Text of Ford Opening Statement

well there were 4.

now another was there.

I thought at one point she said there 4 boys BK, Judges, PJ and one of whom she didn't know and 2 girls, herself and her friend. I assume the unknown guy was instead into her story because all the other people she said were there, basically have said she's lying.
I suspect the next step will be for the unknown guy to come forward and confirm her story.

It's interesting how there are 2 guys whom she will not name, the unknown guy at the gathering and the guy who introduced her to Kavanaugh. She did mention the guy who introduced her to BK as someone she had "dated".
Yet she traveled the pacific rim with no issues. Makes her a liar and unreliable

That lady prosecutor destroyed Ford's credibility and smiled nicely while she did it.

Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.

Ford's letter was sent in July, dope. Before Trump even nominated him.

That's why the Repubs are so pissed.

You dopes never know wtf is going on.
nope your timeline is wrong, but go figure.

Prove it, dope.

her letter. pay the fk attention dupe
Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.

Ford's letter was sent in July, dope. Before Trump even nominated him.

That's why the Repubs are so pissed.

You dopes never know wtf is going on.
nope your timeline is wrong, but go figure.

Prove it, dope.

You're such a loser. Playing dumb only makes look dumb as shit.

Read Christine Blasey Ford's letter accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault

"After being sent to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) in July, the letter was initially published by CNN after a source provided the network with the majority of its contents, with some details redacted."
still wrong. but hey don't read the entire thing.

well there were 4.

now another was there.

I thought at one point she said there 4 boys BK, Judges, PJ and one of whom she didn't know and 2 girls, herself and her friend. I assume the unknown guy was instead into her story because all the other people she said were there basically have said she's lying.
I suspect the next step will be for the unknown guy to come forward and confirm her story.

It's interesting how there are 2 guys whom she will not name, the unknown guy at the gathering and the guy who introduced her to Kavanaugh. She did mention the guy who introduced her to BK as someone she had "dated".
well this is the hard part with "fake news" these days.

i understood 4 where there. 2 guys downstairs and 2 guys in the room.

where did the new female come from? was she there all along and it was overlooked in all this "reporting" going on?

i swear it feels like we're living inside a grade B soap opera these days.
Feinstein lied out her ass when she said she had no idea how the letter was released.

Typical Democrat dishonesty.

How do you decide she lied?

She wasn't the only one who had the letter.
from her own comments. she's afraid to fly, yet she flew more than the average joe. In fact she had already flown to Delaware and was there when the senate was trying to schedule her visit and she claimed she couldn't fly and would need to drive and hence a delay in the date. Yet she didn't tell them she was already on the east coast. deceiving the senate as well as lying. The fact she can't corroborate her story with the individuals she named. yeah, liar.
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well there were 4.

now another was there.

I thought at one point she said there 4 boys BK, Judges, PJ and one of whom she didn't know and 2 girls, herself and her friend. I assume the unknown guy was instead into her story because all the other people she said were there basically have said she's lying.
I suspect the next step will be for the unknown guy to come forward and confirm her story.

It's interesting how there are 2 guys whom she will not name, the unknown guy at the gathering and the guy who introduced her to Kavanaugh. She did mention the guy who introduced her to BK as someone she had "dated".
well this is the hard part with "fake news" these days.

i understood 4 where there. 2 guys downstairs and 2 guys in the room.

where did the new female come from? was she there all along and it was overlooked in all this "reporting" going on?

i swear it feels like we're living inside a grade B soap opera these days.
Ice, the point of holding onto the letter for six weeks was for what? oh yeah delay the proceedings. The left really think americans are stupid.
If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

So why did she scrub her social media before coming out?

What do you imagine that indicates other than protecting information of her family and friends.

Oh I dont imagine,I know why.
It showed her as the radical leftist she is.

Of course you can't know that as you said it was scrubbed, dope.

Well dope,there's some that she didnt scrub in time and it's out there. In fact there are pics on this board showing her at left wing political rallies.
HERE WE GO=> Christine Blasey Ford Being Advised by Obama-Clinton Democrat Operative
That lady prosecutor destroyed Ford's credibility and smiled nicely while she did it.

Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.

Ford's letter was sent in July, dope. Before Trump even nominated him.

That's why the Repubs are so pissed.

You dopes never know wtf is going on.
nope your timeline is wrong, but go figure.

Prove it, dope.

her letter. pay the fk attention dupe
View attachment 218990

Kavanaugh was on TRUMP's short list, she sent the letter wanting to remain anonymous, Feinstein doesn't want to waste a con job if they can defeat Kavanaugh without it.
Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.

Ford's letter was sent in July, dope. Before Trump even nominated him.

That's why the Repubs are so pissed.

You dopes never know wtf is going on.
nope your timeline is wrong, but go figure.

Prove it, dope.

her letter. pay the fk attention dupe
View attachment 218990

Kavanaugh was on TRUMP's short list, she sent the letter wanting to remain anonymous, Feinstein doesn't want to waste a con job if they can defeat Kavanaugh without it.
I know, I posted her comments.
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

Yes, because the vitriol found on an anonymous message board is the same thing that would happen in real life.......
Yes, because the vitriol found on an anonymous message board is the same thing that would happen in real life.......


