Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.

Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014

Your right it doesn't but that didn't stop the Insurance companies from upping premiums to get ready for Obamacare. Mine went up and will continue to do so as will everyones.

Affordable Care Act?? I think you find it will be anything but affordable.
Don't worry. Under the ACA we taxpayers will be pay.... OOPs subsidizing all those who can't pay for their own care. Hope everyone has deep pockets cause we are gonna need em.

Twenty one tax increases in the ACA. Doubt its gonna be affordable for all.

So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

those without Ins. should be made to go to Urgent Care Centers.....not ER's.....and like i have said before.....the President should have just tackled those people right now who dont have Ins. instead of taking on 300,000,000 people.....i have Ins. he doesn't need to worry about me.....for right now take care of those who don't have it but NEED it.....taking care of 25 million is a lot easier and less expensive than 300 million people.....if he would have done that i would have been on his train and i think a hell of a lot of other people would have been too.....
Liberals in this thread: it's pretty stupid to claim "well, the ACA hasn't taken effect yet".
Conservatives in this thread: it's pretty stupid to blame Obama for a long-existing trend in the individual insurance market.
Looking for a handout moocher?

I'm looking for free market health care that enables any licensed provider to compete for consumers regardless of what state or region they are located or licensed to do business. If they are in the 57 states, they can sell to anyone in those 57 states. Futher, I am looking for a pre-tax health savings account that will futher facilitate affordable healthcare. For those who don't have healthcare, Medicare can be there for them.

I seriously don't understand why you think that would be the magic pill.

First off, PRIOR to the ACA, HMOs were raising premiums at an alarming rate. This didn't seem to have ANYTHING to do with the cost of providing health care and a GREAT DEAL to do with listing on stock market. Additionally, they started booting people, for almost any reason at all, most of whom were paying out the nose for coverage.

The "Free Market" you describe would more than likely see even more of the same and in even a more severe form. Free Markets generally lead to less, not more competition.
the 2 features of this thing i am for is.....
1-no one can be turned down for an existing condition......
2- you should not be able to boot someone because they just happen to get an illness that might just be one of them "expensive" except someone into your plan.....if they get sick,you take care of them to the best of your ability....
Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.

Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014

You're wrong about that. Certain provisions are already in effect (such as the taxes), which along with the prospect of 2014 changes are affecting pricing now.

I'm sure you've blocked out the fact that this Obamanation was justified as reducing the deficit because the taxes started much earlier than the benefits, which cooked the 10 year score.
I'm looking for free market health care that enables any licensed provider to compete for consumers regardless of what state or region they are located or licensed to do business. If they are in the 57 states, they can sell to anyone in those 57 states. Futher, I am looking for a pre-tax health savings account that will futher facilitate affordable healthcare. For those who don't have healthcare, Medicare can be there for them.

I seriously don't understand why you think that would be the magic pill.

First off, PRIOR to the ACA, HMOs were raising premiums at an alarming rate. This didn't seem to have ANYTHING to do with the cost of providing health care and a GREAT DEAL to do with listing on stock market. Additionally, they started booting people, for almost any reason at all, most of whom were paying out the nose for coverage.

The "Free Market" you describe would more than likely see even more of the same and in even a more severe form. Free Markets generally lead to less, not more competition.
the 2 features of this thing i am for is.....
1-no one can be turned down for an existing condition......
2- you should not be able to boot someone because they just happen to get an illness that might just be one of them "expensive" except someone into your plan.....if they get sick,you take care of them to the best of your ability....

If you only made those two changes, what's to keep a person from waiting until they get sick to buy coverage?
Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.

Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014

You're wrong about that. Certain provisions are already in effect (such as the taxes), which along with the prospect of 2014 changes are affecting pricing now.

I'm sure you've blocked out the fact that this Obamanation was justified as reducing the deficit because the taxes started much earlier than the benefits, which cooked the 10 year score.

The taxes didn't start "much earlier" than the benefits. Most of the benefits and revenue provisions kick in in 2014. There are other provisions that start earlier, they're relatively minor in the scheme of the law. The revenue provisions that started this year are relatively minor in the total cost analysis of the bill.
Don't worry. Under the ACA we taxpayers will be pay.... OOPs subsidizing all those who can't pay for their own care. Hope everyone has deep pockets cause we are gonna need em.

