Text of Ford Opening Statement

No. I'm not going to ignore the odds that clearly fall with Ford just because they're inconvenient to your argment. Your willful ignorance of these facts doesn't magically make them disappear.

You know what pisses me off the most?

You're reducing this to nothing but "odds"; "odds" are not facts, no matter how much you want them to be.

And might I point out your willful ignorance of the lack of any convincing evidence or specificity on the accusers part?

Or is that inconvenient to your argument?

I've given you rational reasons why its probable that Ford is being truthful. You've ignored them. And can provide me with no reasonable explanation why I wouldn't believe her.

With false rape accusations being very unlikely and Ford passing a polygraph that showed that the odds of her being deceptive on her account of Kavanaugh's attack being 0.05%.

Why wouldn't I believe her?
Pretty scary you’d convict a man to prison based upon her ever changing testimony that involves no details.
No, you're missing the point. The odds are she's telling the truth. Most sexual assaults go unreported. And false rape accusations are very rare.

That is nothing but mere speculation. I don't deal with speculation.

False rape accusations being exceedingly rare is not 'speculation'. Nor is most victims of sexual assault never reporting it.

You're being emotional and irrational, ignoring the odds. Odds made even worse by the fact that she passed a polygraph test. And you have no explanation for why I wouldn't believe her.

The odds of 'weaponization' are very low. The odds of her being truthful are high. Why wouldn't I believe her?

I can do this all night.

You'll need to do far more than all night. You've had to go back as far as 2011 to find your false rape allegations. There were an estimated 83,425 forcible rapes reported to law enforcement in 2011 alone.

Forcible Rape

And you've provided us of evidence of 1 false accusation in 2011.

That's 83,425 to 1.

As I said, the odds are overwhelmingly in favor of Ford's account being accurate.

Odds, odds, and more odds.

Appeal to probability - Wikipedia

You clearly don't understand what the appeal to probability is. The probability fallacy is "X is possible therefore X is true." Here are the examples from your own source.

Something can go wrong (premise).
Therefore, something will go wrong (invalid conclusion).
If I do not bring my umbrella (premise)
It will rain. (invalid conclusion).

I'm arguing that X is probable based on the evidence. I'm showing you that the overwhelming majority of rape accusations are true, with Snopes citing a pair of studies putting the odds at around 95%.

I've shown you polygraph results that show the odds of her deceptiveness on her account at 0.05%.

The odds are overwhelmingly in favor of her being truthful. You ignore the evidence, ignore the odds, and then just imagine whatever emotional argument you'd like.

Sigh.....any other fallacies you want to misunderstand for us, Temp?
No. I'm not going to ignore the odds that clearly fall with Ford just because they're inconvenient to your argment. Your willful ignorance of these facts doesn't magically make them disappear.

You know what pisses me off the most?

You're reducing this to nothing but "odds"; "odds" are not facts, no matter how much you want them to be.

And might I point out your willful ignorance of the lack of any convincing evidence or specificity on the accusers part?

Or is that inconvenient to your argument?

I've given you rational reasons why its probable that Ford is being truthful. You've ignored them. And can provide me with no reasonable explanation why I wouldn't believe her.

With false rape accusations being very unlikely and Ford passing a polygraph that showed that the odds of her being deceptive on her account of Kavanaugh's attack being 0.05%.

Why wouldn't I believe her?
Pretty scary you’d convict a man to prison based upon her ever changing testimony that involves no details.

Lets just apply the same logic to him/her... We say hes a rapist and he should be in jail for life... Lets throw him/her in jail. Then let him figure out how to prove he didn't do it..
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


"One evening that summer"

(stifles a laugh)

Geez, let's just write a grade-school style essay instead of a bona fide statement of facts.

And yet she passed a polygraph test given by a 20 year veteran of the FBI.
One who never checked for suppressive drugs.... No credibility in the test whatsoever..

Says you, pretending that you know a thing about the application of polygraph tests.

And you do? Polygraphs are used as a psychological tool, not as an actual indicator of a person's proclivities.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.
Why wouldn't I believe her?

Because the odds, not your objectivity, tell you to.

The odds are behind Ford, with most rape accusations being true.

A 2017 studyutilized FBI data over the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 to conclude that “approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless” during that time period. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven studies addressing the same question estimated that 5.2% of rape allegations were false.


With most accusations being true, its likely that her accusation is true.

And with her passing a polygraph test. With the odds of her deceptiveness on her account being at 0.05%.

The odds indicate its probable her account is true. All the 'objectivity' babble is just you making an emotional argument based on whatever you choose to imagine.
"One evening that summer"

(stifles a laugh)

Geez, let's just write a grade-school style essay instead of a bona fide statement of facts.

And yet she passed a polygraph test given by a 20 year veteran of the FBI.
One who never checked for suppressive drugs.... No credibility in the test whatsoever..

Says you, pretending that you know a thing about the application of polygraph tests.

And you do? Polygraphs are used as a psychological tool, not as an actual indicator of a person's proclivities.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

"One evening that summer"

(stifles a laugh)

Geez, let's just write a grade-school style essay instead of a bona fide statement of facts.

And yet she passed a polygraph test given by a 20 year veteran of the FBI.
One who never checked for suppressive drugs.... No credibility in the test whatsoever..

Says you, pretending that you know a thing about the application of polygraph tests.

