Textbook co-authored by Judge Roy Moore in 2011 says women shouldn’t run for office

Oh my FUK what a loon! :cuckoo:

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore co-authored a 2011 study course in which a speaker contended women should not be allowed to run for public office and, if they did, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them, Think Progress reported.

The course, "Law and Government: An Introductory Study Course," was authored by Moore, Doug Phillips, Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, and Dr. Paul Jehle and is currently available on Amazon.

The study includes a lecture from William O. Einwechter, a teacher elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. The lesson, titled "What the Bible Says About Female Magistrates," contends the Bible forbids women from holding elected office.

"She's not a warrior. She's not a judge. She's a woman. Created by God. Glorious in her place and in her conduct and in her role," Einwechter said. "Nothing is said in scripture that supports the notion that she is qualified or called to be a civil magistrate."

Einwechter ends the lecture with statement saying that Christians cannot vote for a woman, no matter their politics.​

More if you Dare:

Roy Moore co-authored course saying women shouldn't run for office
Yeah, it'll screw up her womb. I heard about that back in 1910.

I know that if and when Roy is seated, he will receive a hearty welcome from all these gals.

Maybe they'll all pitch in on a lovely Hickory Farms gift basket? :wink:

3 Alaska Lisa Murkowski Republican Alaska House of Representatives 2002 1957
1 California Dianne Feinstein Democratic President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Mayor of San Francisco, gubernatorial nominee 1992 1933
3 California Kamala Harris Democratic State of California Attorney General, District Attorney of San Francisco 2017 1964
1 Hawaii Mazie Hirono Democratic Hawaii House of Representatives, Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii, gubernatorial nominee, U.S. House of Representatives 2013 1947
3 Illinois Tammy Duckworth Democratic U.S. House of Representatives 2017 1968
2 Iowa Joni Ernst Republican Montgomery County Auditor; Iowa Senate 2015 1970
2 Maine Susan Collins Republican Deputy Maine Treasurer; gubernatorial nominee 1997 1952
1 Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren Democratic Special Adviser to the President for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 2013 1949
1 Michigan Debbie Stabenow Democratic Michigan House of Representatives, Michigan Senate, U.S. House of Representatives 2001 1950
1 Minnesota Amy Klobuchar Democratic-Farmer-Labor Hennepin County Attorney 2007 1960
1 Missouri Claire McCaskill Democratic Missouri House of Representatives, State Auditor of Missouri, gubernatorial nominee 2007 1953
1 Nebraska Deb Fischer Republican Nebraska Legislature 2013 1951
3 Nevada Catherine Cortez Masto Democratic State of Nevada Attorney General 2017 1964
2 New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen Democratic New Hampshire Senate, Governor of New Hampshire 2009 1947
3 New Hampshire Maggie Hassan Democratic New Hampshire Senate, Governor of New Hampshire 2017 1958
1 New York Kirsten Gillibrand Democratic U.S. House of Representatives 2009 1966
1 North Dakota Heidi Heitkamp Democratic North Dakota Attorney General, North Dakota Tax Commissioner, gubernatorial nominee 2013 1955
3 Washington Patty Murray Democratic Washington Senate 1993 1950
1 Washington Maria Cantwell Democratic Washington House of Representatives, U.S. House of Representatives 2001 1958
2 West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito Republican West Virginia House of Delegates, U.S. House of Representatives 2015 1953
1 Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin Democratic Wisconsin State Assembly, U.S. House of Representatives 2013 1962​
if looks have anything to do with it Roy is a certified Loon.

he shared the womb with Gohmert.
Oh my FUK what a loon! :cuckoo:

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore co-authored a 2011 study course in which a speaker contended women should not be allowed to run for public office and, if they did, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them, Think Progress reported.

The course, "Law and Government: An Introductory Study Course," was authored by Moore, Doug Phillips, Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, and Dr. Paul Jehle and is currently available on Amazon.

