Text of Ford Opening Statement

Why? Its very unlikely she's lying. She passed a polygraph test. Why wouldn't I believe her?

Huh? Are you assuming she's telling the truth? Sounds like an assumption to me.

And you've fled from my question for a fourth time.

Again, most victims of sexual assault don't report. False accusations are exceedingly rare, with the highest estimates putting it at less than 5%.

Thus, its likely she wouldn't have reported. And unlikely that she's lying. She's also passed a polygraph that you've admitted the FBI uses to determine truthfulness.

Why wouldn't I believe her?

Give us a rational reason why not. As the odds are clearly behind Ford's honesty. As is the polygraph test results. And you reply with babble about 'emotion'.
Just like when you tried to rape me.

I’m calling your employer tomorrow and any future jobs you apply for.
Why? Its very unlikely she's lying. She passed a polygraph test. Why wouldn't I believe her?

Huh? Are you assuming she's telling the truth? Sounds like an assumption to me.

And you've fled from my question for a fourth time.

Again, most victims of sexual assault don't report. False accusations are exceedingly rare, with the highest estimates putting it at less than 5%.

Thus, its likely she wouldn't have reported. And unlikely that she's lying. She's also passed a polygraph that you've admitted the FBI uses to determine truthfulness.

Why wouldn't I believe her?

Give us a rational reason why not. As the odds are clearly behind Ford's honesty. As is the polygraph test results. And you reply with babble about 'emotion'.

ELI5: Why do the FBI and CIA use polygraph ("lie detector") tests on their employees, if polygraph tests are considered pseudoscience and so unreliable that US courts don't allow them as evidence? • r/explainlikeimfive
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

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If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

You mean it's USMB's fault?
No, you're missing the point. The odds are she's telling the truth. Most sexual assaults go unreported. And false rape accusations are very rare.

Yet in yet another fit of emotion and irrationality, you ignore the odds. A rational person wouldn't.

Odds are she is not telling the truth.

False rape accusations are exceedingly rare. The highest estimates put them at less than 5% with most estimates putting them at 1% to 2%.

She spoke about the attack long before Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, long before Trump announced his presidential run. Eliminating politics as a likely motive.

She's passed a polygraph test.

All of these would be indicators of probable honesty.

First of all, her original claim was that she didn't know anybody at the so-called party.
Says who? Show us her 'original claim'.
Why? Its very unlikely she's lying. She passed a polygraph test. Why wouldn't I believe her?

Huh? Are you assuming she's telling the truth? Sounds like an assumption to me.

And you've fled from my question for a fourth time.

Again, most victims of sexual assault don't report. False accusations are exceedingly rare, with the highest estimates putting it at less than 5%.

Thus, its likely she wouldn't have reported. And unlikely that she's lying. She's also passed a polygraph that you've admitted the FBI uses to determine truthfulness.

Why wouldn't I believe her?

Give us a rational reason why not. As the odds are clearly behind Ford's honesty. As is the polygraph test results. And you reply with babble about 'emotion'.

ELI5: Why do the FBI and CIA use polygraph ("lie detector") tests on their employees, if polygraph tests are considered pseudoscience and so unreliable that US courts don't allow them as evidence? • r/explainlikeimfive

Some dude on Reddit?
No, you're missing the point. The odds are she's telling the truth. Most sexual assaults go unreported. And false rape accusations are very rare.

That is nothing but mere speculation. I don't deal with speculation.

Rape allegations can also be weaponized. Or did that ever occur to you?

Take a look at the circumstances in which these allegations were made:

1) A person is nominated to a position of power.

2) That position of power holds sway over the legal and political prospects of a society

3) A political party is adamantly opposed to this person being put in that position of power.

4) This political party has stated its intent to do everything it can do delay the process.

5) The allegations cannot be directly corroborated given the length of time that has passed between the alleged incident and the day it was reported.

6) Most women who are raped or sexually assaulted do not forget the experience, and these women have somehow unrepressed the repressed memory of being raped or assaulted.


Not buying it. They may have been assaulted, but not by Kavanaugh.
False rape accusations are exceedingly rare. The highest estimates put them at less than 5% with most estimates putting them at 1% to 2%.

She spoke about the attack long before Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, long before Trump announced his presidential run. Eliminating politics as a likely motive.

She's passed a polygraph test.

All of these would be indicators of probable honesty.

A false accusation of rape is the reporting of a rape where no rape has occurred. It is difficult to assess the true prevalence of false rape allegations, but it is generally agreed that, for about 2% to 10% of rape allegations, a thorough investigation establishes that no crime was committed or attempted.[1][2]

She spoke about the attack to her therapist, but admitting that she never once used Kavanaugh's name.

Ford is a PHD and a psychologist. If anybody can lie and get away passing a polygraph test, it's her. That's besides the internet being full of articles on how to pass a polygraph test.
No, you're missing the point. The odds are she's telling the truth. Most sexual assaults go unreported. And false rape accusations are very rare.

That is nothing but mere speculation. I don't deal with speculation.

False rape accusations being exceedingly rare is not 'speculation'. Nor is most victims of sexual assault never reporting it.

You're being emotional and irrational, ignoring the odds. Odds made even worse by the fact that she passed a polygraph test. And you have no explanation for why I wouldn't believe her.

The odds of 'weaponization' are very low. The odds of her being truthful are high. Why wouldn't I believe her?

False rape accusations are exceedingly rare. The highest estimates put them at less than 5% with most estimates putting them at 1% to 2%.

She spoke about the attack long before Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, long before Trump announced his presidential run. Eliminating politics as a likely motive.

She's passed a polygraph test.

All of these would be indicators of probable honesty.

