Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

Yup, my employer sponsored Blue Cross/Blue Shield went up over 30% (my cost) and my benefits decreased. Last year it went up 20% and benefits decreased. Employers keep shopping trying to keep costs down, but the only way there is to keep costs down is reducing coverages.

If you aren't paying more in premiums, I'll bet dollars to donuts that your coverages have been reduced. That is why it's so phony when people on the left keep telling us that premiums haven't gone up very much since the ACA passed. --- since the coverage gets worse every year. Can't compare apples to oranges and make a rational conclusion to cost variances.

Prove it.

Don't have to prove it. You know you are facing the same things EVERY American is facing. Just be honest. Either you don't pay for insurance so you don't know - or you have seen the same premium increases/benefit cuts as the rest of us...


...But others have shown you similar data....

Obamacare will effectively force the country to 100% socialized medicine. Of course that's been the plan all along. Gov't takeover of healthcare.
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My most recent monthly health insurance bill went up 47 percent. Thanks again, Obama and all you liberal a-holes who support the madness.

My employer sponsored health insurance plan hasn't gone up in 2 years. THANKS OBAMA!

Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.
My employer sponsored health insurance plan hasn't gone up in 2 years. THANKS OBAMA!

Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.

EASY! They are lying to protect their savior.

If their rates haven;t gone up, their coverage has been significantly cut. Like I said earlier. They may be trying to compare apples and oranges. Their rates may have only gone up a few percent if their coverage has decreased.

Bottom line is that we are now paying more for less - and in 10 years the most basic coverage will cost more than median incomes....
Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.

EASY! They are lying to protect their savior.

If their rates haven;t gone up, their coverage has been significantly cut. Like I said earlier. They may be trying to compare apples and oranges. Their rates may have only gone up a few percent if their coverage has decreased.

Bottom line is that we are now paying more for less - and in 10 years the most basic coverage will cost more than median incomes....

EASY! They are lying to protect their savior.

That's a stupid reason, if I have more money coming out of my pocket, I'm not going too defend the person or reason because of that.
Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.

EASY! They are lying to protect their savior.

If their rates haven;t gone up, their coverage has been significantly cut. Like I said earlier. They may be trying to compare apples and oranges. Their rates may have only gone up a few percent if their coverage has decreased.

Bottom line is that we are now paying more for less - and in 10 years the most basic coverage will cost more than median incomes....

EASY! They are lying to protect their savior.

That's a stupid reason, if I have more money coming out of my pocket, I'm not going too defend the person or reason because of that.

Yes, but logic and reason defy the liberal mind!
Get read folks. When this POS kicks in all of us who pay our part for beni's or buy our own are gonna be paying up the ass.

Since that SOB got re-elected we can do nothing but suck it up and pay. Anyone who voted for this SOB is going to be paying right alongside you. Too bad those that voted for him can't be the only ones supporting this POS bill that none of the Dem idiots bothered to read.

Twenty one tax increases. We are once again screwed by the Democratic Party of America. Assholes one and all.
Yup, my employer sponsored Blue Cross/Blue Shield went up over 30% (my cost) and my benefits decreased. Last year it went up 20% and benefits decreased. Employers keep shopping trying to keep costs down, but the only way there is to keep costs down is reducing coverages.

If you aren't paying more in premiums, I'll bet dollars to donuts that your coverages have been reduced. That is why it's so phony when people on the left keep telling us that premiums haven't gone up very much since the ACA passed. --- since the coverage gets worse every year. Can't compare apples to oranges and make a rational conclusion to cost variances.

Prove it.

Don't have to prove it. You know you are facing the same things EVERY American is facing. Just be honest. Either you don't pay for insurance so you don't know - or you have seen the same premium increases/benefit cuts as the rest of us...


...But others have shown you similar data....

Obamacare will effectively force the country to 100% socialized medicine. Of course that's been the plan all along. Gov't takeover of healthcare.

My premium increases began under Bush. My company bounced around HMOs too. We went from Oxford to United Health to Blue Shield...then I got the boot.

The company I work for now has Aetna.

Part of the reason that Conservative plan for the Health Care was used INSTEAD of socializing medicine was BECAUSE of Conservative opposition to single payer.

It's like you guys have really short memories.
Yup, my employer sponsored Blue Cross/Blue Shield went up over 30% (my cost) and my benefits decreased. Last year it went up 20% and benefits decreased. Employers keep shopping trying to keep costs down, but the only way there is to keep costs down is reducing coverages.

If you aren't paying more in premiums, I'll bet dollars to donuts that your coverages have been reduced. That is why it's so phony when people on the left keep telling us that premiums haven't gone up very much since the ACA passed. --- since the coverage gets worse every year. Can't compare apples to oranges and make a rational conclusion to cost variances.

Prove it.

Blue Shield of California seeks rate hikes up to 20% - Los Angeles Times

So what are you saying.

Increases in Health Care just started when Obama won the Presidency?

Is that what you are posting?

The increase is not a bug, it's a feature of Obamacare. The Obama Administration's goal is to destroy private health insurance so that they can push nationalized health care as the only plausible solution. It's not; but the government sponsored media will push the approved narrative on the gullible low information voters who still get their "news" from them.

Um, yeah. Actually, every year, insurance costs have been going up and levels of service have been going down.

I remember back in the 1990's, we called HMO's "Horrible Medical Options" and the program you really didn't want to be on because the service was so bad.

At our last benefits meeting, our HR Director bragged that she was lucky her husband's company was still one of the few LUCKY enough to have an HMO, as opposed to the POS plan we had. (And,no, not Point of Service" but "Piece of Shit").
Don't worry. Under the ACA we taxpayers will be pay.... OOPs subsidizing all those who can't pay for their own care. Hope everyone has deep pockets cause we are gonna need em.