Twenty one tax increases in the ACA. Doubt its gonna be affordable for all.

So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

No. I'm saying I have no wish to pay anyone elses bills there sparky.

If you have no problem with it then feel free to open your wallet and pay away. Its just to bad that those that want to support others can't pay for them and leave the rest of us out of the equation.

Yes. We are forced to pay. We have no say in the matter. We will also be paying for the ACA. Those of us who pay Fed taxes and those of us who pay for beni's or buy our own that is. Anyone who can't pay will be "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

We will also be hit with twenty one tax increased through the ACA. Can hardly wait.

So what should happen to people who truly can't afford the cost of a hospital visit? Tough shit? Suck it up? I'd like to know your plan. You obviously know that you don't want to help pay for these people, so what should they do?

We've been through this all before and you never have an answer. It doesn't bother you at all that there is this large gaping hole in your viewpoint?
Why is it the only people that say the cost of their health care hasn't went up are those who have shown support for obamacare?
Even the media has said rates have went up.

Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014

Your right it doesn't but that didn't stop the Insurance companies from upping premiums to get ready for Obamacare. Mine went up and will continue to do so as will everyones.

Affordable Care Act?? I think you find it will be anything but affordable.

"upping premiums to get ready for Obamcare". You mean they get more customers and that means prices go up? And you believe that? LOL. Which economics class is that taught in?

You'll listen to anything that puts blame on Obama, let's be honest.
Don't worry. Under the ACA we taxpayers will be pay.... OOPs subsidizing all those who can't pay for their own care. Hope everyone has deep pockets cause we are gonna need em.

Twenty one tax increases in the ACA. Doubt its gonna be affordable for all.

So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

those without Ins. should be made to go to Urgent Care Centers.....not ER's.....and like i have said before.....the President should have just tackled those people right now who dont have Ins. instead of taking on 300,000,000 people.....i have Ins. he doesn't need to worry about me.....for right now take care of those who don't have it but NEED it.....taking care of 25 million is a lot easier and less expensive than 300 million people.....if he would have done that i would have been on his train and i think a hell of a lot of other people would have been too.....

They administer chemo at urgent care centers?
They do surgery at urgent care centers?

What happens to those people who were denied/can't afford insurance and need something that an Urgent care center can't handle (which is a lot).
Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014

You're wrong about that. Certain provisions are already in effect (such as the taxes), which along with the prospect of 2014 changes are affecting pricing now.

I'm sure you've blocked out the fact that this Obamanation was justified as reducing the deficit because the taxes started much earlier than the benefits, which cooked the 10 year score.

The taxes didn't start "much earlier" than the benefits. Most of the benefits and revenue provisions kick in in 2014. There are other provisions that start earlier, they're relatively minor in the scheme of the law. The revenue provisions that started this year are relatively minor in the total cost analysis of the bill.

You are wrong.

The first Obamacare taxes started in 2010. A long list with start dates at the link.

Americans for Tax Reform : Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare
So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

No. I'm saying I have no wish to pay anyone elses bills there sparky.

If you have no problem with it then feel free to open your wallet and pay away. Its just to bad that those that want to support others can't pay for them and leave the rest of us out of the equation.

Yes. We are forced to pay. We have no say in the matter. We will also be paying for the ACA. Those of us who pay Fed taxes and those of us who pay for beni's or buy our own that is. Anyone who can't pay will be "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

We will also be hit with twenty one tax increased through the ACA. Can hardly wait.

So what should happen to people who truly can't afford the cost of a hospital visit? Tough shit? Suck it up? I'd like to know your plan. You obviously know that you don't want to help pay for these people, so what should they do?

We've been through this all before and you never have an answer. It doesn't bother you at all that there is this large gaping hole in your viewpoint?

Thats the're problem. Its just to bad that the're problems have been foisted on we taxpayers.

Hey RD if you want to support em then feel free. I don't. Too bad I have no say in the matter.

And really and truly I could give shit one.
Obamacare doesn't kick in until 2014

Your right it doesn't but that didn't stop the Insurance companies from upping premiums to get ready for Obamacare. Mine went up and will continue to do so as will everyones.

