Text of Ford Opening Statement

And she was forced into a bedroom with music playing which Judge turned up louder. Why would somebody be playing music in an empty room? And the host of the party (who didn't have music playing downstairs) didn't hear the increase of volume of the music upstairs, and investigate who turned it up?
Again how did she get out of the room?

Her testimony was so bad!!!

Ford recalled that after she escaped the bedroom where her alleged assault occurred and locked herself in a bathroom, she heard Judge and Kavanaugh “leave the bedroom laughing and loudly walk down the narrow stairs.” When they didn’t come back up, she said, she ran down the stairs and out of the house. That detail is chilling: In Ford’s telling, Kavanaugh and Judge didn’t even behave as if they thought what they did was wrong, or that it mattered, or that she might tell on them, or that they might incur consequences for their deeds.

Christine Blasey Ford Shows the Power of Letting Survivors of Sexual Violence Tell Their Own Stories
No, no, her comment was he pinned her down on the bed put his hand over her mouth and was going to rape her. How did she get to the bathroom?

During this assault, Mark came over and jumped on the bed twice while Brett was on top of me. The last time he did this, we toppled over and Brett was no longer on top of me. I was able to get up and run out of the room. Directly across from the bedroom was a small bathroom.

Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Ohhhh okay, yeah right. Now there’s no credibility there. Why would any boy interrupt another boy in the thrawls? They would have taken turns in her! Nope I can now confidently say nope she was never accousted

And I just don't understand how one person was laying on top of the other, but another person jumping on the bed makes them fall to the ground. How does that work anyway?
A psychologist who says she doesn’t know anything about polygraphs. :lmao:

Yes, and a person who is educated on treating people with fears like flying, but can't get over the hangup herself.
Yet she traveled the pacific rim with no issues. Makes her a liar and unreliable

That lady prosecutor destroyed Ford's credibility and smiled nicely while she did it.

Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.
Especially if she wished to be anonymous? What good would it be?
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

I haven’t called her any names and I definitely don’t condone calling her a slut, etc. but you have to admit this is an extreme situation and politics piss people off quite regularly.

You honestly can’t see things from our side even if you don’t agree with it?

I can see people taking sides based on politics. Calling Ford a slut, a liar and a whore is not 'taking sides'. Its the very abusive behavior that women fear when considering reporting sexual assaults against them.

And among the reasons why more than half of sexual assaults go unreported.

I watched most of the shitshow today, and I'm still confused as to when she actually proved that she was "assaulted". Anyone can say something happened to them over 30 years ago but since there's really no proof, I still think she made the whole thing up.
Again how did she get out of the room?

Her testimony was so bad!!!

Ford recalled that after she escaped the bedroom where her alleged assault occurred and locked herself in a bathroom, she heard Judge and Kavanaugh “leave the bedroom laughing and loudly walk down the narrow stairs.” When they didn’t come back up, she said, she ran down the stairs and out of the house. That detail is chilling: In Ford’s telling, Kavanaugh and Judge didn’t even behave as if they thought what they did was wrong, or that it mattered, or that she might tell on them, or that they might incur consequences for their deeds.

Christine Blasey Ford Shows the Power of Letting Survivors of Sexual Violence Tell Their Own Stories
No, no, her comment was he pinned her down on the bed put his hand over her mouth and was going to rape her. How did she get to the bathroom?

During this assault, Mark came over and jumped on the bed twice while Brett was on top of me. The last time he did this, we toppled over and Brett was no longer on top of me. I was able to get up and run out of the room. Directly across from the bedroom was a small bathroom.

Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Ohhhh okay, yeah right. Now there’s no credibility there. Why would any boy interrupt another boy in the thrawls? They would have taken turns in her! Nope I can now confidently say nope she was never accousted

And I just don't understand how one person was laying on top of the other, but another person jumping on the bed makes them fall to the ground. How does that work anyway?
Bed breaks? She never said that!
A psychologist who says she doesn’t know anything about polygraphs. :lmao:

Yes, and a person who is educated on treating people with fears like flying, but can't get over the hangup herself.
Yet she traveled the pacific rim with no issues. Makes her a liar and unreliable

That lady prosecutor destroyed Ford's credibility and smiled nicely while she did it.

Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.
Especially if she wished to be anonymous? What good would it be?
Again, absolutely no logic. I’d sue everyone every fking one of them if I were kavanaugh. Especially core fking grope them booker Spartacus
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

I haven’t called her any names and I definitely don’t condone calling her a slut, etc. but you have to admit this is an extreme situation and politics piss people off quite regularly.

You honestly can’t see things from our side even if you don’t agree with it?

I can see people taking sides based on politics. Calling Ford a slut, a liar and a whore is not 'taking sides'. Its the very abusive behavior that women fear when considering reporting sexual assaults against them.

And among the reasons why more than half of sexual assaults go unreported.

