Thank God for our RIGHT to keep and bear arms

Yet here you are bringing it up.

You're the only one here talking about sex! Lol. :D
You're in real danger CL! She doesn't like our "relationship" at all. I hope you don't own a rabbit. If you do, you might wake up one day to find it boiling on a pot on your stove....:shock:

I do own one actually. Leave my bunny out of it! :D
Oh nooooooooo! Please secure that poor little bunny....Corny is one crazy broad. She'll do it CL.

Nobody could hurt my bunny. He's too cute!


A dear friend of mine once had a lop eared wabbit named Farley. She'd let him out in the privacy fenced back yard. He would spend hours digging a trench next to the fence and behind her rose bushes. It was about 10' on each side of the corner. My friend would fill it in, pack it down and cover it with pine bark and he'd be right back at it the next time he was out.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Yeah, thank God this one woman survived and thank God 10,000 people who weren't this woman will die this year. At least this woman is alive, that's all that matters. Nuclear holocaust? No problem, as long as this one woman survives.
No need to thank 'God'. Humans are the source of vocabulary.

Right. Humans such as Smith and Wesson, Browning, Remington and Ruger.
Hardly, as they are 'persons' (corporations), not people and merely profit from something people provided as a right to U.S. citizens.

You are a corporate entity as well.......your birth certificate created your straw man fiction. Notice how all your bank statements are "all capped", your birth certificate has your name in "all caps" security card, "all caps", any bill you get has your name in "all caps", your driver's license has your name in "all caps"...any summons or court docket has your name in "all caps"? Because you were incorporated and this massive corporate entity that is your beloved "gubermint" is a corporation. Up until the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933, a birth certificate was not required but since the robber barons already owned the land, banks and the biggest corporations due to the orchestrated Crash of 1929? They needed more collateral so FDR pledged our labor and the birth certificate came to's printed on bond paper and since we are under the UCC (Universal Commercial Code) anything can be monetized and used as a negotiable instrument. Our future labor was pledged as surety against the debt and "da gubermint" borrowed against your potential for earning, paying taxes and other "gubermint" fees in order to have credit extended to this corporate entity by the robber barons. They use actuary tables to give that boind a "benchmark" value and it can change based on how well you do. This is a fact and it's not even disputable because you can actually look up what your bond is worth if you have the CUSIP number. "Da gubermint" made themselves trustees of that bond when you signed up for Social Security thus making yourself an "employee" of USA.INC and a U.S citizen...not an American, mind you...but a citizen and employee of USA.INC whose corporate headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C.........this is a fact. This is why the corporate entities despise people like me that turned in their corporate citizenship in lieu of their natural born rights and opted out of the UCC. We are considered "extremists" for opting out of being a slave on the plantation.
The above post may be speaking to someone here, but is obviously incorrect in being address to 'there4eyeM'. Its manner of speaking as if knowing 'there4eyeM' betrays this fact, as he/she knows nothing of 'there4eyeM'. His/her projection (typical of so many on these threads) betrays, also, a limited intellectual capacity with which 'there4eyeM' will not engage. He/she should not expect to have direct responses to his/her posts.
Over and out.
The above post may be speaking to someone here, but is obviously incorrect in being address to 'there4eyeM'. Its manner of speaking as if knowing 'there4eyeM' betrays this fact, as he/she knows nothing of 'there4eyeM'. His/her projection (typical of so many on these threads) betrays, also, a limited intellectual capacity with which 'there4eyeM' will not engage. He/she should not expect to have direct responses to his/her posts.
Over and out.

Yeah, best for you to avoid what I write since you have no hope of refuting see? I know more than you....infinitely more.
The above post may be speaking to someone here, but is obviously incorrect in being address to 'there4eyeM'. Its manner of speaking as if knowing 'there4eyeM' betrays this fact, as he/she knows nothing of 'there4eyeM'. His/her projection (typical of so many on these threads) betrays, also, a limited intellectual capacity with which 'there4eyeM' will not engage. He/she should not expect to have direct responses to his/her posts.
Over and out.

