Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

It was the beast. Bobby engel, top dog SS security testified to such. Testified he had an all out disagreement on going to the Capitol with Trump, Engel won....they went to the whitehouse.

Notice the only denial from Trump acolytes is grabbing the wheel, not the fight with Engel on going to the Capitol.
Well of course.

The cultists are drowning and reaching for a life preserver.
oh, so it was a peaceful protest, then what am I doing here?
That's what you keep trying to push,
regardless of ALL that video evidence of KKKult Violence.

I know it turned out 'non peaceful' but now you are concerned about the lack of NG when it was, in your words, a peaceful protest.
That's what you keep trying to push,
regardless of ALL that video evidence of KKKult Violence.

I know it turned out 'non peaceful' but now you are concerned about the lack of NG when it was, in your words, a peaceful protest.
demofks were there in their robes? holy shit, don't you tell peloser or Schitts.
demofks were there in their robes? holy shit, don't you tell peloser or Schitts.

These guys were definitely there...holding up their Biden for President signs.

Wrong of course. The Trump circle has refused to testify.
The committee was formed fraudulently. It is not seeking the truth. It is seeking cherry-picked elements which support a partisan agenda. The only people buying it are a small minority of hacks. The vast majority isn’t paying any attention as this is not on their radar. Current living conditions are on their radar though.
It's already been debunked, try to keep up, assclown.
Do keep us posted on what Jussie Smollett and Christine Blasey-Ford are up to, though...LOL

Poster Martian, is this the right chatroom for you?
A merely informative post on a current news story from this morning's press and that triggers your 'assclown' epithet?
What's up with that?

It could be interpreted.....and I mean no disrespect....but it could be interpreted that you have some unresolved anger issues. Anchored, perhaps, by some grievance, unhappiness, or failure in your life.

For that we all can be sympathetic, but mein freund, you need to settle down a bit, breathe, maybe sign up for a tai chi class or some other meditation technique. And maybe not drink alcohol?

And then, Smollett and Blasey-Ford?
What in this god's green world does either one of them have to do with Don Trump sending armed supporters at our legislators and our Capitol?
What is the connection there, my friend?
As you no doubt know by now, the Select Committee issued a subpoena late yesterday to the chief White House lawyer, Pat Cipollone.
And, as you no doubt heard in some of the hearings to date.....Cipollone was a prominent voice in meetings. Often a prudent voice urging moderation while warning of legal jeopardy attached to some of the proposed 'Election Reversal' schemes.

He's been reluctant to sit before the Committee while under oath or being filmed.

But, with the effective testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson Cipollone's name became even more prominent than it was when Cheney called him out as she ended the 4th (or was it the 3rd?) hearing.

Cipollone is now the guy with the spotlight on him.....and it's gonna follow him. THAT much attention doesn't just fade away. Something hasta happen. He'll cooperate. Or he'll file a suit to attempt to stop it. But the press will be on him like a perfume. After all, there's no 'client confidentiality' aspect here. He is the 'People's lawyer'....... NOT Don Trump's lawyer.

This morning's Washington Post offered us this:

"But the subpoena may provide cover for Cipollone to cooperate with the committee, as Trump and his allies have sought to keep those in the former president’s orbit from providing the committee with potentially damaging information.

Hutchinson in her testimony portrayed Cipollone as one of the last firewalls blocking Trump’s efforts to overturn the elections. She testified that, on the morning of Jan. 6, Cipollone came forward with an urgent request, saying “something to the effect of: ‘Please make sure we don’t go up to the Capitol, Cassidy. Keep in touch with me. We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable if we make that movement happen.’”

Tuesday’s surprise hearing was designed in part to ramp up pressure on reluctant witnesses such as Cipollone, according to those involved with the investigation....."


These hearings have been a fascinating exercise in watching drama, conflict, and the 'sausage-making' ickyness of our elected leaders.
He’s not the one who is the crux of her recounting what she was told
Let’s get the “horses mouths” who actually witnessed the events and stop avoiding or declining them

Poster Martian, is this the right chatroom for you?
A merely informative post on a current news story from this morning's press and that triggers your 'assclown' epithet?
What's up with that?

It could be interpreted.....and I mean no disrespect....but it could be interpreted that you have some unresolved anger issues. Anchored, perhaps, by some grievance, unhappiness, or failure in your life.

For that we all can be sympathetic, but mein freund, you need to settle down a bit, breathe, maybe sign up for a tai chi class or some other meditation technique. And maybe not drink alcohol?

And then, Smollett and Blasey-Ford?
What in this god's green world does either one of them have to do with Don Trump sending armed supporters at our legislators and our Capitol?
What is the connection there, my friend?
So you’re so stupid you need facts spoon fed to you. That happens when you’re a Kool-Aid dinking, unthinking Dim cultist like you. Hutchinson, Smollett, and Blasé Fraud are all proven liars. It can be asserted with no doubt that you are an uneducated, arrogant asshole who has no regard for the truth.
By removing the obstacle. Maybe you have a hard time with simple English words...?

By the way, you're embarrassing yourself.
What obstacle? The metal detectors were for the speech not the city. These people if they had guns were in the city already goofy. And since no one seemed to have a gun during the BS at the capitol, apparently POTUS not worrying about a law he has no authority to enforce was of no consequence.

Keep grasping I’m sure you will eventually grab something.
It was the beast. Bobby engel, top dog SS security testified to such. Testified he had an all out disagreement on going to the Capitol with Trump, Engel won....they went to the whitehouse.

Notice the only denial from Trump acolytes is grabbing the wheel, not the fight with Engel on going to the Capitol.
So the smoking gun is Trump wanted to go to the capital and had an argument with a SS agent about it?

Im convinced. Throw him in jail and throw away the key. I’m sure Trump is the only President to ever have a disagreement with a SS agent.
Pathetic lie. Completely within the rules.

The metal detectors and security.

There is no way you are this fucking stupid. You are acting.
Right, Trump was responsible metal detectors for all of DC. Security as well. Who’s stupid again? The MD and security were for the speech which was held INSIDE DC so if those people had guns they were already in DC and were able to go to the capital with them whether there were metal detectors at the Trump speech or not. So tell me again how Trump caring if people carrying arms were in his speech or not affected anything outside the speech area?
Right, Trump was responsible metal detectors for all of DC. Security as well. Who’s stupid again? The MD and security were for the speech which was held INSIDE DC so if those people had guns they were already in DC and were able to go to the capital with them whether there were metal detectors at the Trump speech or not. So tell me again how Trump caring if people carrying arms were in his speech or not affected anything outside the speech area?
False flag that Trump was legally and morally responsible to “disarm” them.
Following lib loon logic, every time a person is armed they intend to do harm

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