Kavanaugh accuser forced out of her home over threats, lawyers say

And someone in congress doxxed Some of the republican committee members on facebook.

"Lawyers say"
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

I haven’t called her any names and I definitely don’t condone calling her a slut, etc. but you have to admit this is an extreme situation and politics piss people off quite regularly.

You honestly can’t see things from our side even if you don’t agree with it?

I can see people taking sides based on politics. Calling Ford a slut, a liar and a whore is not 'taking sides'. Its the very abusive behavior that women fear when considering reporting sexual assaults against them.

And among the reasons why more than half of sexual assaults go unreported.

You didn’t answer my question.
If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

I haven’t called her any names and I definitely don’t condone calling her a slut, etc. but you have to admit this is an extreme situation and politics piss people off quite regularly.

You honestly can’t see things from our side even if you don’t agree with it?

I can see people taking sides based on politics. Calling Ford a slut, a liar and a whore is not 'taking sides'. Its the very abusive behavior that women fear when considering reporting sexual assaults against them.

And among the reasons why more than half of sexual assaults go unreported.

I watched most of the shitshow today, and I'm still confused as to when she actually proved that she was "assaulted". Anyone can say something happened to them over 30 years ago but since there's really no proof, I still think she made the whole thing up.

False rape accusations are exceedingly rare. Less than 1 in 20, with most sexual assaults never being reported. Its improbable that she's lying. With her citing the attack and Kavanaugh as her attacker years before Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Eliminating politics as a likely motive. As why would she make up this story against Kavanaugh in 2012? And then only tell her therapist, husband and friends? The 'she made it up' narrative makes no sense.

Add to that she passed a polygraph test that found that the odds of her being deceptive in her account was 0.05%.

The odds favor her being truthful.

You’re simply not using common sense to make decisions about this situation. Unfortunately you’re in good company.
That lady prosecutor destroyed Ford's credibility and smiled nicely while she did it.

Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.
Especially if she wished to be anonymous? What good would it be?
Again, absolutely no logic. I’d sue everyone every fking one of them if I were kavanaugh. Especially core fking grope them booker Spartacus

You'd lose. And Kavanaugh won't.
Ford said the polygraph was done in Maryland because of her grandmother’s funeral and she was asked if it was done on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral. Ford did not know the answer to that question.

Mitchell also asked if she paid for the polygraph, which would normally be quite expensive, and again, Ford said she doesn’t know.

If Ford doesn’t have a clear memory of big events that happened to her LAST MONTH, how can anyone be sure her memory of what happened 36 years ago is correct?

She can’t remember where this house was, who’s house it was, how she got there or how she left. But she knows she only had one beer.

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Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


Let me translate:

"I remember all the details VIVIDLY, only I can't remember a damn thing except that after being attacked by Kavenaugh, I said to myself, "My attacker is going to be a Supreme Court Justice some day!'

Yes she actually said she said that at age 15 after the attack. WTF?
I prefer to go to Rape and Drug Parties in my One Piece Bathing Suit after Swim Practice and wear that wet bitch all day afterwards!

I also like to call my bathing suit, "Clothes"
Maybe she asked and I didn't hear it. But if I were her, I would have asked Ford: You brought this story to Feinstein just before Mr. Kavanaugh's conformation. Can you tell us what was your goal in doing so?

At that point she would have had to admit it's about politics, or make an obvious lie.
Especially if she wished to be anonymous? What good would it be?
Again, absolutely no logic. I’d sue everyone every fking one of them if I were kavanaugh. Especially core fking grope them booker Spartacus

You'd lose. And Kavanaugh won't.
Ford said the polygraph was done in Maryland because of her grandmother’s funeral and she was asked if it was done on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral. Ford did not know the answer to that question.

Mitchell also asked if she paid for the polygraph, which would normally be quite expensive, and again, Ford said she doesn’t know.

If Ford doesn’t have a clear memory of big events that happened to her LAST MONTH, how can anyone be sure her memory of what happened 36 years ago is correct?

She can’t remember where this house was, who’s house it was, how she got there or how she left. But she knows she only had one beer.

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It is very obvious what happen.

The Democrats knew they couldn't smear Gorsuch because there was plenty of time to appoint another person.

The asshole Democrats figured out that if they could stall the Kavanaugh nomination then there is at least possibility that the filthy Democrats would take the Senate and prevent any Trump nomination for the next two years or more.

They looked around to find a Libtard Moon Bat that went to school with Kvanaugh to lie about him sexually assaulting her.

This Ford bitch was ready willing and able. She was a stupid pink pussy hat, "Trump is not my President" card carrying Left Wing Democrat asshole with a brother involved with the Russia/DNC attempt to undermine Trump and a father who had a grudge against Kavanugh mother and who was a dumbass Democrat donor.