I understand where the poster you responded to is coming from. I have many times spoken to the fact that we as a people have been reduced to good consumers. Everything we see on the "news" is bent on reinforcing the idea that we must conform and produce. Many of us are offended of the situation we have inherited and the conditions of the bond we are obligated to repay to those that own our present and our future.

Freedom is a myth. We rave about the fact that our bread lines are shorter than "our enemy's". Our elections are a charade. "K" street decides what crumbs we will get as long as it doesn't interfere with the train loads percentage fast tracked to the 1%ers.

Don't dare speak to the massive theft as the haul gets more grotesque. We used to complain when the bosses fixed outcomes only unjust which was enough to convict. Now the outcomes are grandiose and the schemes out in the open. The scalawags have learned that they can take as much as they want if they sell the stealing by controlling the message.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Yeah, thank God this one woman survived and thank God 10,000 people who weren't this woman will die this year. At least this woman is alive, that's all that matters. Nuclear holocaust? No problem, as long as this one woman survives.
Actually, tens of thousands of people every single year save lives and prevent mass shootings because they were armed. You simply don't hear about it because the crisis was averted and because it doesn't fit the liberal agenda (so they try like hell to keep that shit quiet). If you keep reading this thread, you will see story after story that I posted just like this. And they are bit the very tip of the ice-berg. Literally happens every day in this country.

On a side note - I find it interesting and disturbing that you're so desperate to disarm women. I wonder what your desire for that is. I'm sure most of us can guess. Chilling.
No need to thank 'God'. Humans are the source of vocabulary.

Right. Humans such as Smith and Wesson, Browning, Remington and Ruger.
Hardly, as they are 'persons' (corporations), not people and merely profit from something people provided as a right to U.S. citizens.

You are a corporate entity as well.......your birth certificate created your straw man fiction. Notice how all your bank statements are "all capped", your birth certificate has your name in "all caps" security card, "all caps", any bill you get has your name in "all caps", your driver's license has your name in "all caps"...any summons or court docket has your name in "all caps"? Because you were incorporated and this massive corporate entity that is your beloved "gubermint" is a corporation. Up until the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933, a birth certificate was not required but since the robber barons already owned the land, banks and the biggest corporations due to the orchestrated Crash of 1929? They needed more collateral so FDR pledged our labor and the birth certificate came to's printed on bond paper and since we are under the UCC (Universal Commercial Code) anything can be monetized and used as a negotiable instrument. Our future labor was pledged as surety against the debt and "da gubermint" borrowed against your potential for earning, paying taxes and other "gubermint" fees in order to have credit extended to this corporate entity by the robber barons. They use actuary tables to give that boind a "benchmark" value and it can change based on how well you do. This is a fact and it's not even disputable because you can actually look up what your bond is worth if you have the CUSIP number. "Da gubermint" made themselves trustees of that bond when you signed up for Social Security thus making yourself an "employee" of USA.INC and a U.S citizen...not an American, mind you...but a citizen and employee of USA.INC whose corporate headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C.........this is a fact. This is why the corporate entities despise people like me that turned in their corporate citizenship in lieu of their natural born rights and opted out of the UCC. We are considered "extremists" for opting out of being a slave on the plantation.
You're not trying to educate libtards, are you D.S.? You might as well attempt to teach geometry to fire ants. These are people who are so incapable of surviving on their own, they need government to provide them with food, housing, and healthcare. You don't really think they are going to accept reality and reject unconstitutional government, do you?
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Yeah, thank God this one woman survived and thank God 10,000 people who weren't this woman will die this year. At least this woman is alive, that's all that matters. Nuclear holocaust? No problem, as long as this one woman survives.
Actually, tens of thousands of people every single year save lives and prevent mass shootings because they were armed. You simply don't hear about it because the crisis was averted and because it doesn't fit the liberal agenda (so they try like hell to keep that shit quiet). If you keep reading this thread, you will see story after story that I posted just like this. And they are bit the very tip of the ice-berg. Literally happens every day in this country.