A false accusation of rape is the reporting of a rape where no rape has occurred. It is difficult to assess the true prevalence of false rape allegations, but it is generally agreed that, for about 2% to 10% of rape allegations, a thorough investigation establishes that no crime was committed or attempted.[1][2]

So by the very odds you've cited, 90 to 98% of the time a rape is reported, it happened.

She spoke about the attack to her therapist, but admitting that she never once used Kavanaugh's name.

Ford is a PHD and a psychologist. If anybody can lie and get away passing a polygraph test, it's her. That's besides the internet being full of articles on how to pass a polygraph test.

To her Therapist. She did cite Kavanaugh specifically to her husband and friends. With affidavits to demonstrate it, already submitted to the Judiciary Committee.

They'd all have to be lying too...under oath. Your scenario is increasingly conspiratorial, increasingly complicated, increasingly unlikely.

Its far more probable she, her husband, her therapist, and those witnesses who also submitted affidavits confirming her naming of Kavanaugh before his nomination are all being truthful.

As for 'anyone' being able to beat a polygraph test, says who? If they have no utility and don't work at all, why does the FBI use them regularly?
Maybe a few years in prison for making a false statement to a sitting committee member on Supreme Court nominees will help her memory.
False rape accusations are exceedingly rare. The highest estimates put them at less than 5% with most estimates putting them at 1% to 2%.

She spoke about the attack long before Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, long before Trump announced his presidential run. Eliminating politics as a likely motive.

She's passed a polygraph test.

All of these would be indicators of probable honesty.

A false accusation of rape is the reporting of a rape where no rape has occurred. It is difficult to assess the true prevalence of false rape allegations, but it is generally agreed that, for about 2% to 10% of rape allegations, a thorough investigation establishes that no crime was committed or attempted.[1][2]

So by the very odds you've cited, 90 to 98% of the time a rape is reported, it happened.

She spoke about the attack to her therapist, but admitting that she never once used Kavanaugh's name.

Ford is a PHD and a psychologist. If anybody can lie and get away passing a polygraph test, it's her. That's besides the internet being full of articles on how to pass a polygraph test.

To her Therapist. She did cite Kavanaugh specifically to her husband and friends. With affidavits to demonstrate it, already submitted to the Judiciary Committee.

They'd all have to be lying too...under oath. Your scenario is increasingly conspiratorial, increasingly complicated, increasingly unlikely.

Its far more probable she, her husband, her therapist, and those witnesses who also submitted affidavits confirming her naming of Kavanaugh before his nomination are all being truthful.

As for 'anyone' being able to beat a polygraph test, says who? If they have no utility and don't work at all, why does the FBI use them regularly?

Don't Clintonize what I said. She told her therapist about the attack but never mentioned Kavanaugh's name. I could care less what her husband and friends say. Do you really believe they wouldn't go along with her now?

Christine Blasey Ford Polygraph Results Reveal Inconsistencies in Testimony | National Review
And like I said before, if polygraph tests are useless, why is the FBI using them?

That's the thing... I never said they were useless. I said they are useless when it comes to detecting whether a person is lying. They are used to detect deceptive behavior, not false statements.

And the test she took per her odds of being deceptive about her account at 0.05%.

No wonder you insist that odds don't matter. The odds are all on one side of this issue. Most sexual assault victims don't report. False sexual assault allegations are rare. And she passed her polygraph test.

Thus, its probable she wouldn't report. Its improbable she is lying. And the odds her being truthful about her account are 99.95% per the polygraph test she took.

Why wouldn't I believe her?

You omit this question from most of your replies. But just because you have no rational answer doesn't mean the question disappears.

You're better than the emotional, irrational denials of the evidence and odds that you're offering us, Temp.
Give us a rational reason why not. As the odds are clearly behind Ford's honesty. As is the polygraph test results. And you reply with babble about 'emotion'.


You are not once considering if Kavanaugh is telling the truth. You are not even open to the possibility of him telling the truth. You are convinced, sans preponderance of evidence, that shes's telling the truth, no matter what.

That suggests you are biased toward the accuser and against the accused, and not only that your political opposition to our president most certainly drives those biases.

In layman's terms, you are harboring what we call "preconceived bias". Biases are driven by emotion.
Maybe a few years in prison for making a false statement to a sitting committee member on Supreme Court nominees will help her memory.

The Democrats have created this story so that it can't be proven or disproven. It was part of their plan all along. Of course they don't want her to answer questions that can be traced. They know that Kavanaugh's family often were out of town--especially in summer when he was off of school.
False rape accusations being exceedingly rare is not 'speculation'. Nor is most victims of sexual assault never reporting it.

As Wiki pointed out, there is no accurate way to decipher how many rapes are falsely reported. Even Snopes reported the exact same thing. What you are spewing are guesstimates.
Give us a rational reason why not. As the odds are clearly behind Ford's honesty. As is the polygraph test results. And you reply with babble about 'emotion'.


No. I'm not going to ignore the odds that clearly fall with Ford just because they're inconvenient to your argment. Your willful ignorance of these facts doesn't magically make them disappear.

1) Most sexual assault victims never report. Thus, its probable that Ford wouldn't have reported.

2) False sexual assault claims are exceedingly rare. Thus, its probable that Ford is telling the truth.

3) She took a polygraph test that showed the odds of her being deceptive about her account being 0.05%. Thus, its probable that Ford is not being deceptive.

Why wouldn't I believe her?

You are not once considering if Kavanaugh is telling the truth. You are not even open to the possibility of him telling the truth. You are convince, sans preponderance of evidence, that shes's telling the truth, no matter what.

Says you, pretending you're me. My reasons for concluding it probable that she's telling the truth are above. You've ignored them, ignored the odds, and made up your own story, citing yourself.

That's an irrational, emotional argument. You're better than that, Temp.

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