Twenty one tax increases in the ACA. Doubt its gonna be affordable for all.

So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.
But when it happened during Bush II's time, it was blamed on him.. now it is not being blamed on Obamalama??

Mine has raised too.. but not 47%.. the insurance companies are preparing to get hit with their raised fees and taxes that come with Obamacare

Right. Insurance companies are "preparing". I guess they've been preparing for years; because they've been raising rates and raking in the dough from long before Obama took office and long before it was evident that the ACA was going to be the law of the land.
My most recent monthly health insurance bill went up 47 percent. Thanks again, Obama and all you liberal a-holes who support the madness.

Looking for a handout moocher?

I'm looking for free market health care that enables any licensed provider to compete for consumers regardless of what state or region they are located or licensed to do business. If they are in the 57 states, they can sell to anyone in those 57 states. Futher, I am looking for a pre-tax health savings account that will futher facilitate affordable healthcare. For those who don't have healthcare, Medicare can be there for them.

I seriously don't understand why you think that would be the magic pill.

First off, PRIOR to the ACA, HMOs were raising premiums at an alarming rate. This didn't seem to have ANYTHING to do with the cost of providing health care and a GREAT DEAL to do with listing on stock market. Additionally, they started booting people, for almost any reason at all, most of whom were paying out the nose for coverage.

The "Free Market" you describe would more than likely see even more of the same and in even a more severe form. Free Markets generally lead to less, not more competition.

So what are you saying.

Increases in Health Care just started when Obama won the Presidency?

Is that what you are posting?


You didn't read the link did you?

"Reserves are needed to ensure our members' claims can be paid no matter what," said Blue Shield spokeswoman Lindy Wagner. "We need them to protect against uncertainties like a pandemic or another crisis."

The company also expects higher costs from an influx of new customers under the federal healthcare law in 2014.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime change in the healthcare market that will bring a lot of volatility, and we need higher reserves for that," Wagner said.

Even with these proposed rate increases, Blue Shield said, it expects to lose money in the individual insurance market in 2013.

The insurer said its medical costs for this segment of the business grew 10.6% and what it actually pays is rising 12.5% after adjusting for its portion after customer deductibles. The state's largest for-profit health insurer, Anthem Blue Cross, cited a similar jump in medical costs in seeking rate hikes as high as 25% for some individual policyholders, effective in February.

Q: Are my premiums going to go up?
A: Based on a research study commissioned by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, we believe that premiums will increase as a result of provisions in the reform legislation that will guarantee richer levels of benefits than most consumers who obtain their own insurance purchase today. Insufficient discounts for the young and healthy could encourage many of them to forgo coverage. New fees and taxes mandated by the new law will also likely increase the cost of premiums as they are phased in.
There are a number of factors that are driving health insurance premiums, including rising health care costs. Increasing utilization attributable to an aging population, obesity and chronic illnesses; new treatments; prescription drugs and expensive new technologies are the biggest causes of increasing health care premiums. The new law establishes a few pilot programs, but does not aggressively attempt to control rising health care costs.
BCBSAZ will continue to work with doctors, hospitals, employers and consumers to contain costs and insurance premiums while improving access to quality health care. To help accomplish this, BCBSAZ has initiatives in place to reduce unnecessary hospital readmissions, eliminate infections acquired during hospital visits and promote paying doctors and hospitals for quality outcomes to help achieve this goal.
How much premiums increase will depend on the further interpretations by the HHS and the extent to which those who are currently uninsured opt to get insurance coverage.
Blue Cross Blue Shield

22 percent rate increase by Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon brings out strong protest |

when i asked Blue Shield if my rates are going up they told me group policies are determined by a contract as far as how much is paid by you and the Employer.....Individual policies
Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.

EASY! They are lying to protect their savior.

If their rates haven;t gone up, their coverage has been significantly cut. Like I said earlier. They may be trying to compare apples and oranges. Their rates may have only gone up a few percent if their coverage has decreased.

Bottom line is that we are now paying more for less - and in 10 years the most basic coverage will cost more than median incomes....

thats it with Premium that i pay is determined by the Unions contract with the PO.....but my coverage has changed.....i am paying a HIGHER co-pay on many things and some things don't seem to be covered anymore......
The increase is not a bug, it's a feature of Obamacare. The Obama Administration's goal is to destroy private health insurance so that they can push nationalized health care as the only plausible solution. It's not; but the government sponsored media will push the approved narrative on the gullible low information voters who still get their "news" from them.

Um, yeah. Actually, every year, insurance costs have been going up and levels of service have been going down.

I remember back in the 1990's, we called HMO's "Horrible Medical Options" and the program you really didn't want to be on because the service was so bad.

At our last benefits meeting, our HR Director bragged that she was lucky her husband's company was still one of the few LUCKY enough to have an HMO, as opposed to the POS plan we had. (And,no, not Point of Service" but "Piece of Shit").

then it depends on who you have and what coverage you have.....i have had Blue Shield since around '92 and out side of slight premium increases over that time the level of service has never gone down.....
Don't worry. Under the ACA we taxpayers will be pay.... OOPs subsidizing all those who can't pay for their own care. Hope everyone has deep pockets cause we are gonna need em.

Twenty one tax increases in the ACA. Doubt its gonna be affordable for all.

So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

No. I'm saying I have no wish to pay anyone elses bills there sparky.

If you have no problem with it then feel free to open your wallet and pay away. Its just to bad that those that want to support others can't pay for them and leave the rest of us out of the equation.

Yes. We are forced to pay. We have no say in the matter. We will also be paying for the ACA. Those of us who pay Fed taxes and those of us who pay for beni's or buy our own that is. Anyone who can't pay will be "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

We will also be hit with twenty one tax increased through the ACA. Can hardly wait.

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