Affordable Care Act?? I think you find it will be anything but affordable.

"upping premiums to get ready for Obamcare". You mean they get more customers and that means prices go up? And you believe that? LOL. Which economics class is that taught in?

You'll listen to anything that puts blame on Obama, let's be honest.

No. I mean they upped the premiums for those that have HC already. Getting ready for those millions who don't have HC. those who can't afford their own care.

Someones got to pay their way and that will be you and me and everyone who pays Fed Taxes and has HC. Mine have gone up. Jeeze. RD haven't you been following this??

As for blaming Obama. You bet. He's the one who wants to transform America and this was his idea. Aided by those two clowns Pelosi and Reid. I sure as hell ain't gonna thank em.

BTW Good to see you.
You're wrong about that. Certain provisions are already in effect (such as the taxes), which along with the prospect of 2014 changes are affecting pricing now.

I'm sure you've blocked out the fact that this Obamanation was justified as reducing the deficit because the taxes started much earlier than the benefits, which cooked the 10 year score.

The taxes didn't start "much earlier" than the benefits. Most of the benefits and revenue provisions kick in in 2014. There are other provisions that start earlier, they're relatively minor in the scheme of the law. The revenue provisions that started this year are relatively minor in the total cost analysis of the bill.

You are wrong.

The first Obamacare taxes started in 2010. A long list with start dates at the link.

Americans for Tax Reform : Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare

The only taxes on that list that started before this year were the excise tax on tanning salons and the drug company provisions. Neither of them is a significant revenue stream. Combined, they raise 25 billion in revenue over ten years.
No. I'm saying I have no wish to pay anyone elses bills there sparky.

If you have no problem with it then feel free to open your wallet and pay away. Its just to bad that those that want to support others can't pay for them and leave the rest of us out of the equation.

Yes. We are forced to pay. We have no say in the matter. We will also be paying for the ACA. Those of us who pay Fed taxes and those of us who pay for beni's or buy our own that is. Anyone who can't pay will be "subsidized" by we the taxpayer.

We will also be hit with twenty one tax increased through the ACA. Can hardly wait.

So what should happen to people who truly can't afford the cost of a hospital visit? Tough shit? Suck it up? I'd like to know your plan. You obviously know that you don't want to help pay for these people, so what should they do?

We've been through this all before and you never have an answer. It doesn't bother you at all that there is this large gaping hole in your viewpoint?

Thats the're problem. Its just to bad that the're problems have been foisted on we taxpayers.

Hey RD if you want to support em then feel free. I don't. Too bad I have no say in the matter.

And really and truly I could give shit one.

So your answer is if people can't afford it, they should suffer. I guess I'm just a sucker who doesn't want to see people suffer simply because they're not rich. That's what separates people like me and you and I'm glad to point that out.
Your right it doesn't but that didn't stop the Insurance companies from upping premiums to get ready for Obamacare. Mine went up and will continue to do so as will everyones.

Affordable Care Act?? I think you find it will be anything but affordable.

"upping premiums to get ready for Obamcare". You mean they get more customers and that means prices go up? And you believe that? LOL. Which economics class is that taught in?

You'll listen to anything that puts blame on Obama, let's be honest.

No. I mean they upped the premiums for those that have HC already. Getting ready for those millions who don't have HC. those who can't afford their own care.

Someones got to pay their way and that will be you and me and everyone who pays Fed Taxes and has HC. Mine have gone up. Jeeze. RD haven't you been following this??

As for blaming Obama. You bet. He's the one who wants to transform America and this was his idea. Aided by those two clowns Pelosi and Reid. I sure as hell ain't gonna thank em.

BTW Good to see you.

You're still just not getting it. They are upping their premiums just like the were before but now they can blame it on Obama and you lap it up. The insured were ALWAYS paying for the uninsured, that hasn't changed. Now we're at least allowing more people to actually purchase insurance who weren't even permitted to before due to "pre-existing conditions".
So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

those without Ins. should be made to go to Urgent Care Centers.....not ER's.....and like i have said before.....the President should have just tackled those people right now who dont have Ins. instead of taking on 300,000,000 people.....i have Ins. he doesn't need to worry about me.....for right now take care of those who don't have it but NEED it.....taking care of 25 million is a lot easier and less expensive than 300 million people.....if he would have done that i would have been on his train and i think a hell of a lot of other people would have been too.....

