Limo, involved with their work, they call it, Cadillac One.... It is the public's and journalist term for the President's vehicle that he travels in.
But it was Cassidy who used the term "Beast" while supposedly quoting a Secret Service supervisor. She said it twice.

Here, I'll post it again, as often as you need me to:


Was she lying about what the Secret Service man said?
She lied because Trump was not in the beast. He was in the presidential SUV not the limo.
She wasn't there, she was repeating what she was told by Tony Ornato, who also wasn't there, but allegedly was updated on it.

Why do you care what she calls any presidential vehicle that Trump is in.....? Or how Ornato relayed his story to her?

Who cares?

The point is, Trump had it out with Secret Service because he really wanted to go down to the Capitol, even with his protesters that were armed....and that Trump said he was not afraid of his followers with guns, they weren't there, to hurt him....

So I guess he didn't give two shits, about them possibly hurting others, like Pence, or the capitol police or other peop!e in the crowd.....? It shows he didn't care....
So, the whole grabbing the wheel and attacking the Secret Service never happened? We knew that, already.

But it was Cassidy who used the term "Beast" while supposedly quoting a Secret Service supervisor. She said it twice.

Here, I'll post it again, as often as you need me to:


Was she lying about what the Secret Service man said?

You don't know, that he didn't use that term with her...because that's the term laymen in the admin use for any of the vehicles the president is in.... and Ornato was not working for the Secret Service at that time, he worked for Trump personally in some special arrangement that's never been done before... He went back to the Secret Service after Trump left.
She wasn't there, she was repeating what she was told by Tony Ornato, who also wasn't there, but allegedly was updated on it.

Why do you care what she calls any presidential vehicle that Trump is in.....? Or how Ornato relayed his story to her?

Who cares?
It goes to her credibility as a hearsay witness. Maybe Ornato did not say "The Beast," at all. Maybe he said, "The SUV," or whatever.
The point is, Trump had it out with Secret Service because he really wanted to go down to the Capitol, even with his protesters that were armed....and that Trump said he was not afraid of his followers with guns, they weren't there, to hurt him....
But that all assumes that while Cassidy clearly did not get the part about "The Beast" right, she got every other thing right.
So I guess he didn't give two shits, about them possibly hurting others, like Pence, or the capitol police or other peop!e in the crowd.....? It shows he didn't care....
Did you think that he cared before Cassidy testified?

I'm trying to figure out why you think she was such a "bombshell" witness when all she did was repeat level two hearsay that was designed to reinforce what Trump haters already thought.

Key question: What did Cassidy actually hear Trump say?
She never said she saw shit. Why do you lie?

She said Tony Ornato, Trump's Deputy of Operations, told her that this is what happened on the way back from the Ellipse with President Trump and his top dog Secret service guy, Bobby Engel.

She said when Tony Ornato told her this story, Bobby Engel was sitting on the couch, right there, when Ornato told her this story of what happened in the car, and Engel, never spoke up and interrupted Ornato's tale, to say if it was true, or not true.

She said all of this under oath, and so far, 5 days later, journalists have only heard second hand, from an alleged close source, that Ornato disputes the claim.

Neither men, though they promised they would, have gone in to testify under oath to it.

If you actually think she made this up and lied about what she was told, why would she give this account under oath and threat of perjury, knowing that they could call in Ornato and Engle to testify to its veracity? And also knowing, both of these men, have been interviewed under oath by the committee, before her?

Which is Hearsay and shouldnt even see the time if day. Every legal proceeding worth a damn throws bs out.

This is joke same as the leaders doing it
You don't know, that he didn't use that term with her...because that's the term laymen in the admin use for any of the vehicles the president is in.... and Ornato was not working for the Secret Service at that time, he worked for Trump personally in some special arrangement that's never been done before... He went back to the Secret Service after Trump left.
Maybe he used the term "grabbed for the steering wheel" because that is what laymen say when they really mean, "ordered the Secret Service to go to the capital." Like it was a verbal grab, right? Maybe he used the term "take your hand off the steering wheel," when he meant "stop looking at the steering wheel like that!" Maybe when he used the term lunged for Mr. Engel," he meant, "waved his hand at Bobby!"

