Thank you for the 47 percent increase in my health care rate

Prove it.

Don't have to prove it. You know you are facing the same things EVERY American is facing. Just be honest. Either you don't pay for insurance so you don't know - or you have seen the same premium increases/benefit cuts as the rest of us...


...But others have shown you similar data....

Obamacare will effectively force the country to 100% socialized medicine. Of course that's been the plan all along. Gov't takeover of healthcare.

My premium increases began under Bush. My company bounced around HMOs too. We went from Oxford to United Health to Blue Shield...then I got the boot.

The company I work for now has Aetna.

Part of the reason that Conservative plan for the Health Care was used INSTEAD of socializing medicine was BECAUSE of Conservative opposition to single payer.

It's like you guys have really short memories.

There is no CONSERVATIVE plan. We weren't invited to the meetings. We have "the way things were" and Obama's plan to do a "government take over of healthcare". The GOP was never allowed to provide an alternative. We want honest open discussions to come up with a solution to the bad(the way things were) and the horrible (obamacare).

So what are you saying.

Increases in Health Care just started when Obama won the Presidency?

Is that what you are posting?


Nobody suggested that at all. It is obvious that we are seeing a response to the ACA. As soon at the POS bill was forced on Americans - a lot of things started happening. Doctors began retiring, students picked alternative careers to medicine, insurances started gutting plans and raising prices on premium healthcare. Hospitals started eliminating non-essential positions, now are redefining essential positions to make more cuts.

I work in the field and have seen it all happen first hand. Turning Emergency Rooms into clinics where the cost of care is 8-10 times more is not the solution healthcare problems. It is a certain way to ensure the destruction of the entire system. As bad as healthcare was, it EXPONENTIALLY getting worse!

Cost cutting is where the emphasys should have been, not increasing costs to ensure failure!
those without Ins. should be made to go to Urgent Care Centers.....not ER's.....and like i have said before.....the President should have just tackled those people right now who dont have Ins. instead of taking on 300,000,000 people.....i have Ins. he doesn't need to worry about me.....for right now take care of those who don't have it but NEED it.....taking care of 25 million is a lot easier and less expensive than 300 million people.....if he would have done that i would have been on his train and i think a hell of a lot of other people would have been too.....

They administer chemo at urgent care centers?
They do surgery at urgent care centers?

What happens to those people who were denied/can't afford insurance and need something that an Urgent care center can't handle (which is a lot).

when my dad was taken to the ER here at UCI before he died...the Paramedics had him there 3-4 times.....the waiting room was packed but since the Paramedics took him in he got around that.....when i commented to the Nurse there about the amount of people waiting....she is the one who told me that 95% of the people that come to her ER anyway,can get treated at an Urgent Care Center.....they come in because their kid is not feeling well.....has a temp......headaches....hurt body parts like sprains....she said the great majority of people through here are NOT emergencies.....and out here there are a lot of Urgent Care Centers....some right down the Street from UCI....

That's great. What about the people who need medical attention for their cancer, accident, major illness, accident, etc...that can't be treated at an Urgent Care facility?
Don't have to prove it. You know you are facing the same things EVERY American is facing. Just be honest. Either you don't pay for insurance so you don't know - or you have seen the same premium increases/benefit cuts as the rest of us...


...But others have shown you similar data....

Obamacare will effectively force the country to 100% socialized medicine. Of course that's been the plan all along. Gov't takeover of healthcare.

My premium increases began under Bush. My company bounced around HMOs too. We went from Oxford to United Health to Blue Shield...then I got the boot.

The company I work for now has Aetna.

Part of the reason that Conservative plan for the Health Care was used INSTEAD of socializing medicine was BECAUSE of Conservative opposition to single payer.

It's like you guys have really short memories.

There is no CONSERVATIVE plan. We weren't invited to the meetings. We have "the way things were" and Obama's plan to do a "government take over of healthcare". The GOP was never allowed to provide an alternative. We want honest open discussions to come up with a solution to the bad(the way things were) and the horrible (obamacare).