They administer chemo at urgent care centers?
They do surgery at urgent care centers?

What happens to those people who were denied/can't afford insurance and need something that an Urgent care center can't handle (which is a lot).

What has always amused me about this debate is the fact that those who are whining the most about "paying for others" are already doing so through their own plan. Not only are they (and their insurance companies) paying for those w/o insurance who use the ER as their only health care resource, but they're also paying for those in the plan who actually use their insurance for health care. That's why we have insurance, so we won't have to pick up the entire bloated tab.
those without Ins. should be made to go to Urgent Care Centers.....not ER's.....and like i have said before.....the President should have just tackled those people right now who dont have Ins. instead of taking on 300,000,000 people.....i have Ins. he doesn't need to worry about me.....for right now take care of those who don't have it but NEED it.....taking care of 25 million is a lot easier and less expensive than 300 million people.....if he would have done that i would have been on his train and i think a hell of a lot of other people would have been too.....

They administer chemo at urgent care centers?
They do surgery at urgent care centers?

What happens to those people who were denied/can't afford insurance and need something that an Urgent care center can't handle (which is a lot).

What has always amused me about this debate is the fact that those who are whining the most about "paying for others" are already doing so through their own plan. Not only are they (and their insurance companies) paying for those w/o insurance who use the ER as their only health care resource, but they're also paying for those in the plan who actually use their insurance for health care. That's why we have insurance, so we won't have to pick up the entire bloated tab.

I can't even begin to count the number of times I've attempted to explain this to people on this site. They don't get it, nor do they want to get it. They just want to live in their bubble and blame Obama and "all those moochers".
I seriously don't understand why you think that would be the magic pill.

First off, PRIOR to the ACA, HMOs were raising premiums at an alarming rate. This didn't seem to have ANYTHING to do with the cost of providing health care and a GREAT DEAL to do with listing on stock market. Additionally, they started booting people, for almost any reason at all, most of whom were paying out the nose for coverage.

The "Free Market" you describe would more than likely see even more of the same and in even a more severe form. Free Markets generally lead to less, not more competition.
the 2 features of this thing i am for is.....
1-no one can be turned down for an existing condition......
2- you should not be able to boot someone because they just happen to get an illness that might just be one of them "expensive" except someone into your plan.....if they get sick,you take care of them to the best of your ability....

If you only made those two changes, what's to keep a person from waiting until they get sick to buy coverage?
since the law is made where they cant get turned down......i guess nothing.....but there are a lot of people out there who have lost their Ins. and have an existing condition.....and if they have been treated before,there will be a record of it....for them anyway.....
So you're saying, "Fuck them, let them die"? I'm trying to understand your logic here.

The thing is, you are ALREADY subsidizing the poor who can't pay.

They show up at an emergency room for that pneumonia that developed because they couldn't get in to see a General Practitioner because they didn't have insurance, and they skip out on the bill, who do you think pays for that?

Yuppers- the hospitals spread that amongst all the patients who CAN pay.

those without Ins. should be made to go to Urgent Care Centers.....not ER's.....and like i have said before.....the President should have just tackled those people right now who dont have Ins. instead of taking on 300,000,000 people.....i have Ins. he doesn't need to worry about me.....for right now take care of those who don't have it but NEED it.....taking care of 25 million is a lot easier and less expensive than 300 million people.....if he would have done that i would have been on his train and i think a hell of a lot of other people would have been too.....

They administer chemo at urgent care centers?
They do surgery at urgent care centers?

What happens to those people who were denied/can't afford insurance and need something that an Urgent care center can't handle (which is a lot).

when my dad was taken to the ER here at UCI before he died...the Paramedics had him there 3-4 times.....the waiting room was packed but since the Paramedics took him in he got around that.....when i commented to the Nurse there about the amount of people waiting....she is the one who told me that 95% of the people that come to her ER anyway,can get treated at an Urgent Care Center.....they come in because their kid is not feeling well.....has a temp......headaches....hurt body parts like sprains....she said the great majority of people through here are NOT emergencies.....and out here there are a lot of Urgent Care Centers....some right down the Street from UCI....

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