Textbook co-authored by Judge Roy Moore in 2011 says women shouldn’t run for office

This, Einwechter says, is proof that women should not work outside the home, run for office, or take on any role that gives women “dominance” over men, calling women “the weaker vessel.” Women, the lesson teaches, are only fit to be homemakers and should dedicate their lives to their husbands and children, never to work or outside pursuits.

“Sometimes we may have a hard time discerning the faith, the character, and the views of a particular candidate. But we can usually discern if the candidate is a man or a woman. And so there is no excuse on that one,” Einwechter says as he concludes the lecture. “In conclusion, we’ve argued that scripture teaches us that it is not God’s revealed will for a woman to serve as a civil magistrate and thus to rule over men in the civil sphere.”

Einwechter says this is proof that, if Christians aim to follow the teachings of the Bible, they must never vote for women running for office, no matter their politics.

His lecture, Einwechter says, is an “objective study.” In closing, he quotes pastor J. H. Vincent, saying, “The world is in such pressing need for mothers — motherly women — that none can be spared for public life.”

LMAO, it says right there that it is the “Biblical role of the woman”. Not his own idea of what a woman’s role is. The book is clearly intended for religious folk.

Next fail accusation.

If he helped write the book and is speaking to it then quite likely he does believe it. Do you really want to elect him?
This, Einwechter says, is proof that women should not work outside the home, run for office, or take on any role that gives women “dominance” over men, calling women “the weaker vessel.” Women, the lesson teaches, are only fit to be homemakers and should dedicate their lives to their husbands and children, never to work or outside pursuits.

“Sometimes we may have a hard time discerning the faith, the character, and the views of a particular candidate. But we can usually discern if the candidate is a man or a woman. And so there is no excuse on that one,” Einwechter says as he concludes the lecture. “In conclusion, we’ve argued that scripture teaches us that it is not God’s revealed will for a woman to serve as a civil magistrate and thus to rule over men in the civil sphere.”

Einwechter says this is proof that, if Christians aim to follow the teachings of the Bible, they must never vote for women running for office, no matter their politics.

His lecture, Einwechter says, is an “objective study.” In closing, he quotes pastor J. H. Vincent, saying, “The world is in such pressing need for mothers — motherly women — that none can be spared for public life.”

LMAO, it says right there that it is the “Biblical role of the woman”. Not his own idea of what a woman’s role is. The book is clearly intended for religious folk.

Next fail accusation.

If he helped write the book and is speaking to it then quite likely he does believe it. Do you really want to elect him?

So what? It’s clearly in the context of religious studies.

You queer Dems support Muslims, who treat their women like dogs. But this outrages you? Clean up your own house and denounce all the Muslims that support your party, and denounce your party for supporting Muslims. Then you get to tell us who we are voting for in our party is wrong.

So you don't think you deserve the vote?


Why would you say that? I DO vote.......so that is moot.
I was just blowing bubbles for entertainment is all.

Vote against this guy.

I know a lot more about Moore than most here considering he is from my state. Known about him for years. I have never been a fan, but I do feel too damn much is made of all of this. A lot of it is a ''he said, she said'' with absolutely no proof. I am weary of it.

So you don't think you deserve the vote?


Why would you say that? I DO vote.......so that is moot.
I was just blowing bubbles for entertainment is all.

Vote against this guy.

And honestly, the next time I vote for or against someone that another person has told me to do so, will be the first time. I have my on mind, and I can think for myself. You rarely see me hysterical over any politician, whether I like them or not. I don't let that control me.

So you don't think you deserve the vote?


Why would you say that? I DO vote.......so that is moot.
I was just blowing bubbles for entertainment is all.

Vote against this guy.

And honestly, the next time I vote for or against someone that another person has told me to do so, will be the first time. I have my on mind, and I can think for myself. You rarely see me hysterical over any politician, whether I like them or not. I don't let that control me.

You can think for yourself and the evidence is shown above.

So you don't think you deserve the vote?


Why would you say that? I DO vote.......so that is moot.
I was just blowing bubbles for entertainment is all.

Vote against this guy.

And honestly, the next time I vote for or against someone that another person has told me to do so, will be the first time. I have my on mind, and I can think for myself. You rarely see me hysterical over any politician, whether I like them or not. I don't let that control me.

You can think for yourself and the evidence is shown above.

I sure can. :)

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
Last edited:

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.

