Thank you FDR

They were pretty much fishing in the dark re economic policies in those days. We now know that Keynes was 200% right, and the problem was that there was far too little government spending given the depth of the crisis; the war spending proved that bey9ond any doubt, though the cognitive dissonance among the right wingnuts asserts that the war-time spending is somehow not government spending or something, i.e. they hilariously contradict themselves on that.

The great depression had many factors, many of them regional, and government spending alleviated very few of those factors. The war took 14 million men out of the equation, and the government bought massive amounts of goods that revitalized manufacturing, mining, and agriculture.
They were pretty much fishing in the dark re economic policies in those days. We now know that Keynes was 200% right, and the problem was that there was far too little government spending given the depth of the crisis; the war spending proved that bey9ond any doubt, though the cognitive dissonance among the right wingnuts asserts that the war-time spending is somehow not government spending or something, i.e. they hilariously contradict themselves on that.

The great depression had many factors, many of them regional, and government spending alleviated very few of those factors. The war took 14 million men out of the equation, and the government bought massive amounts of goods that revitalized manufacturing, mining, and agriculture.

Actually the economy started turning around just a couple of months after he was elected, and had reached moderate 1920's levels by 1937, fell back during the Supreme Court fight, then began rising again by 1938. As for 'alleviating problems', a lot of families put food on the table and kept roof over their heads via those programs that supposedly ' didn't work', so I will disagree; I knew many of those people growing up and were still around when I was a kid.

The 'Big Giant Capitalists' were for the most part hiding out on their fortified estates with private armies, screaming for FDR to shoot the nasty evul proles down in the streets, and doing squat for the economy and let the country collapse, so as usual the narrative are backwards re what was working and what wasn't, demanding 150% perfect performance or declaring it all 'failures' re FDR's programs while claiming the non-existent 'private enterprise' is absolved from any evidence of working to recover from the problems it caused in the first place and then ran off and hid from isn't a serious discussion.

But if people want to credit the war and admit Kenysian spending polices worked and that increasing government spending a hell of a lot more than it was possible for FDR to do 'solved' the problems, then fine, I don't mind them contradicting themselves and looking ridiculous.
They were pretty much fishing in the dark re economic policies in those days. We now know that Keynes was 200% right, and the problem was that there was far too little government spending given the depth of the crisis; the war spending proved that bey9ond any doubt, though the cognitive dissonance among the right wingnuts asserts that the war-time spending is somehow not government spending or something, i.e. they hilariously contradict themselves on that.

The great depression had many factors, many of them regional, and government spending alleviated very few of those factors. The war took 14 million men out of the equation, and the government bought massive amounts of goods that revitalized manufacturing, mining, and agriculture.

Actually the economy started turning around just a couple of months after he was elected, and had reached moderate 1920's levels by 1937, fell back during the Supreme Court fight, then began rising again by 1938. As for 'alleviating problems', a lot of families put food on the table and kept roof over their heads via those programs that supposedly ' didn't work', so I will disagree; I knew many of those people growing up and were still around when I was a kid.

The 'Big Giant Capitalists' were for the most part hiding out on their fortified estates with private armies, screaming for FDR to shoot the nasty evul proles down in the streets, and doing squat for the economy and let the country collapse, so as usual the narrative are backwards re what was working and what wasn't, demanding 150% perfect performance or declaring it all 'failures' re FDR's programs while claiming the non-existent 'private enterprise' is absolved from any evidence of working to recover from the problems it caused in the first place and then ran off and hid from isn't a serious discussion.

But if people want to credit the war and admit Kenysian spending polices worked and that increasing government spending a hell of a lot more than it was possible for FDR to do 'solved' the problems, then fine, I don't mind them contradicting themselves and looking ridiculous.
Like FDR said at the time......People don’t eat on the long term
There had not yet been a period of time since FDR was President that he has not been rated one of the top and best Presidents in all of American history. The people of his era reelected him over and over until he finally died in office. No other President of the 20th Century built more infrastructure than FDR. Only Eisenhower and Interstate Highway System comes close, and it was an original idea and concept of FDR.