Ford agreed to participate of the Democrat dirty tricks. In addition to being pleased at the opportunity to undermine Trump she got a half million dollars through the gofundme site. A page right out of how to launder money from "Breaking Bad".
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Especially if she wished to be anonymous? What good would it be?
Again, absolutely no logic. I’d sue everyone every fking one of them if I were kavanaugh. Especially core fking grope them booker Spartacus

You'd lose. And Kavanaugh won't.
Ford said the polygraph was done in Maryland because of her grandmother’s funeral and she was asked if it was done on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral. Ford did not know the answer to that question.

Mitchell also asked if she paid for the polygraph, which would normally be quite expensive, and again, Ford said she doesn’t know.

If Ford doesn’t have a clear memory of big events that happened to her LAST MONTH, how can anyone be sure her memory of what happened 36 years ago is correct?

She can’t remember where this house was, who’s house it was, how she got there or how she left. But she knows she only had one beer.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

It is very obvious what happen.

The Democrats knew they couldn't smear Gorsuch because there was plenty of time to appoint another person.

The asshole Democrats figured out that if they could stall the Kavanaugh nomination then there is at least possibility that the filthy Democrats would take the Senate and prevent any Trump nomination for the next two years or more.

They looked around to find a Libtard Moon Bat that went to school with Kvanaugh to lie about him sexually assaulting her.

This Ford bitch was ready willing and able. She was a stupid pink pussy hat, "Trump is not my President" card carrying Left Wing Democrat asshole with a brother involved with the Russia/DNC attempt to undermine Trump and a father who had a grudge against Kavanugh mother and who was a dumbass Democrat donor.

Ford agreed to part of the Democrat dirty tricks. In addition to being pleased at the opportunity to undermine Trump she got a half million dollars through the gofundme site. A page right out of how to launder money from "Breaking Bad".

Ford was a very credible witness.

While Kavanaugh blew his cover, revealing himself to be angry, bitter, fiercely partisan and a flagrant conspiracy theorist. He tried to yell his way out of Ford's testimony. He came off as a man that had never been held accountable for his acctions raging that the bill might come due.
Seared into her memory but can’t remember basic details.

View attachment 218718


If she was so "haunted" by something she alleges to have happened, why did she do such a great dis-service to women everywhere by not mentioning it until now?

Her motivation here is so apparent that even blind Stevie Wonder could see right through her BS.

On this board alone she's been called a slut, a liar, a whore, and accused of making the story up. Members of our board have insisted she should be charged with crimes and imprisoned. Every accusor who has joined her has received the same treatment.

You're literally demonstrating why most sexual assaults go unreported.

I haven’t called her any names and I definitely don’t condone calling her a slut, etc. but you have to admit this is an extreme situation and politics piss people off quite regularly.

You honestly can’t see things from our side even if you don’t agree with it?

I can see people taking sides based on politics. Calling Ford a slut, a liar and a whore is not 'taking sides'. Its the very abusive behavior that women fear when considering reporting sexual assaults against them.

And among the reasons why more than half of sexual assaults go unreported.

You didn’t answer my question.

I did:

Q: You honestly can’t see things from our side even if you don’t agree with it?

A: I can see people taking sides based on politics. Calling Ford a slut, a liar and a whore is not 'taking sides'. Its the very abusive behavior that women fear when considering reporting sexual assaults against them.
Again, absolutely no logic. I’d sue everyone every fking one of them if I were kavanaugh. Especially core fking grope them booker Spartacus

You'd lose. And Kavanaugh won't.
Ford said the polygraph was done in Maryland because of her grandmother’s funeral and she was asked if it was done on the same day as her grandmother’s funeral. Ford did not know the answer to that question.

Mitchell also asked if she paid for the polygraph, which would normally be quite expensive, and again, Ford said she doesn’t know.

If Ford doesn’t have a clear memory of big events that happened to her LAST MONTH, how can anyone be sure her memory of what happened 36 years ago is correct?

She can’t remember where this house was, who’s house it was, how she got there or how she left. But she knows she only had one beer.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

It is very obvious what happen.

The Democrats knew they couldn't smear Gorsuch because there was plenty of time to appoint another person.

The asshole Democrats figured out that if they could stall the Kavanaugh nomination then there is at least possibility that the filthy Democrats would take the Senate and prevent any Trump nomination for the next two years or more.

They looked around to find a Libtard Moon Bat that went to school with Kvanaugh to lie about him sexually assaulting her.

This Ford bitch was ready willing and able. She was a stupid pink pussy hat, "Trump is not my President" card carrying Left Wing Democrat asshole with a brother involved with the Russia/DNC attempt to undermine Trump and a father who had a grudge against Kavanugh mother and who was a dumbass Democrat donor.

Ford agreed to part of the Democrat dirty tricks. In addition to being pleased at the opportunity to undermine Trump she got a half million dollars through the gofundme site. A page right out of how to launder money from "Breaking Bad".

Ford was a very credible witness.

While Kavanaugh blew his cover, revealing himself to be angry, bitter, fiercely partisan and a flagrant conspiracy theorist. He tried to yell his way out of Ford's testimony. He came off as a man that had never been held accountable for his acctions raging that the bill might come due.

No she wasn't. The Moon Bat was lying out her ass.

How can this filthy dumbass Libtard bitch be a credible witness against a Trump nominee?

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