Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Every single day in this great nation, an armed citizen prevents a crime. Every. Single. Day. Thank God for our constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

Home invasion suspect enters man's home, attacks man's family. The suspect pays the ultimate price after finding the homeowner is armed.
It wasn't God that gave us the Bill of Rights it was the liberals of their time. Conservatives were against the Bill of Rights.

That is a good point in that the bankers and conservatives like Hamilton wanted a stronger federal government, and it was the liberals who wanted a weaker federal government and stronger states.
It wasn't God that gave us the Bill of Rights it was the liberals of their time.
Really? Who gave us those incredible conservative men that gave us the Bill of Rights? Who put the ideas for a Bill of Rights in their mind?

The Bill of Rights is not based on moral or ethics, but on the rational conclusion that a large and distant government is likely to become corrupt. The Bill of Rights is based on logic, reason, and self interests.
But I agree that is also based on conservative principles.
It wasn't God that gave us the Bill of Rights it was the liberals of their time.
Really? Who gave us those incredible conservative men that gave us the Bill of Rights? Who put the ideas for a Bill of Rights in their mind?

The Bill of Rights is not based on moral or ethics, but on the rational conclusion that a large and distant government is likely to become corrupt. The Bill of Rights is based on logic, reason, and self interests.
But I agree that is also based on conservative principles.
The Bill of Rights was enacted by liberals and voted on by liberals,
It wasn't God that gave us the Bill of Rights it was the liberals of their time.
Really? Who gave us those incredible conservative men that gave us the Bill of Rights? Who put the ideas for a Bill of Rights in their mind?

The Bill of Rights is not based on moral or ethics, but on the rational conclusion that a large and distant government is likely to become corrupt. The Bill of Rights is based on logic, reason, and self interests.
But I agree that is also based on conservative principles.

Sure wished you would stop with this lame Bill or Rights. It stole the first 7 articles from the Constitution of the United States. The Bill of Rights was written in 1791 while the Constitution was written in 1789. The Bill of Rights was never ratified while the Constitution was. In fact, it was ratified as late as 1959 when Hawaii became a state. The Bill of rights is worth exactly the cost of the parchment and ink it was printed on.
It wasn't God that gave us the Bill of Rights it was the liberals of their time.
Really? Who gave us those incredible conservative men that gave us the Bill of Rights? Who put the ideas for a Bill of Rights in their mind?

The Bill of Rights is not based on moral or ethics, but on the rational conclusion that a large and distant government is likely to become corrupt. The Bill of Rights is based on logic, reason, and self interests.
But I agree that is also based on conservative principles.
The Bill of Rights was enacted by liberals and voted on by liberals,

What you are forgetting is that during the time of the founders, liberals were conservative.
At that time, a liberal was a person who believed in maximising personal liberties for all people.
A conservative was one who wanted to keep government small, restricted, and under control.
There is no contradiction or conflict between those 2 agendas.

It is only after the turn of the century, when business became powerful and threatening, that the word "liberal" started to take on the idea of adding new legislation that help control those abusive corporate powers, and the word "liberal" then meant to interpret the constitution more like passing any law that is not strictly prohibited, instead of the conservative view that you can only make federal laws that are explicitly authorized.
I still personally think that it is still wrong to consider liberal and conservative as at all opposites.
They just aren't. Liberals should still also be concerned about over reaching and corrupt federal governments.
I have no problem with a welfare state, but that should be not federal.
The Bill of Rights was enacted by liberals and voted on by liberals,
But not the brand of liberals we have today.

I am an extreme leftest, socialist, liberal, progressive, etc., but in the last 25 years, the democrats stopped being any of those. I used to like Bernie Sanders, but now I hear even he is supporting fascist gun control?
The Bill of Rights was enacted by liberals and voted on by liberals,
But not the brand of liberals we have today.
I am an extreme leftest, socialist, liberal, progressive, etc., but in the last 25 years, the democrats stopped being any of those. I used to like Bernie Sanders, but now I hear even he is supporting fascist gun control?
Rare is the (D) that does not seek to implement California's draconian gun law son the US as a whole.
The Bill of Rights was enacted by liberals and voted on by liberals,
But not the brand of liberals we have today.

