Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

So the smoking gun is Trump wanted to go to the capital and had an argument with a SS agent about it?

Im convinced. Throw him in jail and throw away the key. I’m sure Trump is the only President to ever have a disagreement with a SS agent.
Let us not forget that we have been told for over a year now that TRUMP! was a no-show at the Capital, and that was double-plus ungood, and stuff. Now we're told that he wanted to go to the Capital and that is also double-plus ungood, and stuff. Can they not make up their minds?
Pathetic deflection because the pig is done. Begging morons like you to switch parties to vote for her. She’s a laughingstock and will be treated as such. Remember, tick tock, once Republicans take the House, you’re done here. Enjoy the Republican landslide.

Let us not forget that we have been told for over a year now that TRUMP! was a no-show at the Capital, and that was double-plus ungood, and stuff. Now we're told that he wanted to go to the Capital and that is also double-plus ungood, and stuff. Can they not make up their minds?
It's almost as if they changed their minds, in light of newly revealed facts.

That's probably why it looks so foreign to you.
It's almost as if they changed their minds, in light of newly revealed facts.

That's probably why it looks so foreign to you.
It's either a good thing or not. We've been told he's a terrible, awful person (and stuff) who didn't want to go be with his people at the Capital and now we find out that the SS kidnapped him and prevented him from going and he's a terrible, awful person (and stuff) because he actually did want to go be with his people at the Capital? Integrity would demand that everyone who wailed and whined about him not being at the Capital acknowledge their mistake, but this is politics where such things don't happen. Instead, we simply jump on the bicycle headed the other direction and continue wailing and whining. It is to be amused. Oh, well, we still have no idea what happened in the SUV, so it's a moot point.
It's either a good thing or not. We've been told he's a terrible, awful person (and stuff) who didn't want to go be with his people at the Capital and now we find out that the SS kidnapped him and prevented him from going and he's a terrible, awful person (and stuff) because he actually did want to go be with his people at the Capital? Integrity would demand that everyone who wailed and whined about him not being at the Capital acknowledge their mistake, but this is politics where such things don't happen. Instead, we simply jump on the bicycle headed the other direction and continue wailing and whining. It is to be amused. Oh, well, we still have no idea what happened in the SUV, so it's a moot point.
Yes that’s the lib mantra
He started it and did nothing to stop it-insurrection and coward
He started it and tried to go see about it-interfered with and attacked secret service; insurrection
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Yes that’s the lib mantra
He started and did nothing to stop it-insurrection and coward
He started it and tried to go see about it-interfered with and attacked secret service; insurrection
It's almost as if they intend to complain about everything he does, even if he does the exact opposite of what they were complaining about the first time.
I don't moralize about good and evil.

But I know Stalinism when I see it.

The stuff that killed 40 million people in the 20th century.

There is zero emotion in this statement:

Stalinism will not be allowed here. PERIOD.
I'm afraid it already is. this hearing is pure Stalinism.
It's almost as if they intend to complain about everything he does, even if he does the exact opposite of what they were complaining about the first time.
It’s not almost if they intend, they can’t think so they emote even when contradictory
It's either a good thing or not.

facts & truth is always better than lies.

We've been told he's a terrible, awful person (and stuff)

he is.

who didn't want to go be with his people at the Capital and now we find out that the SS kidnapped him

nobody is saying they 'kidnapped' him.

and prevented him from going

because their #1 j-o-b, is to protect his life by using their bodies as shields.

and he's a terrible, awful person (and stuff)

he is.

because he actually did want to go be with his people at the Capital?

correction : flying monkeys.

Integrity would demand that everyone who wailed and whined about him not being at the Capital

you are prone to hypobole, aren'tcha?

acknowledge their mistake,

well, silly me. here, along with countless other critical thinkers figured he was lying - 'cause you know ...

... wellllll....'cause he lied about oh so many things over the oh so many decades, long b4 he was BLOTUS. but, hey let's just count since the election, m'k? how it was rigged, stolen, etc etc etc.

but this is politics where such things don't happen.

see above.

Instead, we simply jump on the bicycle headed the other direction and continue wailing and whining.

lol ...

It is to be amused.

watching you CONtinue to deny that it's happening - donny ( & his minions ) will shirley be held accountable. not only for jan 6, but georgia, & all the attempted swing state vote elector fraud.

