Thank God for Rich People


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
I have an idea for a monument in our nation’s capital. I envision a big bronze and granite statue that would honor an entire group of Americans who are true heroes, and unsung heroes at that.

It is time — no, make that long past time — to pay tribute to those this nation of ours owes a great debt; to those who give and give and give and in return get anything but our gratitude.

This is an idea whose time has finally come.

Right there, amongst the sacred national structures that honor great Americans, we need to build a shiny monument to … (this is where the drum roll would come in) The Rich – otherwise known in liberal circles as the filthy, no good, greedy, heartless rich.

President Obama compromises with Republicans and gives the wealthiest two percent of Americans a temporary respite from a tax hike and listening to the yelps of the “progressives” you’d think he just tried to shut down WikiLeaks or something.

The Left is bawling about how “we can’t afford” to give people “who don’t need it” a tax break. This argument makes perfect sense, of course – as long as income re-distribution is a central tenet in your theology. Never mind that liberals weren’t all that concerned about what we could afford when they passed a nearly trillion dollar stimulus package that didn’t stimulate very much or when they poured in billions of our tax dollars to bail out General Motors. It’s only now that they’re concerned about budgets because those nasty rich folks are getting a break. But I don’t want to pick a fight with my liberal friends over whether the wealthiest Americans “deserve” a tax break or not. I have come to praise The Rich, not to bury them.

I offer a few numbers to make my case:

Did you know that the top one percent of American wage earners (adjusted gross income) pay about 38 percent of all our federal personal taxes (according to the National Taxpayer Union)? The top one percent, by the way, account for 23.5 percent of all income — a substantial amount, yes, but considerably less than 38 percent.

Or that the top five percent pay just under 60 percent?

Or that the top ten percent pay about 70 percent of all the personal income taxes collected in this great land of ours?

Thank God for Rich People |
it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God
LOL TM. See you were watching O'Reilly last night. Imagine that.

I thank God for those "Riich" folks who pay the majority of the Fed taxes in this country. Without them everyone else who pays taxes would be shouldering the entire burden.

Yep. Thank God.
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So you and Oliely think only rich people are worthy of praise?

What if their money wasnt hoarded in swiss bank accounts instead of stimulating the economy?

What if they had not been able to profit off the misery that was created over the last few years?

Maybe we should give them another bailout of the average tax payers funds.

That would make them even richer.

Maybe we should cause another crash so they could hoard even more cash.

Then all of our problems would be solved huh?

The shit that passes for logic in the con brain.
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it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

A new level of liberal lunacy. we can't even get into God's kingdom because we had a few bucks while alive. Too funny. But, hey, the damn camels finally get in! Not fair at all.

You REALLY dont know where that saying comes from?
it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

A new level of liberal lunacy. we can't even get into God's kingdom because we had a few bucks while alive. Too funny. But, hey, the damn camels finally get in! Not fair at all.

It's amazing to me that liberals even know a Bible verse.
I like Rich people...I really do

They do so much for this country and ask for so little in return. The problem is that we have this nasty deficit thing. $13 trillion is a lot of money that we owe. Keeping the tax cut will add another $2 trillion to the $2 trillion we added in 2001-2010.

I would be perfectly willing to give them a tax cut once we get this nasty deficit out of the way. Rich folks are reasonable people, they understand that we should not borrow money to give them tax cuts
The Left is bawling about how “we can’t afford” to give people “who don’t need it” a tax break.
Yeah.....we need instructions, from Ol' Bern, about bawling..... :rolleyes:

"Just shy of a week after Barack Obama took the oath of office, becoming America's 44th president, the nation's foremost right-wing publishing house has released a new tome by Bernard Goldberg that seeks to trash the supposedly liberal "mainstream media" for being in the tank for Obama."

Here's a template for your monument, Bernie.



It's nothing new.....but, you've always been (a little) behind-the-curve (...much like Dennis Miller). :rolleyes:

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The Left is bawling about how “we can’t afford” to give people “who don’t need it” a tax break.
Yeah.....we need instructions, from Ol' Bern, about bawling..... :rolleyes:

"Just shy of a week after Barack Obama took the oath of office, becoming America's 44th president, the nation's foremost right-wing publishing house has released a new tome by Bernard Goldberg that seeks to trash the supposedly liberal "mainstream media" for being in the tank for Obama."