Momar Qaddafi was elected many times. Joseph Stalin was the leader of his country during war. Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Schivelbusch writes:
"Noting the areas of convergence among the New Deal, Fascism and National Socialism, all three were considered postliberal state-capitalist, or state-socialist systems more closely related to one another than to classic Anglo-French liberalism. Hitler, Mussolini, and Roosevelt were seen as examples of plebiscite-based leadership, autocrats who came to power by varying but legal means, with socially oriented policies of collective consolidation."

Birds of a feather....
There had not yet been a period of time since FDR was President that he has not been rated one of the top and best Presidents in all of American history. The people of his era reelected him over and over until he finally died in office. No other President of the 20th Century built more infrastructure than FDR. Only Eisenhower and Interstate Highway System comes close, and it was an original idea and concept of FDR.

Momar Qaddafi was elected many times. Joseph Stalin was the leader of his country during war. Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Schivelbusch writes
"Noting the areas of convergence among the New Deal, Fascism and National Socialism, all three were considered postliberal state-capitalist, or state-socialist systems more closely related to one another than to classic Anglo-French liberalism. Hitler, Mussolini, and Roosevelt were seen as examples of plebiscite-based leadership, autocrats who came to power by varying but legal means, with socially oriented policies of collective consolidation."

Birds of a feather....
You like what Shivelbusch writes but the place where your thesis goes off in defeat is that the American people liked what FDR did. That is why they kept voting for him over and over and over until he finally died in office and they couldn't vote for him anymore. It didn't bother them if he borrowed some things from other leaders or systems. FDR was practical. If something appeared to work, try it out. If it didn't work in the American system, drop it and move on. If it did work, adapt and take advantage of it. He was a pragmatist. He would put conservatives in his administration and if their plans or ideas worked he kept them there.
BTW, FDR waged and conducted a war against both those other guys you mention, Hitler and Mussolini. They both died violent deaths and their countries lost the war.
There had not yet been a period of time since FDR was President that he has not been rated one of the top and best Presidents in all of American history. The people of his era reelected him over and over until he finally died in office. No other President of the 20th Century built more infrastructure than FDR. Only Eisenhower and Interstate Highway System comes close, and it was an original idea and concept of FDR.

"There had not yet been a period of time since FDR was President that he has not been rated one of the top and best Presidents in all of American history. "

By boot-lickers like you,

You are never able to deny what I post about Roosevelt, which proves what I just wrote.

Now, I'll have to pen another educational thread about FDR.....
Ya, according to you all Americans since even before WWII and until this very day have been bootlickers and misinformed, uninformed uneducated fools.
How long have you actually lived in this country?

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
That scumbag SOB fdr was by far the worst President in US history.
Or the best. If you care more about Jap Ams during WW2 than you do social security and medicare maybe but chances are most Americans care about those things not Jap Ams.


Read a book!!!!

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.
Revisionist history.