On a side note - I find it interesting and disturbing that you're so desperate to disarm women. I wonder what your desire for that is. I'm sure most of us can guess. Chilling.

Maybe they do.

But the point is rather simple. If the murder rate of the US is 4 times higher than most other western countries, and people are then saving lives even with this 4 times murder rate, then the US has a major problem, right?

Do you know which state has the highest rape rate? Alaska, loads of guns there. Seems guns don't help women there, do they?
No need to thank 'God'. Humans are the source of vocabulary.

Right. Humans such as Smith and Wesson, Browning, Remington and Ruger.
Hardly, as they are 'persons' (corporations), not people and merely profit from something people provided as a right to U.S. citizens.

You are a corporate entity as well.......your birth certificate created your straw man fiction. Notice how all your bank statements are "all capped", your birth certificate has your name in "all caps" security card, "all caps", any bill you get has your name in "all caps", your driver's license has your name in "all caps"...any summons or court docket has your name in "all caps"? Because you were incorporated and this massive corporate entity that is your beloved "gubermint" is a corporation. Up until the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933, a birth certificate was not required but since the robber barons already owned the land, banks and the biggest corporations due to the orchestrated Crash of 1929? They needed more collateral so FDR pledged our labor and the birth certificate came to's printed on bond paper and since we are under the UCC (Universal Commercial Code) anything can be monetized and used as a negotiable instrument. Our future labor was pledged as surety against the debt and "da gubermint" borrowed against your potential for earning, paying taxes and other "gubermint" fees in order to have credit extended to this corporate entity by the robber barons. They use actuary tables to give that boind a "benchmark" value and it can change based on how well you do. This is a fact and it's not even disputable because you can actually look up what your bond is worth if you have the CUSIP number. "Da gubermint" made themselves trustees of that bond when you signed up for Social Security thus making yourself an "employee" of USA.INC and a U.S citizen...not an American, mind you...but a citizen and employee of USA.INC whose corporate headquarters are in the city state of Washington D.C.........this is a fact. This is why the corporate entities despise people like me that turned in their corporate citizenship in lieu of their natural born rights and opted out of the UCC. We are considered "extremists" for opting out of being a slave on the plantation.
You're not trying to educate libtards, are you D.S.? You might as well attempt to teach geometry to fire ants. These are people who are so incapable of surviving on their own, they need government to provide them with food, housing, and healthcare. You don't really think they are going to accept reality and reject unconstitutional government, do you?

I get your point and it is futile to try and wake up certain people. They actually seem to want this totalitarian, communist technocratic "One world" government and don't seem to care that when that happens, there goes the Constitution and what is left of the Bill of Rights.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Yeah, thank God this one woman survived and thank God 10,000 people who weren't this woman will die this year. At least this woman is alive, that's all that matters. Nuclear holocaust? No problem, as long as this one woman survives.
Actually, tens of thousands of people every single year save lives and prevent mass shootings because they were armed. You simply don't hear about it because the crisis was averted and because it doesn't fit the liberal agenda (so they try like hell to keep that shit quiet). If you keep reading this thread, you will see story after story that I posted just like this. And they are bit the very tip of the ice-berg. Literally happens every day in this country.

On a side note - I find it interesting and disturbing that you're so desperate to disarm women. I wonder what your desire for that is. I'm sure most of us can guess. Chilling.

Maybe they do.

But the point is rather simple. If the murder rate of the US is 4 times higher than most other western countries, and people are then saving lives even with this 4 times murder rate, then the US has a major problem, right?

Do you know which state has the highest rape rate? Alaska, loads of guns there. Seems guns don't help women there, do they?