Everything in the above statement is false. Be proud of yourself.
those without Ins. should be made to go to Urgent Care Centers.....not ER's.....and like i have said before.....the President should have just tackled those people right now who dont have Ins. instead of taking on 300,000,000 people.....i have Ins. he doesn't need to worry about me.....for right now take care of those who don't have it but NEED it.....taking care of 25 million is a lot easier and less expensive than 300 million people.....if he would have done that i would have been on his train and i think a hell of a lot of other people would have been too.....

They administer chemo at urgent care centers?
They do surgery at urgent care centers?

What happens to those people who were denied/can't afford insurance and need something that an Urgent care center can't handle (which is a lot).

when my dad was taken to the ER here at UCI before he died...the Paramedics had him there 3-4 times.....the waiting room was packed but since the Paramedics took him in he got around that.....when i commented to the Nurse there about the amount of people waiting....she is the one who told me that 95% of the people that come to her ER anyway,can get treated at an Urgent Care Center.....they come in because their kid is not feeling well.....has a temp......headaches....hurt body parts like sprains....she said the great majority of people through here are NOT emergencies.....and out here there are a lot of Urgent Care Centers....some right down the Street from UCI....

minimum cost at an urgent care is about 75$ while minimum care at an ER is about $500.

typical visit to an Urgent Care is $150- $200 (after x-ray and lab) at an ER $1000....

and all the ACA is gonna do is get more people to misuse ERs effectively raising the cost of immediate need medicine 3 to 4 times....
They administer chemo at urgent care centers?
They do surgery at urgent care centers?

What happens to those people who were denied/can't afford insurance and need something that an Urgent care center can't handle (which is a lot).

when my dad was taken to the ER here at UCI before he died...the Paramedics had him there 3-4 times.....the waiting room was packed but since the Paramedics took him in he got around that.....when i commented to the Nurse there about the amount of people waiting....she is the one who told me that 95% of the people that come to her ER anyway,can get treated at an Urgent Care Center.....they come in because their kid is not feeling well.....has a temp......headaches....hurt body parts like sprains....she said the great majority of people through here are NOT emergencies.....and out here there are a lot of Urgent Care Centers....some right down the Street from UCI....

That's great. What about the people who need medical attention for their cancer, accident, major illness, accident, etc...that can't be treated at an Urgent Care facility?

or an emergency room...

thats handled through your oncologist.
The taxes didn't start "much earlier" than the benefits. Most of the benefits and revenue provisions kick in in 2014. There are other provisions that start earlier, they're relatively minor in the scheme of the law. The revenue provisions that started this year are relatively minor in the total cost analysis of the bill.

You are wrong.

The first Obamacare taxes started in 2010. A long list with start dates at the link.

Americans for Tax Reform : Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare

The only taxes on that list that started before this year were the excise tax on tanning salons and the drug company provisions. Neither of them is a significant revenue stream. Combined, they raise 25 billion in revenue over ten years.

Only a total moonbat thinks 25 billion is meaningless.

A bunch of taxes kick in this year. Where are the benefits?
My premium increases began under Bush. My company bounced around HMOs too. We went from Oxford to United Health to Blue Shield...then I got the boot.

The company I work for now has Aetna.

Part of the reason that Conservative plan for the Health Care was used INSTEAD of socializing medicine was BECAUSE of Conservative opposition to single payer.

It's like you guys have really short memories.

There is no CONSERVATIVE plan. We weren't invited to the meetings. We have "the way things were" and Obama's plan to do a "government take over of healthcare". The GOP was never allowed to provide an alternative. We want honest open discussions to come up with a solution to the bad(the way things were) and the horrible (obamacare).

Everything in the above statement is false. Be proud of yourself.

The hell it is...

I have to drive to work at the hospital now. 2.5 hours from my home as there are fewer medical imaging jobs now than EVER before. I'll be there for 3 days - and I'll have time to discuss this in depth with you. Go ahead and tell me where my statements are "false". LMAO!!