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
We all know how certain board members have a hilarious hatred against FDR, but let's look at what one of the greatest presidents this nation has ever had did for the people:
Interesting facts about FDR in general: Home - FDR Presidential Library & Museum
The List:
- The FDIC
- The CWA
- The NIRA
- Abolishing prohibition.
- The "first 100 days" program to grant relief to tens of millions.
- Created the TVA, continued FERA, don't forget the CCC.
- The NLRA and the AAA.
- Established social security and the SEC.
- Drastically decreased unemployment.
- The good neighbor policy
- He Supported the case for intervention in WWII through the Destroyers for Bases Agreement and Lend-Lease Act supplying ships and armament to the Allied forces.
- Led the US into world war 2 to help crush the fascist dogs.
- Endorsed the creation of the UN.
- The FSA
- He added millions of acres to America's national forests, national parks, and wildlife refuges.
- He was elected four times for a reason ;)
- During FDR's presidency, women were appointed to positions that were unprecedented in terms of both number of appointments as well as rank in the United States government.
What FDR was handed:
By the time that FDR was inaugurated president on March 4, 1933, the banking system had collapsed, nearly 25% of the labor force was unemployed, and prices and productivity had fallen to 1/3 of their 1929 levels. Reduced prices and reduced output resulted in lower incomes in wages, rents, dividends, and profits throughout the economy. Factories were shut down, farms and homes were lost to foreclosure, mills and mines were abandoned, and people went hungry. The resulting lower incomes meant the further inability of the people to spend or to save their way out of the crisis, thus perpetuating the economic slowdown in a seemingly never-ending cycle.
At the height of the Depression in 1933, 24.9% of the total work force or 12,830,000 people was unemployed. Although farmers technically were not counted among the unemployed, drastic drops in farm commodity prices resulted in farmers losing their lands and homes to foreclosure.
The displacement of the American work force and farming communities caused families to split up or to migrate from their homes in search of work. "Hoovervilles," or shantytowns built of packing crates, abandoned cars, and other scraps, sprung up across the nation. Residents of the Great Plains area, where the effects of the Depression were intensified by drought and dust storms, simply abandoned their farms and headed for California in hopes of finding the "land of milk and honey." Gangs of unemployed youth, whose families could no longer support them, rode the rails as hobos in search of work. America 's unemployed citizens were on the move, but there was no place to go that offered relief from the Great Depression.
Various "extras"
AAA , Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1933

BCLB , Bituminous Coal Labor Board, 1935

CAA , Civil Aeronautics Authority, 1938

CCC , Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933

CCC , Commodity Credit Corporation, 1933

CWA , Civil Works Administration, 1933

FCA , Farm Credit Administration, 1933

FCC , Federal Communications Commission, 1934

FCIC , Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 1938

FDIC , Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1933

FERA , Federal Emergency Relief Agency, 1933

FFMC , Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, 1934

FHA , Federal Housing Administration, 1934

FLA, Federal Loan Agency, 1939

FSA , Farm Security Administration, 1937

FSA , Federal Security Agency, 1939

FWA , Federal Works Agency, 1939

HOLC , Home Owners Loan Corporation, 1933

MLB , Maritime Labor Board, 1938

NBCC , National Bituminous Coal Commission, 1935

NLB , National Labor Board, 1933

NLRB , National Labor Relations Board, 1935

NRAB , National Railroad Adjustment Board, 1934

NRA , National Recovery Administration, 1933

NRB , National Resources Board, 1934

NRC , National Resources Committee, 1935

NRPB , National Resources Planning Board, 1939

NYA , National Youth Administration, 1935

PWA , Public Works Administration, 1933

RA , Resettlement Administration, 1935

REA , Rural Electrification Administration, 1935

RFC , Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1932

RRB , Railroad Retirement Board, 1935

SCS , Soil Conservation Service, 1935

SEC , Securities and Exchange Commission, 1934

SSB , Social Security Board, 1935

TNEC, Temporary National Economic Committee, 1938

TVA, Tennessee Valley Authority, 1933

USEP, United States Employment Service, 1933

USHA, United States Housing Authority, 1937

USMC, United States Maritime Commission, 1936

WPA, Works Progress Administration, 1935

WPA, Name changed to Works Projects Administration, 1939

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
Democracy as we know it in the world today would not exist without Franklin Delano Roosevelt
That scumbag SOB fdr was by far the worst President in US history.
Or the best. If you care more about Jap Ams during WW2 than you do social security and medicare maybe but chances are most Americans care about those things not Jap Ams.


Read a book!!!!

The internment of 110,000 Japanese seems to have been largely political. Earl Warren of California was sensitive to his constituents resenting the large success of the Japanese in agriculture. And, interned, they couldn’t vote against FDR, and he did pick up three House seats…and after the election he began to move for the release of the Japanese.
Revisionist history.

Franklin Roosevelt: A God To The Uninformed
What do you do for a living?
Democracy as we know it in the world today would not exist without Franklin Delano Roosevelt

It's amazing how these rwnj's are so brainwashed to think that social security and medicare are the problem when it's those programs that created a middle class the world has never seen before.

Them and unions. Give unions a lot of credit too. BTW the only one here in a union is Unkotare. Conservatives are almost always hypocrites.

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