Text of Ford Opening Statement

Why wouldn't I believe her?

Because the odds, not your objectivity, tell you to.

The odds are behind Ford, with most rape accusations being true.

A 2017 studyutilized FBI data over the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 to conclude that “approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless” during that time period. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven studies addressing the same question estimated that 5.2% of rape allegations were false.


With most accusations being true, its likely that her accusation is true.

And with her passing a polygraph test. With the odds of her deceptiveness on her account being at 0.05%.

The odds indicate its probable her account is true. All the 'objectivity' babble is just you making an emotional argument based on whatever you choose to imagine.
She’s a liar.

Says you, pretending you're me. My reasons for concluding it probable that she's telling the truth are above. You've ignored them, ignored the odds, and made up your own story, citing yourself.

No, Skylar.

I am going based off of my observations, what I hear and read, and the behavior of the accuser versus the accused.

I don't delve in anecdotal arguments. Never will. On the other hand, "odds" are not a completely accurate depiction of reality. Thus I ignore them.

I.E. A person has a 1 in roughly 40 million chance of being struck dead by lightning, a 1 in 700,000 chance of being struck period. The odds are stacked in my favor, but that doesn't mean people don't get struck by lightning at all. I still take precautions based off of that slim possibility that I will. More a matter of self preservation than a roll of the dice, so to speak...

That's an irrational, emotional argument. You're better than that, Temp.

I fail to see how...

I also fail to see how automatically believing one story over another, without considering the mitigating evidence or circumstances, isn't irrational within itself.

But since we both managed to address each other respectfully, we'll just have to part from this discussion amicably. Today is judgement day.

You have a good rest of your morning, ya hear?

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Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

Yes, because the vitriol found on an anonymous message board is the same thing that would happen in real life.......
I have two additional questions, she claims that she was in the room with two males, and that only one tried to cop a feel, she cried for help and no one else came. How did she get out? And did the other guy try and cop a feel?
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

Yes, because the vitriol found on an anonymous message board is the same thing that would happen in real life.......

In real life, she's been called a liar. She's been called a slut. And she's received death threats.

Here is comparatively slow pitch in comparison. Our board members have only called for her to be arrested and imprisoned.
I have two additional questions, she claims that she was in the room with two males, and that only one tried to cop a feel, she cried for help and no one else came. How did she get out? And did the other guy try and cop a feel?

Read her statement, baby bird.
36 years and she can't remember who, what, where, what year she was in. Lol.

She remembers who, with 100% certainty: Brent Kavanaugh. She remembers what: Forcible Attempted Rape. What she doesn't remember is the street address and the exact date.
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

Yes, because the vitriol found on an anonymous message board is the same thing that would happen in real life.......

In real life, she's been called a liar. She's been called a slut. And she's received death threats.

Here is comparatively slow pitch in comparison. Our board members have only called for her to be arrested and imprisoned.
She keeps changing her story.

And I posted earlier that by law a jury may chose to ignore all of her testimony.
Says you, pretending you're me. My reasons for concluding it probable that she's telling the truth are above. You've ignored them, ignored the odds, and made up your own story, citing yourself.

No, Skylar.

I am going based off of my observations, what I hear and read, and the behavior of the accuser versus the accused.

With you refusing to 'observe' anything that contradicts what you choose to believe.

That's neither objective nor rational.

On the other hand, "odds" are not a completely accurate depiction of reality. Thus I ignore them.

In comparison to your subjective opinion based on what you selectively observe and what you selectively ignore?

Your own standards lack completely accurate depictions of reality. Thus, by your own argument, you should be ignored.

Back in reality, false rape accusations are exceedingly rare. Its overwhelmingly likely that her accusation is not false.

She passed a polygraph test that found that her odds of being deceptive was only 0.05%. With you yourself acknowleding that polygraph tests can accurately measure if a person is being deceptive.

Its overwhelminlgy likely Ford wasn't being deceptive. She was also clear, compelling, and consistent in her testimony today.

Why wouldn't I believe her?
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

Yes, because the vitriol found on an anonymous message board is the same thing that would happen in real life.......

In real life, she's been called a liar. She's been called a slut. And she's received death threats.

Here is comparatively slow pitch in comparison. Our board members have only called for her to be arrested and imprisoned.
She keeps changing her story.

And I posted earlier that by law a jury may chose to ignore all of her testimony.

This isn't a trial. Its testimony before the Senate hearing. Though to a certain degree your obvious confusion is understandable as there is a prosecutor at a public senate hearing interrogating someone giving testimony.

Which as far as I know is unprecedented.
If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

Yes, because the vitriol found on an anonymous message board is the same thing that would happen in real life.......

In real life, she's been called a liar. She's been called a slut. And she's received death threats.

Here is comparatively slow pitch in comparison. Our board members have only called for her to be arrested and imprisoned.
She keeps changing her story.

And I posted earlier that by law a jury may chose to ignore all of her testimony.

This isn't a trial. Its testimony before the Senate hearing. Though to a certain degree your obvious confusion is understandable as there is a prosecutor at a public senate hearing interrogating someone giving testimony.

Which as far as I know is unprecedented.
They tried to lynch Thomas the same way.

Old playbook, vague accusations that keep changing.
I have two additional questions, she claims that she was in the room with two males, and that only one tried to cop a feel, she cried for help and no one else came. How did she get out? And did the other guy try and cop a feel?

Read her statement, baby bird.
Read her statement?

It’s changed 4 times.

Her account of how she escaped is the same.
Oh wow, she kept one lie straight.

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