Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

You have no proof of that. You can't convict Trump of crimes that are totally imaginary, idiot.

Debating progs is like debating mentally challenged children.
His staff are on record telling him that we would be on serious legal jeopardy if he went to the Capitol

The Soviet show trial is the democrats....Sorry you're not gonna stop Trump if he decides to run.......sucks to be you.
Well....it kinda looks like Trump has stopped himself doesn't it?
The rats are jumping off the sinking ship.
Before long there will only be a loose gaggle of bitter-clinger, deplorable MAGATS left supporting Captain Chaos.
You know, the same type of loosers that would attack the U.S. Capitol in Buffalo skin robe with spear.
Liz Cheney is becoming the new hero.
Maybe SHE should run for POTUS!

We'll never know, because your reality show for idiots isn't allowing anyone from the opposing side to participate.
The Committee has extended the invitation to testify anyone who who has any FACTS that are meaningful and useful to getting to the truth in this investigation.
Unfortunately for the "opposing side" though the FACTS of the matter don't look too good for them.
That is why several of the key players are defying lawful subpoenas or, if they do appear to testify, pleading the fifth.
You'll have to ask Trump's allies who've either not complied with being called in to testify ... or did show up but pled the 5th to virtually every question.
The committee was established to hear only one side. It was established to seek information from only one point of view.

That's what the third world mentality is all about
IF Cipollone actually testifies and doesn't plead the 5th, and says anything negative about trump or supports anything Hutchinson said, how long before we hear the following.

1). Cipollone is a lying turncoat.
2). I never liked Cipollone, he's always been a RINO
3). My favorite...."I hardly knew him"
The committee was established to hear only one side. It was established to seek information from only one point of view.

That's what the third world mentality is all about

That's simply not true. Anyone from Trump to the people around him can testify. Many have been called in but refuse to show up. Some others did show up but refused to say anything but, I plead the Fifth.

So no, the committee did not establish it to be one-sided; and in fact, most of the people called in have been Republicans. The reason we've only heard one side is not because of the committee but because one side won't speak up. What are they so afraid of? Their silence speaks for them.
This was your esponse to a poster saying Epps was inciting an insurrection.

You so stupied you can’t remember your own posts?


You dumbfuck, that's not a "requirement."


The challenge for the committee will be to find useful questions to ask that do not fall under the protections from answering afforded to him. Like executive privilege, attorney-client privilege, and the 5th amendment. However, it has been noted some information he has withheld does not fall under any of those three categories. The extent of his willingness to answer questions fully and honestly will help or hinder the committee and the DoJ in the former's attempt to tell the public what happened and the latter's decision to indict a former prez or not.
pat asks, I want to know why peloser ignored the call for the national guard?
IF Cipollone actually testifies and doesn't plead the 5th, and says anything negative about trump or supports anything Hutchinson said, how long before we hear the following.

1). Cipollone is a lying turncoat.
2). I never liked Cipollone, he's always been a RINO
3). My favorite...."I hardly knew him"
it all means nothing.
As you no doubt know by now, the Select Committee issued a subpoena late yesterday to the chief White House lawyer, Pat Cipollone.
And, as you no doubt heard in some of the hearings to date.....Cipollone was a prominent voice in meetings. Often a prudent voice urging moderation while warning of legal jeopardy attached to some of the proposed 'Election Reversal' schemes.

He's been reluctant to sit before the Committee while under oath or being filmed.

But, with the effective testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson Cipollone's name became even more prominent than it was when Cheney called him out as she ended the 4th (or was it the 3rd?) hearing.

Cipollone is now the guy with the spotlight on him.....and it's gonna follow him. THAT much attention doesn't just fade away. Something hasta happen. He'll cooperate. Or he'll file a suit to attempt to stop it. But the press will be on him like a perfume. After all, there's no 'client confidentiality' aspect here. He is the 'People's lawyer'....... NOT Don Trump's lawyer.

This morning's Washington Post offered us this:

"But the subpoena may provide cover for Cipollone to cooperate with the committee, as Trump and his allies have sought to keep those in the former president’s orbit from providing the committee with potentially damaging information.

Hutchinson in her testimony portrayed Cipollone as one of the last firewalls blocking Trump’s efforts to overturn the elections. She testified that, on the morning of Jan. 6, Cipollone came forward with an urgent request, saying “something to the effect of: ‘Please make sure we don’t go up to the Capitol, Cassidy. Keep in touch with me. We’re going to get charged with every crime imaginable if we make that movement happen.’”

Tuesday’s surprise hearing was designed in part to ramp up pressure on reluctant witnesses such as Cipollone, according to those involved with the investigation....."


These hearings have been a fascinating exercise in watching drama, conflict, and the 'sausage-making' ickyness of our elected leaders.

It's already been debunked, try to keep up, assclown.

Do keep us posted on what Jussie Smollett and Christine Blasey-Ford are up to, though...LOL

pat asks, I want to know why peloser ignored the call for the national guard?
Maybe because "It was a peaceful protest" and "Nobody had any weapons."

We've heard this ^^^^ ad nauseam from the right, so why the need for the National Guard.
If trump actually asked for the NG, then trump was expecting violence.
Maybe because "It was a peaceful protest" and "Nobody had any weapons."

We've heard this ^^^^ ad nauseam from the right, so why the need for the National Guard.
If trump actually asked for the NG, then trump was expecting violence.
oh, so it was a peaceful protest, then what am I doing here?

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