Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Nazi Piglosi's Clown Show shoulda stayed on hiatus until they found a better Hollywood producer.

What a flop today was.

For those of you asking me why I'm not watching this hearing, or never watched the others, this is why. This is EXACTLY why.

I've seen enough of these dog and pony shows from both sides to know these hearings, and those conducting them, lack any substantive credibility whatsoever.

These Hearings aren't like any other Hearings we've ever seen before. They intersperse tapes of the original depositions, with the attendance of live witnesses. All of the witnesses are Republicans who worked for and with Donald Trump and were part of the White House staff.

Not one of them has said ANYTHING that would let Trump off the hook, and today's testimony was shocking, but having watched it I understand why they held the meeting today. This young woman has been under tremendous pressure and threats from Trump's associates prior to her testimony.

This isn't the dog and pony show of everybody getting their 5 minutes to make a little speech and get on the news tonight. This is actually telling the story of how January 6th happened, who organized it, who planned it, and what happened at the White House during the weeks leading up to January 6th.

Today we also had General Flynn taking the 5th. The questions he refused to answer were telling indeed: Do you believe in the orderly transfer of power? The Fifth.
"Let's be honest, Hutchinson has a million reasons in the world to publicly lie. That's what these political staffers do to build careers in their party. They go and through it all away in their mid 20s."


Ummm, I dunno. I see nuances here.

For example, the first thing that comes to mind would be: Which of those "million reasons" would be an adequate defense to the perjury charge her under-oath lie could create?

Second, in Hutchinson's case.....it appears none of those 'reasons' would salvage her Republican career. She's been a dyed-in-the-wool Republican administrator (worked for Scalise, worked for Cruz, worked for Meadows in Trump's White House. None of those positions is open to a Democrat partisan. Betcha). So, now her Republican career is toast. NOT a good reason to 'lie'. In my humble opinion.

And lastly, her 'lying' to damage her boss as the poster suggests......ain't exactly a gold-star on her application to any Democrat Congressional staffer position.

So, tho the poster suggest Hutchinson had a million reasons to lie......I, personally, couldn't detect any tells in her testimony that would benefit her by lying.

But that's just me.
These Hearings aren't like any other Hearings we've ever seen before. They intersperse tapes of the original depositions, with the attendance of live witnesses. All of the witnesses are Republicans who worked for and with Donald Trump and were part of the White House staff.

Not one of them has said ANYTHING that would let Trump off the hook, and today's testimony was shocking, but having watched it I understand why they held the meeting today. This young woman has been under tremendous pressure and threats from Trump's associates prior to her testimony.

This isn't the dog and pony show of everybody getting their 5 minutes to make a little speech and get on the news tonight. This is actually telling the story of how January 6th happened, who organized it, who planned it, and what happened at the White House during the weeks leading up to January 6th.

Today we also had General Flynn taking the 5th. The questions he refused to answer were telling indeed: Do you believe in the orderly transfer of power? The Fifth.

You're like a 5-year-old who repeats what she hears on TV. Oh, I wish I still had that kind of blissful ignorance.
These Hearings aren't like any other Hearings we've ever seen before. They intersperse tapes of the original depositions, with the attendance of live witnesses. All of the witnesses are Republicans who worked for and with Donald Trump and were part of the White House staff.

Not one of them has said ANYTHING that would let Trump off the hook, and today's testimony was shocking, but having watched it I understand why they held the meeting today. This young woman has been under tremendous pressure and threats from Trump's associates prior to her testimony.

This isn't the dog and pony show of everybody getting their 5 minutes to make a little speech and get on the news tonight. This is actually telling the story of how January 6th happened, who organized it, who planned it, and what happened at the White House during the weeks leading up to January 6th.

Today we also had General Flynn taking the 5th. The questions he refused to answer were telling indeed: Do you believe in the orderly transfer of power? The Fifth.
She has been exposed as a liar. And why would you be so fucking stupid to think this Nazi Piglosy Clown Show would call anyone who doesn't trash Trump?

Seriously, you are fucking stupid beyond belief.

Clean up your own shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for simply disagreeing with your Gestapo Government, Assflap.
Seems scheduled pretty sudden… apparently the Jan 6 Committee is excited to present something to your open minds. I bet it’s a pretty big bombshell… any takers?

January 6 committee adds new hearing for Tuesday - CNNPolitics




You people are 3complete fucking spoon fed morons
Especially indiana
Turley asked the obvious question, why didn't the J6 Committee clear this with the lead SS involved with transportation of Trump.

From Twitter

Jonathan Turley

...It is curious that the Committee would air the account without confirming from the Secret Service, particularly since Bobby Engel appears willing to testify. This is the danger of using witnesses to repeat third party accounts.


You're like a 5-year-old who repeats what she hears on TV. Oh, I wish I still had that kind of blissful ignorance.