Alaska has many challenges enforcing laws in general. The distances police must travel to get to any 911 call and the small number of police make it difficult to prevent let alone prosecute many types of crime. Drug and alcohol abuse is especially "high" :lol: all through out the state. The Native American population has had an especially high rate of substance abuse. Meth use is epidemic also. The population gets a big dole from oil revenues which gets spent foolishly by many to "party". The fishing industry is the same way. Long work periods with high pay in big chunks with little to do makes for bad behavior. Also the winter months drive the population indoors where drug and alcohol induced behavior leads to abnormally high incidences of rape and assault compared with the lower 48.
The perpetrator was armed with a knife. This woman would have been dead if not for her 2nd Amendment right. Of course, the left have been waging a disgusting war on women for decades so they wouldn't have cared. In fact, I suspect that's why they want to disarm everyone. More female victims for them. Demand men have access to women's locker rooms, showers, and rest rooms and then disarm them.

Woman leaves would-be attacker bloody and wounded

Yeah, thank God this one woman survived and thank God 10,000 people who weren't this woman will die this year. At least this woman is alive, that's all that matters. Nuclear holocaust? No problem, as long as this one woman survives.
Actually, tens of thousands of people every single year save lives and prevent mass shootings because they were armed. You simply don't hear about it because the crisis was averted and because it doesn't fit the liberal agenda (so they try like hell to keep that shit quiet). If you keep reading this thread, you will see story after story that I posted just like this. And they are bit the very tip of the ice-berg. Literally happens every day in this country.

On a side note - I find it interesting and disturbing that you're so desperate to disarm women. I wonder what your desire for that is. I'm sure most of us can guess. Chilling.

Maybe they do.

But the point is rather simple. If the murder rate of the US is 4 times higher than most other western countries, and people are then saving lives even with this 4 times murder rate, then the US has a major problem, right?

Do you know which state has the highest rape rate? Alaska, loads of guns there. Seems guns don't help women there, do they?

Alaska has many challenges enforcing laws in general. The distances police must travel to get to any 911 call and the small number of police make it difficult to prevent let alone prosecute many types of crime. Drug and alcohol abuse is especially "high" :lol: all through out the state. The Native American population has had an especially high rate of substance abuse. Meth use is epidemic also. The population gets a big dole from oil revenues which gets spent foolishly by many to "party". The fishing industry is the same way. Long work periods with high pay in big chunks with little to do makes for bad behavior. Also the winter months drive the population indoors where drug and alcohol induced behavior leads to abnormally high incidences of rape and assault compared with the lower 48.

Yeah, it has problems with distances for police, however they have GUNS, who needs police? Isn't that the argument? I mean, this woman who saved herself, she didn't need the police, right?

NY has the lowest rape rate, by the way, you think it's because of the police now and not guns?

Yeah, so substance abuse is high, but then they STILL HAVE GUNS.

Funny how before it was all guns saving people, now it's all something else.
Yeah, it has problems with distances for police, however they have GUNS, who needs police? Isn't that the argument? I mean, this woman who saved herself, she didn't need the police, right?

Speaking of law enforcement Frig - I'm baffled as to why you aren't demanding they disarm. I don't get it - if guns are so bad - why do you want them to have guns?

And why do you want the president of the United States surrounded by dozens of men with fully automatic weapons? Do you have any idea how irrational you sound when you talk about weapons and never demand that the Secret Service disarms.

Leadership is by example. When police, FBI, U.S. Marshals, ATF, Secret Service, the U.S. military, etc. all permanently disarm, I'll consider disarming myself. Until then - you people just sound like irrational lunatics. Which is exactly what you are.
Do you know which state has the highest rape rate? Alaska, loads of guns there. Seems guns don't help women there, do they?

And do you want to bet that every single rape victim either didn't own a gun or wasn't armed with it at the moment they were raped? You're proving my point for me. Armed people don't become victims. Unarmed people do. This is pretty basic.
Actually, tens of thousands of people every single year save lives and prevent mass shootings because they were armed.

Bullshit. The number is 3 million per year.
Hell it's over 5000 DGUs per day.
It's just that no one can prove these numbers. But that doesn't make them any less accurate. According to gun nutters.
Armed people don't become victims. Unarmed people do. This is pretty basic.

LMAO. Wanna bet? I bet I could, using the element of surprise, put a gun to your head and it wouldn't make any fucking difference how many guns you had on you.

Or do you not leave the house? I know its scary out there for you.

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