Thank a liberal


Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
Liberals got what they wanted. All by court fiat...we didnt ask for any of this.They arent finished but if you look at the damage done to date you will know we need to stop them now and roll them back.
Instead of blaming the constitution for high school tragedies put the blame where it belongs. Advancing liberalism correlates with increasing insanity.
Below is a chart of school shootings by decade. The rise correlates with advancing liberalism.


As liberals destroyed American families and culture kids suffered.




divorced living.jpg



One thing hasn't rise or fall or correlation with the increasing anarchy we live in. The Second Amendment.


Eliminate liberals from public life and lets get back to America.
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I still can not understand why these parasites can't just swim to Cuba, or go to some euroweenie utopia.

Can we not have JUST ONE country on this planet that people are allowed to live without tyrannical sociopaths lording over every choice we make?
Republicans don't get divorces? (Trump has two) all Republicans go to church? come on, its your party that say's its about church & family, are most living up to that? if liberals say live & let live, are most living up to that? cant shove all people into one neat little box.
I still can not understand why these parasites can't just swim to Cuba, or go to some euroweenie utopia.

Can we not have JUST ONE country on this planet that people are allowed to live without tyrannical sociopaths lording over every choice we make?
Deep Sate need them as pawns to keep destroying your country and the rest of the world. Liberals have been very important ... for Deep State, the worst enemy of their country.
I still can not understand why these parasites can't just swim to Cuba, or go to some euroweenie utopia.

Can we not have JUST ONE country on this planet that people are allowed to live without tyrannical sociopaths lording over every choice we make?

For a Marxist even one mind, anywhere on earth, not under control is an existentialist crisis. The US was always the world bulwark against marxism. They had Cuba already and ruined it. But by taking America down the rest of the world goes. The US is truly the last, best hope for freedom and advancement and so, in their minds, the enemy.
Thus Barack Husseins "apology tour".

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