Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

ummmm ... congress has to refer a criminal charge to the DOJ, who then decides whether to indict - which THEN goes in front of a judge/goes to trial; THEN it's a criminal matter. howverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........if you lie under oath in a court of LAW - it AUTOMATICALLY becomes a bigley issue for jail time.


If you lie under oath the judge has to refer that accusation to the DA, who then decides whether to indict, which then goes to trial in front of a jury. Then it becomes a criminal matter.

Pretty much the same process.
If it's not a legal proceeding, whatever that nebulous term is supposed to mean, then why can witnesses go to jail if they lie?
Because it’s a crime maybe?

“Federal crime

It is a federal crime to make a material false statement in a matter within the jurisdiction of a federal agency or department. 1 Perjury is also a federal crime. Perjury is a false statement made under oath before a federal tribunal or official.”
It’s possible the Jan. 6 committee refers a criminal case against Trump, Liz Cheney says

It’s still possible that the Jan. 6 committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol makes a criminal referral to the Justice Department against former President Donald Trump, Rep. Liz Cheney said.

“It’s a decision that we’ll make together as a committee,” the Wyoming Republican said in an interview with ABC News’ “This Week” that aired Sunday.

Committee members have appeared to be divided over whether it would potentially refer a case against Trump, who some believe is to blame for the 2021 attack. Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-MS, who chairs the committee, said last month that while if the DOJ examines the hearings and decides to review it further they would, but making a criminal referral is “not our job.”

Others on the committee, including Cheney, quickly shot back, saying that the committee has yet to vote on whether it would recommend criminal referrals to the department.


Whether they do or not the committee will be passing along to the DoJ more than enough information to sustain multiple indictments of Trump.
I'm uncertain. I think they will bring charges against his co conspirators for certain, like all the president's men, of Nixon. But a former president??? The jury pool, only needs one Trumper on it out of the 12, for a hung jury....and no way is the DOJ gonna take that chance and be labeled a partisan Doj, that continued to divide the country, unless....unless it was a slam dunk indictment, where even a Trumper would have to convict.
Perhaps you didn't hear me the first time


All summer long you fucktards were running around with Molotovs, and bricks, and bottles full of frozen piss.

Now you expect me to give a shit about a measly old gun?

I don't

Couldn't care less

It took two years of Watergate hearings and investigation to bring the American people, around to the truth.[/qupte]

democrat truth. He shoulda stayed and fought it. Clinton did and he deserved impeachment.

it's taken 50 years to see what it REALLY was.
democrat truth. He shoulda stayed and fought it. Clinton did and he deserved impeachment.

It wouldn't have been much of a fight. Had he not resigned, he would have been impeached by the House and thrown out of office by the Senate.

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