I am an extreme leftest, socialist, liberal, progressive, etc., but in the last 25 years, the democrats stopped being any of those. I used to like Bernie Sanders, but now I hear even he is supporting fascist gun control?
It wasn't God that gave us the Bill of Rights it was the liberals of their time.
Really? Who gave us those incredible conservative men that gave us the Bill of Rights? Who put the ideas for a Bill of Rights in their mind?

The Bill of Rights is not based on moral or ethics, but on the rational conclusion that a large and distant government is likely to become corrupt. The Bill of Rights is based on logic, reason, and self interests.
But I agree that is also based on conservative principles.

Sure wished you would stop with this lame Bill or Rights. It stole the first 7 articles from the Constitution of the United States. The Bill of Rights was written in 1791 while the Constitution was written in 1789. The Bill of Rights was never ratified while the Constitution was. In fact, it was ratified as late as 1959 when Hawaii became a state. The Bill of rights is worth exactly the cost of the parchment and ink it was printed on.

I think you misunderstand.
When the Constitution was written is not relevant, and only when it was ratified is relevant.
And no states were willing to ratify the Constitution as it was.
The Bill of Rights were corrections insisted upon by liberals, progressives, and leftists, before they would join the Union and ratify the Constitution.
The Bill of Rights were written by the wealthy, business oriented federalist, but only because the average people in the states were worried that the federalist would make the country into a fascist state for the wealthy.
The Bill of Rights are concessions to prevent federal corruption and control by the wealthy.

The Constitution was never ratified without the Bill of Rights, and the Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution.
All the amendments are integral parts of the Constitution.

The United States Bill of Rights comprises the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Proposed following the often bitter 1787–88 debate over the ratification of the Constitution, and written to address the objections raised by Anti-Federalists, the Bill of Rights amendments add to the Constitution specific guarantees of personal freedoms and rights, clear limitations on the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and explicit declarations that all powers not specifically granted to the U.S. Congress by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people. The concepts codified in these amendments are built upon those found in earlier documents, especially the Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776), as well as the English Bill of Rights (1689) and the Magna Carta (1215).[1]

Due largely to the efforts of Representative James Madison, who studied the deficiencies of the constitution pointed out by anti-federalists and then crafted a series of corrective proposals, Congress approved twelve articles of amendment on September 25, 1789, and submitted them to the states for ratification. Contrary to Madison's proposal that the proposed amendments be incorporated into the main body of the Constitution (at the relevant articles and sections of the document), they were proposed as supplemental additions (codicils) to it.[2] Articles Three through Twelve were ratified as additions to the Constitution on December 15, 1791, and became Amendments One through Ten of the Constitution. Article Two became part of the Constitution on May 5, 1992, as the Twenty-seventh Amendment. Article One is still pending before the states.
United States Bill of Rights - Wikipedia

If you want to keep it simple, just remember Jefferson was the good guy and Madison the bad guy.
The Bill of Rights was insisted upon by Jefferson and Madison gave in only because there would be no country otherwise.
The Bill of Rights was enacted by liberals and voted on by liberals,
But not the brand of liberals we have today.

I am an extreme leftest, socialist, liberal, progressive, etc., but in the last 25 years, the democrats stopped being any of those. I used to like Bernie Sanders, but now I hear even he is supporting fascist gun control?

I don't mind full auto, but bump stocks are pretty lame.
You really can't aim with a bump stock.
The Bill of Rights was enacted by liberals and voted on by liberals,
Sweetie...I’ve eaten you alive on this issue already. Those men were the ultimate small-government conservatives. They hate everything you Dumbocrats stand for. You can’t twist this one with your propaganda, no matter how hard you try.

The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere you crazy paranoids.
You liberal scum are trying to remove it.

That's where it gets confusing.
One can not possibly liberal and be in favor of disarming average people, while police, military, paramilitary, and criminals all retain their weapons, for a complete monopoly in the hands of the bad guys.

A liberal just can not be in favor of any gun control.
The people who favor gun control are either ignorant, confused, liars, nor not really liberal.

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