I watched most of the shitshow today, and I'm still confused as to when she actually proved that she was "assaulted". Anyone can say something happened to them over 30 years ago but since there's really no proof, I still think she made the whole thing up.

False rape accusations are exceedingly rare. Less than 1 in 20, with most sexual assaults never being reported. Its improbable that she's lying. With her citing the attack and Kavanaugh as her attacker years before Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Eliminating politics as a likely motive. As why would she make up this story against Kavanaugh in 2012? And then only tell her therapist, husband and friends? The 'she made it up' narrative makes no sense.

Add to that she passed a polygraph test that found that the odds of her being deceptive in her account was 0.05%.

The odds favor her being truthful.
Yes, and a person who is educated on treating people with fears like flying, but can't get over the hangup herself.
Yet she traveled the pacific rim with no issues. Makes her a liar and unreliable

That lady prosecutor destroyed Ford's credibility and smiled nicely while she did it.

Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.
Especially if she wished to be anonymous? What good would it be?
Again, absolutely no logic. I’d sue everyone every fking one of them if I were kavanaugh. Especially core fking grope them booker Spartacus

You'd lose. And Kavanaugh won't.
If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

I haven’t called her any names and I definitely don’t condone calling her a slut, etc. but you have to admit this is an extreme situation and politics piss people off quite regularly.

You honestly can’t see things from our side even if you don’t agree with it?

I can see people taking sides based on politics. Calling Ford a slut, a liar and a whore is not 'taking sides'. Its the very abusive behavior that women fear when considering reporting sexual assaults against them.

And among the reasons why more than half of sexual assaults go unreported.

I watched most of the shitshow today, and I'm still confused as to when she actually proved that she was "assaulted". Anyone can say something happened to them over 30 years ago but since there's really no proof, I still think she made the whole thing up.

False rape accusations are exceedingly rare. Less than 1 in 20, with most sexual assaults never being reported. Its improbable that she's lying. With her citing the attack and Kavanaugh as her attacker years before Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Eliminating politics as a likely motive. As why would she make up this story against Kavanaugh in 2012? And then only tell her therapist, husband and friends? The 'she made it up' narrative makes no sense.

Add to that she passed a polygraph test that found that the odds of her being deceptive in her account was 0.05%.

The odds favor her being truthful.

Christine Blasey Ford Polygraph Results Reveal Inconsistencies in Testimony | National Review
Ford escaped the house, fearing death she ran for her life, made it outside and then can't remember how she got home...riiiiiiiight. Here's what happened, she went back downstairs, had another beer, and whoever gave her a ride to the party gave her a ride home later. BOOM!
Ford recalled that after she escaped the bedroom where her alleged assault occurred and locked herself in a bathroom, she heard Judge and Kavanaugh “leave the bedroom laughing and loudly walk down the narrow stairs.” When they didn’t come back up, she said, she ran down the stairs and out of the house. That detail is chilling: In Ford’s telling, Kavanaugh and Judge didn’t even behave as if they thought what they did was wrong, or that it mattered, or that she might tell on them, or that they might incur consequences for their deeds.

Christine Blasey Ford Shows the Power of Letting Survivors of Sexual Violence Tell Their Own Stories
No, no, her comment was he pinned her down on the bed put his hand over her mouth and was going to rape her. How did she get to the bathroom?

During this assault, Mark came over and jumped on the bed twice while Brett was on top of me. The last time he did this, we toppled over and Brett was no longer on top of me. I was able to get up and run out of the room. Directly across from the bedroom was a small bathroom.

Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Ohhhh okay, yeah right. Now there’s no credibility there. Why would any boy interrupt another boy in the thrawls? They would have taken turns in her! Nope I can now confidently say nope she was never accousted

And I just don't understand how one person was laying on top of the other, but another person jumping on the bed makes them fall to the ground. How does that work anyway?
Bed breaks? She never said that!

I didn't say the bed broke, I said he was supposedly on top of her, and when Judge jumped on the bed, all three went rolling off the bed onto the ground. That simply doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Feinstein lied out her ass when she said she had no idea how the letter was released.

Typical Democrat dishonesty.
No, no, her comment was he pinned her down on the bed put his hand over her mouth and was going to rape her. How did she get to the bathroom?

During this assault, Mark came over and jumped on the bed twice while Brett was on top of me. The last time he did this, we toppled over and Brett was no longer on top of me. I was able to get up and run out of the room. Directly across from the bedroom was a small bathroom.

Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Ohhhh okay, yeah right. Now there’s no credibility there. Why would any boy interrupt another boy in the thrawls? They would have taken turns in her! Nope I can now confidently say nope she was never accousted

And I just don't understand how one person was laying on top of the other, but another person jumping on the bed makes them fall to the ground. How does that work anyway?
Bed breaks? She never said that!