I can't wait to get to a point I can respond to you!! Looking forward to it!!
So what should happen to people who truly can't afford the cost of a hospital visit? Tough shit? Suck it up? I'd like to know your plan. You obviously know that you don't want to help pay for these people, so what should they do?

We've been through this all before and you never have an answer. It doesn't bother you at all that there is this large gaping hole in your viewpoint?

Thats the're problem. Its just to bad that the're problems have been foisted on we taxpayers.

Hey RD if you want to support em then feel free. I don't. Too bad I have no say in the matter.

And really and truly I could give shit one.

So your answer is if people can't afford it, they should suffer. I guess I'm just a sucker who doesn't want to see people suffer simply because they're not rich. That's what separates people like me and you and I'm glad to point that out.

As I said. You and all like minded can pay for them. You obviously feel morally obligated so hey, make it happen. I'm sure Uncle Sam will take every dime you want to give em.

I, on the other hand, have my own bills to pay and don't feel morally obligated to pay anyone elses.

Its just to bad that we are forced to pay for those other folks.

You asked me and I told you. I could give shit one about someone elses bills.
My most recent monthly health insurance bill went up 47 percent. Thanks again, Obama and all you liberal a-holes who support the madness.

My employer sponsored health insurance plan hasn't gone up in 2 years. THANKS OBAMA!


Funny how insurance companies or Obamacare itself can specifically target left wingers in order to have them as the only ones not having cost increases...

Or is it more likely the winger would just lie in a feeble attempt to add credence to their cause??

I'll let others decide for themselves on that
My employer sponsored health insurance plan hasn't gone up in 2 years. THANKS OBAMA!


Funny how insurance companies or Obamacare itself can specifically target left wingers in order to have them as the only ones not having cost increases...

Or is it more likely the winger would just lie in a feeble attempt to add credence to their cause??

I'll let others decide for themselves on that

They must work in one of the thousands of organizations which were granted Waivers from Obamacare.
when my dad was taken to the ER here at UCI before he died...the Paramedics had him there 3-4 times.....the waiting room was packed but since the Paramedics took him in he got around that.....when i commented to the Nurse there about the amount of people waiting....she is the one who told me that 95% of the people that come to her ER anyway,can get treated at an Urgent Care Center.....they come in because their kid is not feeling well.....has a temp......headaches....hurt body parts like sprains....she said the great majority of people through here are NOT emergencies.....and out here there are a lot of Urgent Care Centers....some right down the Street from UCI....

That's great. What about the people who need medical attention for their cancer, accident, major illness, accident, etc...that can't be treated at an Urgent Care facility?

or an emergency room...

thats handled through your oncologist.

And if they can't afford it? Tough luck?
There is no CONSERVATIVE plan. We weren't invited to the meetings. We have "the way things were" and Obama's plan to do a "government take over of healthcare". The GOP was never allowed to provide an alternative. We want honest open discussions to come up with a solution to the bad(the way things were) and the horrible (obamacare).

Everything in the above statement is false. Be proud of yourself.

The hell it is...

I have to drive to work at the hospital now. 2.5 hours from my home as there are fewer medical imaging jobs now than EVER before. I'll be there for 3 days - and I'll have time to discuss this in depth with you. Go ahead and tell me where my statements are "false". LMAO!!

I can't wait to get to a point I can respond to you!! Looking forward to it!!

Oh goodie. Let's start with your first incorrect statement that "conservatives weren't invited to the healthcare discussion meetings".

They were in fact, they even broadcast the discussions on TV. Bipartisan meetings.


Let me know when you're done with that and I'll address your next incorrect statement. I can do this all day long
Thats the're problem. Its just to bad that the're problems have been foisted on we taxpayers.

Hey RD if you want to support em then feel free. I don't. Too bad I have no say in the matter.

And really and truly I could give shit one.

So your answer is if people can't afford it, they should suffer. I guess I'm just a sucker who doesn't want to see people suffer simply because they're not rich. That's what separates people like me and you and I'm glad to point that out.