Take issue with the last bit. Women should not "support other women" simply because they're women. That's so fucking hypocritical.

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.

Take issue with the last bit. Women should not "support other women" simply because they're women. That's so fucking hypocritical.

We've had men running the Oval office for the last 150 years. I imagine if the shoe were on the other foot, and women had ruled the Oval Office for the last 150 years--you would probably support a male running for office.

A woman that voted for the less qualified, inexperienced Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton -- has some serious mental issues going on. Probably has a very low self esteem of herself--or is totally dependent on men in her life, and is really in charge of NOTHING, including who she votes for.

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.

Take issue with the last bit. Women should not "support other women" simply because they're women. That's so fucking hypocritical.

We've had men running the Oval office for the last 150 years. I imagine if the shoe were on the other foot, and women had ruled the Oval Office for the last 150 years--you would probably support a male running for office.

A woman that voted for the less qualified, inexperienced Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton -- has some serious mental issues going on. Probably has a very low self esteem of herself--or is totally dependent on men in her life, and is really in charge of NOTHING including who she votes for.

No, I would support whoever was better. I don't give a fuck what is or what is not dangling from their crotch. And anyone who calls themselves a feminist and spouts that "support a woman" drivel is a grade-A hypocrite and a fool.

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.

No-- Condi Rice would never be a nominee of the Republican Party. She's not only a woman but she is black. There are too many misogynists and racists in the Republican party for that to ever happen.

You witnessed what they did to Carly Fiorina. She was called a Vagina by right wing talk show hosts, she was blasted away for shipping computer parts to Iran, that she actually called back before they got there. They continually criticized her handling of Hewlett Packard, which btw she saved from Bankruptcy. Republicans attacked and discredited her in every way they could. She even beat two male candidates with real votes who remained on the 1st stage, and she was kept on the back stage. Donald Trump--with his--"would you look at that face"--could you imagine that face being the POTUS." You know he said it, and he was talking about Carly Fiorina--and you LAUGHED about it.

So you're full of shit. I don't care how experienced and qualified a woman is, Republicans would NEVER nominate one or elect one to the Presidency.
Last edited:

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.

No-- Condi Rice would never be a nominee of the Republican Party. She's not only a woman but she is black. There are too many misogynists and racists in the Republican party for that to ever happen.

You witnessed what they did to Carly Fiorina. She was called a Vagina by right wing talk show hosts, she was blasted away for shipping computer parts to Iran, that she actually called back before they got there. They continually criticized her handling of Hewlett Packard, which btw she saved from Bankruptcy. Republicans attacked and discredited her in every way they could. She even beat two male candidates with real votes who remained on the 1st stage, and she was kept on the back stage. Donald Trump--with his--"would you look at that face"--could you imagine that face being the POTUS." You know he said it, and he was talking about Carly Fiorina--and you LAUGHED about it.

So you're full of shit. I don't care how experienced and qualified a woman is, Republicans would NEVER nominate one or elect one to the Presidency.

You're dead wrong. Hillary wasn't qualified to be president, because being president is a lot more than just having knowledge. It's about leadership and charisma as well. Two things Clinton has none of.

Trump is probably worse, because he knows nothing and his only talent lies in riling up morons, but Clinton was a horrible candidate and I'm glad she lost.

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.

No-- Condi Rice would never be a nominee of the Republican Party. She's not only a woman but she is black. There are too many misogynists and racists in the Republican party for that to ever happen.

You witnessed what they did to Carly Fiorina. She was called a Vagina by right wing talk show hosts, she was blasted away for shipping computer parts to Iran, that she actually called back before they got there. They continually criticized her handling of Hewlett Packard, which btw she saved from Bankruptcy. Republicans attacked and discredited her in every way they could. She even beat two male candidates with real votes who remained on the 1st stage, and she was kept on the back stage. Donald Trump--with his--"would you look at that face"--could you imagine that face being the POTUS." You know he said it, and he was talking about Carly Fiorina--and you LAUGHED about it.

So you're full of shit. I don't care how experienced and qualified a woman is, Republicans would NEVER nominate one or elect one to the Presidency.
Fucking wrong .
Condoleezza Rice stamps her ticket for 2016/2020
Poll: California voters want Condoleezza Rice in the Senate

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.

No-- Condi Rice would never be a nominee of the Republican Party. She's not only a woman but she is black. There are too many misogynists and racists in the Republican party for that to ever happen.