And you do? Polygraphs are used as a psychological tool, not as an actual indicator of a person's proclivities.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.
So she shouldnt mind doing another by tomorrow.
Not that it really matters since she hasnt filed a police report.
There are around 7400 false rape claims a year.
Lets just apply the same logic to him/her... We say hes a rapist and he should be in jail for life... Lets throw him/her in jail. Then let him figure out how to prove he didn't..
Wow, talk about a domino effect..Besides the fact that when applied in your scenario it ceases to be logic that is already the standard being applied and exactly what the constitution was intended to protect us from and why we need judges who are willing to govern constitutionally and why those who fear those judges oppose Kavanaugh.
And yet she passed a polygraph test given by a 20 year veteran of the FBI.
One who never checked for suppressive drugs.... No credibility in the test whatsoever..

Says you, pretending that you know a thing about the application of polygraph tests.

And you do? Polygraphs are used as a psychological tool, not as an actual indicator of a person's proclivities.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.

If you have evidence it was completely fabricated bullshit, provide it. Here's the polygraph results, in their entirity:

Ford Polygraph | P Value | Polygraph
One who never checked for suppressive drugs.... No credibility in the test whatsoever..

Says you, pretending that you know a thing about the application of polygraph tests.

And you do? Polygraphs are used as a psychological tool, not as an actual indicator of a person's proclivities.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.

If you have evidence it was completely fabricated bullshit, provide it. Here's the polygraph results, in their entirity:

Ford Polygraph | P Value | Polygraph

I'm supposed to believe that shit?
Why wouldn't I believe her?

Because the odds, not your objectivity, tell you to.

The odds are behind Ford, with most rape accusations being true.

A 2017 studyutilized FBI data over the five-year period from 2006 to 2010 to conclude that “approximately 5% of the allegations of rape were deemed false or baseless” during that time period. A 2016 meta-analysis of seven studies addressing the same question estimated that 5.2% of rape allegations were false.


With most accusations being true, its likely that her accusation is true.

And with her passing a polygraph test. With the odds of her deceptiveness on her account being at 0.05%.

The odds indicate its probable her account is true. All the 'objectivity' babble is just you making an emotional argument based on whatever you choose to imagine.

There is no probable here. There is truth and there are lies. If you like odds, go to the horse track.

Ford has been less than honest this entire time. Her story changed several times, and the people she claims can back up her story could not. I'm sure we will discover more of her lies tomorrow be it she actually attends and answers questions, or doesn't show up at all.

It's merely a stall tactic. She claims a fear of flying, but it was found she worked in Hawaii. HTF did she get there if she couldn't fly? Furthermore she is a psychiatrist who is trained to treat people with fears like she claims she has. It's only my hope that if she shows up, somebody followed her to see if she drove all the way from California.
Says you, pretending that you know a thing about the application of polygraph tests.

And you do? Polygraphs are used as a psychological tool, not as an actual indicator of a person's proclivities.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.

If you have evidence it was completely fabricated bullshit, provide it. Here's the polygraph results, in their entirity:

Ford Polygraph | P Value | Polygraph

I'm supposed to believe that shit?

Given that you haven't yet reviewed the polygraph test, read it first. Then provide us with the evidence that it was 'fabricated'.
And you do? Polygraphs are used as a psychological tool, not as an actual indicator of a person's proclivities.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.

If you have evidence it was completely fabricated bullshit, provide it. Here's the polygraph results, in their entirity:

Ford Polygraph | P Value | Polygraph

I'm supposed to believe that shit?

Given that you haven't yet reviewed the polygraph test, read it first. Then provide us with the evidence that it was 'fabricated'.

Fuck off...
She can do another in a non biased situation.
I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.

If you have evidence it was completely fabricated bullshit, provide it. Here's the polygraph results, in their entirity:

Ford Polygraph | P Value | Polygraph

I'm supposed to believe that shit?

Given that you haven't yet reviewed the polygraph test, read it first. Then provide us with the evidence that it was 'fabricated'.

Fuck off...
She can do another in a non biased situation.

So you won't review the polygraph test results. Yet you're dismising it as 'fabricated bullshit'.
For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.

If you have evidence it was completely fabricated bullshit, provide it. Here's the polygraph results, in their entirity:

Ford Polygraph | P Value | Polygraph

I'm supposed to believe that shit?

Given that you haven't yet reviewed the polygraph test, read it first. Then provide us with the evidence that it was 'fabricated'.

Fuck off...
She can do another in a non biased situation.

So you won't review the polygraph test results. Yet you're dismising it as 'fabricated bullshit'.

I went to the link and all I got was a blank page with the internet site options. Maybe it's my old computer, but I get most sites.
For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.

If you have evidence it was completely fabricated bullshit, provide it. Here's the polygraph results, in their entirity:

Ford Polygraph | P Value | Polygraph

I'm supposed to believe that shit?

Given that you haven't yet reviewed the polygraph test, read it first. Then provide us with the evidence that it was 'fabricated'.

Fuck off...
She can do another in a non biased situation.

So you won't review the polygraph test results. Yet you're dismising it as 'fabricated bullshit'.

What good is perusing bullshit?
She can take another in a neutral setting.
As long as she can do it by tomorrow.
One who never checked for suppressive drugs.... No credibility in the test whatsoever..

Says you, pretending that you know a thing about the application of polygraph tests.

And you do? Polygraphs are used as a psychological tool, not as an actual indicator of a person's proclivities.

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the polygraph results themselves.

And they put the odds of her deceptiveness at 0.05%.

Which, predictably, you ignore. Despite having just admitted that deceptiveness is what polygraphs can accurately measure.

Sigh...its like watching a dog chase its own tail.

For all we know the polygraph is completely fabricated bullshit.

If you have evidence it was completely fabricated bullshit, provide it. Here's the polygraph results, in their entirity:

Ford Polygraph | P Value | Polygraph

Your link doesnt work.
Funny that...

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