If your goal is to make the statement fit the facts, no matter how counter-factual, so you allow yourself to assume that a false statement really meant something else, I suppose you could interpret any words any way that you need to.

You do know that the phrase was "take your hand off the steering wheel," right? Can you describe how a man as large as Trump managed to lean over the back of the front seat past the Secret Service driver to put his hand on the steering wheel?
So, the whole grabbing the wheel and attacking the Secret Service never happened? We knew that, already.

But it was Cassidy who used the term "Beast" while supposedly quoting a Secret Service supervisor. She said it twice.

Here, I'll post it again, as often as you need me to:


Was she lying about what the Secret Service man said?

Here some reporting on Engel's testImony when it happened, about 3 weeks prior to the Cassidy testimony.... and this article used the term, the Beast..... So I'm thinking it must be just a term for either of the armoured vehicles that trump uses??! :dunno:

It is strange....that Cassidy, and the news used the term???


June 8, 2022

Robert Engel, head of former President Trump’s Secret Service detail on Jan. 6, discussed Trump’s unsuccessful request to march with his supporters to the Capitol during his testimony to Jan. 6 Select Committee investigators, according to Politico.

Engel reportedly testified to the panel that Trump raised the prospect privately with him, a person familiar with the agent’s congressional testimony told Politico. Engel rode with the then-President in the presidential armored car known as “the Beast” back to the White House, following the infamous “Stop the Steal” rally on the Ellipse that preceded the deadly Capitol insurrection.

In his testimony, Engel reportedly recalled his discussion with Trump about the then-President’s desire to go to the Capitol, according to Politico. Engel testified that he and the President were at odds on the matter. Engel opposed Trump’s request, and testified that they returned to the White House. Trump ultimately did not make an appearance on Capitol Hill.
Politico’s report on Engel’s testimony comes a day after the Washington Post reported on Trump’s weeks-long attempt to pressure the Secret Service to devise a plan for him to join his supporters on a march to the Capitol on Jan. 6.

According to the Post, the Secret Service rejected the then-President’s initial requests. But Trump blindsided the agency on Jan. 6 when he urged his supporters at the “Stop the Steal” rally on the Ellipse to march to the Capitol — and suggested he would join them. Trump’s remarks swiftly prompted the agency to rush to accommodate him in response to his call to action.

Engel’s reported testimony contradicts claimed by former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who claimed in his book that the then-President told him right after his speech at the rally that he was “speaking metaphorically” when he suggested that he would march on the Capitol himself.

Trump “knew as well as anyone that we couldn’t organize a trip like that on such short notice,” Meadows wrote in his book, according to The Guardian.

Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi told the Post that the agency is cooperating fully with congressional investigators’ request for information and documents about Secret Service planning for Trump’s movements on Jan. 6.

The committee is reportedly investigating Trump’s efforts to convince the Secret Service to allow him join the march on Jan. 6, according to the Post. Additionally, the panel is investigating whether Trump and his aides played any role in encouraging the Secret Service to remove then-Vice President Mike Pence from the Capitol as a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, targeting Pence and other lawmakers.
Maybe he used the term "grabbed for the steering wheel" because that is what laymen say when they really mean, "ordered the Secret Service to go to the capital." Like it was a verbal grab, right? Maybe he used the term "take your hand off the steering wheel," when he meant "stop looking at the steering wheel like that!" Maybe when he used the term lunged for Mr. Engel," he meant, "waved his hand at Bobby!"

If your goal is to make the statement fit the facts, no matter how counter-factual, so you allow yourself to assume that a false statement really meant something else, I suppose you could interpret any words any way that you need to.

You do know that the phrase was "take your hand off the steering wheel," right? Can you describe how a man as large as Trump managed to lean over the back of the front seat past the Secret Service driver to put his hand on the steering wheel?
Let the guys testify again, before the committee, under oath.

