Textbook Indoctrination in Public Schools


God lead our troops
Jul 3, 2009
A lawsuit in California over lesbianism was filed last month over public school textbooks. The parents say they are concerned about indoctrination in the schools, but administrators say the course is needed to protect against discrimination — and that the lessons are protected by law. Parents were denied the right to opt out.

Here's the thing, I don't care if a kid's mom is a crack whore, a drug addict, a Nazi, a transvestite, a porn queen, a suicide-bomber wannabe or a card-carrying member of the KKK. She can wear a blue dress sucking on cigars and waiting around for slick willy all day for all I care, but my kids are not allowed to make fun of her kids.

That does not mean she gets to demand textbooks in public school promoting her lifestyle and causes.

And that's exactly what so many special interest groups are doing today, especially Islam and homosexuality.

Kids should be kids and teachers should teach reading, writing and arithmetic and stay the heck away from social conditioning/brainwashing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T59BuhItUrQ]YouTube - islam segment text book wars[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXDlBnc7KHE]YouTube - Text book wars part 1[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnsopw1ViDk]YouTube - Text book wars part 2[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEDlK7JqdgY]YouTube - Text book wars part 3[/ame]

THANK you Fox News!

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do you want praying allowed in school?
and creationism to be taught?
do you want praying allowed in school?
and creationism to be taught?

Praying is already allowed in school. Organized prayer? No. Nobody should be forced to pray to God or any other god if they don't believe in Him. Waiting for others to have their moment of prayer would be nice though.

Teach creationism? What would be wrong with saying "There are those who believe..."

OH WAIT! they might teach Creationsm like they teach evolution as fact without a shred of proof of any animal AND THEIR KIND making the jump to any other kind of animal.

So I imagine anyone who doesn't believe in Creationism would be scared to death the same tactics might be turned on them.
I want to know why it is any business of Fox news of what goes on in the Saudi school?
The first video starts out by saying they don't don't want islam taught in public schools and then they go on to discuss what is taught in a private school. I call complete bull shit on this one.
In grade school? I am content that they learn to read write and do basic math. Given the fact that our schools trail the developed world and that the foundations of all later achievement are laid there and with those subjects taking time out for much more than a PE class - the only exercise most kids get any more - and a Class in either art or music - man does not, after all, live by bread alone whatever the atheist among us may think - The overwhelming majority of the school day in grades K-5 at least ought to be concentrated in mastering reading, writing and basic math. And calculators ought to be left at home in basic math classes. You are learning far more there than just rote 2+2 = 4, 3+3 = 6 etc. You start to lay down basic principles of logic in such classes and kids begin to learn the basics of actually thinking and figuring things out for themselves. And that is crucial.
do you want praying allowed in school?
and creationism to be taught?

Praying is already allowed in school. Organized prayer? No. Nobody should be forced to pray to God or any other god if they don't believe in Him. Waiting for others to have their moment of prayer would be nice though.

Teach creationism? What would be wrong with saying "There are those who believe..."

OH WAIT! they might teach Creationsm like they teach evolution as fact without a shred of proof of any animal AND THEIR KIND making the jump to any other kind of animal.

So I imagine anyone who doesn't believe in Creationism would be scared to death the same tactics might be turned on them.
so you want creationism taught in school but not islam. Got it!
and PS there is quite a bit of evidence backing up evolution.
I want to know why it is any business of Fox news of what goes on in the Saudi school?
The first video starts out by saying they don't don't want islam taught in public schools and then they go on to discuss what is taught in a private school. I call complete bull shit on this one.

Do you know what's taught in a Madrassah?
and I love how they point out how the guy who attempted to kill Bush came from that school, how about point out two boys killed their fellow students and the school had a christian majority.
And you wonder why they have to teach intolerance in public schools for muslims.
I want to know why it is any business of Fox news of what goes on in the Saudi school?
The first video starts out by saying they don't don't want islam taught in public schools and then they go on to discuss what is taught in a private school. I call complete bull shit on this one.

Do you know what's taught in a Madrassah?
I want to know why it is any business of Fox news of what goes on in the Saudi school?
The first video starts out by saying they don't don't want islam taught in public schools and then they go on to discuss what is taught in a private school. I call complete bull shit on this one.