I didn't say the bed broke, I said he was supposedly on top of her, and when Judge jumped on the bed, all three went rolling off the bed onto the ground. That simply doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Yep, agreed. I said, the only way would be if the bed broke
During this assault, Mark came over and jumped on the bed twice while Brett was on top of me. The last time he did this, we toppled over and Brett was no longer on top of me. I was able to get up and run out of the room. Directly across from the bedroom was a small bathroom.

Full transcript: Christine Blasey Ford's opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Ohhhh okay, yeah right. Now there’s no credibility there. Why would any boy interrupt another boy in the thrawls? They would have taken turns in her! Nope I can now confidently say nope she was never accousted

And I just don't understand how one person was laying on top of the other, but another person jumping on the bed makes them fall to the ground. How does that work anyway?
Bed breaks? She never said that!

I didn't say the bed broke, I said he was supposedly on top of her, and when Judge jumped on the bed, all three went rolling off the bed onto the ground. That simply doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Yep, agreed. I said, the only way would be if the bed broke

Guess I misunderstood. So this Kavanaugh kid was going to rape this girl, and when he and she rolled off the bed, he just decided to give up on the idea?
Ohhhh okay, yeah right. Now there’s no credibility there. Why would any boy interrupt another boy in the thrawls? They would have taken turns in her! Nope I can now confidently say nope she was never accousted

And I just don't understand how one person was laying on top of the other, but another person jumping on the bed makes them fall to the ground. How does that work anyway?
Bed breaks? She never said that!

I didn't say the bed broke, I said he was supposedly on top of her, and when Judge jumped on the bed, all three went rolling off the bed onto the ground. That simply doesn't make any sense to me at all.
Yep, agreed. I said, the only way would be if the bed broke

Guess I misunderstood. So this Kavanaugh kid was going to rape this girl, and when he and she rolled off the bed, he just decided to give up on the idea?
Not sure, but if his intent was rape, I doubt she gets away from two boys who wish to fk her. Again, no logic in that statement by her!
If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

I haven’t called her any names and I definitely don’t condone calling her a slut, etc. but you have to admit this is an extreme situation and politics piss people off quite regularly.

You honestly can’t see things from our side even if you don’t agree with it?

I can see people taking sides based on politics. Calling Ford a slut, a liar and a whore is not 'taking sides'. Its the very abusive behavior that women fear when considering reporting sexual assaults against them.

And among the reasons why more than half of sexual assaults go unreported.

I watched most of the shitshow today, and I'm still confused as to when she actually proved that she was "assaulted". Anyone can say something happened to them over 30 years ago but since there's really no proof, I still think she made the whole thing up.

False rape accusations are exceedingly rare. Less than 1 in 20, with most sexual assaults never being reported. Its improbable that she's lying. With her citing the attack and Kavanaugh as her attacker years before Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Eliminating politics as a likely motive. As why would she make up this story against Kavanaugh in 2012? And then only tell her therapist, husband and friends? The 'she made it up' narrative makes no sense.

Add to that she passed a polygraph test that found that the odds of her being deceptive in her account was 0.05%.

The odds favor her being truthful.
BS. Will you put $1 in my Paypal for every false rape accusation I link to?

Kavanaugh’s a Justice for life, so kiss my ass.
Yet she traveled the pacific rim with no issues. Makes her a liar and unreliable

That lady prosecutor destroyed Ford's credibility and smiled nicely while she did it.

Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.
Especially if she wished to be anonymous? What good would it be?
Again, absolutely no logic. I’d sue everyone every fking one of them if I were kavanaugh. Especially core fking grope them booker Spartacus

You'd lose. And Kavanaugh won't.
Ford said the polygraph was done in Maryland because of her grandmother’s funeral and she was asked if it was done on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral. Ford did not know the answer to that question.

Mitchell also asked if she paid for the polygraph, which would normally be quite expensive, and again, Ford said she doesn’t know.

If Ford doesn’t have a clear memory of big events that happened to her LAST MONTH, how can anyone be sure her memory of what happened 36 years ago is correct?
That lady prosecutor destroyed Ford's credibility and smiled nicely while she did it.

Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.
Especially if she wished to be anonymous? What good would it be?
Again, absolutely no logic. I’d sue everyone every fking one of them if I were kavanaugh. Especially core fking grope them booker Spartacus

You'd lose. And Kavanaugh won't.
Ford said the polygraph was done in Maryland because of her grandmother’s funeral and she was asked if it was done on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral. Ford did not know the answer to that question.

Mitchell also asked if she paid for the polygraph, which would normally be quite expensive, and again, Ford said she doesn’t know.

If Ford doesn’t have a clear memory of big events that happened to her LAST MONTH, how can anyone be sure her memory of what happened 36 years ago is correct?

Ford also said she was afraid of flying in order to delay the hearing and that was pretty much exposed as a lie.

In law they have the concept of Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. These Moon Bats need to go look that term up.

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