Textbook co-authored by Judge Roy Moore in 2011 says women shouldn’t run for office

I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

“I think [women] should be armed but should not vote … women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it … it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

Ann Coulter
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

“I think [women] should be armed but should not vote … women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it … it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

Ann Coulter
So says the bitch with an adam's apple. LOL

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.
Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown won the EC with the Russians doing the math for him. We need to find out what was the quid pro for that.
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

“I think [women] should be armed but should not vote … women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it … it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

Ann Coulter
So says the bitch with an adam's apple. LOL

So says the man who thinks two men getting married is perfectly normal.
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

“I think [women] should be armed but should not vote … women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it … it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

Ann Coulter
So says the bitch with an adam's apple. LOL

So says the man who thinks two men getting married is perfectly normal.
Well now, you have told a lie. You cannot show me any time I have said that. What I have said is that I don't give a damn what two adults do in private. As long as it is consensual, it is no business of mine. As for marriage, that is up to them and whomever is willing to perform a ceremony.
No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.

No-- Condi Rice would never be a nominee of the Republican Party. She's not only a woman but she is black. There are too many misogynists and racists in the Republican party for that to ever happen.

You witnessed what they did to Carly Fiorina. She was called a Vagina by right wing talk show hosts, she was blasted away for shipping computer parts to Iran, that she actually called back before they got there. They continually criticized her handling of Hewlett Packard, which btw she saved from Bankruptcy. Republicans attacked and discredited her in every way they could. She even beat two male candidates with real votes who remained on the 1st stage, and she was kept on the back stage. Donald Trump--with his--"would you look at that face"--could you imagine that face being the POTUS." You know he said it, and he was talking about Carly Fiorina--and you LAUGHED about it.

So you're full of shit. I don't care how experienced and qualified a woman is, Republicans would NEVER nominate one or elect one to the Presidency.
Fucking wrong .
Condoleezza Rice stamps her ticket for 2016/2020
Poll: California voters want Condoleezza Rice in the Senate

I didn't say a fucking word about women Republican senators dumbass--I am talking about the Presidency. The Republican party would never nominate, nor support a woman candidate for the POTUS. If that ever happened where a woman was the GOP Presidential nominee, Republicans would cross party lines, to vote for the Democrat male candidate.

That's how deeply rooted misogyny is within the Republican party.

That was obvious by what they did to Carly Fiorina. The right wing had more conspiracy's going on about Fiorina, than they did Hillary Clinton at the time--:badgrin: They sank her ship as quick as they could and went for the Ass Clown.

Must be nice and easy to blame everything on misogyny. Gives you an ironclad excuse for failure. "Oh, I/she just didn't win because I'm/she's a woman and they're all haters." Always gotta find something to blame, I guess.

There's no doubt about it. No one could have watched any of those debates either in the primary or with Hillary Clinton, and walked away believing that Trump won a single one of them or was qualified or competent to be POTUS. If they tell you otherwise they're lying through their teeth.


Therefore the only rational conclusion is Misogyny.

An extreme, ingrained prejudice toward women. There are millions of Roy Moore's within the Republican party that believe women should only raise kids and cook in the kitchen. Housewives--and they get real irritated and threatened if women pursue higher office and career's. Many are very good at hiding their prejudices toward women, but it's there, and they will do everything they can to stop their progress.

There are many within the Republican party that will make certain that Republican women never make it to the GOP Presidential nomination--as they did with Carly Fiorina.

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.

Carly Fiona almost destroyed HP when she ran it. The stock collapsed 52% under her watch while the S&P rose 15%. IBM and other tech companies rose while HP fell. Her disastrous reign led to 30000 layoffs.

Ariana Packard said “I know a little bit about Carly Fiorina, having watched her almost destroy the company my grandfather founded.”

On the day she was fired the company stock jumped 10%.

But...but...she is a woman!

HP almost didn’t survive the diversity experiment. Imagine turning the country over to her.

Never trust liberals, like Oreo , who would pretend to give advice to Republicans.
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

“I think [women] should be armed but should not vote … women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it … it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

Ann Coulter
So says the bitch with an adam's apple. LOL

So says the man who thinks two men getting married is perfectly normal.
Well now, you have told a lie. You cannot show me any time I have said that. What I have said is that I don't give a damn what two adults do in private. As long as it is consensual, it is no business of mine. As for marriage, that is up to them and whomever is willing to perform a ceremony.

Begs the question. Reread the post and come back and answer the actual statement I made.
Do you or don’t you think it is normal for two men to marry?
Note: I didn’t ask whose business it was. I didn’t ask who it is up to. I said you are so far gone as to think two men marrying is normal.
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

“I think [women] should be armed but should not vote … women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it … it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care.”

Ann Coulter
Some stupid little bitch like Coulter, who hates herself, and you are a fan of her self-hate and hate for human kind. She worships the penis and hates herself and anyone else who has a vagina instead. She is a pig and you love her
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.

No-- Condi Rice would never be a nominee of the Republican Party. She's not only a woman but she is black. There are too many misogynists and racists in the Republican party for that to ever happen.