As I said. You and all like minded can pay for them. You obviously feel morally obligated so hey, make it happen. I'm sure Uncle Sam will take every dime you want to give em.

I, on the other hand, have my own bills to pay and don't feel morally obligated to pay anyone elses.

Its just to bad that we are forced to pay for those other folks.

You asked me and I told you. I could give shit one about someone elses bills.

I know you don't care about the bills. I get that. You also don't care about the people and what happens to them. I do. You're not even open minded enough to talk about what those people should do. You avoid answering because you know how selfish it makes you look. I get it, you and your wallet is all that're making that plainly clear by not even addressing what I actually asked you. Shame on you.
Don't have to prove it. You know you are facing the same things EVERY American is facing. Just be honest. Either you don't pay for insurance so you don't know - or you have seen the same premium increases/benefit cuts as the rest of us...


...But others have shown you similar data....

Obamacare will effectively force the country to 100% socialized medicine. Of course that's been the plan all along. Gov't takeover of healthcare.

My premium increases began under Bush. My company bounced around HMOs too. We went from Oxford to United Health to Blue Shield...then I got the boot.

The company I work for now has Aetna.

Part of the reason that Conservative plan for the Health Care was used INSTEAD of socializing medicine was BECAUSE of Conservative opposition to single payer.

It's like you guys have really short memories.

There is no CONSERVATIVE plan. We weren't invited to the meetings. We have "the way things were" and Obama's plan to do a "government take over of healthcare". The GOP was never allowed to provide an alternative. We want honest open discussions to come up with a solution to the bad(the way things were) and the horrible (obamacare).

Sure there is. It's called, Romneycare. Obamacare was based on it. They are pretty much the same law. And the main component of the law -- the individual mandate -- was a conservative idea.

Besides all of that; if Republicans wanted more input into the law, then they should have done more than offer a "free market" solution. They were happy with the status quo. But the status quo was not working. So, something else had to be done. They didn't want to play. Oh well. Nothing new. They're always on the wrong side of history.
You are wrong.

The first Obamacare taxes started in 2010. A long list with start dates at the link.

Americans for Tax Reform : Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare

The only taxes on that list that started before this year were the excise tax on tanning salons and the drug company provisions. Neither of them is a significant revenue stream. Combined, they raise 25 billion in revenue over ten years.

Only a total moonbat thinks 25 billion is meaningless.

A bunch of taxes kick in this year. Where are the benefits?

25 billion over ten years is meaningless. That works out to 2.5 billion a year. It's 0.1% of the annual budget.
Nobody suggested that at all. It is obvious that we are seeing a response to the ACA. As soon at the POS bill was forced on Americans - a lot of things started happening. Doctors began retiring, students picked alternative careers to medicine, insurances started gutting plans and raising prices on premium healthcare. Hospitals started eliminating non-essential positions, now are redefining essential positions to make more cuts.

What's actually happened? 2012 just saw record medical school applications, the lowest health care price inflation since 1998, the smallest increases for group health insurance premiums in 15 years, unprecedented slowing of Medicare's per capita cost growth, and the smallest increase in total national health spending ever seen in the 52 years those numbers have been tracked.
You're wrong about that. Certain provisions are already in effect (such as the taxes), which along with the prospect of 2014 changes are affecting pricing now.

I'm sure you've blocked out the fact that this Obamanation was justified as reducing the deficit because the taxes started much earlier than the benefits, which cooked the 10 year score.

The taxes didn't start "much earlier" than the benefits. Most of the benefits and revenue provisions kick in in 2014. There are other provisions that start earlier, they're relatively minor in the scheme of the law. The revenue provisions that started this year are relatively minor in the total cost analysis of the bill.

You are wrong.

The first Obamacare taxes started in 2010. A long list with start dates at the link.

Americans for Tax Reform : Comprehensive List of Tax Hikes in Obamacare

They know that they're just being stupid.

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