You are right, it's all speculation at this point....when we don't even know what the guys will say, under oath!
Here some reporting on Engel's testImony when it happened, about 3 weeks prior to the Cassidy testimony.... and this article used the term, the Beast..... So I'm thinking it must be just a term for either of the armoured vehicles that trump uses??! :dunno:

It is strange....that Cassidy, and the news used the term???


June 8, 2022

Robert Engel, head of former President Trump’s Secret Service detail on Jan. 6, discussed Trump’s unsuccessful request to march with his supporters to the Capitol during his testimony to Jan. 6 Select Committee investigators, according to Politico.

Engel reportedly testified to the panel that Trump raised the prospect privately with him, a person familiar with the agent’s congressional testimony told Politico. Engel rode with the then-President in the presidential armored car known as “the Beast” back to the White House, following the infamous “Stop the Steal” rally on the Ellipse that preceded the deadly Capitol insurrection.

In his testimony, Engel reportedly recalled his discussion with Trump about the then-President’s desire to go to the Capitol, according to Politico. Engel testified that he and the President were at odds on the matter. Engel opposed Trump’s request, and testified that they returned to the White House. Trump ultimately did not make an appearance on Capitol Hill.
Politico’s report on Engel’s testimony comes a day after the Washington Post reported on Trump’s weeks-long attempt to pressure the Secret Service to devise a plan for him to join his supporters on a march to the Capitol on Jan. 6.

According to the Post, the Secret Service rejected the then-President’s initial requests. But Trump blindsided the agency on Jan. 6 when he urged his supporters at the “Stop the Steal” rally on the Ellipse to march to the Capitol — and suggested he would join them. Trump’s remarks swiftly prompted the agency to rush to accommodate him in response to his call to action.

Engel’s reported testimony contradicts claimed by former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, who claimed in his book that the then-President told him right after his speech at the rally that he was “speaking metaphorically” when he suggested that he would march on the Capitol himself.

Trump “knew as well as anyone that we couldn’t organize a trip like that on such short notice,” Meadows wrote in his book, according to The Guardian.

Secret Service spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi told the Post that the agency is cooperating fully with congressional investigators’ request for information and documents about Secret Service planning for Trump’s movements on Jan. 6.

The committee is reportedly investigating Trump’s efforts to convince the Secret Service to allow him join the march on Jan. 6, according to the Post. Additionally, the panel is investigating whether Trump and his aides played any role in encouraging the Secret Service to remove then-Vice President Mike Pence from the Capitol as a mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, targeting Pence and other lawmakers.
Your own article says that "the Beast" is the presidential armored car. Not an SUV. Good Gawd, y'all! If you can't admit that you're wrong about that detail, how credible is the rest of it?

Where is the part in that article where Engel said that about Trump grabbing the wheel? That would actually make Trump look bad, if it were even possible. I can't imagine Engel leaving it out of his testimony, if he told it to Cassidy.

I await your description of that wheel grabbing incident.

EDIT: I agree with what you said about waiting until the guys testify.
She wasn't there, she was repeating what she was told by Tony Ornato, who also wasn't there, but allegedly was updated on it.

Why do you care what she calls any presidential vehicle that Trump is in.....? Or how Ornato relayed his story to her?

Who cares?

The point is, Trump had it out with Secret Service because he really wanted to go down to the Capitol, even with his protesters that were armed....and that Trump said he was not afraid of his followers with guns, they weren't there, to hurt him....

So I guess he didn't give two shits, about them possibly hurting others, like Pence, or the capitol police or other peop!e in the crowd.....? It shows he didn't care....
It doesn't matter she said it happened she lied.
So you don't want an authoritarian, hyper-nationalist strongman in power, who rules by intimidation and force, using government to pick and choose the winners.


Who creates a cult of personality by demanding the unswerving loyalty of anyone who comes in contact with him.