You witnessed what they did to Carly Fiorina. She was called a Vagina by right wing talk show hosts, she was blasted away for shipping computer parts to Iran, that she actually called back before they got there. They continually criticized her handling of Hewlett Packard, which btw she saved from Bankruptcy. Republicans attacked and discredited her in every way they could. She even beat two male candidates with real votes who remained on the 1st stage, and she was kept on the back stage. Donald Trump--with his--"would you look at that face"--could you imagine that face being the POTUS." You know he said it, and he was talking about Carly Fiorina--and you LAUGHED about it.

So you're full of shit. I don't care how experienced and qualified a woman is, Republicans would NEVER nominate one or elect one to the Presidency.
Fucking wrong .
Condoleezza Rice stamps her ticket for 2016/2020
Poll: California voters want Condoleezza Rice in the Senate

I didn't say a fucking word about women Republican senators dumbass--I am talking about the Presidency. The Republican party would never nominate, nor support a woman candidate for the POTUS. If that ever happened where a woman was the GOP Presidential nominee, Republicans would cross party lines, to vote for the Democrat male candidate.

That's how deeply rooted misogyny is within the Republican party.

That was obvious by what they did to Carly Fiorina. The right wing had more conspiracy's going on about Fiorina, than they did Hillary Clinton at the time--:badgrin: They sank her ship as quick as they could and went for the Ass Clown.

No surprise here. Any man who sexually assaults young girls does not have a high or honorable regard toward women.

Republicans are very well noted for their misogyny, which is deeply rooted amoung them. They do their best to hide it, but it's there, especially within the Evangelical group. This also includes Republican women in this group.

This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win. Everyone knew she was certainly more qualified and experienced than the Ass Clown that currently occupies the White House. They just couldn't bring themselves around to vote for a woman POTUS.

There's still a lot of men, especially in the older generation that were more afraid of their testicles shrinking up and retreating back into their pelvic bone. The women that voted for Trump did so because they didn't want to get into arguments with their male counterparts, so just went along to get along, and ended up electing a man who assaults women both physically and verbally. They're certainly not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

I agree with Madlyn Albright. "Any woman that won't support another woman deserves a special place in hell." From what is all over the news today, could anyone possibly imagine what former Secretary of State, Madlyn Albright went through during her day?

As Carly Fiorina infamously stated, women have to work 3 times harder than a man to get anywhere. That's true.
This is the primary reason Hillary Clinton didn't win.
That's complete bullshit They couldn't bring themselves around to voting for Hillary Clinton her gender had fuck all to do with it, If CondoLeezza Rice ran for office she would be nominated by the GOP in a second but there would be a shit storm of hate from the left. To people like yourself she is a house negro, Aunt Jemima traitor.

No-- Condi Rice would never be a nominee of the Republican Party. She's not only a woman but she is black. There are too many misogynists and racists in the Republican party for that to ever happen.

You witnessed what they did to Carly Fiorina. She was called a Vagina by right wing talk show hosts, she was blasted away for shipping computer parts to Iran, that she actually called back before they got there. They continually criticized her handling of Hewlett Packard, which btw she saved from Bankruptcy. Republicans attacked and discredited her in every way they could. She even beat two male candidates with real votes who remained on the 1st stage, and she was kept on the back stage. Donald Trump--with his--"would you look at that face"--could you imagine that face being the POTUS." You know he said it, and he was talking about Carly Fiorina--and you LAUGHED about it.

So you're full of shit. I don't care how experienced and qualified a woman is, Republicans would NEVER nominate one or elect one to the Presidency.
Fucking wrong .
Condoleezza Rice stamps her ticket for 2016/2020
Poll: California voters want Condoleezza Rice in the Senate

I didn't say a fucking word about women Republican senators dumbass--I am talking about the Presidency. The Republican party would never nominate, nor support a woman candidate for the POTUS. If that ever happened where a woman was the GOP Presidential nominee, Republicans would cross party lines, to vote for the Democrat male candidate.

That's how deeply rooted misogyny is within the Republican party.

That was obvious by what they did to Carly Fiorina. The right wing had more conspiracy's going on about Fiorina, than they did Hillary Clinton at the time--:badgrin: They sank her ship as quick as they could and went for the Ass Clown.

Must be nice and easy to blame everything on misogyny. Gives you an ironclad excuse for failure. "Oh, I/she just didn't win because I'm/she's a woman and they're all haters." Always gotta find something to blame, I guess.

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