Here's a template for your monument, Bernie.


It's nothing new.....but, you've always been (a little) behind-the-curve. :rolleyes:

Yes, and socialism replaces it with a two tier system. The governmental burecrats at the top, and everyone else at the bottom. Thanks for playing, drive on through.
I have an idea for a monument in our nation’s capital. I envision a big bronze and granite statue that would honor an entire group of Americans who are true heroes, and unsung heroes at that.

It is time — no, make that long past time — to pay tribute to those this nation of ours owes a great debt; to those who give and give and give and in return get anything but our gratitude.

This is an idea whose time has finally come.

Right there, amongst the sacred national structures that honor great Americans, we need to build a shiny monument to … (this is where the drum roll would come in) The Rich – otherwise known in liberal circles as the filthy, no good, greedy, heartless rich.

President Obama compromises with Republicans and gives the wealthiest two percent of Americans a temporary respite from a tax hike and listening to the yelps of the “progressives” you’d think he just tried to shut down WikiLeaks or something.

The Left is bawling about how “we can’t afford” to give people “who don’t need it” a tax break. This argument makes perfect sense, of course – as long as income re-distribution is a central tenet in your theology. Never mind that liberals weren’t all that concerned about what we could afford when they passed a nearly trillion dollar stimulus package that didn’t stimulate very much or when they poured in billions of our tax dollars to bail out General Motors. It’s only now that they’re concerned about budgets because those nasty rich folks are getting a break. But I don’t want to pick a fight with my liberal friends over whether the wealthiest Americans “deserve” a tax break or not. I have come to praise The Rich, not to bury them.

I offer a few numbers to make my case:

Did you know that the top one percent of American wage earners (adjusted gross income) pay about 38 percent of all our federal personal taxes (according to the National Taxpayer Union)? The top one percent, by the way, account for 23.5 percent of all income — a substantial amount, yes, but considerably less than 38 percent.

Or that the top five percent pay just under 60 percent?

Or that the top ten percent pay about 70 percent of all the personal income taxes collected in this great land of ours?

Thank God for Rich People |

:clap2: Wouldn't you think those on entitlement programs would agree? Who would fund their lifestyles if not for the rich? The stronger the economy ( read JOBS ) the more money to fund.
So the rich are the best people in America according to the right now.

They are our saviors and our kings to them.
My boss is rich, a millionaire, not where he lives today but I have been to two of his houses for dinner parties more then once. One time on the beach in San Clemente. We have had some very nice company christmas parties in South Orange county area as well. I pray my boss makes ten times as much money next year. I want his business to expand beyond belief. All that extra business means money in my pocket.

we need to end all these taxes, the personal income tax need to disappear, look how much everyone fights, one group makes it their business to know how much money we have, where we spend our money, and that group gets pissed and demands more, and more, and more of my labor, my money, taxes.

People can not handle knowing what others make, it brings out the ugliness of human nature.

Seems fascist, Narxist, for people to want and demand my labor benefit themselves.
So the rich are the best people in America according to the right now.

They are our saviors and our kings to them.

In your Avatar I see a dog on a carpet, your dog, I suppose you feed that dog, your carpet, by millions of peoples standards your rich, your food for the dog should go to a family with no food, that carpet is more than a family in India will ever have, send it.
I like Rich people...I really do

They do so much for this country and ask for so little in return. The problem is that we have this nasty deficit thing. $13 trillion is a lot of money that we owe. Keeping the tax cut will add another $2 trillion to the $2 trillion we added in 2001-2010.

I would be perfectly willing to give them a tax cut once we get this nasty deficit out of the way. Rich folks are reasonable people, they understand that we should not borrow money to give them tax cuts

I agree, we should also not borrow money so that you can have a computer to post on message boards, that is an extreme luxury, posting here, the tax should go beyond money, we could turn in your computer as a tax as well, taxes do not go far enough if you can afford extra electricity to power your computer, their should be a dollar a minute tax on internet use until the dept is gone.
So the rich are the best people in America according to the right now.

They are our saviors and our kings to them.

They ain't kings but they sure are saviors.

I just appreciate the way they pay the majority of the taxes in this county.

God Bless em on bended knee.

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