The study includes a lecture from William O. Einwechter, a teacher elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. The lesson, titled "What the Bible Says About Female Magistrates," contends the Bible forbids women from holding elected office.

"She's not a warrior. She's not a judge. She's a woman. Created by God. Glorious in her place and in her conduct and in her role," Einwechter said. "Nothing is said in scripture that supports the notion that she is qualified or called to be a civil magistrate."

Einwechter ends the lecture with statement saying that Christians cannot vote for a woman, no matter their politics.​

More if you Dare:

Roy Moore co-authored course saying women shouldn't run for office
I agree with Roy Moore.

Oh my FUK what a loon! :cuckoo:

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore co-authored a 2011 study course in which a speaker contended women should not be allowed to run for public office and, if they did, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them, Think Progress reported.

The course, "Law and Government: An Introductory Study Course," was authored by Moore, Doug Phillips, Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, and Dr. Paul Jehle and is currently available on Amazon.

The study includes a lecture from William O. Einwechter, a teacher elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. The lesson, titled "What the Bible Says About Female Magistrates," contends the Bible forbids women from holding elected office.

"She's not a warrior. She's not a judge. She's a woman. Created by God. Glorious in her place and in her conduct and in her role," Einwechter said. "Nothing is said in scripture that supports the notion that she is qualified or called to be a civil magistrate."

Einwechter ends the lecture with statement saying that Christians cannot vote for a woman, no matter their politics.​

More if you Dare:

Roy Moore co-authored course saying women shouldn't run for office

Wait, he authored a course, did he write the lecture? Kind a hazy on that?
Oh my FUK what a loon! :cuckoo:

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore co-authored a 2011 study course in which a speaker contended women should not be allowed to run for public office and, if they did, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them, Think Progress reported.

The course, "Law and Government: An Introductory Study Course," was authored by Moore, Doug Phillips, Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, and Dr. Paul Jehle and is currently available on Amazon.

The study includes a lecture from William O. Einwechter, a teacher elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. The lesson, titled "What the Bible Says About Female Magistrates," contends the Bible forbids women from holding elected office.

"She's not a warrior. She's not a judge. She's a woman. Created by God. Glorious in her place and in her conduct and in her role," Einwechter said. "Nothing is said in scripture that supports the notion that she is qualified or called to be a civil magistrate."

Einwechter ends the lecture with statement saying that Christians cannot vote for a woman, no matter their politics.​

More if you Dare:

Roy Moore co-authored course saying women shouldn't run for office

Too bad Roy wasn't castrated back in his twenties.
Oh my FUK what a loon! :cuckoo:

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore co-authored a 2011 study course in which a speaker contended women should not be allowed to run for public office and, if they did, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them, Think Progress reported.

The course, "Law and Government: An Introductory Study Course," was authored by Moore, Doug Phillips, Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, and Dr. Paul Jehle and is currently available on Amazon.

The study includes a lecture from William O. Einwechter, a teacher elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. The lesson, titled "What the Bible Says About Female Magistrates," contends the Bible forbids women from holding elected office.

"She's not a warrior. She's not a judge. She's a woman. Created by God. Glorious in her place and in her conduct and in her role," Einwechter said. "Nothing is said in scripture that supports the notion that she is qualified or called to be a civil magistrate."

Einwechter ends the lecture with statement saying that Christians cannot vote for a woman, no matter their politics.​

More if you Dare:

Roy Moore co-authored course saying women shouldn't run for office

Too bad Roy wasn't castrated back in his twenties.

Funny, that's what I was thinking about you!
Oh my FUK what a loon! :cuckoo:

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore co-authored a 2011 study course in which a speaker contended women should not be allowed to run for public office and, if they did, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them, Think Progress reported.

The course, "Law and Government: An Introductory Study Course," was authored by Moore, Doug Phillips, Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, and Dr. Paul Jehle and is currently available on Amazon.

