Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

And they have a right to carry them locked and loaded at the GOP convention. Don't give up on that right.
Another day, another shooting in a "gun free" zone. It's remarkable how liberals ignore reality in favor of ideology....

UCLA Shooting: Another Gun Free Zone
What reality, if there was no "gun free" zones, there would still be violence....

Gun free zones are stupid. They don't save lives. It's like announcing to psychos that "here is the place to kill a whole bunch of people without putting yourself at risk!"
Yeah, notice how many court rooms they blast out of with gats? It's a gun free zone also..

Security guards are NOT unarmed in courthouses.
it's a one way street gun free zone...

I don't know what that means, but some gun free zones prevent anyone from carrying, and some allow just certain people to carry. The cops and security guards are allowed to carry in courthouses, at least the ones around here. All the security guards are armed around here.
What reality, if there was no "gun free" zones, there would still be violence....

Gun free zones are stupid. They don't save lives. It's like announcing to psychos that "here is the place to kill a whole bunch of people without putting yourself at risk!"
Yeah, notice how many court rooms they blast out of with gats? It's a gun free zone also..

Security guards are NOT unarmed in courthouses.
it's a one way street gun free zone...

I don't know what that means, but some gun free zones prevent anyone from carrying, and some allow just certain people to carry. The cops and security guards are allowed to carry in courthouses, at least the ones around here. All the security guards are armed around here.
We don't have any, they are called bailiffs here...
Gun free zones are stupid. They don't save lives. It's like announcing to psychos that "here is the place to kill a whole bunch of people without putting yourself at risk!"
Yeah, notice how many court rooms they blast out of with gats? It's a gun free zone also..

Security guards are NOT unarmed in courthouses.
it's a one way street gun free zone...

I don't know what that means, but some gun free zones prevent anyone from carrying, and some allow just certain people to carry. The cops and security guards are allowed to carry in courthouses, at least the ones around here. All the security guards are armed around here.
We don't have any, they are called bailiffs here...

Well, maybe that's what they call them here. I don't frequent courthouses so I'm not sure, but . . . same idea.
The fact is - we only need our 2nd Amendment rights because of liberals. They are the one's violating the U.S. Constitution and oppressing everyone in government, and they are the one's committing all of the violent crimes on the streets. Here are racist liberals violently attacking a couple of Hispanic gentlemen:

Just imagine if those people in the Orlando nightclub had the sense to carry a firearm with them. They wouldn't be dead today. Unarmed people make themselves victims. That's what people like Candycorn want. Unarmed people that can be oppressed by liberalism. As I stated in the beginning -Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms. I know myself and my loved one's will never end up like that thanks to our founders protecting our rights. Sadly, the explicitly added a Bill of Rights simply out of fear that the government would start to trample the rights of the American people. So they picked 10 specific items that they felt were so critical - they needed extra protraction. And still we have unethical fascists like Candcorn proclaiming that American's don't have the right to keep and bear arms (of course - people like her being completely ignorant of the U.S. Constitution, American history, and our founders explains part of that).
"A man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box." - Frederick Douglass
Oh candycorn....

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Seems even Barack Obama agrees that I need to have every single "military-grade" weapon that the U.S. military has in its arsenal. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!


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