Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Yes we do....we heard from the agents. No we know they didn't because they came out after her testimony and said it's not correct and have requested to come back...but the committee hasn't allowed it.

Moreover, we know, that if they had said this...the Committee would have used them in the public hearing
Which agents have you heard from?
Not the two in the vehicle. Neither have made any statement.
Again. You have no way of knowing why or if any testimony from the agents is not being made public or if it even can be.
Every one of these crusades has the effect of boosting his popularity. Add that to the chaotic cluster fudge of the current admin and he's a shoo-in for '24. But go ahead ;) I'm SURE you've "got him" THIS time :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The old democrat party is still here. Why do you keep voting for people like Biden who worked with good segregationist to keep his children from going to racial jungle schools?
Because the GQP has taken that flag to carry. Democratic policy is a much better option than the GOP nonsense. Nothings perfect but the Texas platform is nothing short of bonkers.
If the agent already told the committee this why didn't they call him in open session instead of calling Gossip Girl for her hearsay?
I said you have no way of knowing if he did. The committee says they have full confidence in her testimony. To me that means she’s probably not their only source. Maybe the Secret Service only testifies privately so as to not publicly embarrass those they secure. Trust is a big part of their obligation to those they spend enormous amounts of time with.
Ignoring the two agents who actually witnessed the events Hutchinson pretends to describe.
How do you know they have done so?
You only know they have not publicly disclosed their testimony.

You’re creating narrative about something you can’t possibly know.
Which agents have you heard from?
Not the two in the vehicle. Neither have made any statement.
Again. You have no way of knowing why or if any testimony from the agents is not being made public or if it even can be.
The lengths these MAGA nuts go to defend their Fat Former Guy is amazing. Garland is going to have a hard decision to make soon. Does he ignore the obvious crimes that the FFG and his cohorts committed or does he make the FFG the first Former president the first to be Indicted? And even if he is Indicted, there could very well be a MAGA cult member who lies his way onto the jury. That person could hang the jury. Then the FFG will boast that he was innocent all along.
But if he is not held accountable, he or one of his fellow criminals will try another coup attempt. Count on it!

Garland has a hard decision to make. It looks like Fulton County has already made it?
Good fucking grief....

Dims are the thugs in these matters. They have bared their fangs over and over.
trump is the one on the hot seat. Now that Cipollone has agreed to testify, trump must be very nervous. You know that he will direct some of his cult to threaten Cipollone. It is not the crime that takes most people down....it is the attempted cover up.
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The lengths these MAGA nuts go to defend their Fat Former Guy is amazing. Garland is going to have a hard decision to make soon. Does he ignore the obvious crimes that the FFG and his cohorts committed or does he make the FFG the first Former president the first to be Indicted? And even if he is Indicted, there could very well be a MAGA cult member who lies his way onto the jury. That person could hang the jury. Then the FFG will boast that he was innocent all along.
But if he is not held accountable, he or one of his fellow criminals will try another coup attempt. Count on it!

Garland has a hard decision to make. It looks like Fulton County has already made it?

Not former fat guy. He's still morbidly obese.
The four ranking members asked Speaker Pelosi to explain her decision to:
** Deny national guard support on January 4th
** What conversations did she or her staff give Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving specifit to January 6th?
** What response did you give security officials on January 6th when National Guard support was initially requested?
** Why are House Officers refusing to turn over documents relevant to that day?
trump is the one on the hot seat. Now that Cipollone has agreed to testify, trump must be very nervous. You know that he will direct some of him cult to threaten Cipollone. It is not the crime that takes most people down....it is the attempted cover up.
Yeah yeah. This time. This is the time. The other times were all false alarms. But THIS TIME you guys got him. Trump is all doomed and shit, this time.

i am here to help. I tell you this in actual truth: it’s not the lack of seriousness of the allegations that lead to all your libtarded fails. It’s the lack of concern you guys have for the truth, logic and evidence.

You might as well start scheduling your next massive “bombshell,” now. Because like all the other pre-announced “bombshells,” this one will be a dud, too.
Georgia...Georgia will be the first to indict. But I see Rudy and Eastman asking for immunity. And the only way they get immunity is to rat on the person who put the whole rotten scheme to overturn the election together. And they better have some juicy information...or immunity is off the table.

I am beginning to see where this is going. It will make a great movie. "The first former president to be indicted."

Garland, get off your ars and do something! These people are trying to destroy our democracy and even the tiny Fulton County DA office is ahead of you!
garland is a wuss jimmie....yea i know,i was shocked too....
Or it simply makes the story incomplete.
No, suspect, because if she heard correctly, then the so-called firsthand witnesses were not telling the truth. That doesn't mean she deliberately lied, it just means that if we want to know what really happened, we don't ask her, and quite frankly, there's no good reason for her to recount the story in the first place.
Because the GQP has taken that flag to carry. Democratic policy is a much better option than the GOP nonsense. Nothings perfect but the Texas platform is nothing short of bonkers.
Nope wrong docrats still use blacks like they did during slave days.
Oh a flag pole (that was already there). Of course. lol. You leftwingers are starting to believe your own ridiculous story.
NO they weren't. They brought their own TRUMP flags and confederate flags that they used to beat the police. No matter how you try to spin it, everyone with a brain so what the trump mob did on January 6th. If he decides to run again in 2024 and the cowardly repubs give him the nomination, the January 6th videos will be part of the Dems campaign ads. If there was no attack, as you claim, then you should welcome the videos.

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