Do you know what's taught in a Madrassah?


Literally means "school."
do you want praying allowed in school?
and creationism to be taught?

Praying is already allowed in school. Organized prayer? No. Nobody should be forced to pray to God or any other god if they don't believe in Him. Waiting for others to have their moment of prayer would be nice though.

Teach creationism? What would be wrong with saying "There are those who believe..."

OH WAIT! they might teach Creationsm like they teach evolution as fact without a shred of proof of any animal AND THEIR KIND making the jump to any other kind of animal.

So I imagine anyone who doesn't believe in Creationism would be scared to death the same tactics might be turned on them.
so you want creationism taught in school but not islam. Got it!
and PS there is quite a bit of evidence backing up evolution.

Luissa, if one is taught, so should the other. I would prefer they stick to reading, writing, arithmetic, computer skills, etc.

Currently Islam is taught as fact, Christianity is taught only as Islam believes it to be, and that in a negative light. And the atheists keep on smiling.

PS, there is quite a bit of evidence disproving evolution. And all the "proof" keeps on failing.
Oh where to begin here - you are swimming in the waters of my until recently, life's work!

First, I saw an advance copy of the Fox report a few weeks ago. All in all pretty well done.

The publishing companies who make and distribute these textbooks lean left to be sure. I have personally been an advisor for a national textbook and saw the intentional liberal slant in these books first hand - I already knew of this, but it was even more troubling seeing it first hand.

For now, I will simply say this on the subject - if you are a parent who cares about what is being given to your child as fact by your school, then take the time to review the materials they are being required to read/learn. Even those who consider themselves liberal will likely be shocked at the obvious slant of these textbooks - at times it is truly astounding.
I want to know why it is any business of Fox news of what goes on in the Saudi school?
The first video starts out by saying they don't don't want islam taught in public schools and then they go on to discuss what is taught in a private school. I call complete bull shit on this one.

Do you know what's taught in a Madrassah?
lets see islamic beliefs, literature, geography, etc.
Do you care what they teach in catholic schools?
I want to know why it is any business of Fox news of what goes on in the Saudi school?
The first video starts out by saying they don't don't want islam taught in public schools and then they go on to discuss what is taught in a private school. I call complete bull shit on this one.

Do you know what's taught in a Madrassah?


True Islam.

Complete with death to all Jews, that Jews are pigs and maps with Israel sort of....missing.
Praying is already allowed in school. Organized prayer? No. Nobody should be forced to pray to God or any other god if they don't believe in Him. Waiting for others to have their moment of prayer would be nice though.

Teach creationism? What would be wrong with saying "There are those who believe..."

OH WAIT! they might teach Creationsm like they teach evolution as fact without a shred of proof of any animal AND THEIR KIND making the jump to any other kind of animal.

So I imagine anyone who doesn't believe in Creationism would be scared to death the same tactics might be turned on them.
so you want creationism taught in school but not islam. Got it!
and PS there is quite a bit of evidence backing up evolution.

Luissa, if one is taught, so should the other. I would prefer they stick to reading, writing, arithmetic, computer skills, etc.

Currently Islam is taught as fact, Christianity is taught only as Islam believes it to be, and that in a negative light. And the atheists keep on smiling.

PS, there is quite a bit of evidence disproving evolution. And all the "proof" keeps on failing.

it is called history class, and when I was in school we were educated on every religion.
and we were also allowed to debate creationism v evolution
I am also sure in the christian world evolution keeps failing, I see more and more evidence every day backing up evolution.
and it is okay to teach children that all muslims are terrorists, and all terrorists are muslims?
do you want praying allowed in school?
and creationism to be taught?

Teach creationism? What would be wrong with saying "There are those who believe..."

OH WAIT! they might teach Creationsm like they teach evolution as fact without a shred of proof of any animal AND THEIR KIND making the jump to any other kind of animal.

So I imagine anyone who doesn't believe in Creationism would be scared to death the same tactics might be turned on them.

There's plenty of evidence for evolution, you just don't like it.

And your support for teaching creationism to show "there are those who believe..." is hypocritical when you're against teaching what Islam and homosexuality based on your belief that others' lifestyles shouldn't be crammed down your children's throats.

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