At least I'm not repeating the lies of the Republican Party. I can't believe you believe Republicans after everything they've done to your country, and especially believing in a creep like Trump.

The witnesses who are saying these things are all Republicans who worked hard for the President's re-election. And NO, ABC don't have people preparing to deny her testimony. Quite the opposite:

Turley asked the obvious question, why didn't the J6 Committee clear this with the lead SS involved with transportation of Trump.

From Twitter

Jonathan Turley

...It is curious that the Committee would air the account without confirming from the Secret Service, particularly since Bobby Engel appears willing to testify. This is the danger of using witnesses to repeat third party accounts.

This BOMBSHELL just blew up in Nazi Piglosi's face. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
At least I'm not repeating the lies of the Republican Party. I can't believe you believe Republicans after everything they've done to your country, and especially believing in a creep like Trump.

I don't put much stock in opinions from people who don't actually live here and haven't been a part of the US body politic.
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At least I'm not repeating the lies of the Republican Party. I can't believe you believe Republicans after everything they've done to your country, and especially believing in a creep like Trump.

The witnesses who are saying these things are all Republicans who worked hard for the President's re-election. And NO, ABC don't have people preparing to deny her testimony. Quite the opposite:

Her "testimony" is HEARSAY you idiot!

It was NOT even a testimony at all,


"a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under oath in response to interrogation by a lawyer or authorized public official"

bolding mine


She wasn't a witness.
The Post reports, "Cassidy Hutchinson, who was an aide to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, delivered explosive testimony Tuesday to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, offering startling details on the activities of President Donald Trump and those around him before the attack on the U.S. Capitol and on the deadly day itself."

Here are some of the biggest revelations:

  • Meadows and Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, sought pardons related to their roles in the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, Hutchinson testified. She said Trump also expressed interest in pardoning the Capitol rioters.
  • Hutchinson testified that Trump was informed that attendees at a Jan. 6 rally near the White House were armed but that he still wanted security removed from the area and the crowd to march to the Capitol. Trump waved off concerns that the rallygoers had been reported to be armed. “You know, I don’t even care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me,” Hutchinson testified Trump said.
  • Hutchinson said that as violence increased at the Capitol, she witnessed White House counsel Pat Cipollone telling Meadows: “Mark, something needs to be done or people are going to die. The blood is going to be on your f---ing hands.”
  • Hutchinson recalled that Meadows told her days before insurrection that “things might get real, real bad” at the Capitol on that day.
If Trump knew his supporters had weapons, if this can be proven, and he encouraged them to march on the Capitol, he is guilty of sedition. We know he tried to join the extremist mob, too. He said so.

We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”

Did the former President lead a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government? Did he commit crimes?

Stay tuned.
The Post reports, "Cassidy Hutchinson, who was an aide to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, delivered explosive testimony Tuesday to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, offering startling details on the activities of President Donald Trump and those around him before the attack on the U.S. Capitol and on the deadly day itself."

Here are some of the biggest revelations:

  • Meadows and Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, sought pardons related to their roles in the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol, Hutchinson testified. She said Trump also expressed interest in pardoning the Capitol rioters.
  • Hutchinson testified that Trump was informed that attendees at a Jan. 6 rally near the White House were armed but that he still wanted security removed from the area and the crowd to march to the Capitol. Trump waved off concerns that the rallygoers had been reported to be armed. “You know, I don’t even care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me,” Hutchinson testified Trump said.
  • Hutchinson said that as violence increased at the Capitol, she witnessed White House counsel Pat Cipollone telling Meadows: “Mark, something needs to be done or people are going to die. The blood is going to be on your f---ing hands.”
  • Hutchinson recalled that Meadows told her days before insurrection that “things might get real, real bad” at the Capitol on that day.
If Trump knew his supporters had weapons, if this can be proven, and he encouraged them to march on the Capitol, he is guilty of sedition. We know he tried to join the extremist mob, too. He said so.

We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

"Now it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we’re going to walk down, and I’ll be there with you. We are going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”

Did the former President lead a coup attempt to overthrow the elected government? Did he commit crimes?

Stay tuned.
Matter of FACT witnesses, people who were present, say she LIED..
That is a pic of the Beast, Moron.:laughing0301:
Trump supporters quickly snapped back online that they’d found an obvious sign she was lying: The presidential limousine, known as “the Beast,” is so heavily fortified that they argued it would be “physically impossible” for Trump to cross from the back cabin to the driver’s seat.

But Trump was not riding in the limousine that day; videos show he actually rode in a Secret Service SUV, where the seats are closer together.

Even if he had ridden in the Beast, the rear and front seats have a glass window the president can lower whenever he’d like — a detail noted even in the same infographic that Trump supporters shared as proof that Hutchinson’s story couldn’t be right.



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