You witnessed what they did to Carly Fiorina. She was called a Vagina by right wing talk show hosts, she was blasted away for shipping computer parts to Iran, that she actually called back before they got there. They continually criticized her handling of Hewlett Packard, which btw she saved from Bankruptcy. Republicans attacked and discredited her in every way they could. She even beat two male candidates with real votes who remained on the 1st stage, and she was kept on the back stage. Donald Trump--with his--"would you look at that face"--could you imagine that face being the POTUS." You know he said it, and he was talking about Carly Fiorina--and you LAUGHED about it.

So you're full of shit. I don't care how experienced and qualified a woman is, Republicans would NEVER nominate one or elect one to the Presidency.
Fucking wrong .
Condoleezza Rice stamps her ticket for 2016/2020
Poll: California voters want Condoleezza Rice in the Senate

I didn't say a fucking word about women Republican senators dumbass--I am talking about the Presidency. The Republican party would never nominate, nor support a woman candidate for the POTUS. If that ever happened where a woman was the GOP Presidential nominee, Republicans would cross party lines, to vote for the Democrat male candidate.

That's how deeply rooted misogyny is within the Republican party.

That was obvious by what they did to Carly Fiorina. The right wing had more conspiracy's going on about Fiorina, than they did Hillary Clinton at the time--:badgrin: They sank her ship as quick as they could and went for the Ass Clown.

Must be nice and easy to blame everything on misogyny. Gives you an ironclad excuse for failure. "Oh, I/she just didn't win because I'm/she's a woman and they're all haters." Always gotta find something to blame, I guess.

There's no doubt about it. No one could have watched any of those debates either in the primary or with Hillary Clinton, and walked away believing that Trump won a single one of them or was qualified or competent to be POTUS. If they tell you otherwise they're lying through their teeth.


Therefore the only rational conclusion is Misogyny.

An extreme, ingrained prejudice toward women. There are millions of Roy Moore's within the Republican party that believe women should only raise kids and cook in the kitchen. Housewives--and they get real irritated and threatened if women pursue higher office and career's. Many are very good at hiding their prejudices toward women, but it's there, and they will do everything they can to stop their progress.

There are many within the Republican party that will make certain that Republican women never make it to the GOP Presidential nomination--as they did with Carly Fiorina.
So many men harbor prejudices against women yet want to have sex with us. Their sick religions tell them that this is right and natural. Why have an intimate physical relationship with a human who rejects you? Who cannot love and support you in your life?

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.

Carly Fiona almost destroyed HP when she ran it. The stock collapsed 52% under her watch while the S&P rose 15%. IBM and other tech companies rose while HP fell. Her disastrous reign led to 30000 layoffs.

Ariana Packard said “I know a little bit about Carly Fiorina, having watched her almost destroy the company my grandfather founded.”

On the day she was fired the company stock jumped 10%.

But...but...she is a woman!

HP almost didn’t survive the diversity experiment. Imagine turning the country over to her.

Never trust liberals, like Oreo , who would pretend to give advice to Republicans.

I am no liberal, I was a lifelong Republican until you made the Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, then I switched my party status to independent and followed the advice of a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan and voted for Hillary Clinton.

You're actually quoting right wing talking points that destroyed Carly Fiorina during the campaign that were not exactly TRUE. When the tech sector crashed every tech company was laying off thousands of workers. They had to in order to survive the crash. The point is HP survived under Fiorina while many others didn't.

These were Republicans that were using these misguided talking points to discredit Carly Fiorina--(because she's a woman.)-

While the right wing & you--voted for a man that actually claimed 4 bankruptcy's and left banks and private investors holding the bag on millions of dollars in loss's. The debate audience even laughed about Trump's 4 bankruptcy's. This is why Trump has to go to foreign countries to get loans and investors. American banks will not loan him money.

This is just another glaring example of the misogyny, the hypocrisy & the double standard in how women are treated differently within the Republican party.

I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

Wow, what a spectacular real time view of deplorability spreading among the rightwinger fools.

The guy wants to excuse his guy's deplorable statements sooo bad, that he is grasping for narrow rationalizations for these ridiculous, moraly bankrupt ideas.

Women are people and are created equally free, so STFU and stop telling them what to do with their life.
Last edited:
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

Wow, what a spectacular real time view of deplorability spreading among the rightwinger fools.

The guy wants to excuse his guy's deplorable statements sooo bad, that he is grasping for narrow rationalizations for these ridiculous, moraly bankrupt ideas.

Women are people and are created equally free, so STFU and stop telling them what to do with their life.

Please make sense so that I can respond.
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

Wow, what a spectacular real time view of deplorability spreading among the rightwinger fools.

The guy wants to excuse his guy's deplorable statements sooo bad, that he is grasping for narrow rationalizations for these ridiculous, moraly bankrupt ideas.

Women are people and are created equally free, so STFU and stop telling them what to do with their life.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

Sometimes you need to scroll up the thread to catch on, you might want to try scrolling up to post # 32 then scroll down to post # 37.
I dunno. Something to ponder. The women's vote is largely responsible for the rise of the current Democratic Party.

Wow, what a spectacular real time view of deplorability spreading among the rightwinger fools.

The guy wants to excuse his guy's deplorable statements sooo bad, that he is grasping for narrow rationalizations for these ridiculous, moraly bankrupt ideas.

Women are people and are created equally free, so STFU and stop telling them what to do with their life.

Please make sense so that I can respond.

Sometimes you need to scroll up the thread to catch on, you might want to try scrolling up to post # 32 then scroll down to post # 37.

Madeline Albright? Mein Gott ...


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