Oh, well, we still have no idea what happened in the SUV, so it's a moot point.

no worries - that is just one small piece to the bigger insurrection puzzle that is getting completed with each hearing. there will be at least 2 more hearings in july, with at least one including the documentarian who was embedded with the trumps from sept. 2020, thru the election, & after jan 6 before donny was evicted from the whitehouse - & THAT can be attributed to panty waisted jared kirshner for getting it all hooked up. :popcorn:
facts & truth is always better than lies.

he is.

nobody is saying they 'kidnapped' him.

because their #1 j-o-b, is to protect his life by using their bodies as shields.

he is.

correction : flying monkeys.

you are prone to hypobole, aren'tcha

well, silly me. here, along with countless other critical thinkers figured he was lying - 'cause you know ...

... welll....'cause he lied about oh so many things over the oh so many decades, long b4 he was BLOTUS. but, het let's just count since the election, m'k? how it was rigged, stolen, etc etc etc.

see above.

lol ...

watching you CONtinue to deny that it's happening. donny ( & his minions ) will shirley be held accountable. not only for jan 6, but georgia, & all the attempted swing state vote elector fraud.

no worries - that is just one small piece to the bigger insurrection puzzle that is getting completed with each hearing. there will be at least 2 more hearings in july, with at least one including the documentarian who was embedded with the trumps from sept. 2020, thru the election, & after jan 6 before donny was evicted from the whitehouse - & THAT can be attributed to panty waisted jared kirshner for getting it all hooked up. :popcorn:
Let's see if we can translate:

Orange Man Bad, besides, Jan 6.

I saved a lot of words.
Stalinism will not be allowed here. PERIOD.
So you don't want an authoritarian, hyper-nationalist strongman in power, who rules by intimidation and force, using government to pick and choose the winners. Who creates a cult of personality by demanding the unswerving loyalty of anyone who comes in contact with him. Who creates distrust in the system and who will attack and try to discredit and destroy anyone who criticizes him.


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Trump didn’t go to the protest. Therefore he sucks.

Trump did want to go to the protest. Therefore he sucks.

Trump tried to reach for the steering wheel from his seat in the back of the Beast.

I not only believe Cassidy, I also believe everything the liberal propagandist media tells me.

Yet libs fail to see how unserious they are.
And next week you clowns will say he was seen in a ford Bronco

Let me repeat. She DIDN'T SEE SHIT...............

Hearsay isn't allowed because ANYONE CAN MAKE SHIT UP. Either bring on those who saw it OR STFU.

We don't care Trump lives in your head 24/7. Hell I enjoy it. You've had 2 fraud investigations looking for a crime and the evidence always points back at you.

This INSURECTION wasn't Jack shit...........Compared to the Summer of Love it's RIOTS BY AMATEURS.......LMAO

Why were the FBI there egging it on............And why aren't they being CHARGED WITH ENTRAPMENT. Same for the clowns in the Capital Police who unlocked and opened the doors.

This is another CLOWN SHOW.
She never said she saw shit. Why do you lie?

She said Tony Ornato, Trump's Deputy of Operations, told her that this is what happened on the way back from the Ellipse with President Trump and his top dog Secret service guy, Bobby Engel.

She said when Tony Ornato told her this story, Bobby Engel was sitting on the couch, right there, when Ornato told her this story of what happened in the car, and Engel, never spoke up and interrupted Ornato's tale, to say if it was true, or not true.

She said all of this under oath, and so far, 5 days later, journalists have only heard second hand, from an alleged close source, that Ornato disputes the claim.

Neither men, though they promised they would, have gone in to testify under oath to it.

If you actually think she made this up and lied about what she was told, why would she give this account under oath and threat of perjury, knowing that they could call in Ornato and Engle to testify to its veracity? And also knowing, both of these men, have been interviewed under oath by the committee, before her?

Cassidy testified that the Secret Service agent said, "did you effing hear what happened in The Beast." Then she said that Tony told her "when the president got in The Beast, he was under the impression . . . "


I googled "Presidential Beast" and clicked on images and not one picture of an SUV came up. Where are these examples of the media using "The Beast" referring to an SUV? I'd especially love to see an example of that prior to Cassidy's testimony.

Just out of curiosity, when the president gets into The Beast, an SUV, Air Force One, Marine One, or any other presidential transportation, who is in charge?

In the article about Engel's testimony which took place 3 weeks earlier than Cassidy, the press reporting on it, used the term Beast as well, and that Engel testified that he and Trump in the car, differed on taking him to the capitol or the whitehouse....or they had a disagreement on it.... But in the end, he brought trump to the whitehouse.

The secret service among eachother, do not use the term, The Beast, when talking about the Limo, involved with their work, they call it, Cadillac One.... It is the public's and journalist term for the President's vehicle that he travels in.

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