Meh... all politicians do that. Entertainers are actually the worst, you know, gotta be a stahhhhr....

But politicians like to draw attention to themselves too.

Who creates distrust in the system and who will attack and try to discredit and destroy anyone who criticizes him.



You're talking about Hillary? Nancy Pelosi? Adam Schifftard?

Look man - we all know in advance that ALL politicians are a bunch of crooked self serving bastards. To say that one is worse than the other is downright idiotic.

Out of the field of 16 other Republicans who ran in the '16 primary, who would NOT have had the qualities you mention? Jeb? Ted Cruz? Rubio?

How about the Democrats? Hillary? Harris? I mean, they're all the same. None of them inspire confidence. All of them are authoritarian - to a degree.

USUALLY, we can convince ourselves to look the other way, over a little graft, or a personality quirk. But this stuff that's going on now, is so far over the top it's tubular. I don't want my taxpayer money spent this way. I don't consent to be governed this way.
Your own article says that "the Beast" is the presidential armored car. Not an SUV. Good Gawd, y'all! If you can't admit that you're wrong about that detail, how credible is the rest of it?

Where is the part in that article where Engel said that about Trump grabbing the wheel? That would actually make Trump look bad, if it were even possible. I can't imagine Engel leaving it out of his testimony, if he told it to Cassidy.

I await your description of that wheel grabbing incident.

EDIT: I agree with what you said about waiting until the guys testify.
Yep. But even the beast isn't an armored car, it's an armored LIMO.....

So, I'm not certain what's going on....?

What kind of car do you have? ANSWER: I have an SUV.
They are interchangeable....

But honestly, it is weird..... Though immaterial to the information gained....he planned it for a while before the rally, to march down there...and he never let capitol hill know, and never got legal permits for the crowd to march down to the capitol, or to protest at the capitol.... Capitol and metro police, could have been better prepared if the permits had been filed ahead of time.

I've read that the Secret Servicemen themselves, supposedly call the SUV, The Camp David suv
Yep. But even the beast isn't an armored car, it's an armored LIMO.....

So, I'm not certain what's going on....?
Yes, let's wait and see if Ornato and Engel testify. At least they were there.
What kind of car do you have? ANSWER: I have an SUV.
They are interchangeable....
Like in Texas we say, "Can you get me a coke?" "Sure! Coke coke?" "Nooo . . . you know I like Dr. Pepper."
But honestly, it is weird..... Though immaterial to the information gained....he planned it for a while before the rally, to march down there...and he never let capitol hill know, and never got legal permits for the crowd to march down to the capitol, or to protest at the capitol.... Capitol and metro police, could have been better prepared if the permits had been filed ahead of time.
Not saying that it didn't happen, but where do you get the information that he planned it for a while before the rally, to march down there?

I won't bother to ask whether you also objected to the numerous BLM/ANTIFA riots on the grounds that they did not get permits or coordinate with police.
I've read that the Secret Servicemen themselves, supposedly call the SUV, The Camp David suv
Right, so not "the Beast" as Cassidy described them calling it. She just got that part wrong, no big deal. Our minds fill in gaps, especially when relaying a third hand story. She assumed that Trump was in the beast so she relayed that Ornato said "the Beast." She may actually remember it that way. That's how the mind works.

It isn't a problem unless you must insist that her hearsay testimony is by definition perfectly accurate.

She may have remembered Ornato being pissed off at Trump for not obeying the Secret Service (as if . . .), and her mind filled in the part about Trump attacking the agent, which is unlikely, and the part about Trump lunging over the seat to grab the wheel, which is impossible.
Which is Hearsay and shouldnt even see the time if day. Every legal proceeding worth a damn throws bs out.

This is joke same as the leaders doing it
Jebus Crisco!

This is NOT a legal proceeding. This is simply a hearing to inform the public of the who, what, where, when, why and how January 6th riot and that obstruction of the official counting of electors, came about, and what did the president know, and when did he know it, type stuff.

If the DOJ investigates for legal purposes, they won't use hearsay.

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