The study includes a lecture from William O. Einwechter, a teacher elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. The lesson, titled "What the Bible Says About Female Magistrates," contends the Bible forbids women from holding elected office.

"She's not a warrior. She's not a judge. She's a woman. Created by God. Glorious in her place and in her conduct and in her role," Einwechter said. "Nothing is said in scripture that supports the notion that she is qualified or called to be a civil magistrate."

Einwechter ends the lecture with statement saying that Christians cannot vote for a woman, no matter their politics.​

More if you Dare:

Roy Moore co-authored course saying women shouldn't run for office
He thinks women are completely useless once they turn 15
Look at all the knuckledraggers agreeing with Judge Roy.

And you wonder why American politics are in the toilet with the water swirling.
If we didn't have women in office, we wouldn't have hysterical politicians.

If we ONLY had women in office we would be in a much better place than we are now.

Yep - This is why I'm rooting for Amy Klobuchar to run in 2020. She's a barrel of awesome sauce.

Oh my FUK what a loon! :cuckoo:

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore co-authored a 2011 study course in which a speaker contended women should not be allowed to run for public office and, if they did, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them, Think Progress reported.

The course, "Law and Government: An Introductory Study Course," was authored by Moore, Doug Phillips, Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, and Dr. Paul Jehle and is currently available on Amazon.

The study includes a lecture from William O. Einwechter, a teacher elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. The lesson, titled "What the Bible Says About Female Magistrates," contends the Bible forbids women from holding elected office.

"She's not a warrior. She's not a judge. She's a woman. Created by God. Glorious in her place and in her conduct and in her role," Einwechter said. "Nothing is said in scripture that supports the notion that she is qualified or called to be a civil magistrate."

Einwechter ends the lecture with statement saying that Christians cannot vote for a woman, no matter their politics.​

More if you Dare:

Roy Moore co-authored course saying women shouldn't run for office

Too bad Roy wasn't castrated back in his twenties.

Funny, that's what I was thinking about you!

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you but remembered there's nothing there to cut in the first place.
there isnt a woman alive who is capable of fucking up politics any worse than Trump has .. he has the entire RW party fighting like cats and dogs.

there isnt a woman alive who is capable of fucking up politics any worse than Trump has .. he has the entire RW party fighting like cats and dogs.


That honour still belongs to W for crashing the economy but when Trump signs his tax cut into law the clock will start ticking on his economic crash which will make W’s Recession look like puppy shit.

The irony is that Trumpanzees elected him to make America great again, not to accelerate its destruction.
Oh my FUK what a loon! :cuckoo:

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore co-authored a 2011 study course in which a speaker contended women should not be allowed to run for public office and, if they did, people have a moral obligation not to vote for them, Think Progress reported.

The course, "Law and Government: An Introductory Study Course," was authored by Moore, Doug Phillips, Dr. Joseph C. Morecraft, and Dr. Paul Jehle and is currently available on Amazon.

The study includes a lecture from William O. Einwechter, a teacher elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church. The lesson, titled "What the Bible Says About Female Magistrates," contends the Bible forbids women from holding elected office.

"She's not a warrior. She's not a judge. She's a woman. Created by God. Glorious in her place and in her conduct and in her role," Einwechter said. "Nothing is said in scripture that supports the notion that she is qualified or called to be a civil magistrate."

Einwechter ends the lecture with statement saying that Christians cannot vote for a woman, no matter their politics.​

More if you Dare:

Roy Moore co-authored course saying women shouldn't run for office

Too bad Roy wasn't castrated back in his twenties.

Funny, that's what I was thinking about you!

Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you but remembered there's nothing there to cut in the first place.

How the fug would you know? Checking out guys packages a vocation or simply a hobby?
Unfit for office, so he will win the seat, when over 50 % of the senate is completely brain dead, then C-span will become the go to station for comic relief, senators drawing pictures of donkeys wit horns to explain there current stance on what ever bill is put forth.

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